It was a morph - that's why it took so long.
The winner is Janelle - she's wearing the POV necklace.
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday 8/26 Through The Afternoon
Remember the good ol' days of Big Brother 1? And Chicken George, named that because he tended the chickens? Oh, and the feeds were blocked by focusing on the chicken coop, so at least we got some sort of action... watching chickens strut. The game was very different back then, as George has certainly found out. One thing (of many) they didn't have that season were clocks or watches. So, George made a potato clock so they'd have a rough idea of the time.
What? You didn't want BB trivia, you wanted a report?
Here are the events of the daytime hours today in that Big Brother House of Men Who Can't Control Themselves and the Women Who Walk In On Them:
- Ohhh... Danielle threw out Janelle's prom queen flowers when she woke up! Hopefully it was because they were wilting and not just a malicious act.
- Mike is to keep working on Erika to put up Danielle if Janelle comes off the block with the veto.
- Woogie thinks Danielle has ill feelings towards them due to James' eviction. They were asked by the Diary Room about it and doubt the DR would even bring it up unless something was said. [Editor's note: She is angry.]
- Woogie mentioned James calling them pre-season, but the James they saw in the house wasn't the same attitude. Only his last night did he seem like the one they knew.
- Danielle did her devil horns bit over Will to Erika. [Editor's note: Oh, no! It's like Roddy all over again! He's the devil!]
- Danielle told Erika that her strategy changed after talking to the show shrink and she will not be trying to play honorably anymore. She will "scumbag" Chill Town. [Editor's note: It's AWN!]
- Janelle slept a good portion of the day again. She really should try sleeping at night.
- Woogie told Chicken George that they will take him off the block if they win POV. The plan this time is that Danielle would go up, they control the vote between Janelle and Danielle and Danielle would be evicted. They didn't tell George the last part, just that they would use the veto to save him.
- Meanwhile, Danielle told Erika that they shuld win POV, save George and put Will on the block, evict Will. [Editor's note: Only if George voted Will would the vote swing.]
- Erika pondered getting rid of George if Janelle wins POV.
- George got a whole lot of housecleaning accomplished.
- Woogie ran down scenarios of every sort working their strategy in alternate plans.
- Will thinks the POV comp will be around 8 PM PT.
- Uh-oh. Mike took a towel and a bottle of lotion. Could he still not be the Master of his Domain. [Editor's note: Covering my eyes...!]
- Oh, NO! Danielle walked on him as he committed the deed! Her eyes! Her eyes! Call a medic!
- She ran to tell the rest. [Editor's note: I would too, after I had a good laugh at him.]
- They played cards. Boring.
- Erika talked to one of the cameras asking why she's there and if she's crazy. [Editor's note: Perhaps she's there because she's crazy!]
- Erika seems really torn between siding with Mike or Danielle.
- Then she started talking to a teddy bear, telling it she must win. She went over different strategies with the bear. For some odd reason, the bear didn't say anything. Perhaps he's her silent partner in the game.
- Janelle is worried that if she wins veto, Erika will put Will up.
And there's where we stand. When they finally do the POV comp, I'll post a bulletin, but I don't expect it for a few hours.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Saturday 8/26
Unlike other recent after-nominations periods, no one really seems to be sulking alone, accusing others of betrayal or having a hissy fit. George says he's been nominated so often that he's used to it and retains his upbeat spirit - "If I go home, I go home. I never thought I'd still be here at this point and I'm thrilled to be here."
Janelle takes things from another point of view. She fully expected Erika to nominate her, but she's determined to work at winning the POV to stay in the house. She's good at comps and she knows it. Hopefully, she's recovered from her bad showing at the last HOH comp!
Here's what happened in the overnight hours leading into Saturday in that Big Brother House of Meat and Liquor:
- One would think these poor houseguests had been on slop for a week, not just the matter of a part of one day (due to the food comp). Will and Danielle made plans for steak and eggs at midnight when the restriction was to be lifted.
- Janelle napped a lot through the late evening hours. She tends to spend all night awake, then naps on and off throughout the day and evening.
- Mike, Danielle and Will all agreed that for the most part, they really liked their fellow houseguests more this season.
- Will told Janelle that he plans to have Mike go to Erika to tell her than Danielle said she wants her (Erika) out next week. He said the worst cast scenario is she (Janelle) takes herself off the block with the veto and he goes up. Either way, they have the votes to save her or him.
