Sunday, July 22, 2007

It Must be the Pants! - This Week on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' - July 23-27

Late Show with David Letterman
It's gotta be the pants! I'm talking Worldwide Pants, of course. We have another week of all new shows ahead of us. One of these years I'm going to take a count of how many weeks off Dave actually takes. Of course, when he started out, the show only aired four days a week. Now it's on for five, but if memory serves, they double up on the filming one day a week, so he still really works only the four days a week.

Here are the guests we can expect to see this week on the show:
  • Monday, July 23: Drew Carey (Power of 10), Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray, the new version. Musical guests are Grinderman with a self-titled CD out on the market.
  • Tuesday, July 24: Paul Rudd (The Ten - not to be confused with The Power of ...), Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy, musical guests The National whose CD is Boxer.
  • Wednesday, July 25: Catherine Zeta Jones promoting No Reservations, comedian Bob Sarlatte, musical guest Porter Wagoner (CD is Wagonmaster).
  • Thursday, July 26: Sharon Osbourne lately of America's Got Talent and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
  • Friday, July 27: Anne Hathaway (Becoming Jane), Jim Gaffigan of My Boys, musical guest Buffalo Tom (CD is Three Easy Pieces).

In an unrelated trivia note -- On Thursday, July 26, Mick Jagger will be 64 years old. Oh, my. That's scary.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds News - Saturday, July 21

Yes, you're right. This isn't a Big Brother image, not at all. It's a photo of the Flatiron Building in Manhattan which I shot earlier this afternoon. As you can see, it was a stunningly gorgeous day in NYC!

Oh, but I'm really here to tell you about the events of the day in the Big Brother House of Bad Decisions and Those Who Make Them:
  • Kail cried on and off, sometimes more on than off. Dick tried to comfort her by telling her he didn't mean to make her miserable, he just wanted her out of the house. (Yeah, that's comforting!)
  • Shortly after the HG were blasted with Queen music, they were told it would be two hours until the POV competition.
  • The veto players and the ones chosen were Kail, Jen, Dick, Jessica, Zach, and Nick. Kail seemed to want a redo on Zach being chosen.
  • Eric hosted the event and wore a Mad Hatters costume.
  • Nick and Dick talked. The tides seem to be changing once again. Instead of Kail being the target, both think that Mike is more of a danger.
  • Kail thinks everyone in the house is scared of Dick.
  • Kail wants the house to target Zach. (I'm sure he's on the list. I think everyone in the house sees through the flying monkey man.)
  • The Jenstermatic won the power of veto.
  • Something happened between Dick and Mike in the comp. At one point, Dick asked Mike if he wanted to go on the block. When Mike said he didn't care, Dick let Jen have the win. (Remember, the feeds are blocked for the comp and we only get bits and pieces as the HG talk afterwards.)
  • Kail is upset. This time because Dick must have admitted he lied about something during the veto comp. Since part of why Joe went was the lying, this is a new fresh matter for her to focus on.
  • Amber cried.
  • Jameka told Kail she's her own worst enemy with her behavior.
  • In Kail's mind, she thinks that Dick will put up a popular pawn in Jen's place to make sure she's evicted.
  • Dick is now testing people. @@ He says that if Zach knows that he's going up next week, then Nick is the leak.
  • Dick said Kail betrayed her "best friend" Jen by campaigning against her last night to him.
  • Dick talked to Amber and Jameka. The plan is to put Zach up and make him the target, yet Kail stay under the assumption that she's going home so she'll be flustered for the HOH comp.
  • Jameka mentioned backdooring Jen in due time.
  • Dick thinks Jen and Nick faked not liking each other to cover an alliance. He told Amber his thoughts.
  • Dick told Jen that she wasn't his target. Duh. We knew that. I'm sure she did, too.
  • Nick and Daniele think Dick is talking to Kail way too much.
  • Jessica suggested that Kail threw the POV, doing so poorly so it makes her look weaker than she really is.
  • Kail thinks Nick is as bad as Zach, but has charm and is better-looking.

