Monday, August 21, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Daytime Monday 8/21

When James sulked through Sunday, he kept saying how America (and the show's producers) hated him and loved Janelle. Now, hate is a very strong word. I don't really like to use it without reason and neither does graphic artist Zoetawny.

Do you think Will will want to sell them on his website?

Here are the events of the day in that Big Brother House of Devious Dolts:
  • Shortly before 10 AM, Big Brother woke the houseguests up and told them the Power of Veto Ceremony would begin in two hours. [Editor's note: So, we can count on three hours.]
  • George weighed himself and came in at under 200 pounds. He's thrilled. That's so cool! He's lost over 20 pounds. BB Slop is good for something.
  • James was singing to himself that he gets to see the show's shrink and see his contract today.
  • James told Will that when he finished the show last year, a lot of people compared him to Will. [Editor's note: Gag me with a spoon, please.]
  • Will told James to be nice to Janelle the next few days. He also told him that Janelle plans on coming after CT for the Howie and Marcellas evictions. [Editor's note: That's one of the schemes/rumors he and Janelle were talking about planting. Y'see, you plant the seeds and watch them grow, you're going to end up reaping what you sow.]
  • Alone with Danielle, Will told her he had concerns about James stacking the jury, double-dipping in alliances and more. James had told Janelle he was sorry and supporting her while telling Will he hates her and wants her out -- and Will knows both sides. [Editor's note: Well, just about everyone is double-dipping alliances, but James' lies strikingly similar to the present scenario is what did him in last year. The morale of the story? Lie wise, I guess.]
  • Danielle asked Janelle if she has talked to James and Janelle claimed "just in passing." Danielle told her she wants to patch their relationship. [Editor's note: Suuure...!]
  • Will went to Mike and told him that he planted the seed of distrust of James to Danielle.
  • The veto ceremony was held... late, of course. Janelle apologized to George because he'sl on the block when she saved herself with the veto.
  • Mike and Janelle talked about the truce Danielle offered Janelle. She told him it wasn't for just a week - it was a team-up.
  • Janelle told him that Danielle and Erika are going to target Chill Town (as James, Danielle and Erika told her). Both Mike and Janelle talked about how James must leave.
  • Danielle indeed brought the James double-dipping alliances conversation to Erika, just as Will knew she would.
  • Erika told Danielle that Janelle will vote out James because she has a new alliance. [Editor's note: Not sure if she meant the truce or George here.]
  • James told Erika and Danielle that this would be his only game talk this week - "If you want to keep me, keep me. If not, send me on to sequester."
  • James has been talking about seeing the show's shrink since he got up. He grabbed a doll (leftover from the comp) and yelled, "If I don't see a shrink soon, this doll will get it!"
  • Danielle told details from Season three, for the 47th time.
  • After a backyard lockdown, they went inside to find the smaller table in the kitchen. About time.
  • Will asked Mike why Danielle wants George to leave so much. Mike said it was because she had alliances with everyone but him and she couldn't control him. [Editor's note: Yep, that's just about right!]
  • Will asked when they would tell Danielle about James leaving this week - Mike said they should before the eviction. He also said that Janelle cannot stay until the final three because she's so good in comps.
  • James told Danielle that Woogie wants Janelle out and they're lying about it.
  • Erika thinks America hates her.
  • Danielle told James doesn't believe the "Janelle is going after Chill Town" story.
  • When James asked Danielle if Woogie will keep him, she told him Erika would vote him out because he keeps switching sides.
  • When James said he wanted to talk to Erika, Danielle said she wanted to talk to her first.
  • James asked Janelle who she was voting for and she told him she would vote to keep him. [Editor's note: According to Will's scheme or really? Hmmm...]
  • James said that Mike has already lost jury votes, but if he goes to sequester he will vote for Will.

And, there you go. A few issues brought up in comments:

Vivian asked me to clarify the Janelle/deal to split money with Woogie bit. I addressed that in my last entry. What I saw didn't constitute what I'd consider a contract of any sort. Woogie has been offering money, jobs and more. She didn't agree to anything. If anything, Woogie should be reprimanded for these offers they give everyone.

Kitty wondered what was on the tapes they see in sequester. If it's like recent years, only the HOH comp and perhaps if something really fun or silly happens. I know they've shown silliness like dancing and stuff. No game play, no Diary Room, no strategy.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Veto Ceremony 8/21

As expected, Janelle used the Veot to save herself. Mike nominated Chicken George to join James in the nominee chairs.

A full report of the day's events will be posted soon. Please stop back!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Monday 8/21

The house has changed so much since last Friday that it almost doesn't seem like the same folks living there. Between Howie's departure, Janelle's crisis followed by victory and James giving all the way in to his anger... it's not a happy place. Not at all.

