Sunday, March 30, 2008

Big Brother 9: Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning 3/30

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, it's a new version of the bible! Forget the Old Testament and St. James, it's Natalie's Bible! Thanks go out to graphic artist Zoetawny, of course.

I guess the BB9 house is a lot warmer than it is around here. We had temperatures down near the teens last night. Brr. And they say it's spring?

I left you early yesterday evening with BB playing pranks on the houseguests. Joshuah seemed to either be the target or just perhaps first discovered masked faces in the mirror/windows lining the walls and a plastic rat in the icebox. He's the one I see most often going for the icebox, so it wasn't surprising he discovered the rat. Well, it was surprising to him.

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Pimp My Prank:
  • Sheila got sprayed with the sink hose in the kitchen. BB prank or fellow houseguest work, I don't know.
  • Natalie and Sheila think a picture of Allison would really freak out Joshuah.
  • Sheila heard strange voices. (In her mind or was it another prank?)
  • Sheila said her boyfriend (?) George and her son will beat up James at the wrap party. (Oh, come on! Sheesh! If you sign to go on the show, you have to know people are going to say and do things you don't like!)
  • At one point, an image of one of the guinea pigs showed on their plasma screen in the living room. The plasma screen usually shows a fireplace, BB announcements like "Nominations Today" and such, and is used during live shows so they can see Julie Chen.
  • Ryan nixes the Soy Sauce Slop.
  • The feeds were blocked for a while. When they returned, Sharon was going on about what happened to her fur-iends.
  • Supposedly it was the guinea pigs doing all the pranks on the house for April Fool's Day. (Yeah, it sounds lame. I had nothing to do with it!)
  • Joshuah and Sharon talked about how scripted things are with BB making things happen.
  • The Girls Alliance grows stronger as the boys play pool and always exclude them.
  • James, Joshuah, and Adam toilet-papered Sheila's room.
  • As they wait for her to discover it, Sheila complained to Natalie about all the pranks they've pulled on her. They are not allowed to flour her! Or spray her with water! (Gremlins must not be fed flour and never get them wet after midnight!)
  • Chelsia's bad behavior is still a major topic in the house.
  • Sheila discovers her room TP'd and thinks her bed is broken. The bed isn't broken -- the boys just switched the mattress on it.
  • Natalie thought Sheila's room bit was funny.
  • Sheila didn't.
  • Joshuah made floury hand prints on the refrigerator to annoy Sheila.
  • Ryan and the boys plan to keep waking up Sheila during the night banging on pans. (How original, eh?)
  • Adam doesn't think it's a good idea and Joshuah doesn't want to do it if he's the only one doing it.
  • They decided to postpone the wake-ups until tomorrow.
  • Joshuah asked Adam how it looks for him. Adam was evasive.
  • Adam and Ryan laughed about how Joshuah will break down when he gets evicted.
  • Adam allegedly was in prison in France for three months. I didn't get the background to that story.
  • James and Josh went ahead and woke up Sheila by banging pots and pans. She covered her head with the blankets and pillow until they went away.
  • Joshuah told James he needs to vote to keep him in the house because he's a target and it diffuses the target on James.
  • Joshuah says he brought Sharon back and now he'll leave because of her. (Well, if he thinks about it, it's because of himself.)
  • James was up until the wee hours once again roaming the house. He exercised, snacked, and wandered aimlessly.
  • As the HG slept, it sounds like there's a duck in the backyard. They're all still asleep as I post this.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Saturday Evening

I'm awaiting my more extensive report to go up on TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it might show, so I thought I'd do a brief update here for now.

The vote change, then re-change, and change again is still on. Even if Ryan and James vote to keep Joshuah, Natalie will vote to keep Sharon in a tie-breaker.

The biggest new news is that BB has been doing odd things in the house -- faces in the windows, a fake rat in the icebox. The HG think they're doing it for footage for the April Fool's Day show.

Natalie had another premonition -- James will leave April 9. I guess she's finished with 7s and 8s.

BB9 Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning

I took these screen caps of the hamsters in the yard last night. In the second one they were trying to signal for help from a helicopter which kept flying overhead. The helicopter flew away and the BB9 Seven remain on the island.

