Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds into Thursday Dawn 7/14/11

Are L.A. evenings this cold?
But I do like the look.

Another night in the BB13 house, the last night for one hamster. Who will it be? To be honest, I haven't formed any sort of connection with either Keith or Porsche. So, guess what? I don't care! One of 'em, get out of there and let the game go on!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Conniving Curs:
  • Keith told Shelly that all Cassi wants to do is hang out with Jeff and Jordan.
  • Wait. Isn't Cassi a Regulator?
  • Keith, thinking he's a sunk ship, is going around giving advice.
  • He told Adam that Kalia and Lawon should be the next target.
  • Wait. Isn't Lawon a Regulator?
  • Keith already threw Dominic under the bus to Daniele.
  • Wait. Isn't Dominic a Regulator?
  • So Keith has given the Judas kiss to all in his alliance.
  • Talk about burning bridges.
  • As it's the evening before a live show, no alcohol for the hamsters.
  • Keith said he doesn't need to practice the golf game for HoH.
  • Rachel is nervous about Shelly, whether she'll stick with them or not.
  • Meanwhile Shelly tried to give Keith a pep talk, saying how good he could be at the game but that he was letting his plans get ahead of things and isn't flexible.
  • Kalia told Porsche not to tell anyone she's voting to keep her.
  • Shelly told Cassi that the Veterans plus Kalia would be voting to keep Porsche.
  • So, Kalia's big secret? Not so much.
  • Cassi said she still plans to vote the same (to keep Keith).
  • Shelly told Cassi she can't believe Keith has just given up and isn't even trying to stay.
  • Shelly also told her that Porsche thinks she's gorgeous (she Porsche, not she Shelly).
  • She says that Porsche is upset that men aren't falling all over her.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Maybe that could be good for a Rachel vs. Porsche cat fight! Bring it ON!
  • Daniele warned Brendon and Jeff that they're both coming off a bit power hungry and it could bite them in the butts if the Newbies get HoH.
  • Brendon and Rachel now seem to have pros and cons about keeping Porsche and letting Keith go.
  • But I still think the Veteran vote will be Keith, along with a stray or two from the Newbies.
  • Unlike previous seasons, I don't think we're going to see a landslide on the first vote.
  • Maybe they're not lemmings.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Dingy, but I like her.

When I'm not paying attention and she speaks,
I think "guy."

Shelly trying to pep talk Keith as he packs.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Wednesday Daytime 7/13/11

Cassi in a cap. Does that make her Cappy?

Not only has it been on the boring side in the house today, but the feeds have been suffering technical glitches -- down and/or freezing -- and blocks for the last several hours. Argh.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Doofy Duos:
  • Early morning golf practice. Wowsers.
  • Shelly said she thinks the Newbies think they're cohesively voting to keep Keith.
  • In other words, bye-bye Porsche.
  • However, she and Kalia plan to keep Porsche, thus siding with the Veterans.
  • Brendon told Shelly that Rachel got turned down for some jobs because they recognized her from the house and thought she behaved that way.
  • Which she did behave "that way" and still does to an extent. And probably will behave "that way" more once she's not HoH.
  • Gee, how did you figure that would happen? Go on a reality show and come across as a loony cheap needy floozy and lose job prospects?
  • Rachel told Shelly that she breaks down and cries during job interviews when the show comes up.
  • Well, that's not the way to get hired, either!
  • She has a two day a week $9/hour job, no health insurance, etc.
  • Rachel got the HoH digital camera and went around taking photos.
  • A good time was had by all.
  • Yippee.
  • Kalia told Dominic that Porsche told her she thinks she's going home and that she (Kalia) would be the next target.
  • Meanwhile, Jordan assured Porsche that she's staying.
  • There was a fairly lengthy HoH lockdown.
  • Those are always horrible because it's all chit-chat and laying about.
  • Then the glitches started.
  • (Argh)
  • Keith, relatively certain he's heading home, told Daniele she's the player he most admires in the game.
  • He gave her his hat as a "going away" gift.
  • He also sold out his buddy Dominic to her.
  • Daniele is definitely playing the social game.
  • Keith told Lawon that if he stays he'll target Veteran power players.
  • Who's going home?
  • Hard to say for sure, but I still think it will be Keith. I think the "power players" are more worried about leaving him in the game than they are Porsche.

