Friday, July 31, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Have Have Not

Jordan is in charge of choosing Have Have Not. She's put the names of the hamsters in a graduation cap. Those on slop last week aren't in it. She chose Natalie (I won't take a shower for a week), Kevin, and Jeff. They told her not to use Jeff. Jessie told her to throw Jeff's name aside. She chose Jessie. He joked a redo and lost again.

Lydia said she'll go on slop in his place. He refuses. He said he lost fair and square. Natalie said she could go and use her slop pass.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Big Brother 11 HOH Endurance Comp Updates 7/30

Sigh. Congratulations, Russell. I do think he'll keep his word. You saw his vote on the show tonight. He had promised Casey he wouldn't vote to evict him and he didn't.

12:25 AM ET - Jeff dropped. Russell swore that he and Jordan are safe and he wants to get the letter from his ill father. He once again said they want the same person out.

12:18 AM ET - I'm getting dizzy watching them. Lots of foam came off the diploma in the last wild go-round. Jeff and Russell hanging in.

12:00 AM ET - They're dealing. Russell says they want the same person out (Ronnie). He tells Jeff the vote for Jordan was him because he kept his word. They want to talk alone ... hamsters brought food out, but they're making them go back in. Jeff says he doesn't trust Jessie with it. Russell says he told him his secret, will uphold his word.

Neither want to drop. Jeff again offers rock/paper/scissors. Russell wants a letter from home, so does Jeff. Jeff trusts Russell, but says he's too low on the pole to give it up. They promise not to put each other up, but neither is dropping.

11:51 PM ET - Jessie's been called to the diary room. Maybe BB will offer them deals to come down.

11:34 PM ET - Michele definitely out. It's between Jeff and Russell.

11:32 PM ET - Feeds stayed back only shortly. Now blocked for a while. Back -- Russell and Jeff definitely still in. Have to switch feeds to find Michele. Jeff suggested rock, paper, scissors so she might be out.

11:20 PM ET - Feeds back. Russell, Michele, Jeff still in it. I wish Michele would stop making noises.

11:11 PM ET - Chima's down.

11:03 PM - I think Michele MAY go down soon -- she's having a rough time. Michele, Russell, Chima, and Jeff still in.

10:45 PM ET - Part of the diploma is out but Jeff, Michele, Chima, and Russell remain in.

10:35 PM ET - Feeds back. Jeff, Russell, Chima, and Michele still in it.

10:28 PM ET - Jordan is down. Feeds blocked.

10:20 PM ET - I think it's Chima vomiting as she spins.
I wish the camera would stop focusing on Russell and give Jordan or Jeff airtime.

10:15 PM ET - Chima, Jordan, Michele, Jeff, and Russell still in the comp.

10:00PM ET - Jeff, Russell, Chima, Michele and Jordan still up.

9:55 pm et - Natalie is shown sitting on the sidelines.


9:51 PM ET - Feeds up, Russell still up.

9:45 PM ET - Feeds still re-blocked.

9:38 PM ET - Someone is deathly ill and it's gross. Feeds blocked again. Natalie, Ronnie still up. Not really sure who else.

9:30 PM ET -- EEK! Is that Jeff? Feeds basically blocked except quick shots of this.

9:35 PM ET - Kevin is shown out. Ack -- Ronnie is still up! Kevin, Lydia definitely out.

9:30 PM - Brief feeds -- one of the guys is down. Not sure who. Reddish sleeveless shirt.

As I get this posted, the live feeds are still blocked. Once they come up, this post will be updated with the most recent screencaps and information at the top of the post. Unless they hang in there for a lot longer than I give them credit for, I should outlast them. Keep coming back!

9:25 PM ET -- Feeds still blocked.

Big Brother 11 Live Eviction Show Blog Party Post 7/30

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Julie announced the cliques are over and they'll all be out for themselves.

The voting to evict:
Jeff --> Casey (sadly)
Ronnie --> Casey
Natalie --> Bitter Banana Casey

Into commercial

Chima --> Casey
Russell --> Jordan (staying true to his word)
Michele --> Casey
Lydia --> Casey
Kevin --> Casey

Casey is gonzo. Mingle Mixx has left the house.

