Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Since the Live Eviction 3/19

James, Chelsia, Sheila, and Joshuah talk amicably in the house. I'm sure that won't last long.

My Survivor review post is up over at TV Squad.

But I'm sure you're wondering how things are in the Big Brother House of In My Pants HOH!
  • They were all surprised that Parker almost returned to the house. Many were grateful that Allison didn't come back.
  • James was very quiet. He said what he had to do tonight was very hard.
  • James told Adam to have fun with the HOH, lots of it is fun like the room, the gifts, the talk with Julie Chen.
  • Adam asked for James' help with handling the HOH. (Remember, they've made a pact to never vote each other out.)
  • Adam is still in shock about winning the HOH comp. He told Joshuah he didn't expect nor want to win.
  • Adam and Ryan talked about still sticking to the plan. Hmmm...
  • Natalie thinks she helped Adam win by putting Sharon and Chelsia against each other in the HOH comp.
  • Sheila told Natalie "those people are evil, all of them."
  • Natalie told Chelsia that she and James lied. "Our side knows who to target." But does she have a real side anymore?
  • Natalie is sure that Adam is on board with her. But I think Adam also is on with James and Chelsia ... and Ryan.
  • Ryan thinks that Adam will have Sheila's back.
  • Chelsia told Natalie that she really did want to save Matt.
  • Joshuah called a truce with Sheila. I give that perhaps through the evening.
  • Joshuah said Adam plans to interview everyone in the house asking them why they should not be nominated, not who should be nominated.
  • In his goodies for the HOH room Adam got a letter from home (normal) and baby food. Okay. I used to have an urge for strained bananas, but then I grew up.
  • Joshuah thinks it will be himself and Chelsia on the block. He says he's fine with that.
We've had trivia for a while now blocking the feeds. I know the HG were expecting food delivered. Maybe BB is giving them a mini-vacation from the cameras as they eat.

American Idol Boot Update

Amanda Overmyer leaves the show tonight. Kristy Lee Cook and Carly were in the bottom three with her.

'Big Brother 9' 3/19 Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!

Recap, recap and now Julie Chen is here wearing a simple black dress and high boots again. She's taking advantage of boot season this year! It must be all the snow in southern CA.

She tells us Matt is reduced to tears and is at the mercy of the house. Once again (second time in five minutes) we see Matt put on the block. Now back to James' promise. Matt is just sulking after the POV meeting. James once again says it's becasue Matt lied about being the third mystery vote. Natalie is crying. She thinks she did all that hanging on the disco ball for nothing.

Matt and James talk. James tells him that he's up because he's playing with Natalie. Bugs flying around them, Matt cries real tears. Ryan is Mr. Nice Guy according to Matt. Matt cries that he wants to give his mother a gift, then goes to cry to Natalie.

He wnts to be by himself and rues his crying in the Diary Room. Joshuah tells Ryan that he has his vote and probably Adam's too. Sheila tells Ryan she will keep him here -- "When I make a decision, it's a decision." We'll see.

Matt moans to Adam it will go 5-1 or 4-2 if he votes for him. Adam pep talked him to campaign for himself pointing out that he did nothing wrong. Should he play the sympathy card?

He works on Chelsia ... doesn't want to spend his birthday in sequester, never spent a birthday alone. He pulls the same on Sharon. No one falls for it as they tell us in DR segments, but they don't commit anything to him. He tells Sheila he has Adam's vote, pulls the birthday card. He's not understanding why no one will commit. (Maybe because they don't want to vote for him to stay.)

I think they all want him out because of the stupid clamdigger rolled-up pants he always wears. Matt keeps campaigning -- Ryan has crossed them, put James on the block, took money from Sheila, put Sheila and Chelsia on the block. Now Sheila might cahnge her mind. Matt begs while saying he doesn't want to beg.

Sheila goes to work on James. She pressures him to vote to keep Matt in the case of a tie. She points out that Matt has done nothing to any of them while Ryan has. James is nodding and agreeing, but isn't committing to save Matt. He knows that Sheila is manipulative. He just looks like he wants her to go far away.

James told us he wants them both gone and doesn't know. Evel dick will appear.

