Not this crowd! Go to bed early? Be alert and be prepared? Now, that's just a silly thought!
Here are the late night and overnight events from that Big Brother House of Stay Up 'Til The Rising Sun:
- Janelle and Kaysar figured out that Marcellas and Danielle are working together. [Editor's note: Why aren't these two picking up on more clues? What's with them this year? Do they have to have a huge cohesive group near them to see alliances?]
- On the other hand, now they think James isn't working with Danielle once again. [Editor's note: Ack. I have to @@ roll those eyes. I just do!]
- Janelle, Kaysar and Howie noticed a rat from the Slop Competition was in the tarantula cage. They decided not to tell anyone. Will had put it in there earlier just to see who'd notice or say something.
- James fussed to Kaysar that he (James) will be going home because everyone liked Kaysar more. [Editor's note: Don't quit your day job, James.]
- Marcellas and Erika tried to figure out how many votes they'd each have from the jury. [Editor's note: As if they've made it that far. As if!]
- Woogie (Will/Mike) talked to Janelle and Kaysar. Kaysar was trying to press for them to commit to voting to keep him, but they told them they have to think about things more and asked for time.
- Mike trusts Danielle. [Editor's note: Silly man-boy.]
- Will trusts both Danielle and Janelle in addition to his Best Boy Boogie.
- Mike/Will asked Howie how Chicken George is voting and Howie told them when he asks, George says, "That's top secret, Howie!" [Editor's note: Good, George. As it should be.]
- Howie also told them that Chicken George warned him to be wary of Chill Town. [Editor's note: Argh! Howie! Loose lips and sunken ships and all that stuff!]
- Will and Mike continue their obvious-to-us fake alliance with Janelle and Kaysar. [Editor's note: Is it fake? I think so. I think their allegiance for their own needs in the game has switched over to Danielle.]
- But... then... they (Woogie) talked about hand signals for the voting during the live show and... they talked of throwing the HOH comp to Janelle after hanging in there a while. They want either Janelle or Howie to win HOH so Marcellas and Danielle will "freak out."
- Marcellas told Erika and Danielle that Janelle was "toast."
- James called the floaters "furniture."
- Howie, Janelle and Kaysar stayed up studying for HOH Comp questions.
- They wished Kaysar a happy birthday before trying to get some sleep.
I really hope you're wrong!!
It is all just talk between the hgs, isn't it Jackie. They talk and they plot, but which ones speak and mean what they say. I don't mean lying..that is a different issue. I think George means what he says and says what he means. He is Horton 100 %. I think everything the Woogies say is just air pollution. Talk to talk, talk to entertain, talk to confuse. Just talk. Who or even what manner of voting will help them most is the way they will go. Their intent is to confuse and the boys are good at their job. Kaysar's integrity is a double edged sword, since hgs know if they save him he will support them in the future, but they also know he will stick with whomever he has made promises to. If he promises Woogie protection for their vote, they know he will do it. That could be very valuable to them. Whoever follows James is in for problems because he doesn't have the finese to pull off what he wants in the house. Seal him up in a paper bag and he couldn't act his way out (but it might make a good comp) and he isn't playing smart enough to have built himself some kind of solid foundation (meaning a vote he knows he can count on no matter what later in the game). What I began this to ask you Jackie and your readers is this: Who in the house is saying what they believe (even if they contradict themselves by lying to some hgs)? They all seem to have mulitple alliances, but who has one they will stick to no matter what (like Danielle and Jason in the past). Does any one? Thank you Jackie, Sue
Jackie---I love your blog and you have my laughing with your new name---Woogie. That is so fitting for thost mean boys. I will be sad if Kaysar leaves tonight too. He sure is easy on the eyes. Have fun watching tonight.
The only way I see the big fan favorite Kaysar staying is if they get either george or ericka to vote for james to go home. Then if Woogie votes against James, even with his cancel one vote card he will be a goner. I dont see that happening though.....Happy Birthday Kaysar...Bye,bye....
kevbobs said...
