Eric won the Power of Veto. A full report will be posted later this evening!
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Saturday 8/25
Graphic artist Zoetawny had to use her "mad skillz" to create a second HOH graphic for Jessica! I think, in watching the feeds, Jessica is the one person least changed whan she's Head of House. With others, they seem to gloat (Dustin, Dick) or, in Daniele's case, freak out a bit. Jessica handles it well. I just wish her voice was a bit different. So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Whispers and Wimps? Here's the skinny:
- Zach had a long talk to Jessica about his nomination. He's worried that he might be evicted, but approached the conversation at the angle that he isn't the target. He told Jessica he's not mad at her and understands that it was the most logical move for her to make.
- Zach really wants to win POV (remember, he hasn't won anything yet) and remove himself from the block. If he does, he wants Jessica to put Dick on the block and backdoor him.
- Zach also thinks that Dick and Daniele will play hard for POV if they're chosen because they want the nominations to remain the same.
- Jessica took all Zach was saying in and obviously took it under consideration. After all, she was nodding her head and saying "uh-huh" and "yeah." I'm sure Zach took that to mean she agrees with him.
- Jessica committed to nothing with him.
- Zach told Jessica that, no matter what happens, he'd vote as she wants him to.
- Eric is still upset about Jen's comment warning Jessica about his girlfriend. Perhaps that was the impetus for his nasty remark as she left. He's still stewing about it.
- Jameka worked her way right into the happy group o' houseguests while Amber was a bit somber and Zach was um, Zach-ish. (He always reminds me of a comic book geek who's smart but not ever "in with the in crowd." Not a bad thing, but it makes it hard for others to understand where he's coming from at times.)
- Evel Dick wants Zach to go. It's only fitting that Zach wants Dick to go, right?
- Amber cried.
- Eric wonders if he'll set a record if he doesn't get chosen to play for the veto again.
- As the HG feasted, Amber was subdued.
- Beer pong was played. I miss zuma-zuma.
- Jameka went on a crying streak -- alone. Well, her and God, that is. She cried, she prayed, she cried while praying.
- Daniele told Dick everyone hates him. He didn't think so, so they went through the list. It's everyone. He just laughed.
- Jameka tried to shake Jessica's faith in Eric. Jameka just doesn't trust him and thinks Jessica shouldn't trust him either.
- That didn't last long as Eric and Jessica are still up talking in the HOH room as I post this. She has the woobie and they're still BFF. (Best friends forever)
Friday, August 24, 2007
'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds - Nominations
As expected, Amber and Zach are on the block.
And Amber cried.
And Amber cried.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Friday So Far - 8/24
The nominations ceremony hasn't happened yet. I'll post a bulletin when I hear the news.
But here are the other happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Odd Ducks:
But here are the other happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Odd Ducks:
- BB woke them up early today -- 10 AM their time. Of course, that's only early if you've been up for most of the night.
- Daniele and Zach tried to convince Jameka that sushi can be good.
- Daniele thinks that Julie Chen's HOH questions have been uncomfortable and intrusive. (Um, this is a show with 24/7 live feeds, cameras, microphones. It's an intrusive show, darn it!)
- BB woke up the houseguests again just before 11:30.
- Jameka said the school where she works actually handcuffs misbehaving kids until their parents arrive. Yikes.
- Daniele told Jameka she didn't have to do chores while growing up -- her grandparents did everything. (Why am I not surprised?)
- There was a luxury comp -- timed grabbing and putting on of clothes (similar to ones in the past). The girls won.
- In all of the Eric/Jessica talks it seems the noms will be Amber and Zach. Jessica still isn't sure what she'll say at the ceremony.
- They think if they go after either Dick or Daniele, they (Jessica and Eric) will wind up on the block next week.
- No one is on slop this week and there was no food comp unless it was part of the luxury comp.
- Zach talked to Jessica and Eric. He admits that he thinks there's more to Eric than he's seeing and it worries him. He suggests an Amber/Dick nomination. He offers to be "with them" in their quest.
- Eric later mentioned to Jessica that Zach does this with every HOH -- plays up to them and promises to vote with them. That's why he doesn't get nominated.
- Daniele is worried that Zach is trying to shmooze Eric and Jessica -- and that they'll put them (D&D) on the block if they listen to him.
- Although there was a bit of nudity in the luxury comp as they tried on clothes, was it necessary for Amber to flash the Internet later putting on her new clothes?
- My eyes. My eyes.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report Since the Live Show Into Friday
<--- Eric tells Jessica he thinks she wants him to be a Nancy Boy.
Here are the evening's happenings since the live show ended from that Big Brother House of "You Can Never Be Too Blonde and Win Too Many HOH" --
Here are the evening's happenings since the live show ended from that Big Brother House of "You Can Never Be Too Blonde and Win Too Many HOH" --
- Eric thinks Jen's speech was rude (the one in which they plead their case to stay). Well, I think his "speech" was rude when she left. He should have just let her go without his snide comment. If she was considering voting for him in the jury, he blew it right there.
- The house mood is upbeat, but I'm sure that will change with the pressure of another HG going home.
- Dick hopes Jen gets fired from her nanny job.
- Jessica asked Amber what Jen had wanted to tell her before she left. Amber said she wasn't going to say, but since she asked ... Jen wanted to warn Jessica not to trust Eric because he has a girlfriend named Cheryl. She doesn't want Jessica to be hurt.
- Jameka tried to give advice to Daniele about how to talk to her father. She says he's abrasive but means well -- he's always proud of her and loves her.
- Jameka says Evel Dick's intentions are good. (And where does the road paved with good intentions lead ...?)
- Daniele kept fussing about her father, nothing to do with the Jen incidents. She fussed in general about him and it was more of a woe-is-me fuss.
- Dick and Eric continued to trash talk Jen long after she was gone.
- Amongst Jessica's HOH goodies she got a "Booyah" shirt.
- Jameka had an Amber moment. She asked Daniele what boas (the kind you wear, not the snake) were and how you spell the word.
- The HG speculated that Kail might be the mayor of her town. Heh.
- Amber told Eric that Jen told her to tell Jessica not to trust him.
- There was a big In N Out burger feast during which Jameka overate and regretted it ... not!
- Eric said his girlfriend is long-distance.
- Jameka seems to be pushing Jessica (a bit) to put Evel Dick on the block.
- Jessica told Jameka she won't put her on the block.
- America's Player? -- Eric told Jessica that she should put Amber on the block. Amber and Zach. I'd say the Zach is a personal choice of his, Amber the voted one.
All are in bed as I post this, with Eric and Jessica just parting ways (for the dawn).
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