Monday, August 27, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Monday Live Feeds So Far 8/27

Yep, Evel Dick is sitting pretty. Or, as pretty as he can sit with those funky feet!

Here are the day's events so far from inside that Big Brother House of "But I had a Vision!" --
  • Before they went to sleep, Eric double-checked with Jessica to make sure she was still okay with his plan to let the nominations stand. She's fine with it.
  • Jameka seriously tried to turn Jessica against Eric. I think she was doing it more in Amber's interest and perhaps Jessica's down the road rather than her own.
  • Jessica told Jameka that she doesn't think Eric is going to use the veto. Jameka went on about Eric, Dick, and Daniele ... and sometimes Zach!
  • Jessica reported the Jameka conversation back to Eric.
  • Eric kissed her. I think this is probably the America's Player kiss. America has no sense of adventure!
  • Eric is mad that Jameka told Jessica he didn't want to win HOH because they might give him pictures of his girlfriend. He says that's none of Jameka's business and he's been honest with Jessica.
  • Eric told Jessica he really wants to win HOH next week.
  • Jameka, the school counselor, asked if someone could explain the "Jensa Member" t-shirt. She doesn't get the reference. (I guess it's safe to say she's not a Mensa Member. It's scary that Jen obviously knew the reference and Jameka doesn't.)
  • Amber told Jameka that Jessica told her that she isn't the target, but she (Amber) thinks something is going on between Jessica, Eric, Daniele, and Dick. (Ding, ding, we have a winner!)
  • Eric didn't use the veto -- for the first time this season! Amber and Zach are still on the block.
  • The washing machine still isn't working right.
  • It hasn't been a thrill a minute, folks.

'Dancing With the Stars' - Line-Up Spoilers?

... or possibly not. The official list is due Wednesday morning, but I found this on TMZ. I'm not sure if it's a joke or serious, but know you guys want to see it!

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony

The POV Ceremony is over. It sounds like Eric had a nice speech. It also sounds like the nominations are remaining the same -- Amber and Zach are on the block. Jameka doesn't understand why Eric wants his two enemies to remain in the house with him. She thinks it might be a tie.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Monday 8/27

<--- Amber actually smiling as the houseguests play spin the bottle. It's more of a mix of spin the bottle and truth or dare or something. There is no kissing involved. They tell a "truth" and all say "how sad." Very odd. Not like yesterday morning with Jessica and Eric! Which, by the way, was the only interesting point of the day and that was sort of blah. Without further ado, here's the news from inside the House of Big Brother Previously Rejected Applications:
  • Eric's rather anti-climatic kissing of Jessica yesterday morning won't count for America's Player. If she's chosen, he will have to do it again. (One more time, this time with feeling!)
  • I still want him to have to kiss Dick or Zach, though.
  • Amber read her bible often yesterday. Hopefully she has at least portions memorized by now.
  • The washing machine is still on the fritz.
  • Strategy or not? Dick went to Amber complaining there's only so much of Zach he can take. They had a talk about how annoying Zach is with his know-it-all ways. Amber once again brought up Zach promising to cook for Jameka and not doing it.
  • Amber cried. (Not due to the Dick conversation, just on general principles.)
  • Eric and Jessica discussed whether the big Dick/Daniele fight was real or staged. Jessica thinks it was real because Dick's eyes are all red.
  • Amber talked to Jessica. She said she wants someone good to win the season. At this time, the only good people left in the house are herself, Jameka, and Jessica. (That's according to Amber, not me.)
  • Amber says that if she stays and wins HOH, she would never put Jessica or Eric on the block. (Never? Um, those numbers are getting down, girl!)
  • Jessica told her if the vote's a tie, she'll vote out Zach.
  • Amber thinks that Dick and Daniele are a strong pair, but Jessica and Eric aren't because they're just good friends.
  • Jessica sat with Dick for a while trying to avoid Zach and everyone. Her strategy is to sleep to avoid people.
  • Dick has flip-flopped back to wanting Zach out.
  • Amber still loves her rat!
  • Amber finally nailed Eric. Just to talk to him, minds out of the gutter! She's worried that she's the target and promises him things she can't possibly keep like never putting him on the block. She did the "good people" to win thing, but now he seems to mysteriously be a part of that. She says she doesn't want Dick, Daniele, or Zach to win.
  • Amber cried while talking to Eric.
  • When she asked him if she should be nervous, he told everyone should be nervous because there are only seven players left.
  • Eric told her he's basically against the backdoor method of evicting a houseguest on the whole. He said he's a bit upset that almost everybody who's gone home this season has been backdoored.
  • She cried some more.
  • Amber told him that she can tell he's a good person by his eyes. @@
  • Eric told Jessica that tomorrow (today) it will be blatantly obvious whether they're with Dick and Daniele or against them.
  • Jessica said she's not worried about the final four, she's worried about next week.
  • Amber told Jameka that Eric won't be using the veto.
  • Zach and Amber both campaigned their cases.
  • Then it went into the game which is still on as I post this. As a punishment, Dick had to lick Jen's picture twice. Fun, fun. So sad!
  • The game is over as I add to this -- Amber is whispering to Jameka that Jessica has always been suspicious of her and Eric. @@ (I felt I had to add that to make your morning!)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Sunday 8/26 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

I apologize for my hours of absense, alas... had stuff that had to get done. I hate that, don't you?