Here are the events from the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Taunting and Tantrums:
  • Janelle taught Will how to play chess, but cheated while she did it. He may be leading her on about not knowing the game as he knew she cheated.
  • Woogie offered George a deal to go in with them - they'd put him on the block with James, but James would be the target and no one would know they're working together.
  • Will wants to sell the house on the idea that George is going home while it will actually be James.
  • Mike wants to work with George mainly because he's about his only choice to go up with James.
  • George ended up agreeing to a one week limited deal. He goes on the block with James. James goes home. If George wins HOH next week, he won't put Woogie (Will and Mike) on the block.
  • Janelle told Woogie she didn't think she could vote out James because she promised him long ago that she wouldn't. She wants them to put Danielle on the block with him because she put Marcellas on the block for them.
  • Woogie told Janelle that it's certain that James is leaving.
  • Janelle wanted some kind of promise for her own safety if she votes out James.
  • Woogie talked about splitting money with Janelle (like they have with practically everyone in the house) and she doesn't know if they can be trusted. After all, according to her, she trusted them for four weeks and so much went wrong.
  • She told them she still feels bad about what they did to Howie.
  • Janelle finally agreed to vote James out after Will sweet-talked her some more. [Editor's note: He hinted that they're more than friends!]
  • Will told her he was playing the game coldly without emotion until she came along. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll alert! Don't trust his puppy eyes!]
  • Danielle told Erika that no matter what she promised George, she will vote for him to go because she doesn't know his plans and doesn't want him messing up her game. [Editor's note: It's also a good reason to vote for her boy James to stay.]
  • Danielle said that George is the most dangerous player in the game. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Will told Janelle he wants to be friends with her after September 24th (they haven't been told of the finale change to 9/12) and she feels the same.
  • George decided that if he was going to go on the block anyway, he might eat real food for four days and take the penalty nomination. [Editor's note: Hmmm... would that work? Or would someone else have to be nominated by Mike?]
  • Will once again offered to split winnings with Janelle. She didn't commit to anything.
  • Janelle told George that Danielle and James have been a team for a long time. [Editor's note: Duh! She should have noticed that a few weeks back!]
  • Shades of olden days, when Will and Janelle ran back and forth across the lawn to exercise, Big Brother informed them how many yard laps make a mile.
  • George told James that the game has changed since his season and it's ruthless now. He asked James why he's doing it again. James told him he thought it was fun last season.
  • Will complained that Big Brother wouldn't give him a sharp kitchen knife and he had to chop onions with a butter knife. "I promise I won't hurt anyone, Big Brother!"
  • James told George and Danielle he had planned to get really mean today and explode. He's still talking about wanting to read over his contract to find out his rights. Once he mentions contract - BOOM - blocked feeds! Earlier he had been talking lawyer once again.
  • Danielle told James he has to mend fences with Janelle before he leaves. She asked him if Janelle knew all the bad things Marcellas had said about her. Perhaps he could use that information to mend said fences.
  • Then James started talking as if he's staying and he discussed who he would nominate if he got HOH. Both he and Danielle (once again) say they'd backdoor Janelle.
  • While alone, Danielle addressed the Internet and Sarah, in particular. She said she loves James (not in a romantic way) and still wants to go to the final two with him.

That's pretty much where things stand. Despite a brouhaha in the comments of my previous entry, Janelle did not agree to a "contract" to split the money with Will and Mike. Woogie has been approaching people all season (not just Janelle) with that proposition. I don't know why Big Brother hasn't clamped down on the talk, but Janelle made no monetary deals with them whatsoever that I saw, despite the boys offering.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report And Show Talk - Sunday 8/20

<--- Graphics artist Zoetawny picked up on Will's comment (on feeds and in a report here) about James - "James is like an angry four-year-old pumped up on PEZ." Heh. Gotta love it!

Before I go into what's been happening on the feeds, I want to touch on a few things from tonight's show as the feeds were blocked for the competitions and such.

The POV comp that James won reminded me of one of the ones from another season - using items from past comps to retrieve a key. Instead of shackles, the were in cages for the one I'm thinking about. While he complained about how Howie and Janelle reacted to wins, James did the same exact thing. Oh, I would, too. You can't win something without gloating just a bit, can you?

In a way, I can't blame George for his decision, although I think it would have been nice if he had informed Howie so that he wasn't blindsided. We didn't see that meeting awaiting the POV in the Red Room, but heard a few mentions of it later on the feeds.

Howie did go out very badly. Sigh. I'm not one for any sort of physical violence, but I couldn't help but notice how tough-guy-talk Mike is when he's surrounded by folks while being filmed. He knew Howie wouldn't hit him and he egged it all on. Too much testosterone goin' on, boys! At least Danielle just jumps up and down and punches air. Sheesh. James and Janelle were the only votes for Howie to stay. Janelle's vote was the only sincere one - James had said on the feeds that he was going to vote thinking of the jury.

