Tuesday, August 14, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Schtuff!

It's actually been a peaceful day in the house. Except for one incident.

Eric streaked.

Everyone is playing games and getting along for the most part. They're going to cut their hair, too. Well, some of them. I have a new post in the pending queue over on TV Squad.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show starting at 9 PM ET. Please stop by with your snacks! Um, not that your snacks are more important than your presence. Never! I'll also be updating with a live feeds report later tonight.

But it's BORING when these guys talk movies and play beer pong for hours!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Late Night/Overnight into Tuesday 8/14

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Shhh... sleeping hamsters!

For once, they're actually all in bed by 3 AM their time!

That's the secret. You fill them with food and give them music and the world is a good place all over again.

Here are the late night happenings from that Big Brother House of Discrepancies:
  • Although Zach has made a promise with Jessica to vote out Evel Dick, that doesn't stop him from getting closer to Daniele. They talked about going to the final two together.
  • Jen thinks that Daniele will cling to Zach if her father goes home because "she has to have a guy."
  • Jameka said she got her birthday song.
  • There was more than one mention of a "Brian" who sang well.
  • When Dustin talked to Jen, she told him that she had already promised to vote for Evel Dick to go no matter who went up against him.
  • Eric's anatomy was seen by Jessica and Jameka in the shower. Apparently he's a victim of shrinkage.
  • Amber thinks that Dustin and Eric are jealous of her, Jameka, and Jessica.
  • Amber told Dustin and Jameka that if she wins HOH next week, she would nominate Zach and Jen because Zach was going after Jameka. (Say what?)
  • Amber has had lice in the past, no one else has.
  • All went to bed a bit early for them. Jessica is sleeping with the lights on in the HOH. For a while the camera operator seemed bored as he was zooming in and out on her face.

Monday, August 13, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Monday 8/13

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The Good Father graphic is courtesy of Zoetawny. He must have said some sweet things at that POV ceremony!

That post I was talking about is up over on TV Squad.

After a hectic evening, I'm here to let you know what I thought was interesting or important from that Big Brother House of Odd Folks:
  • Jessica didn't go to bed until past 8 in the morning (their time).
  • Big Brother woke them up not much more than an hour after Jessica went to bed promising the POV Ceremony would be in 90 minutes.
  • Dustin is mad because he thinks Dick is messing with and taking his things.
  • Jessica and Dustin discussed the scenarios -- if Daniele comes off the block, he'll go up against Dick. If Dick saves himself, it will be Jen against Daniele.
  • Jessica told Jen that she would go up if it's Daniele on the block. Jen was not a happy camper.
  • Jen told Dick and Daniele.
  • Amber and Jameka think the juices are tainted and that Dick did something to them.
  • Jessica got worried because Eric wouldn't talk to her. Is he in an alliance with Jen? (We know what happened there, America.)
  • Eric ended up feigning an illness, going to the DR about it and getting told to stay in bed away from everyone. (That's just shy of cheating!)
  • As she was alone in the HOH, Jessica mumbled to herself that "he" had deals with "both of them." Then Jessica cried.
  • Dick told them that he put something in the juice when they asked him, but he didn't.
  • Jen told Daniele and Dick that Dustin will go on the block if Daniele is saved.
  • Dick told Daniele that she should try for a possible deal with Eric. Daniele suggested she use Zach as a go-between on it.
  • Dick saved Daniele and then went around apologizing to everyone for his actions -- "I was making you hate me so you'd vote me out if the nominations remained the same. I did it for my daughter!"
  • Jessica told Eric she was having doubts about Dustin, but now Zach's vote is locked in with them.
  • Eric told Jessica he thinks she made the right choice in putting Dustin up in Daniele's place. (Of course, cha-ching, money in his pocket!)
  • Dustin told Zach he knew he was going up and did it for the group.
  • Daniele told Jen that she had been told that in week 7 there would be a twist introduced in the game.
  • She said she got it from someone not in the house. It sounds like it could be prior to entering, but I don't know. They went to trivia and music before she could say more.
  • Dick and Dustin had verbal fisticuffs. Evel was telling Dustin his aggression was for a reason (to save Daniele) and Dustin just wants his stuff back and for Dick to stop messing with it.
  • Dick said he won't get his shirt with the fake tattoo sleeves back until he leaves because he uses it to mock him.
  • He then went around un-hiding all of Dustin's things he's been taking.
  • When Evel tried to tell Eric why he acted before he did, Eric told him he was too worried about redeeming his own self to fight. He also said that if anyone other than Jessica had won HOH, he would have gone home this week. (Including his buddy Dustin, eh?)
  • Dick worked on turning Eric against Dustin (little does he know, but America may do that for him).
  • Dick told Eric about the one-week deal they had with Amber and Dustin.
  • Eric again denied being the vote for Nick to stay when the house vote was Kail to stay. He also told Dick it bothered him that Daniele and he were so quick to believe that one banner plane.
  • Dick predicted that Dustin will be the first evicted from the LNC Remainders.
  • There was a feeds block and when they came back, they were celebrating being at the halfway point of the game.
  • Jameka and Jen want to be on The Amazing Race.
  • Dick told Jessica that if the vote is 3-3 on Thursday, he'll have her back if she keeps him in the tiebreaker vote.
  • Daniele advised Dick not to trust Jen completely.
The feeds have been blocked for some time now. I'm not sure what's going on. I think they may have food coming in (Dustin mentioned food and he's on slop) and some sort of private party for the halfway point or something.

