Since I last reported the "big news" -- Eric telling Jessica he did the Jen shirt mustarding and the odd votes, but not mentioning America's Player -- earlier today, not a lot has happened. Jessica is listening to her music, Jameka is repeatedly "Mmmm-mmm--mmm." Jessica should get the camera and write her HOH entry for the CBS website today.
Dick got up earlier than the rest, farting and burping while complaining about Daniele to us. He returned to bed.
Zach danced a dance for the amusement of Jessica and others -- his petting the cat dance.
Amber is miserable and whispering at Jameka. It's very hard to pick up what she's saying but it sounds like she spits when she whispers.
The TMZ spoilers was indeed a hoax post, but had some spot on. AOL has an article up on the real cast for the upcoming season.
Here's who you can expect to watch: Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown, Marie Osmond, Jane Seymour, model Albert Reed, pro boxer Floyd "Pretty Boy" Mayweather, Jr., Cameron Mathison from All My Children, Internet wealth tycoon Mark Cuban, actress Jennie Garth, model Josie Maran, racecar driver Helio Castrovneves, and actress-singer Sabrina Bryan.
I don't know half of these people. Your thoughts?
UPDATE -- ABC has updated their site and lists Wayne Newton there, so he's indeed in on the season.
Eww! Eww! Amber has her nasty socked-feet on the table as she talks to Daniele in the approaching dawn hours at the house. I most definitely hope she plans to scrub that table down and disinfect it. Eww. People eat food on that table! If she wants to lounge, why not go to a couch?
Here are the late night/overnight happenings from that Big Brother House of Society's Ills:
- In one of the only conversations I've seen of the type, Jessica and Eric discussed how hard it must be for Jameka to be the only black person in the house. They both give her a lot of credit for handling things so well.
- Daniele drank orange juice that had gone bad. They also found that a container of mustard they had in the refrigerator has an expiration date of April 2007 -- long before they entered the house.
- The bats in the backyard put on quite a show for the houseguests. I could even hear them on the feeds. I know I may be in a minority, but I think bats are neat little animals ... as long as they're outside, not inside!
- Dick had another tiff with Daniele over her snotty responses whenever he said anything -- all day and in front of others.
- "Well, don't hang out near me!" she snapped.
- Amber offered Dick a hug, but he said he preferred a Xanax.
- Amber thinks they might keep her in the house because she offers good advice all the time. @@
- When Amber and Jameka asked Jessica how Eric is voting, she said she wasn't sure but didn't think Amber was his target.
- Jessica told Jameka and Amber that she's been mad at Eric for the past few days because she thinks she made an error in the nominations. Whether she's just saying that to secure their jury votes down the line or not, I don't know. She has been having some second thoughts about the votes, but Jessica and Eric are as thick as thieves. I think she will choose to try for the final two with him more than either of them.
- Amber thinks that Daniele and Dick want to keep Zach because he'll promise them anything.
- Amber said that Eric and Jessica's deal with Dick and Daniele is up this week because they didn't put them on the block. She also said that if she wasn't in on the deal, Eric was the culprit. (Well, she didn't say culprit -- she probably doesn't know the word.) She thinks that Eric lied over the deal. It shows that she's grasping straws about the deal because in actuality, it's a final four deal.
- Jessica denied she has "a debt to pay" and balked when Amber said Eric ran her HOH so she put up her two friends in the house.
- Jameka and Amber tried to convince Jessica that Eric has a side deal going with Dick and Daniele.
- What Jameka and Amber don't realize through all of their efforts is that Jessica is actually in with Eric and they both have the deal with the Donatos.
- Amber swore on her daughter's life about things about three times in the past 12 hours. Poor kid. It just seems to flow out of her mouth too easily like she says the phrase all the time. That creeps me out.
- Jameka and Amber are sure that Eric wants to take Evel Dick to the final two. They say he's in the game for himself. (Um, shouldn't they all be in there to win? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that was the purpose behind the whole shebang.)
