Dancing With the Stars has returned! It airs on ABC affiliates every Monday at 8 PM ET/PT with the results shows on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET/PT.
The official website for the show is located here.
I'm still not watching (forgive me!), but this post is a friendly place for all of the blog readers who do love the show to discuss it in the comment area. The previous discussion post for the show was here and will remain listed in the sidebar.
May it be a good season!
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
BB9 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning 3/19
Graphic artist Zoetawny has it right -- they're ALL a bunch of clowns in the Big Brother 9 house!
Tonight's show will be delayed by an hour following Survivor. Don't forget! At least they didn't delay Survivor to some obscure hour in the middle of the night for March Madness.
It's a rainy day here and it's my day off, as well. I'm thinking, if y'all want, of putting up new DWTS and Bachelor discussion posts for the new seasons. Both shows sneaked up on me. Let me know!
What's been happening in the Big Brother House of Spies, Snakes, and Two Innocent Guinea Pigs?
- Sheila told Ryan he shouldn't trust Adam. (With all her wanting Adam to have her back, why does she bring him up at all?)
- Natalie told Chelsia that if they keep Matt, they (C&J) will be double-protected next week -- she and her Mattie. (I'm sure Matt would protect James as well as James protected Matt leading into this.)
- Matt told Sheila he hopes she will keep her (earlier) promise to him. She told him she'll do what she thinks is right for her.
- Sheila grilled Chelsia on why she'd vote Ryan out and what's up between her and James (the spy stuff with the fake breakup).
- Chelsia told Sheila she now thinks voting James back in wasn't her best move for her own game in the house.
- Sheila says Joshuah never attacked her because he's scared of her. @@
- Sheila told Chelsia that Joshuah is out of control. (Of course, Joshuah is totally in with Chelsia and James, as is Sharon.)
- At this point Chelsia can say anything about her three partners for the good of the espionage game. So, anything said by her has to be taken with that in consideration.
- Sheila complained about James calling her a shebot. She says his word is poo in the house.
- As Sheila bashed Josh to Chelsia then Natalie, another bash was going on. Adam, Joshuah, and James were bashing Sheila. Oh, the love in the house!
- Adam told them that he hasn't promised his vote to either.
- Adam also told them that Sheila thinks one of them made fun of her son. They said no one has made any comments about him. (They surely have enough ammunition just with Sheila!)
- James said that he mentioned in his HOH blog that he feels sorry for him, that's all.
- Adam told them that he's a free player, not a partner of Sheila.
- James pointed out that the best buds (Ryan and Matt) have been throwing each other under the bus for votes.
- Chelsia told Sheila that if she (Sheila) is on the block next week and hooks up with Adam, she'll vote for her to stay. EWWW and @@
- James and Adam guaranteed each other that to the end, they will be automatic votes for each other to stay (or win).
- Sheila kept going on her anti-Joshuah rant. He hasn't been HOH (neither has she), never been on the block, and how proud his mother must be of him, etc., etc.
- Joshuah claims he will make two girls cry Wednesday and his mom will be proud of him.
- Natalie thinks America hates Joshuah, but Adam thinks he's liked because Josh is always so long in the Diary Room.
- Natalie and Sheila think the show shrink should come to calm Joshuah down. (Heck, the shrink would have his hands full with Natalie and Sheila, too!)
- Matt told Joshuah he wanted a peaceful night because it could be his last night in the house. Joshuah said he was joking, only working the girls up.
- Natalie now trusts Chelsia, thinks she doesn't lie to her. Heh.
- Natalie thinks Joshuah is mad because he caught wind of Matt staying this week.
- Joshuah says that he's going to tell Sheila and Natalie to decide which is more important -- winning the HOH or him ripping apart their son/mother on live television. (I doubt he would do the latter -- I believe he's just talk, but we'll see tonight.)
- Matt thinks he's the King of Insults and that's why he was put on the show.
- Matt told Natalie and Sheila that he's sure Joshuah won't go off on them during the live show.
- Joshuah deliberately got Sheila going again (well, still going) by telling her to say hello to her son and leaving.
- Sharon told Joshuah to calm down and stop instigating Sheila and Natalie. It's too much.
- James thinks if he goes on the block with Joshuah next week, he (James) would be voted out.
- Sheila thanked James for taking her off the block. He told her it was gameplay, she shouldn't read too much into it.
- Joshuah thinks that Evel Dick wore down the competition before the final HOH and he will wear them down too.
- Sharon, Ryan, and Joshuah think Matt believes he's staying because he stopped moping around.
- Joshuah went from talking and taunting to staring down Sheila. She, of course, doesn't notice. If he speaks, she reacts.
- Joshuah claims he's not like this outside of the house -- he's actually quite nice to people. (Sure, blame the house!)
- Natalie told Adam that the votes for Matt to stay will be either 6-0 or 5-1. Suuure.
- Shades of Amber revisited, Natalie prayed to God for the good people to stay. @@
- Sheila thinks that BB won't air the really nasty things Joshuah says about her on TV. (BB is not airing a lot this season. I think this is the biggest chop job I've ever seen on a season after watching the feeds all the years.)
