A night of nights, it 'twas.Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Shifting Confusion:- Mike took his turn advising George what to do. He told him that, while he has to do what's best for himself, the whole house wants Janelle out. He also told George that Janelle would go after him.
- He also said that he should not win the POV, let someone else win it, then act like he put up Janelle because he had to put up someone.
- George said he picked James because he had a beef with him and he wants him out. He picked Erika because she won 6-0 against Marcellas and he was sure she wouldn't be voted out.
- George said he had a beef with Danielle, too. She lied to him to try to set him up to be the only vote against Erika. Mike tried to put spin on that.
- Mike kept telling George all the reasons Janelle should go.
- Then Mike later told Janelle that he was trying to figure out if George is as dumb as he seems to be or not.
- Danielle thinks George is smart - he wouldn't be on the All Stars show if he wasn't smart.
- George loves his Aruba Scuba HOH gift shirt!
- Janelle read the rules to the Veot comp after saying she had a bad feeling about it.
- The veto comp was blocked, so we didn't see it. But, from the talk afterwards... James, the Veto King, is at it again. He won POV. (Sigh.)
- There were gnomes in the POV comp.
- Danielle asked George if he'd be putting her on the block.
- James trashtalked Janelle and wanted to know who was behind George's nominations. George told him no one was behind them.
- James, now with more attitude, was nasty and condescending as he celebrated his own POV victory.
- George feels he can't trust Danielle.
- Erika hinted to George that he should put up Howie or Janelle in James' place.
- George says he can't go after Howie.
- Most of the house is pressuring him to put up Janelle. Erika told him that if he puts up Danielle, she (Erika) will be voted out. He had intended her to only be the pawn.
- Mike Boogie lied to Janelle and told her he told George she should put up Danielle.
- At the time of this posting, it looks like George is going to replace James with Janelle. He's very upset.
Wow! While I'm glad that George won HOH (it's SO COOL, as he would say), my head is spinning. I can only hope that George stays grounded because this is going to be some ride!Here's what's happened since the live show ended in that Big Brother House of Gorgeous George's Big Win:- Mike Boogie told James that there was no worse person to do the nominations live than George. [Editor's note: I think he did rather well with them!]
- Erika thinks George will backdoor Danielle if someone uses the POV to save either James or herself.
- Danielle, for some odd reason, is blaming George's win and nominations on Howie and Janelle. "They have to GO!"
- Danielle asked George if he plans to backdoor her and his answer was, "Absolutely not." He also told her he didn't intend or expect to win - all of a sudden he was at the head of the line.
- James is cursing George out (not to his face), saying he awakened a [bleepin'] demon and vowing revenge.
- James told Erika that Howie and Janelle haven't said a word to him because they're feeling guilty. [Editor's note: Again, George's winning and nominations are somehow Howie and Janelle's fault? Help me, I'm not getting the reasoning here.]
- Woogie did a perfect Snoopy Happy Dance in the storage room. I could almost hear the music. They're so happy... and safe for yet another week... er, three days. Mike said something about voting Erika out, but I didn't quite catch it.
- Will told Erika if he won the Veto, he couldn't use it because Mike would be vulnerable.
- Danielle told Erika that George has got to tell people what he's thinking - his intentions. [Editor's note: Why? Because she says so? He doesn't have to tell a soul anything.]
- Danielle thinks America loves Janelle and hates them (Erika and Danielle). [Editor's note: Flashback to season 6 alert! Could it be the ghosts of Ivette and Maggie? April?]
- Erika told Danielle that she thinks George wants James out. [Editor's note: I think so, too. Bit I wouldn't have told Danielle that about her best boy.]
- Howie told James that he's safe - they have the votes. If he wins the veto, he shouldn't use it because he's not going to be voted out. [Editor's note: Does Howie think James is dumb enough to pull a Marcellas?]
- James called America dumb for voting George the Most Likely to Win the Nobel Peace Award. After all, you need an education to win that! George isn't smart!
- George talked alone with Howie and Janelle. He told them he just couldn't put them up. They told him about the original plan that Marcellas was safe and how Woogie flipped it, as well as how often Woogie said they wanted George gone.
- Mike Boogie advised James to win the Veto and take himself off - and hope that George doesn't put up Danielle in his place. He implied "the secret power" if needed, but didn't say what it was. He just said his alliance (LOD) would have to trust the one with the power.
- Mike Boogie told George (in the storage room) that he had to "fix it." George told him he didn't know what to do and they agreed to talk later.
- Danielle is really ticked. "I will NOT be outplayed by Chicken George!"
- She wants Erika to go tell George that the whole house wants Janelle and Howie gone. [Editor's note: Hmmm, who's doing whose dirty work now?]
- Will told Danielle that he thinks George is smart and is playing the best game he can.
- Danielle told Mike Boogie that they should have George and Howie in the Final Five because they can beat them. [Editor's note: What happened to wanting Howie out? My head hurts!]
- Danielle told Mike that America hates Erika because she's beautiful and smart. [Editor's note: @@ An eyeroll makes my head hurt more.]
- Danielle really wants George to backdoor Janelle, but doesn't think she can convince him to do it.
- In George's HOH room, Danielle read his letter from home out loud and everyone started helping themselves to his food and beer. James snapped at them that it wasn't their room and George said, "It's fine. Help yourselves!" [Editor's note: This is the guy on slop with no alcohol for weeks on end.]