Hahahaaaaaa- I'm the remote viewer, my predictions, I see Kaysar on August 27th in BB house, Janelle is the winner.Alright I'll do their numbers according to 7's, I do see a 9 which is off and odd, as this season has been.HAHA - Thanks Jackie
Happy birthday Kaysar! =( But of course he's leaving. Which really sucks because I don't like James this season and I loved Kaysar. I DO hope Will and Boogie throw the HOH comp to Janey or even Howie. Really excited for the ghost 'stuff' tonight on the show! (Saw no ghosts on live feeds)
Hi Jackie,
I have to say, without you, I have no idea how I would get through. You keep us so well informed... Anywhooooo, I think Will and Danielle deserve to be in the final two, they have mastered the game and each have unique manipulation tatics. Boogie, just piggy backs off of Will, but Will is the mastermind and has accomplished his goal of getting the target off of himself. Danielle has studied the strengths and weaknesses of every person in the house and studied the strengths of certain he alliances. I think these two deserve to be in the final two, but I wonder if everyone else will figure it out and vote them off. I hope not, because my vote is for Danielle to win!
Alana (New York)
ANYONE but Danielle. Anyone.
Happy Birthday!!
Carrie in TX
Happy Birthday, Kaysar =]
I hope he doesn't leave :-(
James needs to go!! Hopefully Danielle realizes who she can trust more. [ Kaysar ] James is just a lier, i don't see why she trusts him!
Jackie, great job! It seems like the 24-7 feed is being blocked out quite a bit. Is that true?
Danelle will not go any further unless Kaysar isn't evicted, If for some odd twist James leaves tonight, Danelle will make it to the final 4, if not, She's a goner in 2 weeks, Sorry, Will is no where near trusting Danelle, he's playing her - she should have seen it after the POV Comp, she along side others have been blindsided, Danelle knows James is the bigger threat, yet she refuses to back down, she's not playing smart, IMO she wants to believe she has the upper hand on James, what she doesn't realize is -- two snakes together is never a good match, no matter how much one wants to be in denial, a snake will strike, just as a pit bull dog could turn even when you never expected.
I dont like Janelle and Howie this
season, they are giving the game to
either will or mike. Someone mentioned that Will is running the
house, he is, and no one is aware
of it.
I agree with the comments about Danielle and Will playing the best game. Not sure they will both make it to the final 2 but hopefully close. I'm rooting for Danielle. Hope she wins.
I think Danielle could play a good game, but isn't. Did the Veto consequences demoralize her the way James HOH one did him? She seems to be playing a worst game since her 24 hrs than before. She does have the ammo to make it work, but is ignoring her information. Can you see I agree with more than one poster? Danielle's weakness is her need to talk about how great she is playing the game. At best she is boring the hgs (who already know how to play the game) and at worst she is giving away her secrets. She has aligned herself with weakness and while it might pull out for her, I don't see it as a good move. Will is running the house as much as anyone. His method is completely opposite everyone elses'. He doesn't want power ( winning HOH or Veto). He doesn't care who goes or who hates anyone else as long as he stays. I don't been he is coasting, he is causing as many distractions as possible and they are working for him. Most of the others think they rule by control..esp Danielle who is now mothering the house (telling Howie to stop gaining weight, demanding Kaysar tell her why he nominated who he did, etc) . Thank you Jackie Sue
ah Jackie you thrill great..and all your opinions and predictions PUUHLEESE come true and keep Kaysar !!This blog is better thanthe show sometimes. I missed tuesdays show but could rad up and felt like I had seen in, you are the best Jackie!!!
Terry in California
Thanks Jackie:
Love the blog. I'm so sad that Kaysar will be going home. I can't stand James - why can't they see what a snake he is? I will miss Kaysar - and if Janelle loses next week - I will no longer have a reason to watch. Let's hope for a miracle. SAVE KAYSAR!!!!!!!! HOPE JANEY WINS HOH!!!!!!!!!
rjtoronto... funny!!!! I agree that Kevin seems to wait until it's pretty much in the bag before he predicts... Hey Kevin...give us a prediction on who's winning HOH, who is being nominated for eviction next week, abd who's winning the next POV (and will they use it.) Now if you can do that... By the way, I've noticed during the period of seeing you on this blog, your predictions are running about 50-50.
Well...I predict James goes home, Kaysay has a HUGE BD party and even the sloppers get to partake of the goodies, Janelle wins HOH, Danielle and Ericka get nominated, Janelle wins POV and and doesn't save anybody and Danielle goes home...
Oh that Kaysar is an enigma sometimes. He is popular, yet feared. He is sincere yet appears somehow sneaky. I honestly think he could have won it all last year had he not aligned with the group he did. They were an embarassment to him sometimes I think and they were very cocky. Unfortunately, by being the intelligent strategist in the bunch, he was targeted over and over... and was evicted, twice.
