There isn't really a heck of a lot to report so far today because they tend to sleep so late. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of High School Hamsters:
- Casey was up first, but then took a nap. I wonder why the older people (yeah, 41!) tend to get up earlier in the house. I have come to the conclusion that they're ingrained for an earlier wake-up due to having to work for a living.
- Russell wears contacts. He said something once about wearing his eyeglasses at work to look less scary.
- Casey thinks Ronnie changes his mind a lot. He thinks Jordan might go up (when Jeff saves himself with the PoV), but it will be Laura going home.
- Russell told Jeff and Casey that Ronnie is star-struck with Jessie and Jessie is calling his HOH shots.
- Ronnie said that he'll be locked out of the HOH for a lot of the day due to the movie later on. I believe it's Jeff and Casey who won the movie in yesterday's PoV, but don't quote me on it.
- Ronnie says the PoV ceremony is tomorrow night. Laura thought it was tonight. I think it used to be on Sunday nights, but if they're doing the movie ... maybe not.
- The plan still seems (sort of kind of) to be a backdoor Russell mission.
- But with Ronnie, who knows for sure? He has a different story with each group. He might think it's smart gameplaying, but he should really hold his cards a bit closer to his chest and shut his mouth for just a while. I can see this backfiring on him in a major way.
- There have been lots of blocked feeds as I get this written up. It could be the prep for the movie.
- I'll be putting up the show blog party post at 8 PM ET. Everyone is welcome to come on by!