Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Thursday 8/13

Thanks, BB! By cutting the feeds for most of the day and then the "not so" live eviction, we missed all the brouhahas! The feeds returned to boredom. Blech.

The Chima contingent plans their strategy. Alas, no fireworks.

I wonder how long Natalie is going to wear that hat?

Here's the skinny from that Big Brother House of Unicorn Love:
  • Jordan told Kevin that she was upset when she saw him and Lydia scheming with Jessie and Natalie this morning. But she's "Gucci" with him now.
  • Natalie, Chima, and Lydia all went whining to BB that they wanted to go home and were going through the stages of grief over losing Jessie.
  • @@
  • BB gave them beauty products to make them leave them alone.
  • Kevin, Jeff, Russell, Michele, and Jordan hung out in the back yard quite a while while Natalie, Lydia, and Chima were apparently in mourning.
  • They're getting Chinese food tonight.
  • Chima is still trash-talking Russell.
  • Natalie, Chima, and Kevin schemed their best approaches to Michele.
  • Meanwhile, Jordan and Michele seem to have hit it off. Jordan warned Michele the others will be kissing her butt. Michele said that must want to go home, huh?
  • Jordan doesn't quite trust Russell.
  • Natalie said she expected Lydia to vote for her to leave, but is mad that Russell did.
  • Chima dumped Russell's suitcase all over.
  • When Russell told Michele he didn't think it was right for someone to throw his stuff around, she told him it was the same people who plotted to throw water on her.
  • Chima said she might throw the Have-Have Not and then eat to get a penalty eviction.
  • Natalie wants Jeff and Jordan on the block/evicted.
  • Natalie thinks that it was unfair for Jeff to be given such a huge power without competing for it.
  • I think it was unfair for a previous BB loser to be brought back in the house and handed the power of HOH without competing for it. I also think that tainted the first half of this season.
  • They talked about loving their chicken suits and wanting them.
  • Lydia whined that it wasn't fair that Jessie couldn't play for PoV to save himself.
  • When called for Michele's HOH room, Natalie made a face and gesture to the camera and said she didn't want to go.
  • But, of course, they all went. Very bored crowd looking at fake lab rats and cooing over pictures. Michele's husband wrote her a novella.
  • He loves her.
  • He misses her.
  • Chima, then both Chima and Natalie, went to work on Michele trying to sway her their way.
  • Michele's hard to read -- she could go either way.
  • The food arrived and they have wine, too.
  • Ack, Chima, Lydia, and Natalie just made a toast to Jessie Goddarz, the man, the myth, the legend.
  • I believe I'm sick now.

Big Brother 11 Not So Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

This live eviction is actually taped tonight. The site confirmed it was taped because of possible brouhahas if the coup d'etat is used. Although the show always runs on a "so many seconds" delay so they can censor language if needed, apparently they were worried this might be intense or really throw them off their timing. The feeds have been blocked for a good portion of the day. The rumors have been flying on Twitter.

But, we're about to see ...

So far a lot of recapping, rehashing. Julie is wearing the black and white polka dot dress mentioned in Twitter rumors, though.

Chima's grandmother and her friend had a segment. Still no BIG news!

Jeff uses the coup d'etat!

Takes Lydia off, puts up Natalie.
Takes Russell off, puts up Jessie.

The voting to evict:
Lydia --> Natalie
Jordan --> Jessie
Kevin --> Jessie
Michele --> Jessie
Russell --> Natalie

Jessie is GONZO!

Chima claimed "America did it to him again." When talking to Julie, Jessie also blamed America.

You're welcome, Jessie.

Michele is the new HOH!

Double eviction coming up next week!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Late Night, Overnight into Thursday 8/13

Last night was the big season halfway point party for the hamsters. They got a few hours of camera free living ... and we got blocked feeds with BB trivia. BTW - I always get the trivia questions right. I'm not sure what that says about me. If only I had done that well in geometry back in my school days, eh?

Here's what's been happening (that we could see) in that Big Brother House of Trifling Troubles:
  • I liked this BB announcement: "Natalie, please treat your microphone with respect."
  • In a Kevin and Chima talk, Kevin mentioned that they're getting warnings about behavior during the live show.
  • Chima thinks it's because she made threats to go wild.
  • Chima and Kevin are sure that Jeff has the power as he was called to the diary room in the middle of the party.
  • Lydia thinks that Jeff should go before Michele. She thinks that Jeff "doesn't have much up there" and doesn't really play the game.
  • Lydia and Chima miss Ronnie.
  • I don't.
  • Chima would like the next evictions to be in this order: Jeff, Jordan, Michele.
  • I don't want them that way.
  • Russell is quasi-talking with others other than Jordan and Jeff.
  • He talked to Michele (civilly) and Jessie came along to throw him under that bus.
  • Russell then told Michele about Jessie backing up the Ronnie idea of dousing her with water.
  • Fun, fun, fun.
  • Jessie taunted Russell that it's going to be his last night in the house, he should enjoy his bed.
  • Meanwhile, Jessie is still paranoid that he himself is going home.
  • But he's not telling Russell that.
  • Eventually both silly boys realized how silly they were being with their fight.
  • They didn't kiss and make up, but they giggled a lot.
  • Natalie was eavesdropping on them. I get the feeling she would say she was "easedropping" on them.
  • When Russell told Natalie and Jessie he felt the odd man out in their alliance, they claimed he didn't get backdoored because they stood up for him.
  • Meanwhile, Jessie is a bit worried that Russell might have the votes to stay over Lydia.
  • Jeff is still avoiding most of any drama going down in the house.
  • Jordan knows that Jeff supports Russell, but she's not so sure of Russell herself.
  • Chima continued to bash Russell. But we all expected that, right?
  • Several in the HOH room said "I have the power" just to show they don't have the power.
  • Russell tried talking to America through the cameras. He claims bad things he's been saying about a Michele weren't the houseguest Michele, but a production Michelle in the diary room. I took it upon myself to spell the second Michelle with two "l's."
  • Kevin thinks that Russell will eventually land in jail for domestic abuse.
  • Russell hasn't hit anyone in the house. As for shouting, Chima is right up there with him.
  • I don't want either of them mad at me.
  • Jeff wants to win HOH so he can wear the bathrobe and be like Hugh Hefner.
  • They all headed to bed fairly early (for them).
  • I expect a lot of blocked feeds today going into the earlier not live live eviction show. I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Wednesday Daytime 8/12

