Dan was embarrassed as Keesha, Michelle, and Memphis played Truth or Dare.
It's been a bit quiet fight-wise since Libra has basically conceded and expects to go home. I expect that will change once the new HOH comes to play. Here's what went down last night in the BB House of Boorah:
- Yesterday was the only day until Sunday that they can eat, so they did. A lot. I wonder what's going to happen this week as the food comp usually happens on Friday. Perhaps none?
- It was also the halfway point in the game -- BB gave them a cake to celebrate. But BB doesn't do birthday cakes this season.
- Michelle talked with Dan, telling him how poor and simple living her family is.
- Michelle doesn't think that she'd have Libra's vote at the end. Dan told her he thinks Libra would vote on gameplay, not personal reasons.
- Meanwhile, Memphis was teasing Keesha and she tattletaled to Renny on him.
- Then it started -- Ollie, Jerry, and April want to vote Keesha out this week if they can get Dan's vote. Ollie got the ball rolling ... just like he led the evict Steven movement.
- Then there was Dan's Murder Mystery. In searching for her toy (hidden by Dan), Keesha found a condom in Ollie's drawer. He swore it wasn't his. (Yeah, right.)
- Dan's first clue to Keesha was "It sleeps with the fish."
- Not finding her toy Gizmo, Keesha took all of Dan's underwear. (That should be interesting if you know what I'm talking about!) She put them in the freezer.
- Keesha, Memphis, and Michelle hung out a lot. Hopefully Michelle has seen the light -- April is definitely nastier than Keesha!
- Keesha, Dan, Memphis, and Michelle hung out in the backyard playing an embarrassing game of Truth or Dare. Dan abstained and blushed a lot.
- April and Ollie cuddled in bed and then Jerry sat watching them (see screen cap below). I was really creeped out even though they were just cuddling clothes on ... with Jerry parked there watching them.
- Renny later joined the backyard crew.
- The topic changed.
- Renny thinks that "the Colonel" has gotten very tight with April.
- The Renny, Keesha, Michelle, Memphis, and Dan bunch made a pact that they will NOT let April win the game. There goes the jury, eh?
- Memphis thinks April must not have had sex in years because she's wound up so tight. Heh.
- April said she was married two months, but it was annulled. Although Jerry's been married to his current wife since he was 20, he said the other day he was married for about a year before ... although they were only together about 12 days.
- When Renny did her Lily Tomlin impersonation, Michelle had no clue who Lily Tomlin is. Maybe she should call Ernestine for information.
- Dan and Michelle talked about Jerry's POV speech. Michelle really thinks that Jerry thought he could do the nomination if he saved someone from the block.
- For all of his pre-season bio innocence when it comes to girls, Ollie told tales of women throwing themselves at him and his active sex life to April.
- April actually seemed taken aback by his escapades tales.
- All are asleep as I get this posted.