Sunday, August 06, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - August 6


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wooly Bully:
  • Sundays are usually one of the quiet days in the house. There are no comps to be played, no veto meeting until Monday.
  • I've gotten so I really enjoy Jason and Kevin's morning laps in the yard. They talk game. They talk life.
  • This morning Kevin told Jason that Matt said if he won HoH, he'd nominate Jason. Eep. He also said that while Cody hates Alex and Paul, he'd be willing to work with them (Kevin and Jason). Kevin would like to save Jessica.
  • From the talking, it seems the comp was OTEV.
  • Most of them think Cody would have won had he played.
  • Yeah, very good chance of that, I'd say.
  • Cody and Jessica, assuming that Jessica will be gonzo, talked about how nasty Cody should get. Jessica advised him not to get personal, but perhaps an Evel Dick level.
  • Others mentioned that BB won't give them alcohol because they don't want to "set them off."
  • They've had very little alcohol in the house this season compared to most. But this season has more guys who might actually physically fight than most.
  • Josh thinks he might have the votes to evict his target Elena over Jessica.
  • The votes he thinks he has mostly aren't really with him. Alex, Christmas and Jason all want Elena out ... but they seem to want to tackle Jessica first.
  • Josh thinks he'll be a target if Elena stays.
  • I'd agree ... IF either Mark or Elena win HoH. Anyone else would have bigger fish to fry.
  • Alex, Paul and Kevin talk about switching sides and working with Cody -- Kevin is pushing the idea. Alex and Jason think sticking with Paul is a better bet -- he knows the game better.
  • Matt and Raven talked the pros and cons of either of them going up as a pawn if/when Mark uses the veto. Mark said he'd rather be a pawn when he can play for veto. 
  • Raven, knowing that this would be the safest time to be a pawn, said she's willing to go up.
  • They will guilt trip Mark about having the "sick girl" take his place on the block.
  • Raven talked about both her real and probably imagined health issues.
  • Yawn.
  • Jessica told Elena that she thinks Paul is playing a great game. She would vote for him to win if the finals were tomorrow.
  • That he is. A few hiccups now and then and he's still obnoxious to watch or listen to on the live feeds. But he knows how to work people.
  • Jessica also warned Elena that Christmas is not her friend.
  • She told Elena that Paul would protect her, but Alex and Jason wouldn't. If sides flipped, Elena should stick with Paul.
  • Well, I'd prefer Elena go -- she irks me. But Jessica's advice to her is pretty spot on.
  • Meanwhile, Paul would like to get through the season without every being on the block.
  • No, I doubt he'll be a Derrick.
  • Both Paul and Elena told Mark to use the veto to save himself or not at all.
  • That's the way it should be, I'd say.
  • Now, as I close out this report, things seem to be swaying towards voting out Elena rather than Jessica.
  • We'll just have to see what happens.

Awning duties

The morning laps in the yard

Mixing and mingling ... sort of.

Influencing Josh, easy to do.

Still in cahoots?

Talking pleasantly? Oh my.

Playing her own game

BB19: Temptation Challenge and Nominations Show Blog Party - August 6

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Recap starts off with the Josh/Mark fiasco. Recap, recap. 

Mark is worried, but he and Josh have made up. Josh tells him he won't be provoking him again. Mark hopes all is cool with him. Jessica and Cody are (rightfully) worried. 

Paul points out how unhappy Mark and Elena seem to be with Josh's win. Alex points out to Josh in front of Mark that his "face was down" when Josh won. She has a long talk with Mark, starting out with an argument. She accuses him of playing both sides. He admits doing so to us.

Josh thinks he actually has four targets -- Cody, Jessica, Elena and Mark. Paul wants him to go after Jessica and Cody. Christmas points out that it's Josh's HoH, not Paul's. So ... it's to become Christmas's HoH? She wants Mark or Elena out because they're floaters.

A talk between Josh and Elena doesn't seem to help improve her standing in his book.

Paul thinks Jessica needs to go first out of the four targets. Christmas takes Josh aside and tells him she loves Paul, but don't do everything he says. She told him that he needs to be nice to all four.