New America's Vote -- Coup D'Etat - can overthrow the nominees at live eviction. Only good for the next two weeks (can be used once -- HoH winner, for example, wouldn't use it this coming week).

HOH comp is endurance --- sitting on ropes on a carousel being whapped by a huge sort of hard sponge diploma. I will do updates in a new post after the feeds go live.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Thursday Pre-Dawn 7/30

Kevin tries to get Lydia to open her eyes about Jessie.

It's been basically a snoozefest in the house of hamsters. In the past 24 hours, about the biggest news has been Russell accidentally hitting Lydia in the head with a ball. And, that wasn't even the big news -- her reaction to being hit in the head would be the scoop.

Here are the bits and pieces which caught my attention since my last live feeds report:
  • Russell thinks Ronnie has been talking game with Kevin and Lydia. He reminded him that he took part in saving him this week and doesn't want to think it was a mistake to trust him.
  • Ronnie ran to Jessie and company telling them what Russell said.
  • Of course, Ronnie does these things to make Jessie and company think he's more valuable to them than Russell is.
  • When Russell told Jessie about the conversation, Jessie didn't like the idea that Ronnie "swore on the bible" that they didn't talk game.
  • Jessie thinks Kevin is a bigger threat than Lydia. Well, duh.
  • Russell said that if he gets HOH, he wants to nominate Ronnie and Lydia. Um, okay. I'll believe it when I see it.
  • I think someone, anyone, should nominate Natalie.
  • Natalie would like to get Russell on the block. But Jessie told her that since he thinks he's fooling them (false loyalty), it would be better to go after Lydia and Kevin.
  • Jessie's mother actually washed his mouth out with a bar of soap when he was young while Jordan's parents used the paddle. Now, I know I don't like Jessie, but I bet he's polite to strangers and holds the door open for others.
  • Jeff thinks only sloppy people wear Crocs.
  • Grr. I bought some not-Crocs last year for my surgery recovery. I don't wear them often, but ... dang, they're comfortable.
  • Jeff and Casey have both worked for UPS in the past.
  • Not together, mind you.
  • Michele is still not allowed to use the computer in her parents' home because they caught her looking at porn as a teenager.
  • Michele also talked about um ... pleasuring herself daily.
  • Who woulda thunk it?
  • Lydia made trash bag pants and top for Natalie.
  • Kevin almost made it onto Survivor. He got booted in the finals.
  • Ronnie is sure that America loves the cliques twist.
  • Ronnie is a doofus.
  • Russell told Chima that Lydia wants her out. I really don't think she does so much other than process of elimination. She's not thrilled with Chima, but she isn't a big target either.
  • Jordan and Casey packed.
  • Casey couldn't find his suitcase and said he'd pack a trash bag.
  • Apparently production misplaced his suitcase.
  • I personally would say that means he has to stay!
  • Jessie and Natalie had a pillow fight. He accidentally hit her hard on the leg and she cried. He thinks she overreacted but got her an ice pack. He was worried that BB would be upset with him for hitting her.
  • Lydia continues to throw Kevin under the bus to Jessie and Natalie.
  • Jessie, Natalie, and Lydia are in the HOH room STILL awake as I get this typed up.
  • Jessie is droning on and on.
  • And on.
  • Very little game talk.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Daytime Wednesday 7/29

I so long for this eviction to be over, a new HOH in place, and whatever the big announcement is. I'm assuming it will be the disintegration of the cliques or, at the very least, some sort of shuffling. Here are today's happenings from that Big Brother House of People I Don't Want Living in MY House:
  • Natalie thinks Lydia and Kevin will vote to keep Casey just to keep their clique together.
  • Small talk, breakfast prep, some exercise.
  • Boring.
  • Boring.
  • Lydia got mad because Russell accidentally hit her in the head with a ball.
  • Jessie got his HOH camera, lots of muscle posing and fake smiley faces.
  • Ronnie pointed out to Jessie that Russell really has no enemies in the house.
  • Russell has improved in that aspect. If others decide to go against the athletes (ever), they'll go for Jessie and Natalie first.
  • More small talk -- if people will recognize them when they get out of the house, who's popular or not (Ronnie thinks people will love or hate him -- he's half right).
  • Jessie and Natalie think Ronnie is more loyal to them than Russell.
  • They're probably right.
  • A whole lotta nuthin; going on today.