Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Brother 11 - First Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Jackie's TV Blog Big Brother, BB11

It's the first live eviction show of the season. As graphic arteest Zoetawny so gently put it ... the Jessie Show is CANCELED. Thankfully he can't play for HOH again this week. I don't think they've made it clear if it's just him sitting out or the whole jock clique. Hopefully, the Power Tools will lose their juice this week!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated. But the real fun is in the comments ... everyone's welcome! The hamsters are fair game, but I do ask posters to treat each other with respect. Thank you!

Just recap and house tension so far. They showed the argument with Braden's "beaner" comment to Kevin, but bleeped the word. However, WE know what he said!

Whoa! Chima called Braden out on his words!

The vote:
Russell --> Braden
Natalie --> Braden
Jeff --> Chima
Jordan --> Chima
Kevin --> Braden
Laura --> Chima
Lydia --> Braden
Michele --> Chima
Casey --> Chima's melodramatic behind
Ronnie --> Braden -- I'm going to hell (according to himself)

It's a tie. Jessie gets deciding vote. He votes to evict Braden, we keep Drama Lips.

Ronnie won HOh! Blech, traitor!

Julie said something about Dan coming into the house? Hmm ... not as a season hamster, I don't think.

Mostly Off Topic - The (TV) Show Will Go On ...

A rusted, neglected, and probably defunct Wall Street Journal honor box sitting at the Plainfield (NJ) Train Station poses a bleak outlook on the American dream. I'm basically a bit all-around bleak today, I'll admit. So the photo is fitting.

I want to thank everyone for their condolences on the loss of my cat Scherzo. I'm still reeling with the shock as she was perfectly fine just a few days ago. We sat on the couch with the curtains open watching nearby neighbors' (illegal) fireworks, we played, we cuddled, she purred, she groomed my hand (she was a real licker). And, wham. She's gone.

Since Teaser died in 2007, Scherzo had really blossomed personality-wise and seemed to love being an only cat. Her presence got me through the rough times of my knee replacement surgery last summer. I now have an empty apartment that I'll be coming home to each day.

It's likely that I'll eventually have another cat in my home. Not as a replacement, mind you. Each cat is special in his own way and no two I've ever known are alike. I'll probably go the next knee replacement in November alone. Even if I happen to have a cat at the time, it won't be like the 17 year bond I had with Scherzo.

I took today off from my day job as I look like a total wreck and I'm so emotionally shaky. I'll go in tomorrow. Today I'm throwing out the litter pan, cleaning and storing the food dishes, throwing away cat toys, the old cat condo, the cat bed, etc. I'll eventually transport all the cat food and treats I have on hand to the feral cat population (including Roofus) over by the train station.


Onto a bit more TV-related:
If I feel energetic later, I'll be setting up my Comcast digital adapters on both of my TVs (one by the computer, one in the living room). Since Comcast is basically forcing folks like me with the basic cable service to go digital or lose everything except local stations, I have to get it done. I like my A&E, Animal Planet, TNT, and more. So, they sent me two adapters and I have to eventually get them set up. Today might be the day. No, I still won't have premium channels. They're just not in my budget.

Speaking of cable TV, with yesterday's unexpected events, I totally didn't post my sneak peek on Dark Blue, the new TNT series with Dylan McDermott. I hope you caught it. I have the screener for next week's episode and I highly recommend the show. And ... it doesn't interfere with Big Brother! 10 PM on Wednesdays, TNT.

Tonight I'll be resuming my Big Brother 11 coverage, starting with the live show post at 8:00 PM. The feeds will probably be quiet today leading into the live show and, to be honest, I only peeked at them a few random times yesterday. If you want to catch up on the latest since yesterday, I suggest hamsterwatch or jokersupdates. My own feeds reports will start up with a late night post tonight and an early morning one tomorrow.

Again, thank you for all your love.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rest in Peace, Scherzo

I apologize for the lack of Big Brother updates. My 17-year old cat Scherzo, who had been fine two days ago, was lethargic when I got home from work yesterday. As the night went on, she took a turn for the worse. She died while I was waiting for a ride to get her to the emergency vet. I don't know what happened. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck right now.

She was such a good cat.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 7/14 Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updates as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages!

Oh, Russell is way too cocky! The body buddies realize they've lost Jeff (not that they ever really had him) and have enlisted Laura ... who sees right through them.

Veto Players - Jessie/Russell, Chima/Natalie, Lydia/Jeff

Pop Goes the Veto ... popping pimples on a giant face, retrieving two-sided tiles with letters, ten minutes, biggest word speller wins. Russell won with "shotgun." He's even more cocky now.

Russell saved Lydia due to her working her mojo on the athletes. Jessie put Braden on the block, thanks to Lydia throwing Braden under the bus.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Through the Day Tuesday 7/14

They always look so darn excited in my screen caps.

Here's what's been going on inside that Big Brother House of Riff and Raff:
  • Braden campaigned to Jessie trying to stay. He thinks he's more centered and that Chima can be scary.
  • I think Russell can be scary, but he's staying!
  • Jessie immediately reported Braden's campaigning to Russell and Casey.
  • After he was the topic of conversation the good part of last night, I can't see Braden swaying the vote.
  • Russell is telling people it's a bad idea to nominate him (Russell) as he will win comps and it will only put a target on their backs.
  • Lydia is hanging out a lot with Jessie. Eek.
  • In bed. Double eek.
  • Jordan is hanging out with Ronnie ... not in bed.
  • Yawn.