Heh, Elena is definitely Josh's target. He thinks she's very influential to others while Jessica and Cody will always be targets. Josh thinks others don't see what he sees in the threat of Elena. 

The Den of Temptation voice speaks to them warning them the comp will be in the morning. Jessica and Cody think they don't have much to lose and will both play in the comp. They hope one wins safety, the other might win veto. 

Everybody except Christmas is drinking the potion to play. (No wonder the feeds were blocked for over ten hours for the comp!) 

They have to find three written clues in the haunted house that will seal the rift between two worlds. Evil scary things are jumping out at them as they do the challenge individually. Jessica's plan was to throw the comp so Cody could win. She does just that.

Mark 7.06
Kevin 3.11
Elena 12.31
Jason 12.07
Jessica 15.0
Raven 9.0
Cody 3.0
Matt 3.42
Alex 3.06
Paul 3.34 

Cody is safe. Jessica is the third nominee. Elena is worried that she will go on the block. Mark is just as upset.

Paul thinks they should target Jessica and not let her be saved with the veto. Josh still wants Elena out. Paul tells Josh to tell Elena it's a team effort and she's a pawn. Josh tells us again that she's his target. 

Elena doubts Josh's reasoning that she is a good competitor and that's why she's a pawn. Josh thinks she's throwing Paul "under the rug." So he brings Paul in on the conversation. She kerfuffles about it but he says she will go up as a pawn.

Nominations ceremony time.

Josh nominates ... Mark, then Elena.

Mark, not really familia. Elena, good competitor. Josh tells Jessica he's gunning for her.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 6, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

It's been just another week in the life. We've had nightly or early morning thunderstorms almost every day and hot, humid days.  The streak seems to be over for now. I left my windows open last night for the first time in days. It was great not to be running the air conditioner and not to worry about rain coming in the windows! Tomorrow it's supposed to rain again. Sigh.

Mind you, I actually kind of like rain and storms ... just not when I have to be out commuting in that weather!

I really don't have much for you this week other than the photos I took. So, without further ado ... clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

Mama Sparrow still feeds baby ...

... even though baby looks fatter than her and is perfectly capable of picking up his own bread crumbs!  The youngster chases after Mom, fluttering his wings repeatedly and cries for food. Sheesh. I don't know about this younger generation! Plainfield Train Station.

A small murder of crows gather

 While waiting for my train (delayed by a half-hour!), I watched crows gather on the obsolete technology across the street from the Plainfield Train Station. At least their antics gave me great photo fodder and passed the time while I waited to be late for work.

Are they arguing?

Last call for alcohol! Er, um ...

Last call before the Flower of an Hour closes up for the day, that is.

