I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Live Show Update -Eviction 7/27
Votes for eviction are:
So much doubletalk from the HG about the decision, yet not showing one vote.
Must be unanimous, I say as I type this prior to the announcement.
Am I right?
Unanimous, JASE is evicted. He asked that only Diane and Danielle escort him out and teared up in his last words.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
Tune In Here For East Coast 'Big Brother 7: All Stars' Live Show Bulletins!
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be posting the eviction and HOH results. Usually the eviction is after 8:30 PM ET and HOH near 9:00 PM. If you check after those times and don't see a new post, it sometimes helps to hit the JULY 2006 archives link you see on the right sidebar of the blog. So, if you're on the West Coast and just can't wait, stop on by!
Almost showtime!
Almost showtime!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Pre-Live Show 7/27
The feeds have returned on and off since being blocked almost all day. Alas, nothing exciting is happening when we've had them. BB has been piping loud music through the house including "The Wedding March" and classical tunes. The houseguests have been getting ready for the cameras (as if they're not always on camera). No tantrums, no earthshattering news. One brief peek allowed us to see booths set up for HOH, so it looks like it's another question and answer genre comp.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds (Or Lack Thereof) Report - Thurs. Morning 7/27
This blogger will be right back!
Hum your own bad theme music to go with the image and you're set.
This morning, only Danielle and Janelle were up when Big Brother blasted "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by WHAM! -- aimed towards Jase, I presume.
And, then they went-went. The feeds have been blocked ever since. Now, today the HG usually practice for the HOH Comp so they don't throw off the timing of the live show. That's always blocked. They have to clean the house, too. And, trust me, this house is filthy and cluttered with George being the only one doing most of anything which gets done. They also primp for the show as if they don't realize that any moment they're there might end up on the show. Primping doesn't help when they're popping pimples and picking their nose on film. ;-)
I think the feeds should be back before the live show shuts them down again and I'll update when I can! I didn't want you to think I was just not updating because I'm heartbroken about Jase's expected eviction or anything...
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Evening/Overnight Into 7/27
Here we are, the third eviction looming in just a few hours and we have a house of badminton players. @@
If Jase acts out during the eviction tonight, it's purely an act he feels will make "good television." In the house, he's been fairly calm and collected and knows he's to be evicted. He's still hoping, if evicted, that someone will be coming back into the house, but that's all speculation on the part of the houseguests. Maybe someone will be put back in the game, maybe not. And, if someone comes back in, I'd personally rather see it be Nakomis.
Here are the bits from the feeds last night and overnight in the Big Brother House of Let's Make Good TV:
- Kaysar likened George to Cinderella -- all the cooking and cleaning.
- The houseguests were in an indoor lockdown for a long time, went to the backyard and found signs that BB had set up something and taken it back down. They tried to figure out from marks on the grass what the HOH competition would be.
- Marcellas loves NYC, James hates it. [Editor's note: I agree with Marcellas, but I'm biased.]
- Mike Boogie talked with Erika about Danielle. According to him, she's just blending in everywhere and he wonders if anyone will ever nominate her. He asked her who was the most dangerous of the "four" and she admitted Kaysar was because the others listened to him. But she doesn't want him going out so soon. She likes him too much.
- Erika is suspicious of both Danielle and Marcellas.
- They played a song charades game using a line from a song, but someone would keep starting to sing the songs, so intermittent flame/clouds blocked the feeds. I blame Marcellas.
- Erika told Jase that she had to do two tapes, but her real feelings will be in the goodbye tape to him... FLAME/CLOUDS!
- James thinks the only people who will go after the S6 next week would be Mike and Will. [Editor's note: Hmmm, maybe he should expect the unexpected? S6 has ruled the game so far, time for new blood?]
- James hinted to Erika that she has to start stepping up to the plate in the game. He implied that she might be a target because she isn't taking a side.
- Will played with one of the yard cameras until BB yelled at him to knock it off.
- The HG pulled off their microphones and stuck them in a pile in protest of not having "real food" at midnight.
- The feeds were shut down for maintenance with an announcement stating such. The announcement also said the feeds would be off during the live show, but will return after the show airs in ET. But I knew that. The feeds were down for more than a couple of hours, but that's okay. The house has been boring. I want action!
- When the feeds returned, the houseguests were gorging on a Mexican feast.
- Apparently, the feeds shut-off had to do with the HG removing their mics. Interesting. BB told them if they took their mics off, they'd shut the feeds down and the HG said they didn't care. They were hungry and wanted food. @@
- Except for trips to the bathroom, not a mouse is stirring, nor a houseguest.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
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