Thursday, July 23, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Eviction Show Blog Party 7/23

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Ah, Ronnie is caught in lies! Whole house after him, Russell starts following him berating him. Ronnie cries and the cheese stands alone.

The votes:
Jeff --> Laura
Jessie --> Laura
Natalie --> Jordan (spice it up a bit in the house)
Casey --> Laura
Russell --> Laura
Kevin --> Laura
Lydia --> Laura
Chima --> Laura
Michele --> Laura

Laura is BB history.

HOH time - Jessie leading as we go to commercial. Out are Michele, Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia.

Tiebreaker - Jessie 6, Jeff 3

Argh. Jessie wins HOH.

Off Topic: Roofus the Cat

I'll be posting the live eviction blog party post at 8 PM ET. I'm skipping the day report -- not a heck of a lot happened.

However, for the regular readers of the blog, I had a Roofus the Cat sighting this morning. He's not quite in his usual place, but it's him! Clicking on the image will open them larger in new windows.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Thursday 7/23

Kind of reminiscent of Home Alone, eh?

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Home Alone Hamsters:

  • Since receiving all the equipment to practice for the HOH comp tonight, they've been practicing.
  • Ronnie didn't have to practice which is a good thing as he's Ronnie In Exile anyway.
  • Russell told Jessie he thinks they should keep Ronnie, but not to mention it to Natalie.
  • Jordan and Laura packed.
  • Ronnie told Russell he doesn't think Kevin and Lydia are really mad at him because "they smile at me with their eyes."
  • Yeah, right.
  • Ronnie lied to Russell and told him it was all Laura trying to set him up last week.
  • Russell told Ronnie that he's been being mean to him because only a secret alliance will make it to the end.
  • Russell told Jessie he thinks that Casey is "gunning for me."
  • Chima said the pawn plan is withdrawn and no one will be throwing the HOH comp.
  • She said Casey said it would be better if they all played for it.
  • Chima is worried that the brains will win and Ronnie won't be able to go on the block.
  • Natalie blatantly wants to put Ronnie on the block, forget the backdoor.
  • Natalie feels she can't trust Russell.
  • I don't think anyone can really trust Russell. Well, maybe his Mom can. But she's not in the house.
That's where things stand. It still looks like a unanimous or almost unanimous ouster of Laura tonight.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Wednesday 7/22

Boring day in the house, yet it was. And still is. Ronnie is still in exile hiding out from the world at large. It's sad, yet deserved.
  • Casey thinks Russell has gone too far in terrorizing Ronnie.
  • Jeff has picked up on Jessie pretty much staying out of the Ronnie brouhaha.
  • Jeff would also like to see Jessie go on the block, not so much to be sent packing but to freak him out.
  • I like Jeff's thinking.
  • Michele is worried that if she goes up on the block, Jeff will vote her out.
  • He said he wouldn't and that he doesn't like "what if" scenarios.
  • Kevin told Jordan he doesn't think she'll be going home unless people aren't telling him things.
  • Russell talked to Ronnie. And no ... not yelled at. He told Ronnie that he has no intention of nominating him and that the HOH comp should be thrown to him (Russell) to ensure he isn't put on the block.
  • What Russell didn't tell Ronnie is that everyone has pretty much agreed the best way to get rid of Ronnie would be to backdoor him.
  • Russell told Ronnie he wants Casey gone. I really haven't seen much mentioned about that prior to this. I feel it's for the benefit of Ronnie.
  • Russell told Ronnie that he and Jessie can't say anything in his (Ronnie's) favor right now in front of others.
  • Lydia wants Ronnie out, then Russell.
  • Something has been being built in the yard while they've been on indoor lockdown.
  • They were just let into the yard. The feed I had on only showed them going out the door.
  • "What's this?" "Is this just for fun?" "No, it's the HOH comp for tomorrow!"
  • It's kind of like skeeball with a catapult. Now the feeds are cutting in and out as they practice. Every time one of the production people talk, we get blocked.
  • They roll a ball down a plank and jerk the plank up to pitch the ball into buckets.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn 7/22

It's yet another late night for the BB bunch. They were given alcohol, but they're not drunk. Jessie is talking about body building and weight lifting. It's obviously a fascinating discussion ... not.

Here's the goods from the Big Brother House of Nerds and Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Russell told Lydia and Chima that the only way to get rid of Ronnie would be a backdoor. He would only play for POV if chosen and would have no way to save himself.
  • Jeff thinks Jessie uses his harem as personal servants.
  • Casey thinks Jordan will stay. He advised Jordan to keep being nice and maybe plant a seed that Laura wants Jessie and Lydia out.
  • Russell wonders how Ronnie couldn't feel he had quarters up the butt.
  • The big group (sans exiled Ronnie) talked about having two people throw HOH.
  • Chima, who imbibed the most alcohol in the group, doesn't want to be a pawn again.
  • Ronnie made the mistake of going into the kitchen for a bottle opener. Russell yelled at him. Ronnie hightailed it back to the HOH room.
  • Laura supported Casey's and Russell's thoughts to put two pawns on the block, then backdoor Ronnie.
  • The problem is that no one wants to be a pawn. Laura pointed out that due to the cliques, the nominees are limited and chances are they'd have to go up anyway.
  • Lydia, Kevin, and Chima think Jordan is definitely the lesser threat when compared to Laura. They also don't really trust the athletes.
  • Jessie, Natalie, and Russell plan to vote Laura out.
  • Natalie told Kevin she has no romantic interest in Jessie.
  • BB reminded the hamsters that they're turning the lights out at 2 AM.
  • So they all sat in the yard.
  • Natalie told Russell she's heard he's made deals with everyone. Russell told her he did it for information, but the only ones he's loyal to are her and Jessie.
  • Russell told Jessie that he's only being nice to Chima to use her.
  • Lydia, Natalie, and Kevin think Laura isn't even trying to stay and wonder why.
  • I think first, Laura likes Jordan. And, second ... she realizes that she's perceived as more of a threat than Jordan. I think she is pretty sure campaigning won't change the inevitable.
  • Now it's just Casey and Jessie in the backyard.

Jordan and Laura headed for their cell long ago.