Is the relationship developing into a serious romance and not just a showmance? No, it's not a hugging, kissing, crazy monkey sex sort of relationship. Eric and Jessica seem to be getting closer and closer, albeit not physically.
As I type this, they're still up talking about their impending marriage -- they'll be married for 80 years, mind you. He'll live to be 107! I personally can't see these two walking down the aisle, but I think a close friendship at the very least will be there for years to come. In a way, it's a bit refreshing, although a bit schmaltzy, in a game which has been so nasty this year.
Here are the late night happenings into the dawn from that Big Brother House of Best Friends and Worst Enemies:
- At one point Daniele said that Jen complains about everything. Evel Dick and Zach just froze in place and stared. (Pot - kettle - black)
- The HG joked about getting CBS to pay for Jessica and Eric's wedding and doing a spin-off show like Rob and Amber.
- Amber thinks Jessica is fake because she knows she doesn't like Evel Dick, but is being nice to him. She's also mad that Jessica gave the go-ahead for Zach to vote Dustin out.
- Amber thinks Jameka is lucky and safe due to not being able to compete for HOH. She's not sure if God wants her to make a deal with Daniele.
- Amber thinks that Dick is smart, but he's scared of Daniele getting mad at him and together they're "brutal."
- Jameka thinks she'll have white friends once she gets home.
- Amber still wants to be an inspirational speaker and asked Jameka if the DR said anything to her about it. (I can see her now ... "I live in a trailer by the river...!")
- Amber also thinks that she'll have folks sponsor her nursing education now. @@
- Amber loves Dustin, if you didn't know.
- Zach says Jen is annoying him while Jen thinks she's been nice to everyone except Daniele.
- Zach seems to be pushing for a Jen nomination almost every time he talks to Dick or Daniele.
- Daniele told Dick that she's tired of his personal habits, all the people in the house, and his trying to parent her. He said he'd give her her space and just left the HOH room.
- Dick had an impromptu "Dick Show" alone with the cameras saying he didn't know what to do, Daniele complains about everything, she's never happy no matter what and he told her brother Vincent he misses him because Daniele is being a real pain.
- Eric told Jameka that Zach told him he threw the veto for Dick last week -- he surely threw it for someone, I say! I'm bad with strange foods, but he didn't even try!
- It appears that Jameka and Zach have a "date" planned this week. Since Jameka thinks Zach is the sneakiest player in the house, I'm sure she's planning on fact gathering.
- Jameka doesn't know whether to approach Daniele or not (about the votes this week). She doesn't think she's a threat in the game. (Don't question divine intervention!)
- Jameka told Dick she knows he has an alliance with Eric. It's all good, y'know.
- Jameka told Eric she thinks Daniele will put him on the block. He told her he wouldn't cut a deal with her. (Like he needs to! He's safe for this week, at least.)
- After everyone else headed to bed, Jessica and Eric stayed up talking about just about everything and anything. About the only interesting game talk I got out of their schmaltzy talk is that Eric likes only Jessica and Jameka in the house and can see only being friends with those two after the season ends. Jameka, eh? Interesting. She doesn't seem to share the feeling from what I've seen.
Will Divine Intervention save Amber? Or will it be Jameka? Will it mean God loves one more than the other?
I'm not going to get into a deep theological discussion here, but I think God most likely has more important tasks at hand.
Here are the events and oddness which went down in that Big Brother House of Uncommon Nonsense*:
- Jameka is a bit under the weather today. She's also mad because someone put chocolate syrup on the downstairs toilet seat as a prank and she ended up cleaning it up.
- Eric and Jessica want to keep Jen in the house for their own strategic purposes. If it comes down to it, they want to try to make a deal with Dick and Daniele that if Jen goes this week, Zach has to go next. (Argh, I want AMBER to go! I know it may not be the most strategic move, but she is the most annoying person on the feeds for me.)
- In the POV player picks, Daniele chose Dick as her Houseguest's Choice. Zach and Jessica were the other two chosen and Eric was picked as the host.
- Evel Dick and Zach happy-danced that Jen wasn't competing for the veto.
- They were told ahead of time that in addition to the veto, there would be two prizes of trips. The veto was based on CBS poll answers, but blocked to the feeds (of course).