If I had the time, I'd love to time lapse these


BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Dawn - Aughst 6

Everybody is giving him HoH advice

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Crap Shoot HoH:
  • As you know from my recemt posts, Mark and Elena are on the block with Jessica as the third nominee as she lost the Temptation Challenge. Cody won safety in that challenge. Mark won the Power of Veto.
  • What Josh really wants is Elena out of the house.
  • He's apologized to Jessica for his bad behavior. While she didn't really truly seem to be accepting the apology, he did make the effort. 
  • He has been telling the others not to be mean to her.
  • Hmm.
  • Yet, Christmas in particular, has Josh's ear. She has had it for weeks on end. When everyone else was treating Josh as the clown they could count on to create chaos and be a vote for their side, Christmas befriended him (whether fake or not and obviously for her own nefarious purposes) and acted like she really cared about him and wanted to secretly work with him until the end.
  • Elena isn't the one immediately on Christmas's agenda -- Cody and Jessica are. Since Cody can't get got, it's Jessica.
  • She wants Josh to convince Mark not to use the veto.
  • If he doesn't and the nominations remain the same, it should be Jessica or even Elena voted out, not Mark. 
  • But, then again, if Mark does something foolish and sets off the house, it could be a Marcellas Reynolds saving Amy Crews situation with him going home. 
  • If he uses it to save Elena, he'd be putting his own game at risk.
  • To be honest, I think at this point, anyone from their side put on the block with either Elena or Mark would result in Jessica going home.
  • Christmas wants to break up the duo before both get into the jury house together.
  • Josh's buddy Paul is also trying to get Mark not to use the veto.
  • Dang. If they're all that dead set on breaking up Cody and Jessica, it really shouldn't matter who is up on the block against Jessica!
  • They're saying that if Mark doesn't use the veto, it will show he's split from Cody.
  • Um. Gee. I just don't get how if he uses it on either himself or even Elena, what it would have to do with being apart from Cody or not. Now, if he used it to save JESSICA, then that would say he's with Cody. But otherwise? Just making sure his own butt is safe or his lovesick sense of chivalry is alive if he uses it on Elena.
  • I guess I just can't think like a hamster in the Habitrail.
  • Mark told Josh he wants to use it and save himself. He claims it's not that he doesn't trust them not to vote him out. He just doesn't want to have the worry nagging him for four days and have to pack his bags and all.
  • Mark also told him that he wants to win HoH next week and target Cody -- that will show them whose side he's on.
  • So, Christmas is saying that if Mark takes himself off the block, they can't trust him.
  • Say WHAT? 
  • I guess I just don't see what difference who's on the block with Jessica makes! At this point, it should be all voting for Jessica to go except for Cody. I'm just not understanding the big deal about someone who's not the target saving himself being an issue of trust.
  • Meanwhile, Kevin wants Paul to work with Cody after Jessica leaves the house.
  • Hmm.
  • I will say that if Kevin is at the end, especially if it's a bitter jury, he'd win it all because he's about the only one in the house who's liked by all. He isn't a comp beast but his social game is extraordinary.
  • Back in the Jessica/Cody camp, Jessica is letting her insecurities about Alex show. She told Cody if she leaves and sees him fooling around with Alex, she'll never see him again.
  • Now, Cody is a lot of things -- often sullen, hotheaded and more. But he's totally smitten with Jessica. Yet, she's jealous. If they stay together after the show, I predict a rocky long marriage. "Yeah, we've been married for fifty years and argued every day!"
  • Paul actually gave Josh some good life advice. It kind of surprised me as I listened. He was talking about girls coming into his room where he has human skulls and it being a turn off. But then he admitted that he doesn't or hasn't had sex with many women. He told Josh that he should save that for someone he truly cares about. Oh my.
  • Then, later on, Josh and Paul shared the HoH bed. 

Ew. Just ew. Nothing more to say.

Being a clown is in his blood

Jessica won't get her out this week!

"They're creeper cameras!"

Will he pull a Marcellas?

Saturday, August 05, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - August 5

After many more hours of blocked feeds, they've returned. And, we have a new Power of Veto winner.

It's Mark.

Christmas wants Josh to convince Mark not to use it and promise they'll keep him safe and vote out Jessica. To her thinking, it would serve two purposes -- it would separate Mark from under Cody's will and show Mark they trust him.

Problems: Josh actually wants Elena out and Mark is super paranoid. I personally can't see him not saving himself. We'll see.