Heading towards eviction day, the biggest news isn't from actually inside the house this week. For the first time I can remember, tomorrow's eviction will NOT be live. It doesn't seem to have been planned all along to be taped, either. Something is up. According to various sources, the live audience has been asked to show up three hours earlier than usual.

A lot of speculation is floating around about the non-live eviction. Are they expecting trouble with Chima if Jeff uses the coup d'etat? That seems to be the popular notion. But we just don't know. I don't think another endurance HOH is due quite yet. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Dealing Demon Dogs:
  • Jessie, Kevin, and Natalie all tried to sleep in. If they didn't stay awake until dawn every night, they'd be getting up on time. It's not like BB wakes them up early. This morning the first wake-up announcements were past 9:30 AM.
  • Lydia thinks Natalie likes her now after their female bonding wrestling stint last night.
  • Chima thinks people should only do cocaine to get skinny.
  • Huh? I don't think she thinks of the long term ramifications of the drug, how many lives it's ruined, and the fact that it's illegal.
  • Getting skinny is just a teensy bit of what the drug does to a person.
  • They could hear people working in the yard.
  • A big section of the backyard has been covered with a tarp and barricaded.
  • Jessie is still paranoid.
  • As he should be.
  • Everyone except Russell had fun with the HOH camera. He was off by himself somewhere.
  • The Natalie/Jessie/Chima/Kevin/Lydia group's plan in the case of a "majority rules" type comp is to all answer "B" even if that's the wrong answer.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Dawn Wednesday 8/12

Natalie is spouting off Biblical references to marriage to a captive audience -- Lydia and Kevin. Okaay ...

Is it that cold in the house that everyone keeps wearing hoods, hats, and wrapping themselves in comforters? I do welcome the fact that most aren't really exhibitionists this season (cough, Jessie, cough). But it's like the house is kept at 60 degrees or something.

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Paranoid Pups:
  • Chima continues to focus on getting Russell out of the house. She admits that it's personal, but claims it's a strategical move, too.
  • I can see that. However, the real power teams are Jessie and Natalie, Jeff and Jordan, and to a lesser extent -- Lydia and Kevin. If I were a single player in the house, I'd be trying to break up a duo.
  • Michele said they aren't allowed to name the rats at her lab. I guess that would make them too much like pets before they torture them.
  • They complained about being bored.
  • Bad Jeff. He drank some Gatorade and ended up be punished with an extra day of slop.
  • Jordan trimmed Jeff's hair. He now has a bitty bald spot in the back. He tried to touch up the trim.
  • They played with the modeling clay. Woohoo.
  • Russell said that Chima complained in the first week that she was cast on the wrong show. She felt she should have made America's Top Model. (Isn't she too teensy for that one?) He thinks she should be on Discovery Channel as a chia pet. Okay, that made me smile.
  • Jessie is forlorn because he can't grow facial hair.
  • Lydia worked on Jeff for his favor. Russell worked on him, too.
  • Poor Jeff.
  • Chima thinks Michele is really playing the game. If she is, I think she's playing it poorly. She's way too transparent.
  • Natalie wants Michele out before Jeff. So much for the girls alliance, eh?
  • Kevin seriously thinks Michele might have the wizard power ... and it scares him.
  • I think the world at large scares Kevin.
  • Natalie and Jessie kept snapping at each other while wrestling about. But I think it's not serious -- it's more like a boy and his dog. His pit bull, to be precise. Chima got ticked at them, though.
  • They talked more about being bored. They came up with questions and answers to occupy themselves.
  • I found it all boring.
  • As I get this typed up, Natalie, Jessie, Lydia, and Kevin are still wide awake. Natalie denied (almost a bit too strongly) that she is, ever will be, or ever has had a sexual relationship with a woman.
  • Then Lydia attacked Natalie to wrestle, possibly kiss, while Jessie and Kevin watched.
  • They fell off the bed wrestling.
  • Okay.
  • Now Natalie is talking about her NSYNC posters and stuffed animals of teen years. I can't take this anymore.
  • Posting ...