In DR sessions, Joshuah talks about trusting Ryan and how he should stay. Adam trusts Matt but Ryan's been his friend. Natalie trusts Matt and says he has to stay.

Julie checks in with everyone, mentions that James siad his word is all he has in the house. James said that Matt and Ryan earned it while Sheila didn't. Natalie said his word is nothing and he's a backstabbing hypocrite. She talks to them about the Bible Buddies and they're delighted.

Now she will show them who's in the Mystery Box and they find out it would have been Alex. four would have voted knowing it was Alex. Natalie and the previous three.

Dick and Daniele segment, six months on. They're still friendly. Dick is going to go meet Barry Manilow, a fan of BB. Who woulda thunk it? He took Daniele to Europe and she says their relationship is good right now. He also bought her a car. He thinks they wouldn't be talking if not for BB. Nick and Daniele are no longer dating, just not compatible. They both like that James is actually playing the game this season. They talk about Sheila and Natalie talking too much. Dick will return to the house next week to host a comp.

In DR, Chelsia wants Matt out. Sharon wants Ryan to stay in the house. Sheila doesn't want to vote for either one. She wants James to decide.

Talking to the nominees. Ryan says he's in a familiar position and running out of fresh material, wants to right what he's done wrong in the house, continue to play. Matt humbled and in on a crime last week, rectify what he's done, Ryan's a great man, tough choice.

Voting will begin, James will break a tie if needed.

The voting goes:
Chelsia votes to evict Mattie.
Joshuah is glad to evict Matt.
Sharon votes to evict Matt.
Natalie votes to Ryan.
Adam votes to evict Ryan.
Sheila votes to evict Ryan.

We have a tie. And, we're into commercial.

Julie tells the HG the votes are in, sound is cutting here. It's up to James to reveal his choice. He's putting on a worried look. He casts his vote to evict Matt. Matt tears up. Hugs, hugs. James gets a brief handshake instead of a hug. Natalie is crying, Ryan comforts her.

Matt is just about Julie Chen's height! Everyone is consoling Natalie. She rebuffs Chelsia's hug.

Matt admits being devastated and restates his position that he was wrongly confused. James is his "axe"nemesis in the house. True feelings toward Natalie, great friend rest of life, not the girl for him. Goodbye messages -- James talks about his attitude coming off crappy, Sheila said relationship with Nat ruined him, Ryan tightest bond, Natalie still thinks he might be her soulmate, (matt looks embarrassed). First member of the jury Julie tells him. "The dream's over."

Not too much time left for the HOH. Julie didn't even talk to James in HOH tonight -- probably because she thought he was offensive the last time and he put "crap" in his googby messge to Matt again this time.

HOH -- They have to answer questions about what others have said in the DR. No secrets will be given away. Joshuah and Chelsia will face off first. Evicted HG are the only answers. Chelsia wins the round. She chooses Natalie and Sheila to face off. Sheila is out. Natalie chooses Chelsia and Sharon to face off. Sharon eliminated. She chooses Adam and Natalie to face off. Natalie is eliminated. Adam chooses Ryan and Chelsia to face off. Ryan eliminated. It's between Adam and Chelsia.

ADAM is the new HOH. Amazing.

I was wrong -- Dick won't be hosting a comp, he'll be doing a wake-up call.

'Survivor Micronesia' - 3/19 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Malakal won reward, sending Jason to Exile Island. Tracy goes for Malakal, sacrificing a product laden spa day.

Krazy Kathy just quit the game -- too much stress on her.

Airai wins immunity. Gack.

Phew ... Ozzy didn't play the idol, but is safe again. Tracy was voted out. Only Tracy voted for Ozzy. For all her talk, Cirie targeted a fan.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds and Tonight's Blogging

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

At 8 PM ET tonight, I'll put up an East Coast Updates post for Survivor. My full review of that show will be posted to TV Squad tonight -- most likely late because ...

... I'll be live blogging the live eviction show of Big Brother 9 as it airs here on the East Coast starting at 9 PM ET/PT.

Oh ... and I'll be recording American Idol and will get the boot up there somehow, too.

I will NOT be live blogging March Madness tomorrow night.