Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 7/12/11

Ew, ew! Rachel is all glittery-slinky!

You have to wonder what the hamsters would do if they didn't have the Showtime After Dark show coming on every night. BB might not give them alcohol to prime 'em up for Showtime. Heck, they might even just go to sleep.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Clueless Clowns:
  • Daniele said the last Golden Key means nothing. While the feeds got blocked, I'm thinking she's saying that due to its timing -- the next week the duos are singles.
  • I think.
  • Why doesn't production ever listen to me and get rid of that chess game? Unless they're using it as a cover to talk strategy, it's monotonous.
  • Rachel and Brendon rehashed the comps so far this season in case it comes up in a future comp.
  • In talking about fights, Jordan said the only time she ever got really mad at Jeff was one night when he stayed out until 4 AM and didn't call her.
  • Brendon and Rachel claimed they only fight about/on Big Brother.
  • Oh yeah, sure.
  • Jordan said that while she really liked Jeff in the house their season, it wasn't until after the season ended that she fell in love with him.
  • She also thinks she's too immature to get married right now.
  • Kalia and Lawon had a Keith bashing session.
  • There was super joy and dancing when the Have Nots found out that they go off of slop at midnight Tuesday night. Kalia, in particular, was beside herself.
  • BB gave them alcohol. They played their "Big Booty" game.
  • That has them kissing a Memory Wall picture and then shaking their booty.
  • Real fun going on here, eh?
  • Dominic and Lawon want Brendon off before Rachel because they think he's smarter.
  • I wish they would just consider the "annoying laugh and skankyisms" first as a basis.
  • Is it too much to ask?
  • Rachel imbibed too much and was generally obnoxious.
  • Are you surprised?
  • Brendon told her she and Porsche drank too much and said she shouldn't drink so much in the house.
  • She rolled her eyes at him and said she did nothing wrong.
  • He went on and on about how he wanted to be taken seriously and didn't want to be associated with her drinking behavior.
  • She got defensive.
  • The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  • While I wanted a brouhaha, these Brendon/Rachel co-dependent teary tiffs are all like watching a bad movie over and over again.
  • Lawon told Cassi that, in the beginning, he thought she and Shelly were a mother/daughter twist.
  • Keith is still campaigning for votes.
  • But he's not the same Keith who came in all smiling that first day.
  • Maybe it's his evil and moody twin brother.
  • More later!

Hammock hamsters

Monday, July 11, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Through Monday Daytime 7/11/11

Jeff's expression says it all.

Oh boy! CHESS in progress!

We really need a good brouhaha in the house. Now, if Evel Dick were still in there, I swear there'd be something going on! Yeah, there's been a tiff or two, many fusses, some whines ... but I want a good old-fashioned brouhaha or a cat fight.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dallying Drones:
  • Even though BB supplied them with more alcohol last night, there were no brouhahas.
  • Instead, we had drinking games.
  • Now, drinking games can be fun if you're participating, but not so much to watch.
  • Of course, the Have Nots have no alcohol.
  • Rachel, although not as bad (yet) as last season, is still a controlling self-centered so-and-so.
  • Once the eventual tides change and she's no longer Queen Bee, chances are that she'll get freaky once again.
  • I have no desire to watch Brendon and Rachel have sex under the covers. Make them stop.
  • Jordan and Rachel's trust of Cassi is wavering. They think she wants them out.
  • Of course, she does. Any of the Newbies want Veterans out. Despite the fact that they control the numbers, they're suck-ups to the Veterans.
  • Perhaps, instead of hamsters, they're lemmings ... following each other over a cliff to drown in the sea.
  • Or whatever that is that lemmings do.
  • The Veterans have come to the realization that Cassi, Dominic and Lawon are in an alliance.
  • They don't know it has a silly name.
  • Kalia would like to go on the block with her duo buddy Lawon solely so she can get ahold of a Golden Key.
  • Cassi told Jeff that she wouldn't want to be in a final four with him, Jordan and Brendon because she'd lose.
  • Kalia has a heat rash.
  • That's really stuff I didn't need to know.
  • But, since I do know, now you know.
  • Rachel has a traffic ticket she didn't attend to before going into the house.
  • I say, "Arrest warrant time!"
  • Brendon told her to tell the DR and get it taken care of.
  • He takes all the fun out of things!
  • Rachel got mad at him for lecturing her.
  • Some things never change.
  • Keith thinks he has the votes to stay.
  • I don't think he does, despite the Regulators. I think they'll be lemmings (see above).
  • Rachel tried to flash the cameras. Eww! My eyes! My eyes! Thankfully Brendon stopped her.
  • Jordan and Jeff know that Kalia wants to get nominated (so she can get that key).
  • Kalia told Dominic that she isn't feeling right and wants to go home.
  • Liar liar pants on fire!
  • That's all the excitement we can handle for now ...

