Wednesday, April 09, 2008

BB9 - 4/09 Live Eviction Show Live Blogged From the Easst Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!

One recap done dating all the way back to Chelsia, opening credits. Julie Chen has an odd-collared sweater, black and off white. It's just odd. I want to go put the other side of the collar down. She has her spring pants on.

But first ... James' battle is far from over. And we're to the black and white recap of the recap we just saw in color with James going on the block again. Poof, we're in color after the veto meeting. Natalie wants James gone. She thinks she can win over anybody in the house in the final two. Sharon is sure she'll stay and she'll win if she's in the final two. James thinks he has to prove to the whole house he's the only one who can take down the Natalie beast.

He's got Sheila and Sharon giggling about Natalie. Now Nat is getting upset because he's picking on her. He has Sheila and Adam giggling. She whines to Ryan. Natalie tells the others that if she wins she's going to nominate whoever laughs at her because of James. Heh.

Ryan tells Adam he doesn't think he can trust Natalie. They don't think they could beat her in an endurance comp. Natalie and Sharon are talking about the girls sticking together while Ryan and Adam want to "knock the bitches out."

Even Sheila has her figured out - "Natalie tells us what we want to hear." She schemes with Sharon. Sheila is sure that Natalie will put them up if she wins HOH.

Natalie tells Adam about Girls Alliance as if it was Sharon's idea and all just happened1 That little so and so! Then she does the same with Ryan who always can't stop eating in bed. No wonder he's a bit chubby. Natalie thinks it will be a miracle from God that Team Christ will prevail.

Sheila wants to warn Adam about Natalie but wants to keep her relationship with Adam a secret. So she whispers it all to him. He gets his Adam Dazed look on his face. In the DR, he's all confused.

James wants to turn all against Natalie. He plays chess with Ryan who admits he'll be voting him out. I feel all of this is trying to build up the idea James will stay even though tonight should be predictable with him going home.

James works more on Adam and Sheila. Sheila says they need more action in the game and she might do something crazy.

Sharon's family will be featured later. No votes yet!

Yikes, now that Julie stands, that outfit makes her look like her stomach is a barrel from the side view. Ryan and Natalie are practically sitting on top of each other as Julie asks Natalie and Sharon religion questions. Adam looks for quality, style, and good conversation in a women. Sheila, the pranking bit. She asks James why Sheila's the target. He says she handles it the best, the others would be upset and go over the top. Sheila says they make her feel wanted when they play pranks on her. She loves them. Sheila held together when asked about her son.

Sharon's family -- a far. I always wanted a farm. Her father is a former Marine, but dressed in his full honors suit. His father hopes she doesn't bring the guinea pigs home, but she's very into animals. A car accident and the car looks horrible. The presence of God saved her. Her father calls her Sharilynn. But her sister calls her Sharon. Oh, the sequester house bit is on tonight!

We get anti-James rants from Natalie and Ryan. Then Ryan flips about the girls alliance and Sheila rants about James.

Sequester House -- Oh, nice. Matt doesn't like being alone. He wants to see James arrive. If not James, some type of female. He's happy that Chelsia's there. He flirts. She tells us she won't be hooking up with him, she's not attracted to him. Now they're waiting again. Chelsia wants Natalie, Matt wants James. And it's Joshuah! Chelsia is glad it's someone she likes, but sad that he got evicted. Matt likens Joshuah to a girl on her period. They see Natalie win HOH. Joshuah points out the hooker outfit on the tape of his eviction.

Nominees plead their case. Sharon says the same thing she always does, no surprises. James -- he makes a nice pleasant little speech about a girl he loves (Chelsia) and friends he's made.

The voting --
Natalie votes to evict James
Ryan votes to evict James
Sheila votes to evict James

James has been evicted although Julie has to tell them after the break.

James knew it and is smiling, hugging everyone, being very nice. No parting speeches or rants. He's with Julie ... again. Sheila is crying. She cries when anyone leaves.

James tells Julie that he's wanted to leave since he came back. Does he regret going back on his word? It was revenge. What is it about being in the BB house which makes him cry. Isolation. Goodbye messages -- Adam said house's choice, will miss. Sharon, will do as much as she can to get Nat out. Ryan, I outlasted you, you were true warrior. Natalie, gloating ... once a cheater always a cheater. Sheila cries, reminds her of her son. Aw, very nice.

James said he might remain friends with Sheila, Sharon and Adam. He hates Natalie and Ryan and what they stand for.

HOH comp -- They're in glass cages. It's called Glass Houses, the floor will drop out from under them and they have to hang on. Ack, it's endurance. They have a chain and a bar they can hold onto but their feet are on the glass.

Ryan is already sweating. Julie says the houseguests are in for a long night. If so, so am I. I don't think either Ryan or Sheila will last long. Sharon's back is hurting her. Uh-oh, it looks like Natalie is best suited for the comp.

Once the feeds come back, I'll get an update post going to keep everyone up on the winner. I don't think we're going to have a really long wait since Sharon is in rough shape at the start. Sigh.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Once the show starts on the East Coast, I'll be getting a live blogging post up for tonight's live eviction right here. Come join the fun in comments!

