Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Big brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday into the Evening - August 13

Hurricane Jessie all worn out

Oh my. I don't even know where to start. Here's the lowdown on what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of 10,000 Maniacs:
  • As I mentioned in my last post, Jessie eavesdropped and heard something that she didn't really want to hear.
  • While she's been the target this week, they had been assuring her she would stay and was but a pawn.
  • She found out that was SO not so.
  • So, she's decided to be a hurricane running amok through the house trying to turn everyone on each other.
  • The only one she trusts or likes at the time of this posting is GinaMarie.
  • @@
  • With the exception of damage she did with the Aaryn/GinaMarie relationship, it seems like she's only solidified the McCrae/Amanda/Helen/Elissa camp.
  • As the day wore on, the truths she was sprouting got mixed with some lies or exaggerations and the others knew it. 
  • Andy is disgusted with all of them because this is exactly what he didn't want to happen.
  • Jessie is chain-smoking. Unfortunately, though she is indeed chain-smoking and said she's doing it, she doesn't know the meaning of the phrase. She told Spencer it was smoking when you wanted to. Um, it's actually one after another, hence the word "chain" in there.
  • McCrae keeps joking that he wants to tell her he'll vote to save her if she gives him her cigarettes.
  • Throughout the day, Jessie deliberately did things to annoy the Have Nots -- Helen, Aaryn and Elissa in particular. She cooked bacon, she loudly smacked food, talked about food.
  • It's obvious her original goal was to get McCrae and Amanda to vote to keep her. If she could get them and GinaMarie. That would at least bring it to a tie.
  • Amanda is using the situation to keep prying for information.
  • But even Amanda is finding that not everything Jessie is saying is indeed the truth and that the truths kind of have to get extracted from the anger exclamations.
  • As the tirade/rant/hurricane/whatever continues, Spencer is getting more and more smug.
  • While I realize that Jessie, as an underdog, has fans ... overall her social game in the beginning desperately looking for friendship blew her chances.
  • She keeps going on about people lying to her. 
  • She's in the Big Brother house. What game did she think she was playing? It's known for deceiving, lying, backstabbing and then, upon returning home, it's even worse on the Internet.
  • Yes, she probably is too "nice" for this game. That's probably a good thing in the game of life.
  • But in the game of Big Brother, it's a shame that she didn't play with a smidgeon of the toughness she's showing now from the beginning.
  • Too much, too late.
  • Gah. We have two more days of this.

Jessie's game face as she storms the house

Helen doing damage control

Andy and Spencer laughing about Jessie's eavesdropping

Synchronized yoga

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Tuesday - August 13

What have I gotten myself into?

Well, it was boring boring until the late evening hours, then all heck broke loose. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Chaotic Crazies:
  • Might as well start where the action started -- Jessie told McCrae and Amanda that Helen and Elissa wanted Amanda out.
  • Now, if memory serves, Helen never did really outright tell her that. I could be mistaken, though. She's said it to a lot of people. She's also said "down the line" and "eventually."
  • I'm almost certain Elissa never said it to Jessie.
  • Helen did her usual damage control, saying that Jessie was trying to make her look bad before she left on Thursday.
  • Elissa wondered, with Jessie going a bit crazed over this, if she (Jessie) might possibly be on medication.
  • That, of course, was the "single most hurtful thing ever said in the house," as per Jessie.
  • @@
  • She might not know really hurtful!
  • Jessie accused Andy of not having her back.
  • Andy acted bewildered.
  • He does that a lot in stressful situations. He's not used to anyone lashing out at him.
  • Although, he was even taken aback by Elissa asking if Jessie was on something.
  • Hmm.
  • Helen got upset with herself for raising her voice at Jessie. She's not upset for defending herself, but doesn't want to be seen raising her voice on television.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Aaryn cemented her relationship with Helen. Now she's in almost as sweet a spot as Andy is -- directly peripheral to both power players.
  • Amanda believes Helen over Jessie.
  • Helen tried to smooth things over with Jessie, telling her she was staying and all.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Jessie took to eavesdropping.
  • When you do that, you often hear things you really don't want to hear.
  • Jessie's grave in the house had already been dug, but she's made it much deeper.
  • She lashed out and/or accused practically everyone except Spencer of lying to her, betraying her trust, leading her on.
  • It's going to be a long two days until eviction.

