Zoetawny made a neato graphic in honor of Steven's unanimous eviction! So, how will things change with Keesha ruling the roost? Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Hooters Rule:
- Libra and April seem to have forgotten any differences in the past and are happy with the Keesha win.
- April is upset with how the show is portraying her. She thinks Ollie is being portrayed fine because he's a preacher's son and she's being edited to be a loose woman. (Then don't have sex on the feeds. You're lucky the show didn't air that, April!)
- Jerry is upset with Libra's answer to Julie's question about the old people on teams. He should be upset -- she just reiterated her position and isn't acknowledging that April was the weakest link in that comp.
- The HG think Julie asks questions to stir the pot.
- April said she had to force herself not to throw up after eating so America wouldn't think she's bulemic. (Hmm ... is she?)
- Keesha told Libra she's definitely going to put Angie on the block, she just isn't sure of the second nomination. They think Angie is manipulating the men.
- When Jerry told Michelle she walks like a duck, she insisted she tries to walk like a model. @@
- In her HOH reveal, no one stayed away. Renny stayed after everyone else consoling Keesh who cried over her letter from home.
- Amongst other things, Keesha got a photograph of her new nephew who was born after she left for the show. Hair color, family photographs ... but no photographs of her boyfriend. Hmmm.
- In a Renny/Keesha talk, Renny told Keesha she shouldn't worry about going back on her word because Libra has been backstabbing her. Keesha told Renny she had an original agreement with Libra.
- Renny told Keesha she's fine with someone like her (Keesha) winning, but not Libra.
- April wants Keesha to put up Memphis and Angie.
- Keesha won't put Jerry on the block -- she promised him.
- Keesha told Memphis she's putting Angie on the block. He's not a happy camper.
- Memphis told Jessie and Michelle that Keesha wants Angie to go this week.
- Keesha and Libra had a heart to heart talk. Ain't that sweet?
- Then Libra and Dan had a heart to heart talk. Can't you feel the love?
- BB gave them alcohol. Everyone but Jerry and Angie hung out in the HOH room drinking.
- After everyone left HOH, Dan remained behind. He told Keesha he has no one in the house and generally worked for a reprieve from nomination this week.
- Keesha is still determined to put Angie up, still uncertain of the other nominee, and wants to trust Dan. She's not thrilled with April, but I don't think she's seriously considering putting her on the block.
- All are asleep as I post this.
The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. A full review/recap of the show will be posted later tonight on TV Squad.
Recap, recap. Dan's offer to Jessie to protect him if he wins HOH. Veto comp ... we're getting there. Dan wants to continue his weak persona to stay in the house. Jerry/Libra fighte. Renny/Libra fight. Steven working against Libra. Recap, recap.
I'm still not used to an audience. Not too thrilled with Julie's orange pansuit, either. The ghost of Brian lingers on, she says. More recap -- Michelle is not using the veto again. Dan is smug with the way he's played. Steven is sad. Keesha has to keep her word to Libra, Ollie, and April but isn't thrilled about it. Libra wants the floaters out -- Steven this week, Jerry or Dan next.
Steven is almost teary talking to Dan. Aww. Dan didn't look too sad. Now Steven talks to blonds, and Libra ... and Ollie. They tell him they have nothing against him. Ollie draws the line back to Brian. Steven is bringing up he voted with the house. They're telling him he's the better competitor. Libra isn't saying anything. Steven is almost begging. Now the show is editing it to look like he has a chance. ;-)
Keesha, Libra, April, and Ollie think Angie is haning with Memphis too much and that alliance will try to pick them off one by one. Should they grab a floater? Dan approaches Jessie and Michelle . Michelle told him he has her vote. Jessie tells him he's not the target.
It makes Angie's skin crawl to be nice to April and Libra. Memphis doesn't want to throw a red flag up about their alliance. Angie thinks the closer they keep Dan to them, the better. Libra and Keesha are talking abut the two alliance couples -- Angie and Memphis, Michelle and Jessie. Keesha thinks Steven would be loyal to them. If they do ... "It'll be instantly [bleeping] crazy in here!" comes from Libra.
Julie questions the HG
1. The fact you and Renny were on the same team in the food comp. Do your housemates respect you as a competitotr? He does. I earned it and they owed it to me.
2. To Libra -- Does age make a difference in the game? She thinks it should be even. Slop for two weeks is no fun.
3. Love in the air? April, what about Ollie first attracted you to him? Ollie great guy, easy to talk to, conversational level. @@
$. Ollie question from audience -- Showmance - What would your Dad say? Doesn't think he'd have a problem with someone to hang around with ... just as long as he doesn't disrespect women.
Renny family segment. She has a son named Sparky. They're prouud of her. Sparky thinks Jessie acts like a punk.
Jessie's family -- He was a runt and picked on. His mother thinks he's lovable. His mother thinks Renny exploited him. Good editing between the family shots. Even Jessie's mother agrees he lets power go to his head.
Argh. Storms here, my power flickered and I had to reboot. Good thing I'm recording for the TVS article reference. Usually I just use this live blog for reference. Interesting speech by Steven.
Voting has started. These are votes to evict
Michelle - Steven
Memphis -Steven
Angie - Steven
Jerry -Steven
Libra - Steven
April - Steven
Ollie - Steven
Renny - Steven
Keesha - Steven
It's unanimous, Steven is evicted
He walks out to the live audience and everyone is hugging Keesha. Which is more difficult, riding the bull or the game? The game. Stressing you out a lot, hard to be apart from friends and family. Goodbye messages -- Keesha, loves him to death, so sorry. Angie apologizes to him. Renny says he's a beautiful young man, magic. Jessie talks about physique. Dan smiles, opened his eyes to gay people, doesn't think of him as Gay Steven.
Aliens in the mirrors ... supposedly prep for the HOH comp. I love Renny's reaction best.Memphis leaned in the mirror and Angie pushed his butt. He jumped a miles. Things are disappearing in the house.
Comp time - Alien Abduction - two at a time face off on the podium and answer questions about missing things. They have rooms for answers or not missing. Winner of round picks next two players.
April and Dan. Not a life form in the universe two plastic cupcakes/kitchen Dan wins
Renny and Libra - Renny out
Memphis and Angie - Angie out.
Ollie and Jerry - Jerry out
Michelle and Keesha - Michelle out
Libra and Dan - Dan out
Memphis and Keesha - Memphis out
Ollie and Libra - Ollie out
Keesha and Libra last two - KEESHA IS HOH!
More audience questions -
Libra? Slop for a third straight week? Lost 12 pounds.
My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad At 8 PM, severe thunderstorms permitting, I'll be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Everyone is welcome to join in the comments!
There has been a group of commenters in this blog community who have been here from the start. I honestly think one of the reasons the comments here are so good is because of this sense of community and that's based on those who frequent here.
One of our treasured community friends, MEB, has faced a severe health crisis this week and is in the hospital. Another member, Sydney, has been in contact with her and posted the latest news in the comments section here.
I personally want to wish MEB the best of recoveries and get out of that darn hospital! My thoughts and prayers are with her as are those of the folks who call this place home.