For what many considered a slow start this season, it sure has been a rollicking past few days, huh? I'm talking more specifically for the folks who watch the live feeds or those who follow them here and on other sites. It's hard to believe so much has happened in just three days - and we're talking only two full days! It's enough to make your head spin! Before I get into the full report of the overnight events, I just want to set a timeline of sorts because, if you blinked, you may have missed an important event.
Thursday night in the live show: George won HOH, had to immediately make nominations, chose James and Erika.
Thursday after the live show: James won POV and George put Howie on the block in his place.
Friday: Howie was evicted from the house and a new HOH Competition was won by Mike Boogie.
Saturday: Mike Boogie nominated Janelle and James. Janelle won POV.
Phew! Even if I don't like the turn of events or the houseguests winning or losing, I have to say it... it's interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Here are the events of the late night and overnight period after Janelle won the POV in that Big Brother House of Wayward Boys and Girls:
- Danielle and Erika were in awe of Janelle's ability in competitions. Erika says she's not good with strategy, but her strength is in comps.
- James was screaming, yelling, fussing, moaning. He said that Janelle cheated in the POV competition. According to him, they were told "no physical contact" and he claims Janelle stole the Marcellas doll out of his hand and yelled "Give me that!" [Editor's note: I don't know if snatching the doll would constitute physical contact or not. It's contact with the doll, but not necessarily with James. It sounds like he should have had a better grip on it to me. Or, it's also possible that in the heat of the competition, things might not be as he thinks. Could they both have been reaching for the doll at the same time? He says he was reaching under her. Could she have seen him going for it and took it first? I don't know. The producers told him there is nothing on video that shows any rules broken.]
- Danielle and Erika talked about approaching Janelle to team up against Chill Town.
- Mike Boogie and Will seem to be absolutely fine with the Janelle win. They plan to vote out James.
- Janelle said to Mike: "Did you see me take that doll right out of his hands?" So, she must have. But would it constitute any sort of violation? [Editor's note: Again, my feeling is that it wouldn't be considered physical contact with James. He should have hung onto the doll if it was that important. If you're playing basketball, stealing the ball is part of the game. You have to be on guard and control the ball (doll). Physical contact is also disallowed in basketball, much like this BB comp.]
- George thinks he did the right thing by making sure Janelle stayed in the house.
- Danielle and Erika think George will go on the block and the vote will be to send James packing. They both think that George has teamed up with Janelle. (They're right.)
- Danielle thinks if the vote could be 2-2, Mike would have to do the dirty work and be the one to alienate jury votes. She thinks he'd vote out James.
- Will told Janelle he's just trying to make "Good TV." But he's very happy with her win.
- Will told Janelle that George will go up and they'll tell the "others" that he's leaving, but it's James who will go home - implying that Mike would break a tie and vote out James.
- James is still fusssing and throwing himself around on the bed, bending everyone's ear with how he's been wronged. Danielle, George and Erika took turns listening to him and letting him vent. He's repeating the same stuff again and again - complaining that Janelle wins everything, fussing about the Prom Queen vote, saying the game is rigged and Janelle is more important to them than he is, on and on. And on.
- At times James' voice breaks and it's evident that he's doing all he can to keep from crying. [Editor's note: As much as I think that whatever Janelle did in the POV will be considered within rules, I'd probably pout like James myself if it were me. I think he knows that the POV was something he had to win to stay in, so it was important he do so... and he didn't. Is his fate sealed?]
- Up in the HOH bathroom, Will and Mike were talking about voting James out this week... until James came to the door. Then they were agreeing with him what a "[bleepin'] ho" Janelle was and how James got screwed. When James went away, they both talked again about how he must go.
- George told Janelle that people (James?) were mad at him because he didn't backdoor her, but he's glad she's still in the house.
- Erika and Danielle push for a meeting with the producers to clear up the POV comp issues. Meanwhile, BB called the houseguests into the Diary Room one by one to discuss it. James wasn't in there even two minutes. [Editor's note: I can't help but think that his behavior over this might make him his own worst enemy in getting his point (if he has one) across.]
- Danielle is frazzled. She told George she's spent and just wishes she could go home. [Editor's note: Danielle's a toughie. She'll get her second wind, I'm sure. It's been a rough few days for all the houseguests... except maybe Woogie.]
- Janelle is a bit afraid to be near James - she knows he's viciously angry at her. Meanwhile, James claims he doesn't want to sleep in the same room with Janelle - probably a wise decision.
- Will regarding James: "When he doesn't get his way, he's like an angry four-year-old boy pumped up on PEZ."
- Will and Janelle talked about being friends after the show. He said he talked to Kaysar pre-season, but Janelle said it must have been a "loose agreement" to work with him. Will admitted it was.
- Will also said the Erika made a lot of pre-season agreements with people and has a hard time covering "everyone's back."
- Will and Janelle talked about how obvious the James/Danielle alliance is as well as James' bad acting abilities. [Editor's note: But... but... James said in the DR what a great acting job he was doing!]
That's where we stand as I post this report. It seems unlikely that the POV will be re-done. It doesn't seem that James has any case in his gripe or something would have been done about it by now. Janelle won the POV and James will just have to carry on and get working on securing votes to stay if he can.
Graphic by Zoetawny. Oh... and folks... once again - please be a bit gentle with each other in the comments. I love to read the opinions of others, but the topic should be the houseguests, nor the commenters! Also, this blog (right now) is about Big Brother, not about what we should be doing instead of watching the show, nor about various charities we could be supporting. I prefer all comments to remain, but I've had to remove trolling attempts and some squabbles. As for the trolling... if you don't like what's going on here on the blog, why are you spending so much time and attention here? Folks are here to discuss the show.