She claims he has a unibrow

You might not want to hear, Jessie

Is Jessie on meds?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Daytime, PoV Ceremony - August 12

What the heck is with the hair?

I love how some of these gals spend forever popping their pimples and applying make-up, then just shove their hair up in knots. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Messy Locks:
  • Heh. Amanda said you don't have to backstab to play the game.
  • Yeah, Amanda said it.
  • Really.
  • Of course, she who hasn't won anything technically has no "blood on her hands."
  • BUT ... at other times she's very quick to mention that she (and McCrae) have dictated all the nominations and evictions.
  • So, she has backstabbed. Perhaps she wore a disguise, but she did it.
  • Jessie feels that Helen perhaps isn't paying her enough attention. She was fussing about Elissa being wishy-washy yet at Helen's side all along while she wanted to work with her.
  • Jessie noted that this morning was the first morning with a noticeable change of weather -- it was overcast. She's not used to Southern California.
  • Jessie thinks that Aaryn is getting really touchy (not like touchy-feely, touchy as sensitive to things) because she's midweek on slop and it's her (Aaryn's) first time as a Have Not.
  • That could be it. She went off on the BB voice in the house which directs them to Diary Room, fix their mics, etc.
  • One of the new sayings this year is "Shut it DOWN!" when they're doing something they shouldn't.
  • Helen likes to shop at TJ Maxx and Nieman Marcus. Talk about opposites!
  • We had trivia -- example below -- while they had the PoV ceremony.
  • As expected, Andy did NOT change his nominations.
  • Spencer and Jessie remain on the block.
  • Jessie remains the target although everyone is acting like she isn't so she won't pout for three days or be crushed.
  • Helen said she told Amanda that if she wins HoH, it's too soon to go after anyone other than pawns. 
  • Helen considers pawns to be Spencer, (Jessie should be gone), GinaMarie and, to a lesser extent, Aaryn.
  • Both Helen and Amanda have talked to Andy about taking each other out.
  • He's stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  • Oh, what a quandary for everybody's friend!
  • In the long run, I think it depends on which power player has the power first and makes the move. If it's Helen, he'll drift to her. He's more loyal to Amanda, but time is dwindling. He'd be happier if Amanda got out Helen, I think.
  • Amanda STILL thinks Judd was MVP.
  • @@
  • McCrae is worried that GinaMarie and Spencer are in an alliance.
  • Elissa held a yoga class with GinaMarie. 
  • GM did better than I would.
  • Mind you, that's not saying much. I'd be horrible at it.
Oh, poor little Amanda


Quick. Elissa, throw GM on her face!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday Night Late - August 11-12

