Saturday, August 17, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday into the night - August 16

Who woulda thunk she'd still be here?

While it's been a day of activity in the house, not so much here on this end as the feeds get blocked for both the Have Not comp and nominations. Here's the day's happenings inside that Big Brother House of Misanthropic Misfits:
  • As I previously mentioned, the 3am Alliance has decided that Helen and Elissa will go on the block. Helen will be told that Elissa is the target and she's only on the block as she would be a vote to keep Elissa.
  • What? The HoH? Silly you ... it's the alliances who make the decisions these days, not the HoH! Where have you been? Under a rock?
  • That said, Aaryn does personally want Elissa out. But, since Elissa isn't really the target -- said target is Helen -- this is not her decision at all.
  • As good as Helen is at playing people, shame on her that she seems to be falling for the lies everyone is telling her. Shame on her. 
  • Before the nominations went down, Elissa apologized for her comment about not wanting to sit next to GinaMarie and Aaryn during the live show.
  • So ... Aaryn tells her that she (Elissa) isn't the target. The target is Spencer.
  • (Personally, I'd rather Spencer or Elissa leaving rather than Helen. I think those two, particularly Elissa, have a lot less game in them than Helen.)
  • Amanda told Aaryn that she (Aaryn) needs a vocal coach to strengthen her vocal chords. She needs something. That gurgling almost like it's underwater voice drives me bonkers!
  • Amanda told Helen that Aaryn was going to put her (Helen) on the block with Elissa so that Elissa won't be saved with the veto. Amanda said she wasn't sure if the plan was to backdoor Spencer or what.
  • Now, Helen is buying all these lies.
  • Shame on her. She should know better.
  • Helen is leery enough that she went to Aaryn and promised if she won the veto, she wouldn't use it to save Elissa.
  • Nope, that ain't gonna work because YOU are the target, Helen!
  • All the ongoing lies were put on hold for the Have Not Comp. Woohoo.
  • GinaMarie, Elissa, Helen and Amanda are the new Have Nots.
  • I'd love to see Spencer and McCrae given a stint with this. Wouldn't you?
  • America chose head cheese and habaneros for them. Oh my. If it were me, all I would eat would be the slop!
  • They think head cheese is gross.
  • So do I.
  • Apparently Spencer was the shining star of the comp. Um. Okay.
  • Aaryn told Amanda she really wants Spencer out.
  • So, nominations time came.
  • She nominated Elissa and Helen as per plan.
  • Helen's only chance to save her game would be to win the veto.
  • We'll see.

Slop chef

Hiding behind the pillow again

Nick came! She kissed him and ...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds After Hoh Into Friday - August 16

