This wasn't an easy week for me. I'm missing my cat every day -- things just aren't the same when you lose a friend and confidant of so many years. The weather turned hot and humid, something I really wasn't missing when we had a chilly (for summer) June. Work budget cuts mean that I might not financially be able to do my needed knee surgery this fall.
Other people had a worse week, I guess. Lawmakers, mayors, and rabbis oh my! The latest New Jersey corruption scandal is a doozy. Where else but in NJ could you have the unique twist of corruption involving money laundering, Gucci bags, and body parts? I, of course, am not a suspect in the investigations. You don't want to know how many years it's been since someone offered me a bribe.
I hooked up my Comcast digital adaptor doohickeys with the biggest hitch moving the bookcase blocking my outlet for my living room television. I'm not thrilled that each adaptor sucks up electricity, nor am I happy that I've been told that I'm not eligible for any of the promotional plans. But if I didn't do it, by Tuesday I'd lose several stations I watch. Grr.
Here are some of the shots I took this week (clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window) ... for some reason, it was a big pigeon week:
He had a wild look in his orange-red eye.
Plainfield Train Station, Plainfield, NJ
Plainfield Train Station, Plainfield, NJ
Jus' waitin' on a train.
Plainfield Train Station
Plainfield Train Station
Does that star-spangled banner yet wave?
Historic Quaker Cemetary in back of the
Friends Meeting House
Plainfield, NJ
Historic Quaker Cemetary in back of the
Friends Meeting House
Plainfield, NJ
Hot town, summer in the city.
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty.
Lyrics by the Lovin' Spoonful
Plainfield, NJ
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty.
Lyrics by the Lovin' Spoonful
Plainfield, NJ
Mourning dove on barbed wire.
Bridgewater, NJ
Bridgewater, NJ
Roofus the Cat
North Street, Plainfield, NJ
North Street, Plainfield, NJ
A sunflower grows in Plainfield.
East Front Street, Plainfield, NJ
East Front Street, Plainfield, NJ
Pigeons in a window.
Plainfield, NJ
Plainfield, NJ
Abandoned condemned Miron Furniture warehouse ...
where pigeons sit in windows.
East Second Street, Plainfield, NJ
where pigeons sit in windows.
East Second Street, Plainfield, NJ
Zoom, Every Baby Has a Story, WATERMELONS
East Second Street, Plainfield, NJ
East Second Street, Plainfield, NJ