The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.
Ah, Ronnie is caught in lies! Whole house after him, Russell starts following him berating him. Ronnie cries and the cheese stands alone.
The votes:
Jeff --> Laura
Jessie --> Laura
Natalie --> Jordan (spice it up a bit in the house)
Casey --> Laura
Russell --> Laura
Kevin --> Laura
Lydia --> Laura
Chima --> Laura
Michele --> Laura
Laura is BB history.
HOH time - Jessie leading as we go to commercial. Out are Michele, Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia.
Tiebreaker - Jessie 6, Jeff 3
Argh. Jessie wins HOH.
Ah, Ronnie is caught in lies! Whole house after him, Russell starts following him berating him. Ronnie cries and the cheese stands alone.
The votes:
Jeff --> Laura
Jessie --> Laura
Natalie --> Jordan (spice it up a bit in the house)
Casey --> Laura
Russell --> Laura
Kevin --> Laura
Lydia --> Laura
Chima --> Laura
Michele --> Laura
Laura is BB history.
HOH time - Jessie leading as we go to commercial. Out are Michele, Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia.
Tiebreaker - Jessie 6, Jeff 3
Argh. Jessie wins HOH.