Today has been tedious on the feeds, for the houseguests as well as me. The votes have been cast, the fate of one is sealed. And, I'd say from the talk, the one leaving will be Jase. He thinks so, too. He seems non-violent about it, at least. He thinks Will is playing the whole house. I think he's probably right.
Here's the most interesting bits from the Dull Day in the Big Brother House of Waiting Houseguests:
- James likened Erika's strategy (or lack thereof as he thinks) to Karen from BB5. He said she didn't do a thing to play the game and just floated through. Danielle suggested that could have been her plan. James sneered.
- Jase is holding to perhaps (and probably) false hope that at least one evictee (him) will come back. Deluded boy, I say.
- Lots of talk of previous seasons and show fans, singling out the Internet fans in particular. Marcellas thinks folks overeact to things said or done by the houseguests. [Editor's note: Y'think? Nah, say it ain't so!]
- James told Kaysar that he apologized in the HOH Blog to Jase's girlfriend and her daughter for the eviction.
- Today is one of their meal restriction days, so they experimented a lot with what they have.
- For all of his lack of fear on video, Will doesn't like being in the HOH camera shots.
- They're bored. I'm bored. The cameras have tended to be on one room and one group of HG. Meanwhile, who knows what the others were doing? Except, I heard mention Howie napped. I may nap.