After a long feeds block for nominations, Michele and Jordan are on the block. Jeff and company accept it's a backdoor plan to oust Ronnie.
I don't think so. Sigh.
The day hasn't been rip-roaring exciting, but a few things have gone down worth mentioning. First, they had the Have/Have Not comp (blocked to the feeds), but the hamsters talked. Well, Chima fussed. She's too good for cocktail wienies! Yep, American chose cocktail wienies and cabbage for them. Actually, that was my choice as I don't like sauerkraut or pickled things. The brains lost the comp, so they get wienies and cabbage.
In other news:
- Jessie was miffed that no one came to him to discuss deals. Hey, maybe no one wants to commit to saving his butt at one time or another. I have the feeling that (if they're smart) if Jessie goes on the block, he's going home. He's too strong a player and apparently too popular in the house to leave in the game if they get the chance to evict him.
- Jessie really wants to get beyond the fourth week -- his exit last season.
- Jessie told Natalie he can trust Ronnie more than he can trust Chima and Kevin. Hmm. I personally don't think anyone, including Jessie, should trust Ronnie.
- Lydia tried to tell Jessie it would be good politically to send Ronnie home -- the whole house would be happy with him (Jessie).
- Jessie told Lydia that if he kept Ronnie and sent Jordan, Casey, or Michele home, he'd have a majority of five on his side.
- Kevin told Jessie that if Ronnie stays, he will keep planting seeds of doubt and putting the house in turmoil.
- Jessie told Kevin that if the general consensus in the house is that they want Ronnie out, he won't fight it.
- Jessie is probably lying.
- Ronnie told Jessie he'll report back to him every word Russell says about him (Jessie).
- How will Jessie know if Ronnie is lying or not?
- Now the latest plan is to backdoor Casey. Sigh.
- Lydia thinks Jessie is putting her up again. It could also be Jordan and Michelle.
- He should put RONNIE on the block. I hope Ronnie or his relationship with Ronnie screws things up in the house for Jessie. I know. I'm mean.
- The nominations will be later tonight.
I'm not getting the scarf thing so much since it looks like a tattered old winter one, but at least he wears his shirt. Here's the happenings from the late night:
- Russell shaved his mustache. He no longer looks like the guy who liked Vito on The Sopranos.
- Jessie wanted Jordan and Lydia to kiss. I have no words.
- They talked about the odd vote for Laura but it's not a huge thing shaking up the house like Natalie had hoped.
- Jessie got his HOH room and the typical fake-happy smiles abounded as they checked it out.
- Casey thinks Jessie couldn't be dumb enough to keep Ronnie.
- Little does he know.
- The Jordan and Jeff relationship is ongoing, but no grandpaw ... she ain't slept with him.
- Lydia played drama mama over beds. Russell even offered to sleep in the Have Not Room, yet she pouted.
- Lydia and Natalie argued over beds. Michele supposedly has night terrors and Lydia wants Natalie to share with her because she's had enough.
- Natalie told Jessie she thinks they should align with Jordan and Jeff.
- Natalie is worried about Casey winning comps. She's sure it's going to start happening.
- Jessie talked about maybe putting up Lydia and Kevin.
- Natalie thinks he should put up Michele and Lydia, then maybe backdoor Casey.
- You might have noticed that Ronnie isn't being discussed.
- Sigh.
Oh, geez. I knew I feared Jessie being HOH again. I knew something was bothering me. He's gone and done it. He made his own little HOH rule that all the guys must wear color coordinated blue shirts and drink out of matching blue cups. When will this madness stop?
Heh. No, he didn't make that rule. I'm just trying to be Ronnie-like.
To be honest, not much has happened since the show. Jeff still thinks that Jessie might put up Ronnie but has lingering doubts that Jessie and Ronnie are working together. Ronnie is still isolated, mostly hanging out on the hammock in the yard. The girls were having a girlie night in the upstairs hallway until Jeff joined them. Kevin is hanging out in the yard.
As I write this, the HOH room hasn't been revealed. Everyone (except exiled Ronnie) is hanging out and having a pleasant evening.
Well, that's no fun!
Jason and Jeanette are gone. I think she was the best female in the competition and Jason always makes me smile. I'm sure both will do well down the road.