Mmm mmm, good.

Some drama would be nice, mama!

Th-th-that's all folks! (For now, at least!)

Big Brother 13: Evel Dick Update

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Evel Dick promised a statement by Wednesday and it appeared tonight on his site. Alas, the site is overloaded and it's hard to get to the video. But I found a transcript of it here. Zap2It also has an article.

Hmm. We still don't know anything, do we?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Sunday Into the Evening 07/10/11

The Haves gather in the kitchen.

I need to say a few things before I get into the (non)happenings inside the BB13 house today. First off -- since the feeds came live after the first five (six?) days, I never did quite get why Porsche was such a target. Well, duh ... thanks to the show, I realize she isn't or, at least, wasn't. Keith was the target all along.

The second thing is that I need to grouse about the silly Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday scheduling. There's always down time in the house, but this makes things even worse. It's like all of the real action in the house is pretty much crammed into two days then it's boredom, HoH fantasies and tall tales for the rest of the time.

Oh, well. Here's the scoop from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Lackeys:
  • Sunday, huh? That means the only big event will be the PoV Meeting.
  • Adam and Dominic told Brenchel that they'd vote with them and, if they get HoH next week, they won't put them up as they didn't get nominated this week.
  • Rachel, dislike her as I do, is actually trying to include Jeff and Jordan in protection deals.
  • I like Jeff and Jordan. So far they're the only ones I'm really enjoying watching on the live feeds.
  • Brendon said the Lawon and Kalia are the Newbies duo the Veterans trust the most. Hmm ...
  • Of course, he said that TO them.
  • So, it's not necessarily true!
  • Brendon assured Porsche that she's safe this week (and, obviously for the next three weeks, too).
  • Brendon, Jeff and Rachel think they need to get Lawon, Dominic and Cassi out as soon as they can.
  • Oh my! That would mean, if Keith goes this week, the Regulators will be dust in the wind!
  • No one really knows about the Regulators -- Cassi, Dominic, Keith and Lawon -- as of yet. I don't think it will matter in the grand scheme of things.
  • No one is quite sure why Keith lied about his job. It slipped that he's an HR manager, not a matchmaker.
  • Then what the heck is the focus on the show about his deacon sideline?
  • The PoV ceremony (blocked to the feeds) came up with the results I predicted yesterday. It wasn't used thus Keith and Porsche are still on the block.
  • The hamsters are still confused about how the Golden Key thing will work out with an "advance" key to Daniele.
  • I'm confused, too.
  • Huh. The hamsters aren't allowed to wear white clothes.
  • That confuses me, too.
  • Tons of small talk today. That and the old "when I'm HoH" or "If so-and-so gets HoH."
  • Gah. BORING!
  • They talked about previous seasons.
  • Some worked out.
  • Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, move along.

One day I'm going to post just weird expressions.

Have Not Huddle as the Haves were in the kitchen.

Big Brother 13 - July 10 Nominations Show Blog Party

Well, we can only hope Blogger will function better tonight than it did on premiere night! If there is either a problem with me posting updates here or comments not being able to be posted, I'll move things to the Facebook show page.

However, Blogger permitting, major updates will be posted in this entry and everyone is welcome to party (and comment) in the comments area. The loss of Dick won't be addressed until Wednesday's show, so we'll have Dick tonight. I know. I'm bad. On with the show!

The veterans have aligned as have Keith, Lawon and Dominic. So far, two alliances. Dominic is trying to get Cassi in on his little alliance. If it works, they vote to save each other if on the block. She's in and they're "The Regulators." @@

Dick is trying to get Porsche aboard with the veterans. She runs and tells her duo buddy Keith about it. Uh-oh. So Keith goes to Dominic and Cassi.

Rachel is hosting the food comp. It's a Have/Have Not scenario again -- slop, cold showers, bad room. They're dressed in little cow outfits. Space Milk Mountain, asks Lawon. Cowsmic Journey. They have to soak up milk and squeeze milk into jugs.

Teams of four -- three cows and one person who jumps on them to squish out the milk. The Have Nots are Lawon, Kalia, Shelly and Cassi. The library room is gone and replaced with a padded cell with mats on the floor. The lights are always on.

Dick wants to get Adam on their side, same deal as Porsche -- if up, get the Golden Key and vote with the veterans.

Nominations Today. Keith thinks if he and Porsche go on the block, it's all her fault and the Regulators will save him.

Key order -- Daniele/Dick, Jeff/Jordan, Lawon/Kalia, Shelly/Cassi, Adam/Dominic.

Keith/Porsche nominated. "Strategic gameplay," explains Porsche.

Oh my, the announcer voice said, "When one houseguest unexpectedly leaves the game, it threatens to change everything."

Gee, who could that be?