The show has started here in the NYC area. As usual, I'll be updating this entry as it airs. Please join in on comments!

So far, recap, recap and a happy Dick. Oh, all of the cryptic comments by Jen as she left! Jessica is wondering what she should know. Amber is happy Jameka is still around. They're still congratulating each other on Jen's exit.

Now they're re-celebrating Jessica being HOH. Zach feels safe, heh. If God doesn't think Amber should get the HOH, it's not meant for her. @@

Amber is justifying her loss by the fact God meant NEXT week she'll win HOH! Jameka thinks it might be a great week for her because she's close to both Jessica and Eric. Amber thinks Jessica might put Daniele and Dick up. She loves God.

Eric is flirting with Jessica. The woobie listens.

Eric tells us he has no game when it comes to women. But compared to an Ogre and a 44-year old, he's the best left in the house.

It's time for Jessica's HOH room! Excitement galore. Dick thinks the cheerleading squad is ugly. She got her Booyah shirt.

Now Jessica is trying to find out what Jen wanted her to know. Amber said it's that Eric has a girlfriend and there's a lot more to it. Jessica doesn't like cheats and looks pensive. Amber tells Eric, too. Eric looks uncomfortable, but then he does that a lot.

Eric does much work on Amber, tells her there is a relationship -- it comes and goes. He tells Amber he has tried not to cross lines in either direction. He wants to talk to Jessica. He tells us that everything he's done towards her in the house has been true and honest.

So he talks to Jessica. She seems quasi-okay with things.

It's time for Dick and Daniele to argue! He wants her to take vitamins. "He wants to be all parenty and stuff!" Zach picked up enough to get an "I'm on your side Dick dig" to Daniele. Dick asked her if she ever took any responsibility for her part in their break-up. He never left, he never abandoned her.

Y'know, I don't like it when the show airs their dirty family laundry.

Good, Jameka and Jessica talking in the HOH room. Jameka suggests putting up Dick and Daniele. Jessica is acting like she might do that ... most likely for the benefit of Jameka. She tells Jameka she doesn''t know what she'll do, but she won't put Jameka up. Jessica says that Daniele is a bigger threat to her than Dick is.

Luxury comp time -- jessica gets to pick the teams and goes for girls and guys. She also participates. They have wetsuits and a sudsy thing in the backyard. The prize is a Big Brother shopping spree. They must get into their birthday suits. Amber thinks her boyfriend will kill her. Daniele said she's modest and her father is in the house.

Clothes have letters which spell things like toga and Jenitard. They have to put on the clothes with the letter and hang it on the line. I personally would have abstained. The guys are separated from the girls, but still...!

Heehee, the guys spelled goat while the girls saw toga in it, as did Dick. The guys are totally dazed. The girls are going at it with a final of bunny suits! Shrieks of joy! They win! They have two minutes to put on as many of the new articles as they can. Inside the house there are racks and racks. The guys watch wearing robes and yell advice.

Amber says she's not as small as she looks. Jessica took the mannequin. I think it was her anyway.

OMG -- Amber thinks she has the hair and the face, and the body to be a top model. She tells us through tears in the DR that it's the future for her. Jameka gives her encouragemnt. Eww.

Zach pleads his case to Eric and Jessica, tells them to put up Dick and Daniele.

America's Player - Who should Eric get nominated? He's thrilled with the choice of Amber and guarantees it.

He talks to Jessica, tells her that Amber doesn't trust them. Jessica tells Eric that Jameka suggested Dick and Daniele. She knows her nominations didn't hurt her the last time, but has to think out her strategy.

America's Player -- Which houseguest should Eric kiss? (He blew that this morning with Jessica!) I want him to kiss Zach or Dick!

It's time for the HOH nominations thoughts. I love how the HG has to say it's the job of the HOH each week like we don't know. Jessica tells us she has to put up two people who aren't a threat to her this week, maybe take out a power player?


Time for the cermony. Jessica says the game gets harder each week because she gets closer to people each week. She said some people have been working with her, others have been since day one and others haven't been there for her at all or too little.

Keys: Eric, Daniele, Jameka, Dick.

Nominated Zach and Amber, feels that he hasn't been with her the entire time, nor has Amber. Zach tells us he actually has to work this week to stay in the house. Aha, he admits floating!

And Amber cried. "I'm not mad at you, God. Help me!"