Keith selling out Dominic to Daniele.

Mr. In Charge

Daniele infiltrating the enemy camp.

Big Brother 13 PoV Episode Blog Party 07/13/11


Once again that rockin' Zoetawny has created us a new show logo for this summer! Thank you, Zoetawny ... I know life hasn't been easy for you for a while now and this is greatly appreciated!

Joining the blog pool closed at 5 PM ET. Margo posted this earlier:


Adam - Auntie Leigh, Ayana, ML
Brendon - SueGee, Sally, Chris
Cassi - dla, Becky, Buzzmaam
Daniele - Terry in PA, EileenM, Jennasmom
Dominic - Witt, Rbennie, JOEY
Jeff - Petals, Donna in AL, Delee
Jordan - Sydney, Meb, Brent McKee
Kalia - Nana in NW, Monty924, Laurie
Keith - Zoetawny, PDX Granny, Becky
Lawon - Dr_Celine, Jackie, Caela
Porsche - Ninboh, Donna in FL, Sharon S
Rachel - Jamie, Margo, ChaCha
Shelly - Sasha, Paris Hilton, Janice


Swimming Suits are NOT optional
NO running
NO Roughhousing
NO Horseplay
NO Name Calling (of fellow posters)
NO Swearing
NO Glass containers
NO Spitting
NO candy bars in the pool
NO public displays of affection in the pool

We are only here to have fun so everyone please PLAY NICE.

Which ever team wins the Pool gets bragging rites until the next season starts.

Margo aka the Lifeguard

So, tonight we get a wee bit of news (because I don't think we'll ever get specifics) about Evel Dick leaving the show, as well as the reaction of the fellow houseguests. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major happenings. But things are a heck of a lot more fun in comments. I hope to see you there!

Okay, so Dick got called to the Diary Room and never came out. Uh-oh -- they called Rachel to the Diary Room and the house is still Dick-less! She has an announcement to read -- Dick had to leave for urgent personal matters, Daniele gets a Golden Key. Brendon is acting like a jerk wanting to confront the newbies because Keith's happy. @@

Jeff gave them a pep talk. On the newbie side, Shelly thinks Keith is acting very poorly. He is way too smug.

Picking players for veto - HoH couple, nominees and one other duo. Daniele isn't eligible. She's getting into the scheme of things and plans to play socially with the newbies. Jeff and Jordan are the other duo. Adam is the host.

Adam is done up in a cop outfit, the backyard is full of "buildings." They're all wearing superhero spandex outfits. They have to "repair skyscrapers" by completing the veto puzzle. With their sights on the Golden Key, both Porsche and Keith are throwing the puzzle unbeknownst to each other.

Brendon and Rachel win.

America's Choice for food for the Have Nots should be up on the CBS website after the show airs. Why waste $ texting?

Brendon and Rachel run around talking to everyone, trying to get promises of safety ...

Time for the PoV meeting. They have the "dual power of veto" to remove a duo. They are NOT using it, Keith and Porsche remain on the block.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into the Dawn 7/13/11

Ohhh! Rachel's SHINY!