Now this year rolls around, and I think he is/was trying for a different strategy this season. But his reputation preceeded him and he is yet again paying for his sins of the past. Dumb Howie will again do better than Kaysar in this game, because really, it is cruel to pick on the dumb, no? lol...
This is just my take on Kaysar. I am not a fan of his, but I sometimes feel sorry for him. He had potential.
P.S. U rock Jackie!
Why do all of you say that James is a snake???? What the heck do you think of Howie and Janelle???? I didnt see it last year, and I really don't see it this year. Howie seems like an 8 yr old finding farts and boobies as the best life has to offer....Janelle is playing absolutely STUPIDLY. Last year she surprised and showed she was not just fake blonde and fake boobs and no brains....This year forget about it......Yeah, Kayser is dark and handsome, but where is the trust coming from America???? Is it just because Kaysar at the beginning of S6 said in the DR that he was sure America WOULD NOT LIKE HIM AND JUDGE HIM BECAUSE HE IS A DEVOUT MUSLIM????? aRE ALL OF YOU JUST TRYING TO PROVE HIM WRONG???? Will and Boogers are King Kobra's compared to little James....what they are doing is FUN???? But James and Danielle are snakes?????? I think I belong on a different planet.....
I have a random "feed" question. Do the HG's guest know when they are on being watched by the cameras that are on the feed? or is it just random?!?
To the person who said "danielle and will in final 2". THOSE are the two I would prefer in those seats, but it appears rare in realite TV history to see the ones whose game is OBVIOUSLY good to be in those seats. IT always seems to be the odd man "how did he get here?" kinda people that are in the final two.
I woulve LOVE to see those two there, but I just see them as being too obviously strong to get there. I just hope they stay long enough to give me more entertainment
Wow - I'm a little surprised at the James reactions also. He actually was right with the alliance of BB6 folks, until Janie made a deal with Chill Town - Janie made the mistake of going after the floaters in the first place. The floaters weren't smart enough to get themselves together to form an alliance, so there wasn't a threat there. The floaters were too concerned about BB6, but no one listened to Marcellus when he said "we should all align together" - the floaters went scurrying about looking for someone else to save them (i.e. Chill Town - Woogie - whatever). I think James and Dani make a great team and I think that Dani is sticking to her first strategy and that was to bring down the numbers of BB6 (James or no James).
Strategically, Kasar has been a wimp this year (last year I was a devote Kasar fan), his nominations made no sense and he basically wasted a week of HOH. Now he's aligning himself with Janie and Howie - come on people.
If you listen to what James says, he actually has a pretty good strategy. If the Legend of Doom actually stuck together, they could do a lot of damage!!!
I'd like to see Erika get HOH next week - put up Janelle (she can't participate in the VETO - it'll leak out sooner rather than later) and then put up Marcellus (his mouth will get him in trouble sooner, rather than later!!)
What is the Jack Shack?
The "jack shack" is a box in the backyard where the guys um......have fun with themselves.
Go to and put in jack shack and you can see mike boogie using it...sound effects included..ewwwwwwww
I always seem to give all the hgs better and different motives than they actually have. Then I get disappointed when they don't live up to the standards I gave them : ) I do it all the time in these games. But, while Kaysar seems to be coasting or Janelle playing a bad game I keep thinking there is something deeper going on in their Reality Brains. Like some secret alliance they are protecting that would make their moves not just reasonable but brilliant. A chess move. Then, you know, when I find out there was no big plan going on, I am disappointed. Here is one thing I know, all these matter how smart they seem, have careers or jobs that they can walk away from for a summer. And as a summer job, being in the Big House isn't so bad. It is better than tassling corn in the heat.
I would like to see James win. Kaysar isn't playing to good a game so far. He is alinging himself with idiots! I think Danielle is just as much a "snake" as almost everyone else in that house. Erica has a good shot at it. She's flying under the radar along with Chiken George. The Woogie team are going to get snared in their own web of lies soon. The other players just have no backbone. If James gets passed tonight then watch out, he could go all the way!
It's the "jack shack", which I believe was Danielle's porta-potty from her 24 hour isolation that was in her room. The guys are using it now for whatever;and "BTW" - by the way
I think I've cracked the case. The houseguests from previous seasons will come back to compete in the HOH competition. Whoever wins it, will be the c'oup de whatever. What does everyone else think?