- Will told Mike that he judges his allegiance in this order: Himself, Mike, Danielle, James and George.
- Once Howie and George were alone in the HOH, he once again told George that everybody wanted Janelle to put up George. [Editor's note: Woogie and James must be everybody. Although I recall Erika mentioning his name a few times. Oh... and Danielle. Oops. Everybody.]
- James thinks that Mike's "secret power" is the ability to change the nominations. I think he figured it out from what Mike said to him earlier. Mike, however, didn't tell him what the power was.
- George told Janelle and Howie that they can sleep well tonight - whatever happens with the Veto, he will NOT put them up. [Editor's note: But Mike might!]
- George mentioned that he first wrote on the wrong side of the chalkboard on the cloth (in the HOH comp) and thought it was the worst chalkboard he ever saw.
- Yipes! They're picking POV players!
- George picked Howie to play for POV. Erika picked Danielle. James got Will. These are drawn as in this season. There was only one HG choice and none got it.
- They have chosen the players, but aren't doing the comp... yet.
- George is sitting talking to Erika in his lime green HOH room. He has a lot of new shirts and has said COOL a million times.
- He told Erika she has to do what she has to do to win the game. He is definitely leaning towards a James eviction if possible.
Well, well, well... the Chicken Man done did it. Who woulda thunk it?I'm liking the live shows this season. As George would say, "This is SO cool!" I could do without the always-present recap of the last show. Why do they do this all the time with reality shows? And, why is so much time spent on it? Ah, well... to touch on a few things from the show I liked or didn't...The campaigning was pretty much as I saw on the feeds. I told you George was getting bombarded from all sides, yet didn't really commit. "I like you" isn't a commitment, even though he voted to keep Erika in the long run.The prom night vintage clothing was fun. Too bad I'll have nightmares of my own prom now. Eep. Howie's hair, as seen here on this blog first(!) didn't come out too bad and he doesn't look bad with a moustache, either. Erika really needs to gain weight - that dress made her collarbones look like lethal weapons. Janelle and Danielle looked very nice! I thought Will looked a bit goofy, as did George. But George is a bit goofy in his regular clothes, so...!I liked the Janelle/Danielle moms segment and the comparisons. Danielle's mother looks WAY too young to be her mother! I enjoyed how they both thought the girls were a lot alike in their gameplay. And, now I'm not recalling which Mom said it, but one said they should have teamed up on Day One and they would have ruled the house. Spot on!Howie said he loves April and even Pepperoni! And, even Julie Chen brought up the Spool of Lies and Mike's running when he saw the "ghost of Alison." Perfect!I went into the actual rules for the Coup d'Etat here and broke down the HOH comp here. Oh! And I clarified the Prom King OR Queen and what Janelle didn't win because she was the exiting HOH here. When I posted my HOH comp entry I was typing as Julie was talking. Did I have that right with seconds or was in minutes without hot water? Either way, neither wanted to go over it, I say!To me, other than the news of the double eviction and the fact that George (!) won HOH, the biggest news was Marcellas' last words which sealed his fate with anyone who was thinking of supporting him. Almost as good as Sue's "rats and snakes" speech in the first season of Survivor! He put everyone on a guilt trip - "Scumbags and liars! I played the game honestly! And, if you vote me out, you're just scumbags and backstabbing liars!"Did that backfire or what? But, that attitude is why I haven't enjoyed watching him this season. So, he's out and he's the first member of the jury. Heck, I remember when he said in the beginning he just wanted to make it to sequester. Well, he got his wish.
A report touching more on tonight's show as well as the live feeds since the show will be posted a bit later tonight.I notice many people are asking what about the Prom King/Queen. There was only one winner - a King OR a Queen. Janelle won for the Queen.The way Julie worded it was that the winner would "have a step up in the HOH competition." That leads me to believe that had she been eligible to compete, Janelle would have advanced a step or two in the HOH comp (without having to answer a question). But, since she couldn't compete as the recent HOH, she got a bouquet.As for POV - In past double eviction weeks they have had them. I would think the POV comp perhaps tomorrow, POV Ceremony on Saturday.
Double eviction week. New HOH will nominate tonight on the spot. Another eviction Sunday night.Janelle won Prom Queen. She cannot participate in the comp as she's HOH.Superlatives:Answer based on America's voteLast one standing wins, blindfolds.Who most Intelligent? Will or Danielle? Will.Erika/Danielle didn't get rightBiggest whiner? James or Marcellas? Marcellas.Will wrong.Worst Dressed? George or Howie? George.Only Danielle and James advance.Best Dressed? Janelle or Marcellas? Janelle.Everyone but Mike right.Life of the party? Mike or Howie? Howie.Only Danielle and James advance.Most likely to break hearts? Mike or Will? Will.All but James right.Who most likely to win Nobel Peace? George or Erika. George.George advances.Biggest flirt? Janelle or Howie? Janelle.Erika and James wrong.That was the last question. It's between George and Danielle for HOH.Tiebreaker! George "This is so cool!"Closest to number w/o going over. Digging own grave comp, how many seconds (?) no hot water?George NEW HOH!GEORGE'S NOMS - JAMES AND ERIKA!