- Ryan thinks he's going to get more air time because he keeps picking his nose. (Now, there's good TV, right?)
- Matt is worried because James hasn't committed to him about breaking a tie in his favor.
- In case he goes, Matt gave Natalie the advice to work with James, target Joshuah, and Adam is always on the fence.
- James shaved his pubic hair and made it into a mustache. Eww.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
'Big Brother 9' - 3/18 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast
The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated, so please refresh the page for the latest. As I'm typing it while watching TV, there will most likely be a typoo or two. Please forgive me!
As always, your comments make it all worthwhile!
Recaps, of course. In black and white as she gets nominated, Sheila is reminding me of Mrs. Gulch -- the Wicked Withc of the West. Boy these hugs they give each other look SO fake! Matt is appreciative and tells us that he can't ever evict her and if it's down to him and her, he hopes she wins. Yikes, I may have to rethink my Mattie Boy!
Sheila is upset that she was put on the block for lying to James. Lying surely is a part of teh game, but getting caught bites your butt.
Ack, the Bible Buddies are back. This is the stuff I turn to a different feed when it's on the feeds. "What's the Holy Grial?" asks Matt. Go watch some Monty Python, Matt!
Sheila apologizes to Adam for her early game behavior ... sucking up in case she's needing a vote. He's actually nice to her, but he still creeps me out. Thankfully she doesn't call him normal. He's not.
They look so cold wrapped up and shivering in the yard. How cold is it in outhern CA lately? Joshuah is still concerned about the third mystery vote not to return him to the house. He thinks it's Matt or Ryan. Natalie is trying to convince people that Adam was the third vote and we know he wasn't. Sharon can tell she's lying. Good.
In the guinea pig cage, there are blocks which say POV. Sheila is thinking she might not have the votes she thought she had because people are telling her to win POV. She cries while wearing her red unitard. (Which has been off since Friday in real life.)
Now they're all talking about Sheila's ranting. Looped, Looney Toons, and more. It's time to prank Sheila, wake her up and tell her the POV is on! This was funny on the feeds! She's dazed, she's confused, she takes it well with them but was so ticked later.
Time to pick players for the veto comp -- James picks Matt, Sheila picks Chelsia, Ryan picks Joshuah. Matt thinks it's no big deal. James makes Natalie a happy person by making her host. She always whines that she never is in POV. Sheila is determined to win.
The yard looks like a huge guinea pig cage, blocks and tube. At least the guinea pigs (the ones I'm rooting for to win) are getting camera time tonight. They have to transfer blocks over a balance beam into a tube and cap it.
James wants to win to prove a point and to be completely in charge. Ryan and Sheila both want to win to save themselves. Matt is already down. Balance beam is usually a better game for women. Matt tells us he didn't throw the comp, he just didn't have his heart in it. Ryan's out -- he hopes Joshuah win it because he might save him. They have to put A LOT of blocks in those tubes!
Sheila dropped a block, she's out. If you fall or drop a block, poof. She cries to us. Chelsia was winning, got going to fast, and fell. James is now in the lead blockswise and Joshuah is in it still. James filled his tube and won POV. Rah rah! He's thrilled with all the power and all the options. Ryan is crushed. I won't say more about Sheila.
Sheila tells people she's not good at campaigning as she campaigns. She's ticked that Natalie said she would have to think about it. After all, she is solely responisible for saving Natalie. She tells Natalie she owes her nothing and keeps going on about all she's done for her. @@
She goes after Adam and tells him she's upset that people have to think about it. He tells her the decision doesn't need to be made right now -- it's all theory until the meeting. Now Natalie is looking like Gary Sinise (sp) to me. She's further upset that Adam won't back her up.
James is till going on the mystery third vote to not have him back in the house. But Sheila snags him first. She is whacked. She throws Adam under the bus suggesting James put him up ... while saying she won't throw him under the bus. James tells her he's waiting for either Adam or Matt to come clean about the vote.
He grabs Adam and brings him to the HOH telling him that Sheila is throwing him under the bus. Adam tells him he was the vote to bring him back. He's being honest. James questions Adams attitude about the mystery vote to us in the DR. He tells Joshuah he might use the veto and takes Chelsia outside to tell her that he might put Adam up.
She tells him that he as to do what's best for him.
OFF TOPIC SIDENOTE: Ack, the new governor of NY to replace Sleaze Spitzer has confessed to multiple affairs. That's all we need -- I can see days of news now.
Back to the show -- James is weighing his options with Chelsia. He's thinking he has to put Adam up. He wants to talk to Sharon as she would be the third vote needed to backdoor Adam. She's in the HOH room. He tells her that they can knock out anyone -- he wants them to think one thing and do another. She tells him that Matt was definitely the third mystery vote. He's infuriated that Matt is still lying to him about the vote. He wants to take Sheila down and replace her with Matt.
He tells us that even though he made a promise to Natalie not to put Matt up, he's been lying to him, so screw him. (Remember when you couldn't say that even on late night TV?)