As I post this, it's a given that Jen will use the POV to save herself. She'd be stupid not to do so. I still contend that she's not as stupid at the game as she has been acting. While Dick indicated that he would put Mike up in her place, in the past he said Zach. I can see him putting Mike up because, in the long run, he's probably more of a threat. He's so quiet and in the background that he's a bit of an unknown. Zach, on the other hand, is too well known and would probably go home whenever put up for eviction.

Who do you think should go in Jen's place for eviction?

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds BULLETIN - POV 7/21

I'm back from the city and Jen won the Power of Veto. I'll be posting a full entry later tonight with more details, but you can feel free to join in on the conversation with fellow blog commenters in this post.

Thank you for keeping the information flowing, guys! Er, ... gals. I appreciate it!

Good Morning, Houseguests and Blog Readers! 7/21

Okay, I lie. They're all asleep right now. Not all that much has happened since I last posted. My latest update for TV Squad is in the publishing queue and can be found here a bit later today.

The NYC Blog Event is still going on today. If you're in the area, we're talking City Bakery (the one featured on Sex In The City) - at 2-4 PM. That's located at 3 West 18th Street between 5th and 6th. I have long red hair, most likely it will be pulled back to keep it from blowing all over. It may stand to say I could very well be the only older woman with long, long red hair pulled back in the place ... even if it's NYC. I'll be wearing a black Slaughtered Lamb Pub t-shirt. There, I should be the only one doing that!

I will not be dressed as a Harry Potter character although the city was full of them yesterday. I kept seeing witches, unrelated ones not in groups, as I sat eating facing the street yesterday. I know anything can happen in NYC, but I found it a bit odd until we went by the big Barnes and Noble store. Sure ... we pick a date that coincides with the biggest book release in history!

Oh, I'll have to tell you how blog reader Sydney risked our lives with the potato chip bag hand man later...

So... who do YOU want gone? Jen or Kail? You can choose only one, mind you!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds, Playing Catch Up - Into the Evening 7/20

Sure... I turn on the feeds and this is what I get...

(For those who can't run the video, it's zuma, zuma, thump, thump...)

In a brief rundown of the more important news from today in the Big Brother House of What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson, Your Alliance Has Left And Gone Away:
  • The nominations didn't happen until late this evening (my time, their time it was only around 6 PM) and, as I briefly posted, Dick put Jen and Kail on the block. Although this was one of the latter happenings, I'm putting it here first due to um... priorities! Keep in mind that until you read differently, the following events took place before the nomination ceremony.
  • Kail told Mike that Jen told her that Zach outed the Mrs. Robinson alliance to her (Jen).
  • Kail is worried, all alone in the world and her expressions range from deer in the headlights to uncomfortable to depleted.
  • The HG told Jen they're sick of seeing the unitard.
  • It's Jameka's birthday.
  • The food comp wasn't shown on the feeds, but seems to be one in which they played for various food groups.
  • Dick and Daniele had a talk in which he told her if Nick is playing his daughter, he'll kill him. She giggled and Nick told Dick he's not playing her. We'll see.
  • Daniele gave Dick a lot of speech advice. He listens to her.
  • Dick told Nick that if he puts both Jen and Kail on the block, that will divide them and Zach will "jump ship."
  • Zach, trying for Dick's favor, told him of the $50,000 deal he has going with Nick. Whichever of the two win the game will give the other the money. Dick reminded him that's against the rules.
  • Zach kept spilling beans on everyone in the house to Dick.
  • Dick told Amber that Zach told him he knew they were in a secret alliance -- Amber, Dustin, and Dick. Dick wants her to distance herself some and not blow his game. She cries.
  • The nominations go down, so from this point it's after Jen and Kail know they're nominated.
  • The HG got a grill.
  • Kail kept away from the group, so Dick checked in on her. As she went on and on about her failed alliance, he told her every move she had made was wrong beginning with making an alliance on the second day.
  • Dick said Jen needs a personality transplant and is merely a caricature of herself. He doesn't view her as a threat, nor does anyone else. He believes that's why Kail will be voted out.
  • Kail was so sure she'd do well in the game that she already had her Final Two speech prepared.
  • Kail is crushed.
  • The others play zuma, zuma...

Two, two, zuma, zuma, (thump), (thump)...