BB19: Live Feeds - Tempt Challenge and Nominations into Saturday Dawn - August 5

Paul and Elena talk

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Crumbling Cookies:
  • The live feeds were blocked for 100 hours yesterday! Some of us have to work for a living, including having to work weekends! Grr.
  • Okay, it wasn't a 100 hours. It was more like ten hours. But, still ... they didn't return until almost 2am Eastern Time. I had been awake since 5am and worked all day Friday. I ended up going to bed, getting up early and catching up via Flashback.
  • After they returned, they already had the Temptation Challenge done and nominations in.
  • Cody won safety this week in the Temptation Challenge.
  • Unfortunately, both Cody and Jessica chose to play in that.
  • Uh-oh. Jessica did the worst and is put on the block as the third nominee.
  • Josh nominated Elena and Mark.
  • Hmm.
  • Now, of course, IF Cody gets chosen to play PoV and wins, he could take Jessica off the block and she wouldn't be replaced or she might even win PoV -- she's fairly good in many comps. That would end up with either Mark or Elena going home.
  • I think I'd personally prefer Elena going home of those two. She often irks me on the live feeds, more so than Mark.
  • Oh my. There was a kerfuffle between Josh, Paul and Elena.
  • Despite the fact that Elena badmouthed Paul and Alex earlier in the day, now Paul trusts Elena more than he does Josh?
  • That's a bit whacked.
  • Elena once again is trying to tug the same heartstrings with Paul that she did some time ago with Mark -- Woe is me.. I have no job to go home to, no home to live in. Woe is me. BB is my job.
  • @@
  • Paul told her he's not the HoH this week -- last week was enough for him.
  • He told her that he (Paul) was willing to be a pawn for Josh because Josh was a pawn for him.
  • Paul advised her to win the veto to take herself down. He said he'd try to help her if he's chosen to play for veto. But, he didn't promise to take her off the block if he wins.
  • Maybe he's just not that into her! Heh.
  • Meanwhile, Josh is telling everyone not to talk to Jess and Cody because they're playing "victims."
  • Um. Well. They actually were victims of his ridiculous antics.
  • He doesn't want people to attack them, just ignore them. 
  • I would guess BB spoke to him about his outrageous behavior.
  • Both Jessica and Cody hung out with the others most of the evening in the kitchen. Well, what evening was left after the feeds came back, that is.
  • Jessica talked with others (not about game) and smiled. Cody did his staring with an occasional comment thrown in.
  • They feasted at midnight their time when the Have Nots could finally eat again.
  • Raven and Christmas both trash-talked about Jessica to Josh.
  • Josh thinks that Jessica was incredibly rude to him in her speech while Raven is still going on about cat ears.
  • Josh told his crew he wants Jessica out this week.
  • That's even after Paul brought up that Elena threw him, Alex and Jason "under the bus" to Josh.
  • Mark thinks that Jessica and Cody did the right thing by both competing in the comp. This way, she'd have a chance at veto (maybe two chances if Cody plays) and it wouldn't be a backdoor with no possibility of saving herself.
  • He might have a point there.
  • Alex hid a two-liter bottle of Coca Cola in the storage room. Kevin and Jason hid bottles of water in the lounge room. I don't know why. Maybe they expect a shortage and plan to make money selling the beverages?
  • Josh's ideal final four would be himself, Alex, Jason and Kevin.
  • Now, I like the thought of three of them being in the final four.
  • He thinks Christmas and Paul should round out the final six.
  • Hmm.
  • Jason would prefer Elena going home over Jessica this week. He says Elena's playing everyone and thinks she's smarter than all. At least they know where Jessica stands.
  • Kevin talked with Jason about the possibility of working with Cody once Jessica goes home. He thinks they could get Cody to realize that Mark, Elena, Matt and Raven were targets more so than them.
  • Hmm.
  • Kevin is right that Cody does well in comps and would be a lone wolf.
  • However, I doubt that Jason and Kevin would make the top of Cody's hit list for targets if he does win HoH.
  • If Jessica goes home this week, Kevin is going to whisper to her to tell Cody to work with him because "I've been good to you."
  • Hmm.
  • A lot will hinge on the veto comp later today.  

Ecstatic over his win

They're cousins, identical cousins ...!

From pirate to babushka

Just playin' the game

Friday, August 04, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday Dawn - August 4