- Amber told Jessica to lie about their talk when she speaks to Eric.
- Amber wants to target Eric next week if she's still in the house.
- They played quarters and Eric had to kiss Zach (twice on the cheeks) as losers (the guys) had to kiss each other for punishment. Yeah, NOW he kisses Zach!
- Eric said, "This is the gayest moment ever."
- Evel Dick licked Zach and Zach got mad. "Don't [bleeping] LICK me!"
- The other punishments were guys wearing high heels, bikini tops and girls wearing panties on their heads.
- Dick licked Eric and Eric just laughed.
- Daniele slept through most of the shenanigans and was mad they made so much noise that they woke her up. When Zach said he kissed her father, she said, "Disgusting!"
- After the game was over, Zach told Dick that next week they have to backdoor Eric. Dick agreed, but does he really? I don't think so. I think Dick wants to stay with the Little Julie Chen Alliance and once they're to the final four, knock off Eric.
- Zach is now saying he only needs second place to win the money he really needs.
- Dick thinks everyone wants to be in the final two with him (Dick) to guarantee they'll win.
- Dick told Zach that unless he hears that Zach has tried to get him on the block, he'll vote out Amber. (Here's where it gets tricky -- Dick KNOWS that Zach went to Eric and Jessica upon being nominated to propose that Dick be backdoored and Dick KNOWS that Zach told Eric he wanted him to use the POV to save him and backdoor Dick. So, in effect, Dick can just turn around and say "you tried to get me out this week" if he votes for Zach to go home.)
- When Dick asked Jessica if she's kissed Eric yet, she said she hadn't.
- Amber really really really worked on Daniele to get her vote to stay. Daniele looked bored for the most part and committed to nothing.
- Jessica told Eric all about her talk with Jameka and Amber. She didn't lie about it, either.
- She said that Amber said Evel Dick said all debts were paid off and the deal is over. Eric said Dick was lying to Amber.
- Eric once again stressed that he really cares about her and would do nothing to hurt her.
- Eric and Jessica wondered why Amber's boyfriend wasn't flown to the show and it was her cousin instead. They also think, from what Daniele said, that Daniele is very popular with America.
- Jessica thinks her vocabulary has improved since being in the house. (How about Amber's?)
- Tons of small game talk, but it seems that Jessica/Eric cannot be split up by the likes of Amber or Jameka. Eric points out that Jameka doesn't have his best interests in mind, although she's close to Jessica.
- Eric hinted that Jessica will have to watch all of the show tapes to find out some things about what he's done in the game. (America's Player stuff, I assume.)
- Then he went further -- he told Jessica that he was the one doing the odd votes and the mustarding of Jen's shirt. He didn't tell her why he did it, he acted like it was just to stir things up. he said he had reasons which will come out later.
- She said she thought it was him all along.
- They laughed about it and she claimed the banner plane about him being a liar was true.
- She said she's not mad about him over it.
- He said he wanted to tell her for weeks because it was bothering him. He just didn't know how to tell her and was worried she'd be mad.
- The adolescent lovebird affair remains intact and he didn't really out America's Player as he acted like it's all been his own doing for his own nefarious purposes.
- All are in bed as I post this with Eric and Jessica talking small talk, mostly not game related. I think the house might be leaning towards an Amber eviction, but it's very iffy. It could go either way as I've seen no meeting of the minds between the Little Julie Chen Alliance members.
A new update is out over on TV Squad! Visit me there! (Of course, I'll be here, too.)

The show is starting here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs. Everyone is welcome to jump in with your comments and observations!
We're visiting Recap City to start out, of course. Jessica has just nominated Zach and Amber. Zach is telling us he'll get Jessica if he can. Amber believes in God saving her. Dick is really happy, as is Daniele.
Amber is talking into her necklace like it's a direct microphone to God. Amen.
Zach is worried that he's on shaky ground. Daniele tried to be a bit of a comfort, but not much of one.