BB9 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Oh, Adamanas! Hmmm ... I wonder what would happen if Adam wore a mandana while eating strained bananas?

For some reason I don't think canned Adam would sell too well in the supermarket. I think it would give me indigestion. I suppose it could be worse -- we could have Sheila Prune Juice!

Without further ado, here are the happenings from last night into the dawn in that Big Brother House of Loquacious Losers:
  • Ryan danced more in anticipation of James being evicted. He's outright gleeful.
  • Natalie seems to know a bit about some things even if her vocabulary skills are a bit quirky. She lectured Ryan on good and bad carbohydrates and body fat percentages.
  • CBS made Natalie put highlights in her hair after she initially showed up with dark brown hair.
  • Adam and Ryan think they can only trust each other after hearing what both Sharon and James were saying about what Natalie's been saying about targeting them.
  • Since Adam can't compete, he suggested to Ryan to put Sharon and Natalie on the block with Sheila as the replacement.
  • They both think Sheila will throw the HOH because she feels safe with both groups -- the boys and the girls.
  • They think since BB gave them the oversized golf stuff and putting green on Saturday, that it will tie in with a comp. (I don't know. They won outdoor toys and it could just be a part of that and nothing to do with any comps.)
  • Sheila told Adam she wants him to promise her that if Natalie wins HOH and puts her on the block he'll win veto and save her.
  • Adam just grinned at her with his dopey grin.
  • She went on to tell him that Natalie is the biggest threat left and she would save Ryan over any one else put on the block. She thinks she can control Sharon and that Sharon would target Natalie if she wins HOH.
  • Sheila asked Adam if he was working with Natalie. He told her he isn't.
  • As she rambled on she told him that she knew everyone likes him and he'd win if it were them in the final two. She's okay with that.
  • I hope that ANYONE else in the final two with Sheila (if it gets to that) wins. Anyone at all. Amanda could come back in and win and I'd be happy. Anyone but Sheila!
  • James and Adam talked about the DR asking them about how dumb Natalie is or words they've found out she doesn't know. I suppose eventually the pedestal demonstration with the pepper shaker might air.
  • Sheila told James that Natalie made up the being a cheerleader bit.
  • James thinks that Natalie is a meth addict. His proof is in her skin. Now, if she were a meth addict, I think she's withdrawn from it by now! Since all but Sharon and Sheila to a lesser extent seem openly into doing drugs, nothing would surprise me.
  • They should all think of the ramifications of being all over the Internet discussing illegal drug use. That could shut doors for employment and more. What are they thinking?
  • Sheila told James she would give him a sympathy vote. He told her although he wants votes, she shouldn't burn that bridge with Sharon.
  • Adam, James, and Sheila talked about Sharon having something going with Ryan. You see, secret alliances aren't too secret at this point in the game.
  • Sheila talked about how dumb Natalie is. I don't know. Her schooling might be lacking, but she has proved to be a smart player in the house so far this season. If she makes it to the end (a strong possibility), she could very well win.
  • When James told Sharon that Natalie lied about being a cheerleader she too wondered why someone would make something like that up.
  • I was never a cheerleader.
  • George W. Bush was a cheerleader.
  • Or did he make it up?
  • All are asleep as I post this.
Thanks go out to Zoetawny for the graphic and it seems almost a certainty that we'll see the last of James tonight. But you never know until it happens.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Big Brother 9 - 4/08 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

As I await my most recent live feeds report to go up over on TV Squad, the show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! A full review of the show will be posted late tonight on TV Squad. Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!

Darn that American Idol for running over -- I missed part of the recaps! Sheila just called Adam a jerk and we went to color, Day 57. She doesn't trust him, never would have done it to him. Ryan gave him the cold shoulder.

Natalie figures if she plays both sides, she'll come out ahead. Adam is basically looking scared, goofy, and confused. Sharon thinks that Adam made himself into a big target. She will continue to lay low. Sheila said he put her in a position to have to win something. She would never, never, never do that to him. She, who has won nothing, will take herself off the block.

Now she's repeatedly telling Ryan she would never have done that to him. Ryan thinks James will use the veto if he wins it to save Sharon. Adam believes that James wouldn't use it.

Sheila is still on her rant about Adam putting her on the block. Natalie is sure that it will work out. When she wins HOH next week, she'll put Adam on the block. "Dumbest frickin' move in the game," Sheila repeats.

Adam tries to get some affirmation -- Sharon doesn't know right or wrong. Now Adam is sure he did the wrong thing.

Now Adam is talking to Sheila again. He doesn't know why he did it. She has calmed down, understands the reasoning, but thought it was risky. She forgives him. He chews his thumb. He pologizes to Natalie. She's not worried because she's playing both sides.

"I stirred the pot for no reason." Ryan is a lot more forgiving than I saw on the feeds. "I'm going to be Warrior Princess Nattie." - Natalie. Natalie says, almost as if she's forces, that she's not ready to forgive him because he put her at risk (DR segment).

James tells them he gave his word he wouldn't use the POV if he won it. He will keep his word. Natalie can't trust James. Nat, Adam, and James think about getting rid of Sharon. No more whining. She has trust issues, but gives him her word. If she gets HOH, she won't nominate him and vice versa.

