Thanks, BB! By cutting the feeds for most of the day and then the "not so" live eviction, we missed all the brouhahas! The feeds returned to boredom. Blech.
The Chima contingent plans their strategy. Alas, no fireworks.
I wonder how long Natalie is going to wear that hat?
Here's the skinny from that Big Brother House of Unicorn Love:
- Jordan told Kevin that she was upset when she saw him and Lydia scheming with Jessie and Natalie this morning. But she's "Gucci" with him now.
- Natalie, Chima, and Lydia all went whining to BB that they wanted to go home and were going through the stages of grief over losing Jessie.
- @@
- BB gave them beauty products to make them leave them alone.
- Kevin, Jeff, Russell, Michele, and Jordan hung out in the back yard quite a while while Natalie, Lydia, and Chima were apparently in mourning.
- They're getting Chinese food tonight.
- Chima is still trash-talking Russell.
- Natalie, Chima, and Kevin schemed their best approaches to Michele.
- Meanwhile, Jordan and Michele seem to have hit it off. Jordan warned Michele the others will be kissing her butt. Michele said that must want to go home, huh?
- Jordan doesn't quite trust Russell.
- Natalie said she expected Lydia to vote for her to leave, but is mad that Russell did.
- Chima dumped Russell's suitcase all over.
- When Russell told Michele he didn't think it was right for someone to throw his stuff around, she told him it was the same people who plotted to throw water on her.
- Chima said she might throw the Have-Have Not and then eat to get a penalty eviction.
- Natalie wants Jeff and Jordan on the block/evicted.
- Natalie thinks that it was unfair for Jeff to be given such a huge power without competing for it.
- I think it was unfair for a previous BB loser to be brought back in the house and handed the power of HOH without competing for it. I also think that tainted the first half of this season.
- They talked about loving their chicken suits and wanting them.
- Lydia whined that it wasn't fair that Jessie couldn't play for PoV to save himself.
- When called for Michele's HOH room, Natalie made a face and gesture to the camera and said she didn't want to go.
- But, of course, they all went. Very bored crowd looking at fake lab rats and cooing over pictures. Michele's husband wrote her a novella.
- He loves her.
- He misses her.
- Chima, then both Chima and Natalie, went to work on Michele trying to sway her their way.
- Michele's hard to read -- she could go either way.
- The food arrived and they have wine, too.
- Ack, Chima, Lydia, and Natalie just made a toast to Jessie Goddarz, the man, the myth, the legend.
- I believe I'm sick now.