Good theory! Wouldn't that be cool! At least someone would stir things up since no one in the house has the balls to do it!
I think you have a point Sarah, and that would be totally cool.... depending on who becomes HOH. I think Danielle needs to pull back now and try to fade out, she needs to stir the pot and do a WILL... take the focus off of her and put it on "Woogie." Let someone else do the dirty work for her. I will be really upset to see Danielle go, because she's playing the daggon game and she's doing a good job. When this season started, I hated WILL..... but now I've gained some respect for him and the way he's played the game. He's way smart and he deserves to win, even though I don't like hime too much. I'm really rooting for Danielle and Will for the final two.
With respect to Janelle and Howie (my favorites from last year).. What happened to them??? Howie is riding Janelle's coat tails?
Now Jackie, I've got to give you your props. I think I'm the biggest Big Brother addict and I don't know what I would do without this blog.
Alana (New York)
I actually think no one really trusts James, Danille, Erika or Marcellus. But they are just aligning themselves for the sake of the game and to go as far as they can. But they will all turn on each other as time goes on. I think of last season where that darn Nerd Herd was so tight and then when there were 4 standing, April was toast and Yvette went after April.
I do not think Kaysar played the game poorly. But he is aligned with Janelle and the Season 6 group. Danielle even said on the feeds that James gives her information and goes between groups so they need him for a while. Then no doubt, either James or Danielle will turn on the other. Kaysar is more loyal to Janelle, Howie and James and he is quiet and does not leak information. Notice except for Allison, all the ones evicted were quieter and did not leak as much information. What hurt Jase was being part of the floaters, loving Chilltown and still pretending to like Season 6. I think James may find himself caught in the same web, so to speak, as Jase was.
What hurt Kaysar this year, hurt him last year, aligning with the person the other houseguests seem to dislike and want to get rid of: Janelle. So Janelle got POV,so I can see where Dani had no other choice, having promised Howie not to put him up. I bet she would have put up Howie if not for the deal. As she admits in feeds, America will not like her for putting up Kaysar and she likes Kaysar and feels bad, but it is the game.
I do not see her playing the game any better than others, the mistake Season 6 made was going after floaters, so now they are getting revenge. I think if CT was evicted early..then i can see dumping floaters. I think Kaysar and Janelle should have made friends with a few floaters that first week..they did not. James did not at first, then he started buttering up Danielle and Diane. I think that is why James was pissed at Janie, she put up his Parachute group member, Diane.
If Chilltown is smart, they will get rid of James..I do think James will turn on CT fast..before Kaysar would. Actually they are dumb, if CT does not vote James out..I think. I mean, did they not believe Kay and Janie that James wanted to put CT up last week..both of them and browbeat Janie to do so..called them all scared of CT???
Last year Janelle was the rudest, person in that house, Howie was the meanest, Kaysar was the dumbest, and James was the sneakiest. None of them should win. If Dr Will makes it to the final 2 he deserves to win it all! I don't normally think anyone "deserves" to win this game, but Dr Will is the exception to that rule. He is the best at the game, yes, even better that Danielle. I thought Janelles comments about Howie were rude and mean. Guess she is trying hard to impress Dr Will. And that thing everyone is wondering "what Dr Will has" its called CHARM! You know he's a jerk but ya can't help but like the guy! Don't know why it works but it does.
First things first...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYSAR!!!!!
If the Legion of Doom was so strong, why in the world would they not win the POV instead of Janie? I do not think it is as stong as everyone thinks. The only people Woogie (LOVE THAT JACKIE!!) are for, are themselves. We all know that.
One reason for keeping James in is who will vote for him in the end? If you want a sure win, keep him in because people will dislike him. If the floaters were smart, it might be the way to go. However, I am not a James fan. I really like Kaysar and hate to see him go.
Whether or not Danielle and James deserve to be in the F2, has a lot to be desired. It makes for great TV, but it's pretty distasteful, IMO. I guess you would vote for the less of two evils. But who's worse, James or Danielle.
Another thing to think about, who's really playing better? Just because we hear Danielle and James deviously plotting and planning, doesn't mean they're the best at this game. I think Will is hilarious. He's got them all fooled and he's not my favorite player. I still like Janie, Howie and Kaysar.
Plus, I don't get where they all think George, Erika and Marcellas, and even Danielle are floaters. They've joined alliance with Danielle, or so they appear.