Sharon reminds him of all the reasons Natalie can't be trusted. He tells her Nat wants to work with him. Sharon thinks it's a ruse for him not to play hard to win veto.

James says he's not evil and hates the good vs. evil as he talks to Sharon. He's fed up and frustrated. Sharon talked about being evicted, coming back and having a target when she teamed up with Joshuah. James misses home and Sharon cries. He misses getting hugged. She starts talking about Jacob. Jacob felt like he failed her. Importance of friends and family ... James thinks she's amazing. They vow to support each other.

Natalie and Sheila in the bathroom. Sheila thinks the kids don't pick up after themselves. She goes on a cleaning spree. She's been the maid here for two months.

Time for the veto comp! Skulls! Some kind of stone face with smoke, lizards, sand, palm trees. BB lake has a drought, rhyming rain god is unhappy. They have to come up with the number of the correct day found on rocks for events in the house. Sheila - "I never know what day it is."

Natalie thinks she'll win because she's always counting things. Heh. She's out first! It rains. The day Amanda fell ill is next. Sheila doesn't even know what month it is! She fell ill day 16 All were wrong. James and Sheila both said 32, but James beat her to the slab, so Sheila's out.

The day the couples split. Day 28. James got eliminated. Sharon, Ryan, and Adam are left in the comp. The day they saw Evel Dick. 44, Sharon is out. Ryan told Adam they will get the same number and he'll kneel first so Adam doesn't have to use the POV. Mystery box day, oops different answers. Ryan is right with 35. He wins POV.

Sheila is gald Ryan won because she can't trust Adam to use it. Sharon thinks despite her secret alliance with Ryan, he won't save her. James isn't ready to give up.

Natalie is giggling ... Matt will get his birthday gift. Sheila is crying. Natalie tells her Ryan will take her off the block. Ryan and Natalie bounce and dance. Natalie thinks it's the bible reading which did the trick.

Sheila and Sharon are in the yard, Sharon tells her that Natalie has been trying to work with James according to James. Sheila is sure that Natalie will ultimately betray her -- she can tell by her attitude. "I am a mom in this game." So Sheila talks to Ryan. She hints that Natalie will want to get him out.

James is pacing the night and runs into Ryan. He tries to talk Ryan into not using the veto. Ryan tells him that it's adam's decision who goes up and that her is a big threat. Ryan tells him that Natalie is saying he (James) comes to her over the deals. James tells him it's the other way around. They talk about keeping Sharon.

Ryan struts to the Memory Wall. Ryan -- Do I flip the house with James or go with my alliance.

Time for the veto meeting. Sheila speech -- Congrats, you really did earn. I would like to prove I'm playing a stronger game. Would appreciate it.

Sharon -- Whatever he decides, I'm good.

Ryan -- Surrounded with strong allies, will use it on Sheila. Sharon and James look dead. Adamsyas he has two options, will choose James. He tells James he's his friend, but gameplay has to come first. He apologizes. James says he's okay, but Ryan has to remember that his allies votes him out.

Sharon is going to keep her mouth shut. Adam tells us he took the easy route because everyone wants James out.

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Morning

Time is dwindling for James as it seems the door has already closed and there's not much he can do about it. That doesn't mean he has totally given up.

Here are the late night and overnight happening from inside the Big Brother House of Malicious Moles:
  • Adam and Ryan watched Sheila and James talk in the kitchen with the HOH spy cam. They have no audio, so they don't know it wasn't a game talk for the most part with the exception of James saying he was going to focus his attention on Natalie until he goes.
  • Adam is getting sick of Sharon. He's sure he'll go on the block if she wins HOH.
  • Sharon and Sheila schemed. They think that the boys would keep Sheila over Natalie.
  • If (big IF) Sheila wins HOH, she will put up Sharon and Adam, then backdoor Natalie with the veto.
  • Sharon said that Ryan said Natalie's the strongest girl and has to go.
  • Sheila thinks they (the boys) would get rid of Sharon before Natalie.
  • Sharon doesn't know what a mole is and how the term is used in the house. Sheila explained it to her.
  • Ryan told Natalie that James is egging Sharon on and stirring up ... er, stuff by getting everyone upset at each other.
  • Sharon and Sheila think Natalie has turned Adam against them saying they want him out of the house because he's a strong competitor.
  • Natalie insists Sharon is the mole and has decided she (Natalie) must be the last girl in the house.
  • The Natalie, Adam, Ryan camp has consolidated against Sheila and Sharon.
  • James egged Sharon on to blow up at Natalie.
  • James tried to convince Ryan to keep him, saying that Natalie is the biggest threat in the house for the win. (I think he's right there.)
  • Although I doubt Ryan will side with him, he asked James what would be in it for him if he kept James. James told him solidarity and it would rattle Natalie.
  • Ryan told Adam that James has Sheila's vote to stay (he does not!). Adam said there's no benefit in keeping James.
  • Sharon blew up about being called the mole. She said Natalie will reap what she sows.
  • James was up again after everyone went to bed. He cleaned the grill, made a burger and roamed the night.