Tonight will be the big Dick(less) Reveal on the show in addition to the PoV comp and meeting. But that's all old news for us, right? After all, the hamsters are getting psyched to play for the new HoH reign. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rascally Rodents:
  • The hamsters went on indoor lockdown as BB built something in the yard.
  • Jordan thinks her period is coming ... still, again, whatever. I really don't need to know.
  • Lawon and Cassi think this is a fun season and they're fun hamsters because they make up games and get everyone involved.
  • Yawn.
  • Brendon told Rachel she's playing too emotionally.
  • Rachel playing emotionally? Say it ain't so!
  • Oh jeez ... in for another round of the Brendon controlling condescending act with Rachel crying and bristling.
  • Again ... why are these two together? There should be psychological papers written about the relationship.
  • The latest is because Brendon trusts Daniele and he feels Rachel doesn't.
  • To be honest, I don't think they should really trust Daniele because she's smarter than they are in gameplay.
  • Porsche finally kicked her campaigning into gear.
  • Jeff and Kalia got into an argument about a gay Harry Potter character.
  • Jeff regretted the argument since he thinks it will make him look bad.
  • Yeah, Jeff ... it kind of does make you look just a bit homophobic.
  • They got all dressed up for the Franklin the Turtle Missing Trial.
  • But then they were allowed to go outside.
  • Now, they think the set-up is for a Food Comp. I'm thinking HoH. We'll see. Daniele also thinks it's HoH.
  • It's an oversized golf club with big balls thing (look at my screen caps).
  • They practiced and practiced, then practiced some more.
  • When Porsche campaigned to him, Adam told her he hasn't made up his mind. He'd like to keep her because he feels they could work together. On the other hand, if he keeps Keith, Keith is a bigger target and it would draw attention away from him (Adam).
  • At midnight, the Have Nots were allowed to eat. So they did.
  • Dominic and Adam talked -- they're sure they have the votes to send Porsche packing.
  • The veterans and anyone aligned with them plan to vote out Keith.
  • I'm not so sure, but I think it will still be Keith leaving.
  • No great loss if he goes.
  • Some are still up as I get this posted.
  • Go to bed hamsters!

The doohickey in the yard

Adam practices

Why doesn't Dominic have big funky socks with stripes?

Food, food, glorious food!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday 7/12/11

Lawon, Flaming Carrot

It's Tuesday, another day of wacky hijinks with those lovable hamsters in the BB13 house. Er, um. Well ... anyway, here are the day's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Nervous Nellies:
  • Y'know, it would be nice if they all went to bed before 5 or 6 AM their time (which is 8 or 9 AM my time). I recall times during other seasons that BB would actually have a lights out enforcement.
  • Of course, there are no lights out in the Have Not room this season.
  • Keith is still campaigning to stay. Porsche, not so much.
  • Cassi and Porsche don't like each other.
  • Alas, they don't have a cat-fight screaming and yelling.
  • I really need some kind of action here, you understand.
  • What do I get?
  • Rachel and Brendon drama.
  • Sheesh.
  • First he tells her that he's thinking of throwing the HoH comp so he can be nominated and go home.
  • She freaked.
  • Later on in the day, they had one of his condescending and her immature petulant child drama parties.
  • Why are these two together? I didn't understand the connection last year other than they both must have extreme issues and play off each other. I understand it less this year.
  • She drinks, she's loud, she gets all skanky-acting. He tells her to stop and that it hurts his feelings. She cries.
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • In other drama, Brendan's toy turtle Franklin went missing last night. He's still missing. Brendon is ticked.
  • And Rachel is immature.
  • The hamsters plan a mock trial for the Showtime time slot tonight investigating the disappearance of Franklin.
  • Rachel says she has 13,000 followers on Twitter.
  • Really?
  • Wake up, fools!
  • Kalia cried to Lawon how she hates being in the house and misses her family.
  • Truth or fiction? Remember, she wants to be put on the block with him, Lawon voted out and she gets a Golden Key.
  • But it also didn't seem like an act.
  • Brendon really doesn't like Porsche.
  • However, the plan is still to evict Keith.
  • They're worried it might end up being a tie.
  • In that case, Rachel would vote to evict Keith.
  • Oh, well ... there's a big turtle trial on late tonight. I better get my rest!

And Rachel cried