Amanda crying behind the garbage can

Gee, apparently we missed at least one crucial behind the scenes happening during the live show last night. It now gives the green light to put something in motion which was bound to happen anyway. However, now it's easier for the parties involved. What am I talking about? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tears and Fears:
  • What we missed is that Elissa said something about not wanting to sit so close to GinaMarie and Aaryn on the couch for the show. They say she made some kind of comment about not wanting to be associated with "girls like that" or something to that effect.
  • Both GinaMarie and Aaryn felt that she was putting them down and acting like she is so much better than them.
  • Uh-oh.
  • But let's get back to right after the show ended ...
  • Both Aaryn and McCrae admitted to trying to throw the comp to Amanda.
  • Yet Amanda couldn't win. In her own words, she sucks and isn't good at anything.
  • So, she cried.
  • She even ran to the storage room and hid behind the garbage can crying.
  • She cried even more when McCrae said something about it.
  • Elissa thinks she can't win anything.
  • So, Elissa cried.
  • Helen went around trying to cheer everyone up.
  • If she said, "Turn that frown upside down," one more time, I might have screamed.
  • Aaryn, once again, isn't particularly happy that she won. She likes being safe, but hates to be the one making nominations.
  • The 3am Alliance is going strong -- Amanda, Andy, Aaryn and McCrae.
  • Their plan is for Aaryn to put Elissa on the block because of her offending hurtful comment ("can't sit next to these girls" bit) and then, put Helen up with her "as a pawn." 
  • They (Aaryn, being stuck with the deed) would tell Helen she was on the block because Elissa was the target and that way she (Helen) wouldn't be in the position of voting her friend out.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Helen will fall for that.
  • I really wish I didn't know Aaryn's beginning of the game with her racial slurs and all. She IS proving to be strong in comps. And, although she's being used by Amanda, at times she's almost likable.
  • But, the past and the fact that she has throughout the game let others make her decisions and even affect her behaviors, do her in.
  • But I just can't be in her camp because of that. 
  • Amanda is SO jealous of Aaryn. She freaked because Aaryn once again sees photos of her family and all.
  • @@
  • Aaryn did point out to Amanda that whoever stays (of Helen and Elissa) will come after her (Aaryn), not Amanda.
  • Hey, that's what Amanda and McCrae want!
  • Unfortunately, if Elissa stays, she's not capable of doing much in comps. She's not a Rachel gone wild with fury. She's just a bit ... um ... odd.
  • 3am talked of Aaryn making a deal with Spencer just for show -- tell him he's safe this week if he keeps Aaryn safe the next.
  • But Spencer's all but off the radar this week with them. 
  • They want the blood of HELEN!
  • Oh my.
  • Aaryn was upset to know people could tweet them (from Julie on the show) and how could "they" know what it's like in the house?
  • Heck, we who follow the feeds technically know more about what's going on in the house than most the hamsters as we see all sides of the conversations while they're just privy to their own and rumors.
  • No, we don't know what it's like to be IN the house.
  • Most of wouldn't want to be there ... especially with this crew!
  • When Amanda told Helen that Aaryn's target is Elissa, it must have clicked with her.
  • Helen, probably fearing her fate is sealed and that she's a target, turned on the tears once again.
  • She's spent so much effort protecting Elissa and she can't do it anymore.
  • She's spent so much effort protecting Andy and she can't do it anymore.
  • Cry, cry.
  • Real tears.
  • All to shift the focus off of herself.
  • I don't think the tears are working this time.
  • Elissa told Helen she just didn't want to sit with Aaryn and GM because she just doesn't like them.
  • She claims that only Amanda and Helen knew she said that.
  • So, who told the two wayward blondes?
  • Probably Amanda, I would think. 
  • Helen cried some more, realizing that Aaryn will be siding with McCranda and Elissa isn't any kind of good partner at all.
  • Meanwhile, Elissa would just as soon go home.
  • But that's not going to happen unless they can't get Helen out due to a veto win.
  • The writing is on the wall, Ms. Helen.
  • If Helen does indeed survive this, she will be -- in her own words -- amazing.

GinaMarie being weird playing with HoH key

Helen crying

Elissa crying

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - August 15

Even those who don't follow the live feeds probably have a good idea who will be walking out the door tonight. But, who's going to win Head of Household? It's getting near the point that one of the power factions in the house might try to take down a member of the other. We're getting a bit low on expendable players.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party will be in the comments area. I've heard rumbles that the drinking phrase for this week will be "the house" as in voting with the house, doing what the house wants, etc. I refuse to be held responsible for drunken couch sitting! So, please ... don't fall out of your chairs. If need be, put big pillows around you. ;-)

Okay, nearly a quarter of the show on the Jessie finding out that she's the target thanks to a fight with Helen in which Helen threw her under the bus. Julie promised another "game-changing" announcement before commercial. Jessie eavesdropped and found out EVERYONE lied to her and they're voting her out.

Hurricane Jessie is about to hit the house.

Speeches: Jessie, promises loyalty if she stays, second family, loves all. Spencer -- brother's birthday, amazing dream come true, hopes to stay.

The votes:
Amanda -- Jessie
McCrae -- Jessie
Aaryn -- Jessie
Helen -- Jessie
Elissa -- Jessie
GinaMarie -- Jessie

As expected, it's unanimous, Jessie is out. And, out with class.