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Vindictive Voles:
  • As per usual, and perhaps more expected than normal, Cody and Jessica exiled themselves away from the crowd.
  • When they did happen to pass through or bump into someone else, no animosity was immediately evident.
  • Jessica, true to form, attempted now and then to mix with the others.
  • Cody didn't really attempt to be anything other than himself.
  • Alex and Mark had a forever long talk, airing all their grievances with each other. It started because Alex said something about Mark looking sad that Josh won HoH.
  • They both came to common ground and now are buddies.
  • But I don't think they really trust each other.
  • Despite the long talk, Mark is sad and thinks he might want to go home on Friday.
  • I don't think they want to send him home, though. And, he probably knows it's unlikely as well.
  • Jessica and Cody have decided, since they know they'll be targeted, if the next comp has prizes, they'll go for them.
  • Elena is more of an "odd man out" than Mark at this point.
  • Her loyalty to Jessica is wavering along with power shifts in the house.
  • Despite her explanations, Josh told her he was hurt by her voting against him.
  • But she's not a major target.
  • They're all a bit worried about the Temptation Challenge.
  • Paul wants to win Safety ... not so much because he's worried about his own safety, mind you. He just doesn't want Cody or Jessica to win it.
  • Everybody, including Cody and Jessica, went to the HoH reveal. Jessica smiled and mixed in; Cody was basically quiet.
  • Josh got a bit teary reading his letter from his mother.
  • That's it for now. 

Alex and Mark heart to heart talk

I don't wanna go see his HoH room!

EVERYBODY goes to see Josh's HoH room


Jessica smiles in HoH, Cody not so much

Strategy talks going on

Thursday, August 03, 2017

BB19: Live Eviction(?) and HoH Show Blog Party - August 3

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N, chrob61
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Hamster watchers ready? Maybe there will be an eviction, maybe not. 

Well, Julie isn't wearing blue jeans. We head into the recap. 

Julie calls this one of the most explosive weeks in the history of the game.

But, first ... Paul's telling Jessica that Cody initially wanted Alex and Jason in the house to vote out Jessica and Raven. She talks to Matt. Matt refused to answer her. She goes to Cody about it. Cody denies ever having an alliance with Alex and Jason. The show cuts to the clip of early game with him saying it to Matt. Cody's face twitches and he runs off.

Paul tells his bunch, including the part of Alex out to Alex. He has no intentions of sending Alex out. He tells Elena and Mark, but doesn't tell them that Alex won't really go out. He tells Jessica her two weeks of safety and Alex out is a deal so she won't use the hex.

She goes to Cody. He says he's done. She wants to know done with the game or done with her. 

Jessica talks to Paul's peeps and tells of the deal.

Veto Meeting time. Since Jason is a third nominee, no replacement for him.
Jason -- Talks about poor game play and social game of Cody and Jessica
Jessica -- World peace.
Cody -- I have no speech.

Paul saves Jason. 

Now there are kerfuffles going around. Jessica has words with Elena. Cody questions Raven's motives. Jessica thinks everyone is lying to her.Now Jessica says the deal is off, mainly because Raven was talking to Kevin and Jason. Now Raven's crying and goes to Paul.

Paul goes to talk to Jessica and Cody. Jessica claims Paul is playing a psychological game with people. She tells Paul she will use the temptation and Cody is the only one whe she can trust.

Paul tells his peeps "game's on." Ready for the chaos?

Paul hints to his people that they have to play the game of Big Brother. He instigates them. Josh goes into his circus theme pans routine with Jess and Cody. 

It then goes to Alex yelling that Jessica stole her cat ears. Cat fight with the girls! Cat fight! 

In the living room ... Jessica uses the Hex. The eviction is stopped and no one is leaving the house. Julie makes it clear the power was for one eviction. 

Time for the HoH comp. Paul cannot complete. Tonight begins BB Horror Week, Graveyard Golf. Everyone takes a shot. There are numbered bins at the end. The highest score wins.

Matt - 6
Alex - 2
Mark - 15
Jason - 15
Cody - 21
Christmas - 21
Elena - 13
Jessica - 2
Josh - 23
Raven - 18
Kevin - 6 ?

