I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Why, yes. There does seem to be a target on Jessica for Thursday. Little do the houseguests know, but another target is set to walk out of the door Thursday, too.
The evening wasn't overly eventful, but here's the skinny:
They played a mix of beer pong and quarters which Eric likened to Hungry Hippo.
They played forever, it seems.
Eric, Jessica, and Jameka all got a bit tipsy.
Jameka kept spontaneously bursting into song -- "Viva Las Vegas" and "I Feel Pretty" -- which made for temporarily blocked feeds.
Jessica told Dick that Jameka thinks Daniele will use the veto, save her, and put Eric on the block. Dick siad he doesn't believe her.
After being called to the Diary Room, Eric returned and started mimicking Dick.
There's your America's Player task completed.
The others think he was doing it because he was drunk, but he told Jessica he was going to keep doing it. Jessica said it was odd, all of a sudden.
Dick got irked at him and even took a stab at it being related to Eric's DR session. He asked Eric if it was a bet with them. Eric said, "Maybe."
"Houseguests, you are not allowed to discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests."
Dick wants to cut a deal with Jameka in which she swears she won't come after them the next week in order to save her. Of course, D&D have already decided to switch targets to Jessica this week, but Jameka doesn't know that.
Daniele thinks if they worry about jury votes now they might never make the final two.
They don't intend on telling Zach that Jessica's the target until Thursday, it will be their secret for the week.
Meanwhile, Eric thinks that Jessica is safe as per his talks with Dick. He's worried, yes. But he has no clue she's the target.
Eric told Jessica that if they (Dick and Daniele) get rid of her, they will make a serious enemy of him. (Shaking in my boots here, aren't you?)
Everyone went to bed. Jessica and Eric smooched and lovey-doveyed, they're still awake but in bed as I post this.
The houseguests were bored. They have coins. Don't ask me why they have coins. They've never been allowed to have any money during previous years. Big Brother hasn't hidden quarters about the house for prizes. But they have coins nonetheless. They also have wine and beer in small amounts. What to do? Create their own game which reminds Eric of Hungry Hippo, bounce the coins into a glass. They weren't too successful. Here's a video clip I posted at YouTube of them. As for the moment, all are in bed with Eric and Jessica talking in the dark.
Eric talks to Jameka and Jessica as I get this out to the world. It was unbearable today in the Big Brother house. No, not so much because of the houseguests, but due to the heat in Southern California.
Being on the block has really bonded the Jessica/Jameka relationship. They've drifted together and, for the most part of the day, stayed pretty much away from Zach, Dick, and Daniele. Even Eric has given them space.
As Jameka and Jessica grow closer, there's a rift between the lovebirds, Eric and Jessica. He feels horrible and keeps trying to tell Jessica how horrible he feels only to have her respond that he can't feel as bad as her because she's on the block and thinks she'll go home.
Meanwhile, Zach had an alliance meeting with his secret alliance, his main duck, Joe Cool Rubber Ducky. Joe Cool is the only one in the house who truly has Zach's back. He's the only one who really understands Zach and will throw himself under the proverbial bus to save Zach's skin. The most powerful ally in existence, there is no frigate like a duck.
In other news from the Big Brother House of Sweating Bored People:
Big Brother gave them wine.
Off and on during the day they talked of movies and television shows.
Jessica said she's not an alcoholic -- she's just bored in the house and alcohol is something to do. (I say CRAFTS, give 'em CRAFTS!)
Jessica put Rosie O'Donnell down on her application as the celebrity she dislikes the most.
Dick and Daniele snip-snapped at each other.
Jameka and Jessica tried to figure out who Daniele wants to sit next to at the end -- her father? Is there a way she could get him out of the house?
Could Dick get Daniele out somehow without getting blood on his hands?
Daniele told Zach she wishes it was a double-elimination week coming up so both Jameka and Jessica could go home.
That's about it. I'm still waiting for the Judas kiss. It looks like Jessica will be targeted for eviction and Daniele probably won't use the veto this week.
On the feeds, the houseguests are talking about Survivor. But here on the East Coast, the show is starting! I'll be live-blogging the events as they air here. Please forgive any typos and/or misspellings!
We're taking the Recap City tour now as I put this post out there live. Stop back, refresh the page to get the latest!
