Wednesday, March 26, 2008

OFF TOPIC - The Weirdest Thing

I was waiting for the train at the Bridgewater (NJ) Train Station when I heard a commotion above me. I looked up and there were three birds dive-bombing straight at me! Yikes! They swooped back up about twenty feet above me after terrifying me for a moment. I started to watch them. The larger bird is a young (or small) hawk and the other two are crows. The crows are chasing the hawk and literally flying into him in what seems like an effort to knock him out of the air. I've never seen anything like it although hawks and crows are all over the skies here. I didn't get any good shots of the in-air collisions, but take my word ... they were happening. How it all turned out, I don't know. My train came into the station and I had to leave them.

Big Brother 9 Widget

This is what I get for checking out a widget on the CBS site. It's actually kind of nifty, but it just appeared smack dab there!

For more widgets please visit

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Into the Night 3/25

Joshuah talks to Chelsia, who's decided to go to bed early tonight.

Although we might have been expecting something ... wait for it ... legendary, tonight hasn't been a huge brouhaha in the house. Here are the happenings in the Big Brother House of Derisive Whisperings:
  • They took HOH photos again. And, once again, Natalie loves the camera!
  • Joshuah has decided that Sheila has two personalities. He calls the spicy one Kimberly.
  • Sheila, forever playing both sides yet as transparent as Saran wrap, told Sharon if the votes flip, she voted for her to stay.
  • Adam just compares Sheila to a roller coaster. Perhaps a roller coaster named the Kimberly Krasher?
  • Chelsia thinks something happened in her life to make Natalie the way she is. (What excuse does Chelsia have?)
  • Sheila now thinks Sharon will be going home. Or, at least she's saying that.
  • Sheila thinks Ryan will betray them.
  • Natalie thinks that Joshuah will vote to keep Chelsia.
  • Boy, they're getting paranoid.
  • Now even Ryan is worried that they'll vote to keep Chelsia and he'll be the odd vote.
  • Natalie is pushing an anti-Josh agenda making everyone think he's going to betray Sharon.
  • Natalie and Sheila mentioned in front of Sharon that they're trying to frame Joshuah and convince him to vote to keep Chelsia.
  • I just don't understand their reasoning at all. I think they do want to keep Sharon, but what if this backfires?
  • Surprise, surprise, Sheila doesn't think James should win the money because he'd just waste it. She needs it more. Natalie needs it more.
  • Natalie says she'll get rid of James when she wins HOH tomorrow. @@
  • Joshuah told Sharon the vote will be either 5-0 or 4-1 for her to stay tomorrow.
  • He told her she cannot trust either Sheila or Natalie.
  • Natalie and Sheila won't vote for James to win in the final two no matter who he's against (if he gets that far).
  • Ryan and Adam are worried about what Sheila is up to.
  • Ryan wants to go to bed early, the better to think about possible HOH questions for a comp.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - 3/25 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!

ARGh. Computer problems -- lost about all since before my save

Dick in the house.

Club evel in the backyard. James is hunting Adam down. DRink down special concoctions, play rock and roll croquest 10 drinks, three minutes. Each drink, a croquet shot. If winner can beat his 33 points from last season, the veto and classis Gibson Les Paul guitar and amp. If they can't beat him, he wins.

Sharon -- Chilis drink, Hangover cure, etc. Now Joshuah is up. Joshuah quits. Sheila got two down, three. For her son. Chelsia two drinks at once. Adam going for it. James up. He's determined.

Results -- Joshuah 5, Sharon and Chelsia 6, Dick told Chelsia she's pathetic. Sheila has 7 and James is upset.. She goes to the croquet, good shot, five points. She ends up with 23, leading so far. Adam drank 8. Adam knows James probably has ten shots. Chelsia thinks James will leave if the noms remain. Adam has beat Sheila ... has the veto, but James is up.

He must beat 28 for the veto, 33 for the guitar. Dick keeps telling him how much he needs the veto, his life in the house is on the line. He got 29 and won the veto, but Dick gets the guitar! Magical wizards keeping him in the house and he'll stay until he wins the game, he says. Chelsia feels royally screwed. Jpshuah and Sharon know one of them will go on the block.

Chelsia and James hug in the storage room. If one leaves, one has to go to the end. Chelssia is sad, but James loves her. James tells Joshuah and Sharon that he had to do it. Josh wants to make sure Sharon goes up and not him. He talks to Ryan who wants him around. Still an alliance going there. If Sharon goes up, Chelsia is guaranteed to go home. Joshuah knows that it could turn on him if he went up, but Sharon would easily stay. He knows Sharon loves Chelsia. He's blown away with her dedication and how darned good he is at the game. She buys it.

Sharon talks to Adam, taking one for the team. She tells him she's okay with it if he puts her on the block. Adam has that dazed look like he's hypnotized. He'll go for it. Sharon talks to Natalie and Joshuah, tells them. Natalie tells us she thinks Josh has something to do with it, he's sneaky.

God has to give me the power to get rid of him -- Natalie to Adam about James. She thinks he should put Josh up. Sharon does whatever Josh says. If they get rid of him, Sharon will come around. They tell Ryan. He points out that this is the time to get rid of Chelsia. Natalie thinks that Joshuah is more scary, Ryan says he wants to weaken James. Natalie says if Josh gets HOH, he'll nominate her.

James looking at the Memory Wll in anticipation of the veto -- he says he's already been evicted because of Chelsia once, won't be again. Chelsia knows that if Sharon goes up, that means Natalie, Ryan, and Adam want her out.

Chelsia speaks -- wants to stay in the game, realistically he beat her in the game, save himself. James will save himself and will stay in the house and play with vengeance. Adam says it's a hard decision. An option was best to keep his own risk level at a minumum, Sharon goes up. He thinks the repercussions will be at a mininum with Sharon on the block.

Sharon wants to end the game with Joshuah. Chelsia thinks James is laughing at her and she'll go home. Joshuah is saying he'll be the winner -- he even made Sharon go on the block for him.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds, Roofus and Friends of Roofus

My latest Big Brother 9 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be live blogging tonight's episode here starting at 9 PM ET. You're all invited to come by and join the festivities in the comments!

Today was a day of cats. Where is Roofus? Where is Roofus? (He's there, I swear!) You can click on the photo for a larger image.

Why, THERE is Roofus!

I also walked by the ex-car rental place where the elderly man now stocks tons of cat food. These two feral cats were by the water bowl and a dish of dry food set out. Another was atop the roof of the garage which leads to where I believe Roofus accesses the rooftops. These two are part of the big-headed strays by the train station. They're short and, if thin, their heads seem way too large for their bodies. But, they're surely not thin now!

That's my tail of the day.