JOSH is the new HoH. Oh my.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - August 2

The life of the party

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Delirious Dolts:
  • Once again throughout the day, things were all cordial ... at least on the surface.
  • Paul and Cody treated each other rather politely until behind closed doors.
  • Josh didn't ruin any more pots or pans.
  • Jessica and Cody made appearances in between exiling themselves.
  • Jessica even laughed and talked with others.
  • Cody was um ... there. Every now and then he'd say something or give a little fake smile acknowledgment.
  • The biggest news of the day is the HoH Comp practice set up in the yard. They often do this so the hamsters won't totally suck at some sort of skill game during the live show.
  • They get to suck at it while we watch.
  • And, of course, every time production says something to them, we get the fish cam.
  • The comp is kind of like miniature golf with big balls and a tilted surface.
  • After the practice session was over, they all went back in the house on an indoor lockdown.
  • And, to talk about each other.
  • Paul is still uncertain what exactly the hex will do.
  • No one, including Jessica (or us!), know exactly how tomorrow's show will play out.
  • Production told everyone, including Paul, to practice.
  • So ... he can play?
  • Or, are they covering bases?
  • I guess we'll know tomorrow night! 

What? No cat ears?

Surprisingly, she's hanging in there

Went from 3-piece suits to this

Comp practice

The one on the show will look better

BB19: Power of Veto Episode Blog Party -August 2

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Time for a recap! 

Okay, nominations are over. Paul is thinking all is okay because he put Cody and Jessica on the block together and nothing seems to have happened. Jason feels safe being the third person on the block.

Paul has Jessica and Cody come up to his HoH room. He tells them that he believed they had safety when he put them on the block. Jessica tells him that it's bad for him, drops a hint or two. Paul tells them nine people wanted them up. Cody gets quite argumentative. Paul tells him to leave the room. They argue back and forth. Cody calls him a character on a show. Paul tells Cody to grow up. 

Now Jessica is telling Cody that "at the end of the day," this is a game. She tells him he escalated the problems. She tells him it's the second time he's made her go through this. She's ticked. He seems to think nothing's his fault. She tells him he's a hothead and wonders if it's like that outside the house.  She needs to be alone.

"That's why I'm single," Cody mutters. 

Josh spouts off about Cody. Mark tells him to shut up. Ohhh ... a heated kerfuffle complete with name calling. Josh starts up with his circus music, grabbing pots to bang. Mark goes to him, grabs the pots and acted like he was going to swing one. Kevin intervened. 

Little boys at war, I say.

Cody brings Josh into one of the bedrooms and they grouse about Josh. Mark tells us he was bullied as a kid, but no one does it since he went to the gym. Cody tells Mark that Jessica is mad because he reacted to Paul telling her to lower her voice. He says her default will be to always blame him. Whatever.

Paul goes to Jessica, telling her that he assumed Cody and her had safety and he would put two others on the block. Jessica tells him that she'll need to use the hex. Paul admits to being a character on the show, but says he won't fist fight with some kid. He tells her Cody is highly emotional and she needs to make a decision. 

Paul tells Elena he knows about the hex and it will make it a "dud week." He tells Elena that if people can't get Cody, they'll go after her (Jessica). Paul, the Showmance Killer, is back. He wants Elena to convince Jessica to let Cody go this week. 

Elena tries to convince Jessica not to use the hex and let Cody go home.

Jessica tells Cody that she represents her family and her job, must act responsibly and not be a hothead getting into fistfights. Cody is weakened when confronted by her. Will he start making victim noises? He tells her he just wants her to be happy. She is worried that's how he acts in the real world. He admits, at times, yes. Not the right answer, buckaroo!  

Elena honestly thinks Jessica's best move would be to let Cody go home. Meanwhile, Cody and Mark are talking. Jessica thinks his behavior is unacceptable. Cody tells Mark that Jessica has a chance to win if he's out of the game. 

Oh geez, Jessica and Cody are hugging again. He tells her he wants her to win the game because she can. He tells her that she would do better without him. He also said he hates Paul and will react every time such as he did. He has no friends, is single and has little family. Oh my, boy does have enough issues to be a lifetime subscription! 

Finally, the BB Weather Update airs, most go to the HoH room to study the BB storms shown on videos to them. The storms are all named after evicted hamsters. 

Veto Player Pick time -- Paul picks two chips out of the box. He gets himself. Because of that, he goes for Kevin. The other one is Raven. Because of the three nominees, the pick is done this way.

This comp is a hoot! Jason Thinder is first. They have to fill in the name of the storm while reading from the teleprompter screen during rough weather. Cody Cloud. Raven Rain. Kevin Lightning. Jessica Puddle. Paul Bluster.