The talk on the feeds was right about the HOH being humiliating to the houseguests. As a matter of fact, I didn't care so much for either of the comps themselves tonight. It looks like they were slapped up without much creativity or thought process behind them. I hope that's not an indicator of the remaining comps this season. Oh... and Mike acted way too weird after winning, but did you notice Erika jumping up and straddling him? Or Danielle running to hug him? So much for those folks claiming that S6 showing off their alliances, eh? @@ Yeah, that eyeroll's for them!

One more note: I don't like Mike. I didn't like him in his season; I don't like him now. But James annoys me, too. Both are overbearing so-and-so's!

Oh, well. Onto the afternoon's happenings in that Big Brother House of Misplaced Distrust:
  • James slept. James hid under blankets. James sulked. James ranted about producers and Janelle. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
  • Will begged BB to give them something to do. [Editor's note: That's lacking this season. They have cards and checkers, both of which are boring to watch on the feeds. But, dang... give them a crafts project or something.]
  • James refused to wear his microphone because he's "not a part of the show." [Editor's note: @@ ]
  • Will started kicking a ball around the house for something to do and managed to kick himself in the leg. Drama!
  • Danielle once again told James he has to move on when he started complaining to her about the POV again.
  • James said he wants to see a copy of his contract to see if/how much money he'd lose if he just turns in his DOR and leaves the house. [Editor's note: A DOR is a voluntary exit from the game. Technically, as Mike told James during one of his fussings, you can turn the handle on the panic door and leave at any time. They can't go out the front door, but there is an emergency exit.]
  • James thinks he'll be destroyed in the editing and Janelle will be the Princess.
  • Erika slept most of the day.
  • James doesn't think Erika's website has as many hits as his website does. [Editor's note: @@ Erika was last on the show two seasons ago!]
  • Woogie, for reasons only known by themselves, lied to Erika and Danielle claiming that Marcellas got the money and plasma TV in that graveyard comp.
  • James has talked to Janelle yet. He's yelled to her and about her, but no talk.
  • They have the chess game, so Will decided to learn how to play.

In other words, lotsa words for nothing really new happening in the house.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sunday 8/20

<--- Janelle listening to Chicken George. When George laughs quietly, he's reminding me of some dog cartoon character. Not Scooby Do, perhaps Precious Pup? Is there even a Precious Pup? Or have I lost my mind?

Here's the events from the daytime hours in that Big Brother House of Woe-Is-Me Whiners and Wacky Winners:

  • First, let me say that today is a bit of a replay from the overnight hours for the most part. Although I may be showing my age, I'm reminded of the old Herman's Hermits song with the line, "Second verse, same as the first!"
  • The producers have apparently told the houseguests that they will NOT be re-doing the POV competition and the results stand.
  • James is bitter about it all and the game itself. He's a broken record going on about Janelle cheating and how the producers like her better than they like him. [Editor's note: Another age clue - I'm reminded of Tom and Dickie Smothers with their "Mom always liked you best!" routine.]
  • Danielle asked James who he thinks Janelle will go after. He told her Chill Town and Erika. Then he added that she (Janelle) has lost four votes in this fiasco. [Editor's note: But she's still in the house. She would have NO votes if she gets evicted... duh, James!]
  • When Danielle asked him who Mike Boogie is putting in Janelle's place, he thinks it will be George and hopes it's not Erika.
  • James is pretty sure that Janelle's vote will be to evict him no matter who goes on the block with him. "She's been gunning for me since the first week."
  • BB had to remind the houseguests dozens of times not to talk about their Diary Room sesssions. Between that talk and the fussing about the producers, we're getting blocked a lot.
  • Shades of Will, Danielle's been doing her own shmoozing of the other houseguests. She's good at it, but I think Will has the edge. It comes across looking like damage control since she's likely to lose her ally James.
  • Danielle and James both want George to go up on the block with James. Both (yes, James, too) think that it's probably a given that James will be voted out. Except for fussing about producers, James is doing no campaigning to stay at this time and his behavior seems to have many houseguests either walking on eggshells around him or avoiding him altogether.
  • Mike Boogie and Will aren't committing to putting any specific person up on the block at this time.
  • Janelle said James is a whiner and Will agreed and added, "It's pathetic."
  • Even Danielle has told James and others that they have to move on - "It is what it is."
  • Danielle told George that she thinks "America's favorite is Janelle." (George asked her the question, she didn't just bring it up this time.) She also told him that she thought he's probably very popular, too. She doesn't think she herself is popular.

And that's about it. James has been hiding under covers sulking as of late and things are basically small-talk chitchat.