- Daniele won the POV. The trips were won by Daniele and Amber.
- Daniele said she wouldn't use the veto. Dick quickly vetoed that idea! He said they should make a deal with Amber that she won't put them on the block if she gets HOH next week and send Jen home.(Like Amber could win HOH! Give me a break here!)
- Daniele is reluctant -- she thinks she can make a deal with Jen. Dick doesn't want that.
- Zach complained to Daniele that Amber and Jameka are "being mean" to him because of the Dustin gone ordeal.
- When Zach mentioned to Daniele that it seems like Dick tried to do his best for her and her brother Vincent, she scoffed. She said he likes to make it look like he did.
- Amber hopes someone will discover her. (Perhaps the men in white jackets? They're coming to take you away, haha, heehee...)
- Dick talked nice at ... er, to Amber. He was actually very pleasant, asking if she was okay, telling her he didn't know who would go home, and if she needed to talk he's there. He also played up on her winning a feast and the trip and how happy he was for her.
- Amber teared up a wee bit, but thanked him.
- Amber didn't cry.
- Jameka told Amber that she thinks Daniele will use the veto to put up Eric. (How out of touch is she?)
- Amber thinks that Daniele won't take her off the block because she's selfish. Jameka told her she should try making a deal with her.
- There was beer pong and an extended True/False game.
- And there ya go!
I've had a post in the pending queue over at TV Squad for a while. I'm not sure when it will hit the airwaves. Um, well, not airwaves, I guess. Cyberspace?
Graphic by Zoetawny.
* - "Uncommon nonsense" from The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.
May I have your attention, please?
The Power of Veto winner is Daniele.
You may return to your regularly scheduled lives now.
My latest TV Squad post went up overnight. You're all welcome to go give it a gander!
Here's the lowdown from the late night hours into the dawn from inside that Big Brother House of "But I don't want to go among mad people." <-- Alice, in The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.
When you think of it, the story is definitely suited to this group of houseguests, eh?
Here we go, among the mad people:
- Jameka is really upset with Jessica over the events as of late. She's hurt and betrayed. (But I thought everything was predetermined in the game? If so, Jessica must be being guided by a higher source, right?)
- The BB voice had to yell "stop that" at Evel for doing cannonballs in the pool.
- Eric reminded the girls that they voted out all of the hunky guys and they're down to him, Zach, and Dick.
- Jamkea seems to be upset that Zach grabbed bandannas for the food comp, but I still don't know what the comp itself was.
- Jameka and Jessica talked about how much Jen has been degraded by the men-- Jameka doesn't think she's been as degraded in her whole life as Jen has been in just the house.
- Jameka and Amber got called to the DR a lot and often weren't in there long.
- Eric tried to tell Amber that Dustin had deals going with just about everyone in the house and was a dangerous player. She's upset that Eric didn't just tell Dustin how the vote was going to go. Eric said that wasn't his responsibility. (Duh... that kind of thing is part of the game, Amber. After all, how else could we have seen his jaw drop like that?)
- Eric kept saying the Dustin move was purely strategic. I don't know if Amber and Jameka are buying what he's selling.
- Jen thinks Daniele and Evel Dick need to be put up on the block again.
- Amber is concerned that she may not be able to trust Eric. @@ (Maybe if she stopped crying so much and opened those eyes, she could see!)
- Eric told Jameka that as long as Dick and Daniele are in the game, they'll be the target which makes him less of a target.
- Jameka thinks Eric was disloyal to Dustin. Dustin had done him a favor and he paid back with betrayal.
- Eric told Jameka he would have gone home in two weeks at Dustin's will, so he could ruffle feathers and get Dustin out or suffer that fate.
- Eric asked Dick about what would happen if Jen won POV. Dick said he wouldn't be shocked and Amber would go home. (C'mon, Jen! Win that POV!)
- Dick thinks the LNC Remainders would have been fractured this week even if Eric hadn't made his move. (I notice how Jessica is left out of a lot of this!)
- Eric told Dick that the DR asks him about Jessica all the time. (Hey, they want shomances for ratings!)
- After a lot of small talk, nothing new on the strategy front, all the houseguests are asleep as I post this.
The POV comp will be held sometime today. I should have the results by this evening.
Graphic by Zoetawny!