HoH comp -- Going way off Broadway, songs used to identify comps, in rounds with a face-off set-up.

GM/Helen -- GM wins, chooses Spencer/Elissa next.
Spencer wins, chooses McCrae and GM.
McCrae wins, chooses Spencer and Aaryn.
Aaryn wins, Amanda and McCrae last two.
McCrae gave it to Amanda, it looks.
Amanda/Aaryn -- AARYN WINS HOH!

Julie tells us a juror will return to the game next Thursday. It sounds like the Survivor bit where they had them compete to return.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into Thursday - August 14-15

Put your hair in the air like you just don't care

Most of yesterday was a whole lot of nothing. While it still hasn't been a thrill a minute, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Foolish Foes:
  • Helen pep-talked Elissa, trying to convince her that she (Elissa) can win HoH.
  • Of course, that would be perfect for Helen. No blood on her hands!
  • Elissa thinks that she (herself) has never been able to bond well with everyone because of the vendetta against her in the beginning of the game due to Rachel.
  • She's probably right.
  • Both Helen and Elissa think that Jessie's lack of ability as a team player and constant need for affirmation hurt her game.
  • Andy says that Jessie is a sinking ship and told Spencer the vote for her to go will be unanimous.
  • GinaMarie thinks Jessie is weird.
  • I say, "Look in the mirror, GinaMarie!"
  • Andy predicted that Jessie will offer someone, in return for staying, that she will throw HoH to them.
  • Sure enough, she offered that up to Aaryn, saying she could be nominated again ... just for another week in the house.
  • Yep, Aaryn, who had just been saying how she'll never trust Jessie again.
  • Jessie then made the same offer to Helen and Elissa.
  • No one will take her up on it.
  • Jessie cried. She doesn't want to go out "like this."
  • Well, that's how the cookie crumbles.
  • Always in the game, Amanda told Spencer that Helen is plotting his demise.
  • In the game, mind you. Helen isn't a murderer-to-be.
  • Amanda also told Spencer she trusts him more than she trusts Aaryn.
  • Ha.
  • McCrae, hiding any backdoor Helen scenario, told Elissa that Aaryn will have to be backdoored next week.
  • Amanda is still ticked about the mystery MVP.
  • At midnight the Have Nots could eat. Aaryn and Helen cooked a feast.
  • The vote will probably be unanimous again this evening, this time Jessie going out the door.
  • Ah, well. Next week is a new week. About the only real wild card left in the house will be Spencer.
  • The only truly expendable hamsters between the two power players (Amanda and Helen) will be GinaMarie and Spencer.
  • Soon it will come to real power plays.

The socks need to go!

Have Nots feeding frenzy

Last minute scrambling

Hands up!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Big Brother 15: PoV Show Blog Party - August 14

Yeah, yeah ... I know we already know (at least those who follow the live feeds), but it should be fun to watch anyway. Or, at least the party here can be fun even if the show isn't! As it airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

As always, if you're here for the party, head to the comments!

The 3am alliance is formed -- Aaryn, Andy, Amanda and McCrae. Helen is finally getting worried about Andy. Amanda decides that McCrae should form a fake alliance with Helen and Andy. Helen falls for it.

Power of Veto players picked -- Helen, Elissa, Amanda. Andy chooses McCrae to host it. With show fans aboard, they've figured out it might be the numbers counting hold/fold comp. They decide that everyone but Helen will fold so she can last out and Jessie just can't win. Spencer isn't thrilled.

The veto comp is indeed the counting hold/fold done in movie theater style ... BB Movie BLOOD, BOLTS AND BANDAGES! They have to earn three movie tickets. The plan got whupped when Spencer decided to actually play. Andy wins it, making himself happy as he won't have to decide a third nominee and get more blood on his hands.

Veto meeting ... Andy doesn't use it. Spencer and Jessie remain on the block.