Are L.A. evenings this cold?
But I do like the look.
But I do like the look.
Another night in the BB13 house, the last night for one hamster. Who will it be? To be honest, I haven't formed any sort of connection with either Keith or Porsche. So, guess what? I don't care! One of 'em, get out of there and let the game go on!
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Conniving Curs:
- Keith told Shelly that all Cassi wants to do is hang out with Jeff and Jordan.
- Wait. Isn't Cassi a Regulator?
- Keith, thinking he's a sunk ship, is going around giving advice.
- He told Adam that Kalia and Lawon should be the next target.
- Wait. Isn't Lawon a Regulator?
- Keith already threw Dominic under the bus to Daniele.
- Wait. Isn't Dominic a Regulator?
- So Keith has given the Judas kiss to all in his alliance.
- Talk about burning bridges.
- As it's the evening before a live show, no alcohol for the hamsters.
- Keith said he doesn't need to practice the golf game for HoH.
- Rachel is nervous about Shelly, whether she'll stick with them or not.
- Meanwhile Shelly tried to give Keith a pep talk, saying how good he could be at the game but that he was letting his plans get ahead of things and isn't flexible.
- Kalia told Porsche not to tell anyone she's voting to keep her.
- Shelly told Cassi that the Veterans plus Kalia would be voting to keep Porsche.
- So, Kalia's big secret? Not so much.
- Cassi said she still plans to vote the same (to keep Keith).
- Shelly told Cassi she can't believe Keith has just given up and isn't even trying to stay.
- Shelly also told her that Porsche thinks she's gorgeous (she Porsche, not she Shelly).
- She says that Porsche is upset that men aren't falling all over her.
- Um. Okay.
- Maybe that could be good for a Rachel vs. Porsche cat fight! Bring it ON!
- Daniele warned Brendon and Jeff that they're both coming off a bit power hungry and it could bite them in the butts if the Newbies get HoH.
- Brendon and Rachel now seem to have pros and cons about keeping Porsche and letting Keith go.
- But I still think the Veteran vote will be Keith, along with a stray or two from the Newbies.
- Unlike previous seasons, I don't think we're going to see a landslide on the first vote.
- Maybe they're not lemmings.
- All are asleep as I post this.

Dingy, but I like her.

When I'm not paying attention and she speaks,
I think "guy."
I think "guy."

Shelly trying to pep talk Keith as he packs.