Stuck with GinaMarie

Not a heck of a lot has gone down since my last report. But, anyway, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Woeful Willies:
  • Helen again said she thinks that GinaMarie will be America's Favorite.
  • Andy thinks GM will be portrayed as nuts and not win the honor.
  • He's more right than Helen. Even with the more favorable editing on the show than actuality of the live feeds, she comes across as a whacko.
  • Helen and McCrae talked of never understanding what Howard meant when he spoke. He did tend to speak in circles and metaphors.
  • Aaryn thinks Spencer is sketchy. 
  • Andy pointed out that Spencer has no allies, so has little power to use his sketchiness.
  • Spencer told GinaMarie that he trusts Andy.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Andy has a gut feeling that America was the latest MVP and that Amanda is being portrayed as a villain.
  • Bingo!
  • Although, there's no need to "portray" her as a villain ... she is one!
  • Amanda and McCrae's fake wedding is set for tonight.
  • Andy won't give them the HoH room.
  • Good.
  • Andy talked of two men being in love and Aaryn said that was "disgusting."
  • @@ 
  • Doesn't Aaryn realize that love is (or should be) the major component of ANY relationship?
  • GinaMarie said she asked the Diary Room if she could beat up Candice in the jury house.
  • They told her, "NO."
  • I dunno. I bet Candice just might be able to do a job on GM.
  • Not that I'm promoting fisticuffs, of course.
  • The newly named ex-Goof Troop, now 3am Alliance, talked of various scenarios to get Helen out. 
  • That would be Andy, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda.
  • Helen wonders if Jessie might have deals set with someone as she seems too happy.
  • Maybe she's just happy she might be getting out of there!
  • It was weird to see ALL of the hamsters hang out in the backyard for most of the late evening hours. Usually a few go off in seclusion.
  • Helen got stuck with GinaMarie at the hot tub for what seemed like forever.
  • She even worked her HelenBot throughout that, asking all kinds of questions. If Helen gets in one of those comps about knowing the other hamsters best, she should win hands down. She acts like she's all interested, but I bet she's filing all the knowledge away for future use.
  • Amanda said that she's not racist because she's had sex with black guys.
  • @@
  • Nothing like promoting your promiscuity! (Don't care what color, just the idea of going on about guys with whom you've done da deed!)
  • Amanda told Andy that Aaryn's more sheltered which is why she made the "disgusting" remark.
  • I don't know. Even sheltered should have common sense.
  • Right?
  • Then again, perhaps the hamsters have to swear not to use common sense during the application process.
  • Yeah, that's the ticket -- no common sense permitted!
  • Later today, we'll find out if Andy uses the veto or not. I don't think he will and I believe it still will be Jessie walking out the door on Thursday.



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - August 11

At least she's not a Have Not

For the most part it's been a ho-hum Sunday in the habitrail. There's so much down time on Sundays that, except for the occasional brouhaha or cat fight, it might as well be nap time for all. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Horrors:
  • Have to give her credit for trying -- Jessie told the others she thinks Spencer is really good at comps. (And implied that she's not and they should vote him out.)
  • Lots of talk about how Judd did this and Judd did that. Judd pretty much did whatever others wanted him to do.
  • Andy told Helen he's only lied to the people he wasn't loyal to.
  • He's not lying about that.
  • But, do note he didn't tell Helen he hasn't lied to her.
  • GinaMarie was happy Andy won PoV as she thought she'd be the replacement nominee if veto was used.
  • She would have been.
  • Jessie thinks that Amanda/McCrae/Helen/Elissa have a final four deal. She doesn't know anything about Andy's involvement with any of them, or at least how strong his ties are.
  • Both of the power couples work together, but things will end up with them pitted against each other.
  • Helen keeps talking about getting Amanda out.
  • Unfortunately, she's telling that to Andy, Amanda's puppet.
  • Andy, who's been on the fence over which nominee he really wants out, told McCrae that he guesses Jessie will have to go as she told him she wants Amanda out.
  • @@
  • McCrae is worried that Amanda will betray him.
  • Heh.
  • They think Rachel might show up in a Pandora's Box.
  • Andy and Spencer think they trust Amanda and McCrae more than they do Helen.
  • Elissa, though part of that power pair with Helen, is easily dismissed.
  • Spencer thinks Aaryn is a wild card. While her two HoH had the nominations controlled by others, he has no idea what she would do on her own.
  • He has a point there.
  • I'd say she'd just do whatever told by whomever.
  • Now Helen, Andy and McCrae are in a final three deal.
  • Whatever.
  • I can't even try to keep these whacko deals straight.
  • Although I do admit I wouldn't mind seeing that particular final three. I just don't think it's serious.
  • McCrae said, though Amanda has sworn love and future marriage, he feels trapped and depressed. He called her a maneater (not to her face) and said he feels like the girl in the relationship.
  • Good. Now he knows how some girls feel!
  • Andy told Jessie he can't keep playing everybody's friend.
  • He also told her that Spencer has lied to him.
  • He didn't tell her that she's the target this week.
  • Then Andy went off to be Helen's good friend.
  • And on it goes ...

Symbolic of her life?

HoH entertainment

He DOES have Spock ears!

You can run, but you can't hide