It's to the black and white re-eviction of Amber. In the opening sequence they showed Eric's fall. No wonder he fussed. It looked like he twisted something.
Zach is happy he's still here, duh! Eric is pleased with America's decision to vote out Amber. And it's on to the HOH comp! They all take some spills. Zach fell very well! Eric is falling all over the place. Jameka feels like the odd man out.
It's ovbious that Zach is in the lead. Daniele took a pretty bad fall. A small container can be filled for a phone call from home or you can give it to someone else -- a beaker is in every lane for that purpose. Eric decided he was doing poorly, so filled the beaker for the call.
For each larger cup, a day of cold water. They all take two cups. Jessica grimaces.
Dick thinks his waiter skills help him get ahead. Zach is just determined because, well, he's Zach. It's a flashback to Dick lighting into Zach over throwing them (D&D) under the bus. Dick is worried that Zach will win HOH and remember the conversation. "You should have gone home instead of Nick, you dumb***!"
Dick tells us that he has to win, Zach CANNOT win this HOH!
OMG -- Zach has a bunny face as he competes! Dick thinks three cups will make him win, but Zach is faster with his two. Zach's ball is showing and he has his ball in hand! (One in the hand is worth two in the bush?)
Okay, I'll behave. Zach is the new HOH.
Dick tells us Amber would have lost it. Eric is devastated and doesn't want this to harm Jessica. He's torn over giving the phone call to either Jameka or Jessica, but he gives it to Jessica. She hopes to hear from her brohter in Iraq.
Eric feels horrible over the nominations he worked on Jessica to make. He feels he screwed up. Daniele tells Dick she has a lot of pull with Zach and he'll put Jessica and Jameka on the block, not them.
Zach's HOH room -- Eric tells us it's the most despondent bunch ever to see a HOH room. Everyone is just sitting there looking uncomfortable. Of course, the editing makes the mood more awkward than it is, but...!
Daniele is talking to Zach now. He said her father threatened him, but she lightens the mood. She tells Zach that she doesn't tell him everything. Daniele is playing the Zachster perfectly. She's confiding in him and he's buying the bridge.
Best line of the night so far is Zach telling us, "Really, can you trust a guy named Dick?"
Now it's to Eric telling Jessica that he cast the odd votes. This is OLD footage! Why now, BB? He doesn't mention America's Player or anything that relates to production. She still trusts him.
Time for Jessica's phone call from home. It's her brother! He's home, got back last Friday, Jessica cries. Hmm... on the feeds she said she talked to her friend, too. Only the brother Dean was shown. Attractive-looking brother!
She's still crying, but they're happy tears. She's so happy that he's home safe.
America's Player -- we want Jameka to be nominated. Eric thinks that it will be an easy task. He goes to talk to him. He tries his hardest, but Zach is pretty evasive over his thoughts.
Daniele thinks that Zach should put up Eric and Jessica. It would keep the blood off their hands -- hers and her father's. She talks Dick into the idea and goess to chat with Zach again. She tells Zach that if Jessica or Eric win HOH this week, they'll send him home. He still thinks that he can't benefit by keeping Jameka.
"Don't tell anyone I told you, even later this week." -- Daniele to Zach. Zach asks not to be put up by Dick or Daniele if he does their bidding.
America's Player -- Which HG should Eric mimic? Hmmm...
Time for Zach to decide. Daniele is confident. Eric hopes Zach doesn't take him or Jessica out. Jessica is sure she's going on the block. He tells us he wants to take out the biggest threats to him personally.
It's ceremony time! Zach says it was a hard choice, based on relationships he's built.
Key order -- Dick, Daniele, Eric.
Zach says that Jameka isn't a personal situation, doesn't really know her as a person and he's threatened by her good relationships. He fears Jessica in the end game and everyone likes her. He said it wasn't personal.
Jessica thinks it's a cop out because he didn't want to nominate Dick or Daniele.
Daniele is content. She thinks her friendship with Zach has paid off. Eric is devastated and feels Jessica's nomination is all his fault.
These are a few screen caps I just took -- first Daniele is sitting moping, then a quad cam view as she looks in the refrigerator and the rest of the house sleeps. We went from Dick being up spitting, smoking, cooking, cleaning, and ranting to Daniele being up acting like she's moping.
Dick is more interesting to watch. At least he talks!
Now it's to Daniele joining Zach out by the pool. Sundays are a bore for them.