UPDATE -- The feeds have returned. They did have a feast, music, and not sure all what. They're full and happy now.

'Hell's Kitchen' -Season Finale - Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Hell's Kitchen
This is it! It's the season finale and one of the two who shouldn't be running a fine dining establishment will be. Woohoo! This post will be udated throughout the show so refresh your page for the most recent updates.

It's the guys and the girls once again. Or, as they say, the boys. Julia is still pouting some. She also thinks Rock deserves to win.

Rock seems to be leading his team a bit more. Bonnie doesn't seem to have a good plan and isn't familiar with what she's chosen for her menu.

Julia isn't reacting well to Bonnie's direction, giving her nasty looks and saying she didn't need to be treated like an idiot. In Bonnie's restaurant, they've run out of wallpaper.

Rock actually is paying attention to detail. His team seems more receptive to his direction. Ramsay doesn't like Bonnie's dessert -- I thought it looked good -- four chocolate truffles. He doesn't like Rock's dessert either.

Bonnie's restaurant is ready for Ramsay's inspection. He likes it. Clean, elegant. He doesn't care much for the hardwood floors due to noise.

Rock's is now ready. Elegant. No salt and pepper on the tables because it should be properly seasoned coming to the patrons.

Ramsay gives them some last minute advice -- you run the kitchen, don't let it run you. They each get new master chef jackets.

The kitchen(s) is/are open. The appetizers are getting ready. Ramsay is happy. The appetizers come out at the same time. Bonnie starts to have some communication woes with her not-wisely-chosen team. Julia is in her own world.

Rock is doing slightly better with Josh, but it's not an easy go.

Now Bonnie isn't listening to Julia.

Rock's team is falling behind on the appetizers. But Bonnie ran out of fettuccine for her signature dish and has to substitute spaghetti. Then Rock's team is falling apart mainly due to Josh. Rock finally moves Vinnie to fish because Josh kept burning the crab cakes. Rock is starting to get antsy.

Bonnie is running out of prawns and a dish is being sent back -- undercooked and cold. She didn't order right for this dinner!

Rock's team is doing better again as Bonnie's team is falling apart more. Julia gave her grief over wrapping something up and it became a verbal brouhaha.

Service is complete. Rock thinks that Josh might have ruined his chance of winning. Bonnie's team is all hunky-dory now that it's over. Yeah, right. Now that they don't need to communicate! Rock's family visits him briefly.

When questioned by Ramsay, Rock said he would have liked to have Jen because she's the best. Bonnie would have double-checked the stations and portions.

Ramsay thinks they both came out with great leadershop abilities. He has to study the customer comment cards before giving his decision.

Ramsay tells Bonnie she's surprised him the most and he tells Rock he's rock-solid. He says it was a tough decision. They're standing at the doors. The winner is the door which opens.

And, the spoilers from the beginning of the season were right ... Rock won. Rock cries. Julia cries. And Bonnie took it so welll ... she says she's happy for him!

'So You Think You Can Dance' - 8/13 Live Results Show East Coast Updates

Well, this feels odd ... posting the East Coast Updates on the live results show on a Monday! It was more odd last week when I went to watch it and football was in its place!

I'll be updating this post with the major events of the evening and everyone's welcome to jump in with their comments.

An interesting rather creepy dance is opening the show.

One guy and one girl will go home and the remaining four will go onto the finale performance show Wednesday night. Debbie Allen announced that Cedric is indeed attending her dance school in September.

A special guest dancer, Titus, performed. Now they're doing solos. It's Sabra up first. (She's my favorite of the girls left.) Lauren is next, then Lacey. Pasha is up first for the guys, a very nice dance indeed. I love his personality although I don't think he's the best male dancer. Next is Neil. I'm liking him more each week. Then it's Danny. I think that he's technically the best dancer of the guys, but I'm no dance expert.

Oh, this is nice. SYTYCD is working with inner city after school programs. Cool!

Into a Krumping exhibition.

First girl into the finale is Lacey. The first male into the finale is Danny.

They're sending the audience home as the show isn't live. It was filmed last Thursday. Bummer for them! They didn't want the infor to leak before today.

Okay, Sabra made it into the finale ... as should be! Lauren is going home.

Rats, Pasha is going home. Neil is in the finale.