Thursday, August 10, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show HOH

Erika is the new HOH.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Voting/Eviction 8/10

James nullified Janelle's vote prior to the votes being cast. (Remember, he won the right to nullify one vote in last week's HOH.)

These are the votes to evict as cast:
Marcellas - Kaysar
Howie - James
Erika - Kaysar
Janelle - James (Nullified)
Will - Kaysar
George - Kaysar
Mike - Kaysar

5 to 1, Kaysar is evicted.

Tonight's Live 'Big Brother 7: All Stars' Blogging

Blogger was down and just came up - phew!

As usual, I'll post East Coast updates on the important show events as the show airs here. So, if you're in another time zone and just have to know... check back! The eviction is usually a bit after the half-hour mark and, of course, HOH at the end of the hour.

Ah, the show is about to start here. Got popcorn?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Daytime Thursday 8/10

Yes, indeed... happy birthday, Kaysar! I have a feeling it may not be the best birthday it could be, but I'm hoping I could be wrong.

Before I talk about the non-happenings in the house today, I want to answer some of the comments from the day. Thankfully, others answered the Jack Shack questions and, very tastefully (or as tastefully as can be)... thanks, folks! Also, the people who answered what Sarah and James were able to discuss on their phone call were spot on. No show talk, right. Thanks again!

An anonymous commenter (feel free to sign off with a name when you post anonymously, then I can say Joe or whatever) asked if the houseguests know what cameras are on. Good question! They have to assume the cameras are always on and running live on the feeds. Often, the cameras are filming for the show or just because and it's not going live to the feeds. The HG can sometimes hear a camera turning, a dead giveaway that it's focused on them. They also know the feeds block if they sing, discuss friends/relatives/co-workers who haven't signed a release or, with this season, fuss about producers. So, they know they're safe from view in those instances.

Sue had a couple of good questions, too! She asked if I can pick up on any real tried and true alliances. Actually, I think the only two to stay true (blech, I rhymed) are Mike Boogie and Will (Woogie!). I believe all other alliances will fall apart down the road. I'll go as far as to say if George ever really allies with someone, he'll be loyal. But he's taking things case-by-case.

Sue also asked about Danielle and James aligning prior to Janelle's nominations as HOH. Yep. James called Danielle (and practically everyone else) prior to the season and discussed the show. They've been working together since the first week. Now he can blame it on Janelle's nominations. But he never intended to be loyal to the S6 Players. Good questions and thanks for your insight, Sue!

Onto the day's lack of events in that Big Brother House of Whinefully Primping:
  • BB woke the houseguests up about 9:45 AM their time. Still a bit later than many past seasons, but better than letting them sleep all day. If BB would wake them earlier, maybe they wouldn't stay up 'til the dawn's early light.
  • George vacuumed. Exciting, eh?
  • Howie told everyone (while in a lockdown) why he wants to be a meteorologist. Yawn!
  • James put on a suit and asked if it was right for a beheading. [Editor's note: They told him to act nervous not act blatantly stupid!] He took the jacket off and put on a t-shirt while Janelle chose a smart pert black dress with just a touch of red. [Editor's note: I'm sorry. I got carried away. I thought I was writing for a fashion magazine.]
  • James told Mike that he already told Janelle he's nullifying her vote with his Nullify Vote Pass Doohickey he won during last week's HOH Comp.
  • Other the primping, most of what we had was eating and flame/clouds. I said it was the day's non-events, didn't I? I wouldn't lie to you. We have an alliance, right? Right?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Thursday 8/10

Today the houseguests should be occupied cleaning the house for the live show, thinking about their live vote and you would think they'd want to be well-rested for the upcoming Head of House competition.

Not this crowd! Go to bed early? Be alert and be prepared? Now, that's just a silly thought!

Here are the late night and overnight events from that Big Brother House of Stay Up 'Til The Rising Sun:
  • Janelle and Kaysar figured out that Marcellas and Danielle are working together. [Editor's note: Why aren't these two picking up on more clues? What's with them this year? Do they have to have a huge cohesive group near them to see alliances?]
  • On the other hand, now they think James isn't working with Danielle once again. [Editor's note: Ack. I have to @@ roll those eyes. I just do!]
  • Janelle, Kaysar and Howie noticed a rat from the Slop Competition was in the tarantula cage. They decided not to tell anyone. Will had put it in there earlier just to see who'd notice or say something.
  • James fussed to Kaysar that he (James) will be going home because everyone liked Kaysar more. [Editor's note: Don't quit your day job, James.]
  • Marcellas and Erika tried to figure out how many votes they'd each have from the jury. [Editor's note: As if they've made it that far. As if!]
  • Woogie (Will/Mike) talked to Janelle and Kaysar. Kaysar was trying to press for them to commit to voting to keep him, but they told them they have to think about things more and asked for time.
  • Mike trusts Danielle. [Editor's note: Silly man-boy.]
  • Will trusts both Danielle and Janelle in addition to his Best Boy Boogie.
  • Mike/Will asked Howie how Chicken George is voting and Howie told them when he asks, George says, "That's top secret, Howie!" [Editor's note: Good, George. As it should be.]
  • Howie also told them that Chicken George warned him to be wary of Chill Town. [Editor's note: Argh! Howie! Loose lips and sunken ships and all that stuff!]
  • Will and Mike continue their obvious-to-us fake alliance with Janelle and Kaysar. [Editor's note: Is it fake? I think so. I think their allegiance for their own needs in the game has switched over to Danielle.]
  • But... then... they (Woogie) talked about hand signals for the voting during the live show and... they talked of throwing the HOH comp to Janelle after hanging in there a while. They want either Janelle or Howie to win HOH so Marcellas and Danielle will "freak out."
  • Marcellas told Erika and Danielle that Janelle was "toast."
  • James called the floaters "furniture."
  • Howie, Janelle and Kaysar stayed up studying for HOH Comp questions.
  • They wished Kaysar a happy birthday before trying to get some sleep.