If you haven't read the previous entry, scroll back to read it before this one. Here's the latest from the overnight hours:
  • Sheila says everyone hates her because she's so honest. @@
  • Joshuah told Natalie that Adam told him he will give him his vote because James is voting for him to stay. He said Adam said he'd work on Ryan to get him to vote for him, too. (Adam is clueless of the most recent conspiring in the house.)
  • Adam is worried about Sharon putting him on the block if she wins HOH.
  • With Sheila, Josh was still talking as if he's going out unanimously (or near it) on Wednesday.
  • Sharon said she'd do whatever it takes to stay in the game.
  • Sharon talked to Natalie. She bad-mouthed Ryan to her. Now, Ryan has been telling Natalie that Sharon is the mole. How will Natalie react?
  • Why, Natalie tells Sharon that Ryan, James, and Joshuah are trying to send her (Sharon) home this week! Loose lips sink ships!
  • Natalie tells Sharon she wants to stick to her original plan and get rid of the boys.
  • Sharon warned Natalie that James tells Joshuah everything which is said to him.
  • The Girls Alliance is in full swing -- Natalie, Sharon, and Sheila.
  • Ryan and Adam talked -- Ryan wants to make sure that Sharon will put up James if she gets HOH. They plan to use their voting power to get her to do what they want.
  • James is still adamant that he'll be giving Joshuah a sympathy vote.
  • Natalie told Adam she has to vote out Joshuah because he poured pickle juice all over her.
  • Lots of small talk, sex talk and plans of pranks on each other.
  • Joshuah scared Sheila by jumping out at her and laughter ensued.
So, first it looked like Joshuah was going home. Then the tides turned and it was Sharon going home. Now it's Joshuah going home again. And we still have about five days until the actual vote.

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Since POV

Adam supplies the secret ingredient for the meal Natalie is preparing for them. Mystery meat!

Here are the happenings since the POV in the Big Brother House of the Comeback Kid:
  • Joshuah, fully accepting that he will be going home this week, told everyone he just wants to have a nice week in the house. He said he won't blow up.
  • Ryan is really, really ticked off that James won POV.
  • Ryan told Adam they need to keep Joshuah. It's expected that Sharon will be put on the block in place of James to (supposedly) insure Joshuah will go home.
  • Even though Sheila said she wanted to go on the block, Natalie says she won't nominate her. She doesn't want to be in position of tie-breaker.
  • Joshuah talked to Natalie, telling her he understands why she put him on the block and he's not mad. She apologized to him.
  • Ryan told Natalie that if Joshuah isn't voted out, he'll give her safety. He once again mentioned that Sharon is the mole.
  • Natalie is worried that James and Joshuah will work together if Josh stays.
  • Natalie told James that Sharon will be going on the block and they're thinking of keeping Joshuah.
  • Sharon is getting worried.
  • Natalie told Joshuah she'd need a one week deal that Ryan and James would vote to keep him and she'll break a tie vote in his favor. Joshuah told her that he has had a deal with Ryan for a while now.
  • Joshuah told her he'd give them two weeks if they give him one.
  • Natalie said after this week, Adam and Sheila need to go.
  • Everyone loves the new Joshuah.
  • He said he'll mope around so people don't suspect anything's up.
  • Joshuah told Natalie he indeed saw Matt and Chelsia making out one night.
  • James agreed to the keep James deal.
  • James mentioned to Sharon he might give Joshuah a sympathy vote. (He didn't give one to Chelsia when he knew she'd be unanimously voted out! She should suspect trouble ahead.)
  • Continuing the ruse, Joshuah told Sheila that he will go with grace and dignity and asked that she take good care of Sharon.
  • Sharon thinks James is going to win the game. Joshuah thinks he should.
  • The new alliance of Natalie, Ryan, James, and Joshuah is underway.
  • Sharon and Sheila think there is still a war ongoing between James and Natalie.
  • James and Joshuah talked alone about feeling sorry for Sharon, but it has to be done.
  • Sharon told Joshuah she feels it's her duty to win it all and have a party for him.
  • Adam asked Ryan if he won HOH, would he put up James? Ryan said he would.
  • Adam is worried about Sharon putting him on the block if she wins HOH. He should be worrying about his own people doing that. Little do they know, but Sheila and Adam are the targets of the new alliance.
  • Sheila is very thrilled getting to know the new Joshuah.
  • Sharon and Sheila have no clue that anything's going on, none at all.
Of course, it's still a number of days until eviction. But it looks like a flip-flop is going on once again.

Friday, March 28, 2008

POV Winner

He did it again. James won POV. Natalie is freaking. She thinks she'll put Sharon up again to get Joshuah out. Above is Joshuah's reaction.