My latest live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. A lot of it is already covered here and in comments, but go ahead and check it out!
Ollie is still in the house, but I bet he got quite a warning!
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, August 25, 2008
BB10: Ollie Talks to Dan
Since this was uploaded, Ollie has torn apart and broken things in the kitchen and backyard. He ripped all the keys off the wall and told the BB voice to suck his (anatomy part again) when they called him to the DR.
BB10: PoV Meeting Over
The veto was used and Michelle is on the block. Ollie is trying to convince Renny that Dan wanted him (Ollie) to put her (Renny) on the block. He also thinks that Monica is fake. He promises hell will be released. Renny is playing dumb. Again, Ollie used a derogatory slur on homosexuals in referring to Dan. If those words even come to his mind, he's not someone I like at all.
Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn
Oh my gosh, they keep repeating the same things over and over ... on both sides! Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Deluded Dingalings:
- Renny thinks Jerry makes things up.
- Keesha and Jerry both claim to have not lied in the game.
- Jerry told Michelle that Keesha called him a liar.
- You can see where this is going.
- Keesha and Renny agree that Jerry is a jerk.
- Keesha doesn't want to eat dinner at the same table with Jerry.
- Memphis thinks that Michelle will be after him for his vote once she goes on the block.
- Jerry went on and on (and on and on) about Keesha's laugh. Hey, I agree with him but listening to him is almost as torturous. I also noticed yesterday that he doesn't laugh -- he cackles.
- Although they were separate almost all day, the Ollie Camp had no problem eating the dinner Renny prepared.
- Dan told them he would be meeting with everyone one at a time.
- Michelle went first -- Dan told her the deal was more elaborate than she thought and that she should ask Ollie for details.
- Dan basically talked in circles to Michelle.
- Michelle then started talking about how Jerry knew she wanted the phone call. She wonders how America perceives them. (She might want not to know.)
- Michelle went to Ollie to ask him. She told him that Dan said to talk to him when she asked if she's safe this week. She said that Dan told her whatever the deal was, it's going down.
- Dan is getting antsy -- he's worried about the power shifting next week.
- In his talk with Jerry, Jerry (obviously not hiding the fact he knows there's a secret deal) went on and on trashtalking Keesha to Dan.
- Jerry also mentioned how he (Jerry) doesn't ever badmouth people in the house. (After spending all day badmouthing Renny, Memphis, Dan, and Keesha to Ollie and Michelle.)
- Jerry also tried to convince Dan what a good ally he'd be if he stays and how he's never lied. They want to make Dan think he's safer with their alliance.
- Michelle and Ollie laughed about how stupid Dan is to be following the deal.
- Ollie asked Dan if he told the others about the deal -- Dan told him he didn't.
- Dan reported back every bit of his conversations with Ollie, Jerry, and Michelle to his alliance.
- Dan, antsy himself, tried to tell Keesha she needs to calm down. He said he's on their side (Renny, Keesha, Memphis) no matter what the others say.
- Jerry told Michelle that college is a good place to meet a husband. Gee, I thought it was a good place to find an education!
- In the end, it looks like the plan is still on -- Dan will nominate Michelle when Memphis comes off the block.
- I expect fireworks later today.
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