Jameka joins Eric and Jessica in the HOH room, they're joined by Daniele. They said Zach looked like he was going to cry. Jameka tells us that she hopes Amber isn''t the target and she hopes it's a backdoor move.
Amber thinks Zach will go unless she's being used as a pawn for them to backdoor Dick or Daniele.
To the Smitten Ones. Flirting on the lounger. This is an older conversation -- the husband of 80 years one.
Oh, now they're playing Gregorian Chants or something to Jameka's cry praying. Jessica walks in on her and thought she had fallen. She hugs her. Although Jessica seems a bit surprised, she handles it well. She tells Jameka she's into her church at home, so she understands religious feelings.
Zach goes to Jessica and says he thinks it makes sense. He pushes for him to be removed and a backdoor plan for a Dick removal. Or Daniele. Jessica says "hmmm-mmm" a lot, but doens't seem enthused. She tells us in a DR session that she doesn't really trust Dick and Daniele although they have an alliance with them.
Now they're showing the houseguests Amber and Daniele's trip. The HG don't think Drew Carey is really the new host of The Price is Right. Daniele cries in the house, Amber cries on the show.
Dick and others are very nice about it, telling Amber she did well. Daniele cried because she didn't see Nick.
Eric tells us he likes Jessica ... again, still. He crawls under the covers with her after taking off his shirt. He kisses her. She lays there like a log, then giggles. "It's about time." BB played the moment for all it's worth. Perhaps 25 cents?
Time to pick players for the veto comp. Jessica picks Daniele. Zach picks HG Choice and goes for Eric. Zach tells us he thinks there's a better chance of Eric using the veto that way. Amber picked Jameka. Dick, the only one left, is the host.
Zach tries to work on Eric pre-comp. I love how the show editing hints the veto is used.
Time for the comp! It's a scary rat-filled swamp. They have to stand on a tree stump and find the rat with the answer to a riddle asked by a hungry cat.
It's the Cheshire Cat, Cat Scratch Veto, the first answer is Dustin. He was number six to go, enemy to one named Joe/ parading in cape and crown ... Jessica is eliminated.
The answer is slop. Concoction is crude, barely passes as food. Outlook looks bleak when you eat this for a week. Jameka out.
The answer is Nick. Who could know, he'd be the fourth to go. His heart rang like a bell for Daniele. Daniele last to her stump, eliminated.
The answer is Jen. Eric beat Zach to the stump although Zach tried to push him off. Zach elminated.
It's down to Amber and Eric. Her vision will come true. The answer is Veto. Eric wins VETO. Zach hugged Eric giving reason for Daniele to speculate there's something between them. She voices her concern to her father. They know Jessica doesn't want to put up Jameka. "We have to get Jessica out," says Dick.
America's Player task -- He actually jokes about it being Dick, but then says we're being good to him with Jessica. He barely finishes the task with a brief hug and a peck.
Amber cries to Eric that she doesn't want to go home. I don't know, I don't know, should I be worried, etc ... it's like speed talking. Eric tells her that he will honor what Jessica wants to do.
Alone with Eric, Jessica tells him that she's worried about trusting Dick and Daniele. "It might be the biggest mistake ever." Eric tells her they made an agreement with them. Jessica voices a bit of doubt about Eric to us, but I don't really see much doubt on the feeds. I wonder what they said to her to get that response.
Now it's time for Eric to decide what to do with the veto. The meeting == jis eyebrow goes up. Amber says he should use it on her, but will respect decision. Zach will live with his decision. Eric told them he talked to all this week. He says they're all serious threats to him. They say to expect the unexpected. That's why I AM choosing ... not to use the power of veto this week.
Now Amber says he's evil and has no soul. Zach thinks Eric stacked the odds against himself.
Eric tells us that he knows we want Amber to go home as we wanted her nominated twice, so he didn't change the veto.
America's Player -- Which of the two nominees should go home this week? Zach or Amber?