S6 was attacked because they had numbers. That's the only reason they are being targeted. As far as anything else, the only people Danielle, James, and Woogie are for, are themselves. Not one of them will bring the so called "floaters" to the F2. They are not safe even with they're so called "protectors."
We know Will is playing both sides and Marcellas has loose lips. I'm hoping people have a reprieve and vote James out. If Danielle were smart, she'd do that. However, she knows if she takes James to the F2, she has a chance because he's just as bad as she is. LOL
Thanks again, Jackie, love the blog!
The problem with two people being a snake/sneaky it just doesn't ever work, Danille did ok in her season because Jason was not as snaky/sneaky as James, the combo is a sure failure for one of the two to bite the other in the butt and it will be expected, because snakes are slimy and tend to leave a messy trail.
One thing that bothers me and you Jackie might be able to set me straight on it. James is playing the pity card saying that he was firmly with S6 until they betrayed him, but didn't live feeds show that Dani and he already had an agreement before all that happened with Janelle's noms? Isn't he just using that as a smoke screen? I remember they (D & J) were together the night she (D) got so drunk, but that might already have been during Janelle's HOH time. You wrote here, I think I remember, that James had contacted everyone (or some of them?) before the game, or maybe you wrote he said he did. I don't want to put quotes in your mouth that you didn't say. He may have a secret alliance with every single person in the house. Just to cover all the bases. I am not saying that isn't good game playing, I am saying it is a dangerous move that can easily backfire and he isn't a good partner because of his vulnerability. AOL is directing people here, Jackie. Good job. Sue
Only 4 hours until Big Brother All Stars live!! (ET) I can't wait and I'm hoping James goes Bye-Byes!!
Kaysar isn't playing dumb...he's just naive enough to rely on his values existing at a deep level in others. He doesn't seem to want to believe that people are willing to lie and coerce to a degree beyond which he, himself, is capable. Unfortunately, loyalty is what seems to be hurting him this year, and confusion about trusting people is limiting him from making good game moves. I'll be very sad to see him go. I'd much rather watch him be cute and naive about true human nature than James be cute in a little boy way with a little boy whine.
~~ SharonS
I love Will. He is so manipulative, but so charming at being that way. How can you not absolutly love the guy?
Question, I'm a newbie BB watcher and I was wondering when James got the phone call with Sarah, is she able to fill him in on anything she sees on TV or reads on the internet? How does that work? I hardly think that would be fair.
Ameen - If I remember correctly,
Dani promised Howie when they were hanging from the spider web in the last HOH challenge.... I would think the promise is only good while she is HOH.
Hope this helps.
From what I learned from reading updates. James only got to talk to Sarah for 3 minutes, and in that time he also talked to his neices... they exchanged I love you's and mentioned secret finger crosses... I don't think thye are allowed to talk "game".
Hope this helps.
I think the problem with Kaysar, at times this season is that it is against his nature to do some of the stuff he does. I bout fell off my chair when I read that Dani got out the Bible - for she sure does not act like a Christian at times........remember Dani one of the deadly sins --- Vanity
I would love to see Kaysar stay but at the same time i wouldn't mind having James stay in the house cause i think he is playing a good game!ha oh how i used to dislike Will so much but now i don't think the show would be any fun at all with out him, he just have a very fun sence of humor!
I just LUV BB whoaahh! hahaha
Thanks Jackie for the Blog its awesome!
Ever notice how they'll show all the conversations pointing to evicting one HG and then the opposite happens? It's all in the editing!
Of course, the producers should realize by now that, the viewers are no longer surprised by their editing - its become so obvious, I doubt anyone sits at the edge of their seat waiting for Julie to announce who's been evicted, one thing-- I've always wondered.. why so much editing occurs around Will and Boogie's fake phone calls in the diary room? Aren't those suppose to be private..I've worked with editing if to much editing becomes obvious, generally its more of a planted hidden fooling device, in other words, Will is acting out a script, beats rigging, he could be told to rig various events, part of the production team, sounds far-fetch, however if James does go home tonight, because Will and Mike changed their votes, going against Danelle without her knowing it, then their a plant for the HG.
Marcellas will win and not have a clue how he did it!
um what do they do in the jack shack and what is it i tried you tube but i'm on dial up an it didnt work and i'm just paid for college so i cant afford the live feeds
Janey HOH!! GREAT! There's hope again! I just wish I could see Danielle's face! (Don't have the live feed.)
Thanks, everyone, for the updates!
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