James examines the Memory Wall -- he has the ability to stab his competition in the back. Woohoo. Ryan is very worried. (They don't mention that he told Ryan he was going to remove him -- too busy with Bible Buddies, I guess). At the POV meeting Sheila says that she's made some mistakes and protected people and she needs to be in the game for herself, wants to stay. Ryan says he tries to be as honest as he can be, wants to stay. He looks defeated. James says he will us it to save Sheila. She's thrilled. She cries. Ryan looks disappointed.
James said she wasn't the main catalyst for last week. He's leaving Ryan on the block as he did last week. When he says Matt, Natalie looks dumbfounded. He tells Natalie they were not playing as couples anymore and she was playing for two. Ryan is a bit relieved -- he thinks the house wants Matt out more than him. Natalie said James is not a man of God and God will strike him down.
James is giddy, sweet sweet revenge and either of them going is a plus for him.
Remember, tomorrow night will have Survivor on at 8 PM ET/PT and BB9 at 9 PM ET/Pt due to March Madness on Thursday. I guess they decided Survivor is more family friendly and shifted BB back an hour.
Also, it's confirmed there will be a summer Big Brother 10 starting in the beginning of July.
Latest BB9 Live Feeds
My latest BB9 live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. I just watched David Archuleta sing "The Long and Winding Road" on American Idol. Wow.
In about a half hour, I'll be live blogging Big Brother 9 as it airs here on the east coast. Stop on back!
In about a half hour, I'll be live blogging Big Brother 9 as it airs here on the east coast. Stop on back!
BB9 - Live Feeds Into Monday Night
At least when Amber talked about the bible, she didn't read passages aloud and apply them to her situation. Natalie is looking for anything which gives her reassurance that God will help her win HOH.
One constant about this season is the idea of flip-flopping. You wouldn't think that could be considered a constant. But with this crew, it's a way of life. But is it a flip-flop this time? That said, here is the latest news from inside that Big Brother House of Mind Games:
- Matt continued to plead his case -- "Everyone I've ever crossed is already gone! I've never done anything to any of you!" (And he would have to spend his birthday in sequester.)
- Ryan told Matt to tell Natalie to stop campaigning for votes for him (Matt) to stay.
- Natalie thinks the siren will go off again. (I bet it won't.)
- Chelsia popped James' back pimples. Ew. Someone does that each season. Blech.
- Joshuah thinks that Sheila is hanging out with Natalie only because she thinks Natalie will win HOH.
- Matt and Natalie worked on Sheila more for her vote.
- Although he told Ryan he wouldn't use it as ammunition just yesterday, Matt reminded Sheila that Ryan wouldn't walk out empty-handed -- he has the ten grand from the POV comp.
- Matt and Natalie literally begged for Sheila's vote. They told her they had three already.
- Sheila told them to get Sharon and she will think of voting for him. She told them if they get her vote, they aren't to tell anyone.
- Sheila told Matt he has to work on getting James' favor (because he's the one who would break a 3-3 tie).
- Natalie thinks James feels threatened by her. (Maybe because she keeps threatening him?)
- When Sharon and Joshuah asked why Sheila is promising Matt her vote, Ryan got upset because she told him she would vote for him to stay.
- James said Chelsia will tell Natalie she's mad at him and will vote for Matt to stay. But the real plan is still to vote out Matt.
- Chelsia is going to infiltrate the other side. Oh, spy stuff!
- Joshuah is in on the plan with Chelsia and James. (But is he still telling Ryan things? Hmmm... ) Sharon is aboard, too.
- James said if their espionage plan works, Matt will get cockier once again.
- Today is the halfway mark of the season, BB gave them a little party -- a cake with all their pictures on it and beer. They go so good together, cake and beer.
- Matt, Ryan, and Adam talked about what drugs they plan to take once they get out of the house. Oh, authorities? What the heck is going through their minds?
- Matt worked on James, telling him he treated him horrible last week.
- James told Joshuah he needs to work on Ryan, tell him he's in trouble, and try to get a super deal for this week's safety out of him.
- Matt went to the angle of just staying long enough to win a prize now.
- James refused to tell Matt how he'd vote in a tie.
- Chelsia worked on Matt -- told him that she thinks Ryan is just playing Jen's game and if he won, it would be a win for Jen (whom she hates).
- She told Matt that James is not her usual type and she thinks he might think it makes sense to vote her out later.
- She also told him she never told Sharon or Joshuah she was voting him (Matt) out -- they just assumed she would go along with the plan.
- Matt is buying all of this.
- Matt said he'd love to work with Chelsia's crew, they're better. He doesn't mind James, just doesn't think he should be backdoored for something Ryan did.
- James told Ryan he got into a fight with Chelsia and doesn't know what's going on or how she'll vote.
- That put Ryan into worrying mode.
- Chelsia briefly whispered to Joshuah and Sharon that the plan was in effect.
- Sheila and James talked -- she talked in circles on and on again. He told her about the difficulties with Chelsia and how he doesn't know what will happen in the vote anymore.
- Sheila told James that it's actually NATALIE who needs to go, but both Matt and Ryan are evil.
- After she left the HOH room, James did a happy dance.
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