If you're following the scorecard, by the end of this evening, it will be one evicted, two fired. If you're unaware of what I'm talking about, check out my last post.
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news!
But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!
The pool picks are (if you've forgotten your hamster or want to forget your hamster:
Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Ah, they're going to show part of the brouhaha over the wine. Showing the showmances and the idea of keeping Elissa to "weaponize" her with the power of the MVP nom each week.
The three noms get a brief statement. Jessie, happy birthday dad, great week. Elissa - target since day one, keep target around, no one comes between me and my BB game. David - stand up guy, will wear pink dress again.
The vote:
Amanda - David
Aaryn - Elissa
Nick - David
Candice - Elissa
Spencer - David
Kaitlin - Elissa
More after commercial ...
Helen - David
Howard - David
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - David
Jeremy - Elissa
Andy - David
Julie tells them David is evicted ... Aaryn is stunned. She looks like a zombie.
David did his interview with Julie. The dude is SO clueless.
BBMVP voting is announced.
HoH comp time! Tomorrow is the 4th of July -- BB BBQ, picked balls out of a bag to pick a partner. Fill cup of BBQ sauce, down lane to partner, first one to remove ping pong ball from jug wins. Small jug has two cups for the team to remove the ball more quickly. The winning pair must decide amongst themselves which will be HoH.
Ah, an endurance. I'll post an update post when the feeds come up and keep you updated!
Ah, they're going to show part of the brouhaha over the wine. Showing the showmances and the idea of keeping Elissa to "weaponize" her with the power of the MVP nom each week.
The three noms get a brief statement. Jessie, happy birthday dad, great week. Elissa - target since day one, keep target around, no one comes between me and my BB game. David - stand up guy, will wear pink dress again.
The vote:
Amanda - David
Aaryn - Elissa
Nick - David
Candice - Elissa
Spencer - David
Kaitlin - Elissa
More after commercial ...
Helen - David
Howard - David
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - David
Jeremy - Elissa
Andy - David
Julie tells them David is evicted ... Aaryn is stunned. She looks like a zombie.
David did his interview with Julie. The dude is SO clueless.
BBMVP voting is announced.
HoH comp time! Tomorrow is the 4th of July -- BB BBQ, picked balls out of a bag to pick a partner. Fill cup of BBQ sauce, down lane to partner, first one to remove ping pong ball from jug wins. Small jug has two cups for the team to remove the ball more quickly. The winning pair must decide amongst themselves which will be HoH.
Ah, an endurance. I'll post an update post when the feeds come up and keep you updated!