Raven - 16
Cody - 15
Paul - 22
Jason - 15
Kevin - 16
Jessica - 12

Paul wins the Power of Veto! 

Paul talks more to Jessica. He tells her that Cody said in the beginning that the only reason he wanted to keep Alex and Jason in the house was because they would take out Jessica and Raven. She makes a deal with Paul that she has safety from the block and Alex out. 

And, that's how they leave things ...

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - August 2

Raven's too touchy-feely for my liking

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Egos in Exile:
  • In reference to the above screen cap -- Raven is always touching and caressing people. I'm sure it's some sort of psychological quirk in me, but I would shy away. Unless it's some kind of romance going on, I don't like random people touching and caressing me. 
  • No new circuses going on.
  • Mark, who's really not the brightest bulb in the BB pack, is actually trying to play both sides of the house.
  • He tells Paul he's loyal to them.
  • When asked by Cody if he was distancing himself from them (Jessica and Cody) due to Elena or what, Mark told him it was the house.
  • But he also told Cody he's loyal to them and wants to work with them.
  • I don't think Mark is savvy enough to work the double agent bit.
  • It's probably going to end up with neither side using him for anything other than a vote. Then they'll throw him to the wayside when they don't need him anymore.
  • You know, kind of like what Elena is doing with him.
  • Now she's irked because he has backed down from their relationship (at her bidding!).
  • I'm not a Mark fan, but feel kind of sorry for him. He seems to have the mindset of an adolescent when it comes to adult situations.
  • And, it seems like everybody in the house is using him for something or another.
  • Well, except for Josh.
  • When not throwing condiments on each other, they play fairly well together.
  • In three weeks, Christmas will graduate from a cast to a boot. If she's still in the house, she will still be limited as to which comps she can compete.
  • Paul wants the others to throw the next HoH comp to Josh.
  • That would most likely be the only way Josh could win one!
  • But a few of them -- Mark and Elena -- aren't too keen on that move.
  • None of Paul's crew want Mark to win HoH. They don't trust him, nor Elena's influence on him.
  • Hmm ... another bit of insight into Cody's psyche -- he told Jessica he barely talks to his mother even though she tries and tries to contact him. Once again, I think the dude is probably a good case for therapy. He might not have drug or alcohol issues, but these unsatisfied with life, jobs, people, etc. stuff are definitely affecting his whole personality.
  • Jessica fantasized about killing Alex by drowning so they could live happily ever after.
  • My gosh, they're ALL whacked!
  • Alex is Jessica's nemesis more than Paul is Cody's nemesis.
  • Well, maybe not Kevin and Jason. The "old" stay at home dude with a rather dubious background and the rodeo clown are the most normal people in the house!
  • All is rather calm in the house. Perhaps the calm before the storm? They (and we) expect Jessica to invoke the Halting Hex tomorrow night. 
  • But who knows what will happen after that? Will there be a show tonight for the benefit of Mr. Kite? I just don't know.
Due to some of the comments being made on my posts, I'd like to remind people that the opinions, no matter how prevalent on the part of some people, do not reflect my own. Although I've been involved in monitoring AOL message boards and chats, freelance recapping and/or blogging since BB1, I'm just here for the entertainment (and, of course, any donations folks might like to make!) -- I don't get personally involved in outcries of injustice, "loving" or "hating" any of the cast, etc. It's a show. Just entertain me and I'll be happy. Although I often like some hamsters more than others, I have no personal stake in how the show goes down. It ain't no skin off my nose! 

I just don't know about Josh

His cowboy hat got demoted?

Apparently Kevin is a pirate

Playing with Boy Toy's emotions

Cody presses any juice out of those chops

Jessica wants to pose like a Hymen Trophy

I guess I should explain the above screen cap -- Jessica told Cody that she will post like the Hymen Trophy with Julie tomorrow night. Cody laughed and sent her to Christmas and Paul to ask them what a hymen is. Heh. She meant Heisman, of course.