- His best case scenario had Danielle going on the block if Janelle won/used the veto and Danielle being voted out. Janelle doubts that Erika would put Danielle on the block.
- BB announced there was food in the storage room and the houseguests discovered beer, wine, halibut, shrimp, chicken wings, steak, sausage and more. They're in gastronomical heaven.
- They made George request a sharp knife as BB usually turns Will down when he asks.
- Will got a bit upset because George overcooked the halibut - "He burns everything and makes it all Cajun style!"
- Woogie cleaned up the kitchen after the feast. Amazing.
- Woogie seriously wants Danielle on the block and out this week. They'd prefer that Janelle win the POV to save herself. But if they win it, they'll save Janelle. [Editor's note: They don't seem to think that getting Erika to put Danielle on the block is almost impossible. As an observer, I don't think she would do it. They're going to have to really work this one.]
- Erika and Mike talked... in bed together (workin' it!). Erika told him that if he's playing her, she will go after him. He told her that Danielle really has to go this week and the best plan to get her out is for Janelle to get the POV and backdoor Danielle. He implied Danielle threw a comp because of her truce with Danielle and that she's the more dangerous player because she plans to remove Erika next week.
- Will is definitely better at shmoozing and brainwashing than Mike is. Really better.
- All of the houseguests are still asleep as I get this posted.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday Evening 8/25
Erika's nomination of George and Janelle wasn't an unexpected move at all. She's still going with the thought that George is the pawn and she thinks he's totally safe. As Woogie has convinced her they want Janelle out, why would she think anything else? After all, they're the controlling vote, right? Unbeknownst to her, Woogie is also working with Janelle.
Dang, I wish I had spooky or suspenseful music that could suddenly play at the end of that paragraph! But I don't, so...
Here are Friday evening's happenings in that Big Brother House of Women and the Boys Who Use Them:
- Danielle once again told Erika that George makes her nervous. Is she leaning towards voting him out? Erika told her that Janelle has to go. Danielle then said she was going to vote Janelle out.
- Janelle and Woogie talked. They think Danielle is very dangerous and has to go. They want Janelle to win POV, but also worry that if she did, Will would go on the block. Janelle told Woogie that Danielle said she was going for revenge on Woogie (Chill Town).
- The food comp from today took its toll on the HG - Will has bruises and Erika's arm is sore.
- George has rediscovered the joy that is chocolate.
- They think one of the tarantulas has died and blame the around the clock lights on the cage.
- Janelle said she's happy with the noms, mainly because "they" will be upset when she's still around next week.
- Will told Mike to go shomance Erika some more.
- The HG are pretty excited about their Christmas in August win in the food comp. It's scheduled for Sunday and they all want George to get a Santa suit.
- The trampoline they won in the food comp arrived. Will is in heaven. [Editor's note: Anyone who watched season two knows how he loves his tramp...oline!]
- They jump, they bounce, they breakdance on it, they box with boxing gloves while bouncing. They don't follow the one at a time rule and just go trampoline-crazy!
- George said he only earned $1600 the first season of Big Brother. They clear more than that a week this season. [George made it fairly far in the game, but I can't recall his exit place. Sequester didn't exist back then, so they just went on home.]
- In the comp, the HG were put on slop for the day and go off of it at midnight. George told them to imagine all the days he was on it. (But he has his Slop Free Pass from the comp.)
- Mike and Danielle discussed how hard the game gets as the numbers go down. Danielle told Mike that if she commits to something, she sticks with it.
- Will jumped on the trampoline on and off (and up and down) through the evening.
- Danielle said that if she had just a beer, she'd be happy. [Editor's note: Beer and slop, what a combination!]
They've been playing cards and anticipating food, nothing really earthshattering has been going on. Tomorrow should be POV and it will be interesting if either George or Janelle win it.
Someone asked about the slop in comments - it's basically a sort of bland oatmeal blended with vitamins and minerals. It probably would go better with beer than chocolate, but...!
Friday, August 25, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations
As expected and discussed, Janelle and Chicken George are on the block.
Several folks have been asking how this week's double eviction will work. As it's not something that the houseguests know and discuss, I really don't know anymore than what Julie Chen said. Two are going home Thursday in an action-packed hour.
Several folks have been asking how this week's double eviction will work. As it's not something that the houseguests know and discuss, I really don't know anymore than what Julie Chen said. Two are going home Thursday in an action-packed hour.
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