It's the first live eviction show of the season. As graphic arteest Zoetawny so gently put it ... the Jessie Show is CANCELED. Thankfully he can't play for HOH again this week. I don't think they've made it clear if it's just him sitting out or the whole jock clique. Hopefully, the Power Tools will lose their juice this week!
As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated. But the real fun is in the comments ... everyone's welcome! The hamsters are fair game, but I do ask posters to treat each other with respect. Thank you!
Just recap and house tension so far. They showed the argument with Braden's "beaner" comment to Kevin, but bleeped the word. However, WE know what he said!
Whoa! Chima called Braden out on his words!
The vote:
Russell --> Braden
Natalie --> Braden
Jeff --> Chima
Jordan --> Chima
Kevin --> Braden
Laura --> Chima
Lydia --> Braden
Michele --> Chima
Casey --> Chima's melodramatic behind
Ronnie --> Braden -- I'm going to hell (according to himself)
It's a tie. Jessie gets deciding vote. He votes to evict Braden, we keep Drama Lips.
Ronnie won HOh! Blech, traitor!
Julie said something about Dan coming into the house? Hmm ... not as a season hamster, I don't think.
As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated. But the real fun is in the comments ... everyone's welcome! The hamsters are fair game, but I do ask posters to treat each other with respect. Thank you!
Just recap and house tension so far. They showed the argument with Braden's "beaner" comment to Kevin, but bleeped the word. However, WE know what he said!
Whoa! Chima called Braden out on his words!
The vote:
Russell --> Braden
Natalie --> Braden
Jeff --> Chima
Jordan --> Chima
Kevin --> Braden
Laura --> Chima
Lydia --> Braden
Michele --> Chima
Casey --> Chima's melodramatic behind
Ronnie --> Braden -- I'm going to hell (according to himself)
It's a tie. Jessie gets deciding vote. He votes to evict Braden, we keep Drama Lips.
Ronnie won HOh! Blech, traitor!
Julie said something about Dan coming into the house? Hmm ... not as a season hamster, I don't think.