Friday, August 30, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Thursday Night into Friday - August 29-30

Hey chickie, chickie

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Barnyard Animals:
  • To recap, GinaMarie won HoH and the chicken suits went to Spencer and Judd.
  • I had mistakenly thought that McCrae had been carrying chicken feet when it was orange Converse sneakers -- he was the orange bunny in the comp.
  • Oops.
  • The feeds were blocked until the comp had ended.
  • Now Amanda has two obsessions -- her irrational HATRED for Elissa and what Julie Chen said to her on the live show.
  • She seems consumed with her hatred of Elissa and is determined to convince GinaMarie to put her on the block.
  • I've never seen anyone quite so obsessed in all the years I've watched the show.
  • I'm talking since Season One!
  • Amanda thinks everybody is on the same page as her.
  • Meanwhile ... Spencer, Andy, Judd and GinaMarie (the Exterminators) are beside themselves with joy and plan to put McCrae and Amanda on the block.
  • And, nope ... Elissa, the target of Amanda's hatred, has nothing to do with it.
  • But, she's surely along for the vote, I'd say!
  • The boys have agreed to protect GinaMarie from McCranda.
  • I actually don't think they need to worry so much about McCrae. He's turning out to be the most inept superfan I've ever seen on one of these shows.
  • Spencer thinks he's going to make all kinds of money selling his BB stuff on eBay.
  • @@
  • Whenever they're around Amanda, everybody is just being a bit of a "yes man" to her vitriol over Elissa.
  • No sense in stirring the pot before the explosion over nominations.
  • Elissa is actually in the dark over this. I think she has hope that GM won't nominate her, but she has no idea that the guys (sans McCrae) are with her. She knows Judd is on their side, but doesn't really know Andy and Spencer are with them.
  • Amanda's hatred of Elissa was even more fueled by Julie's questions.
  • How DARE they portray Elissa as innocent and her (Amanda) as a bully!?!?!
  • Amanda thinks Elissa keeps putting her down.
  • @@
  • At one time, when Amanda left the room, GM, Andy and Judd all started dancing around again.
  • Aaryn had warned Amanda that GM would work with Elissa and put her (Amanda) on the block as a target.
  • Guess what, Amanda? Aaryn was honest about that one!
  • Amanda told GM that she needs to put up Elissa and either Judd or Spencer with her.
  • Amanda is STILL sure that Judd was the MVP putting her on the block!
  • Oh, silly little mean girl.
  • The chicken suits shed. 
  • I didn't know the dollar store made chicken suits, did you?
  • BB gave them alcohol. I wonder how much they'll get after the nominations go down.
  • Amanda told Elissa she's going on the block.
  • Elissa laughed at her.
  • That really irritates Amanda.
  • Aww.
  • Keep it up Elissa!
  • (Actually, Elissa is getting very upset at the continued bullying.)
  • Amanda thinks Elissa is picking on HER.
  • Oh, geez.
  • Amanda's behavior has McCrae trying to calm her down. He told her that GM doesn't like that kind of thing.
  • No one does. It's whacked.
  • McCrae told Amanda not to let Elissa bully her and to play the victim to GM.
  • @@
  • What world are these people living in?
  • Not mine, I hope!
  • Elissa thought Jessie's tirade at her was funny and not harmful, but Amanda's is hate-filled and cruel.
  • Yup.
  • In her HoH room, GinaMarie got another photo of Nick.
  • Run, Nick, run!
  • Her letter was from her mother, though.
  • Spencer likes GM's HoH goodie basket better than Elissa's. GM's is full of junk food while Elissa's was mostly healthy foodstuffs.
  • Amanda told GM that Elissa made her cry.
  • @@
  • Amanda spent the latter part of the night after the HoH room reveal crying.
  • Oh, my heart goes out to her, doesn't yours?
  • Heehee!
  • Judd is fussing and whining more about his chicken suit than Spencer is. He says it's all hot and sweaty.
  • Judd was very worried about coming back into the house with everyone still sucking up to McCrae and Amanda.
  • Amanda told Elissa that she (Elissa) keeps bullying her (Amanda).
  • Elissa walked away.
  • Amanda chased after her chastising her for bullying poor little Amanda.
  • @@
  • Oh, shrink, please! We have a spill in aisle one!
  • To placate her, GM told Amanda that Elissa has been her target since the first week.
  • A few minutes later, GM laughed with Andy about how Amanda is playing the victim. Andy warned her not to fall for the act. She said she doesn't.
  • The girl ain't too bright, but GM does have Amanda down.
  • I do think that GM will stick to her guns and put up McCranda.
  • Woot.
  • We'll see tonight!

Gonna be a long two days, gonna be a long week

He's all ears

This seems fitting

Barnyard animals in the house

HoH room fun!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big Brother 15: HoH Endurance Comp Live Feeds -- August 29

Once the live feeds return, I'll update this entry with well, um ... UPDATES and screen caps from the live feeds. As I get it posted, the feeds are still blocked.

10:10pm ET - Feeds still blocked. Remember to refresh this page to get the latest news. Er, but not right now as the feeds are still blocked.
10:15pm ET - Still blocked.
It's really sad that I know the answers to all of the trivia questions. Is there a 12-Step Program for me?
10:22pm ET - Still blocked.
10:30pm ET -- Feeds still blocked. Grr!


 McCrae is carrying chicken feet.

McCrae is shaving ... in anticipation of a beak maybe? Judd might be the other chicken.

  • Amanda thinks she can control GM's nominations.
  • Meanwhile, GM is hugging Judd and Andy in the storage room. 
  • I believe I'm mistaken -- I think that it's Judd and Spencer in chicken suits, NOT McCrae.
Julie apparently did push Amanda's buttons. She claims that now she "knows how she's being portrayed."

Amanda vows to be "on" GinaMarie until the nominations. I hope GM sticks to her guns.

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction/HoH Show Blog Party - August 29

Ready to party? If your area is affected by football being aired, please check this linked post to see if someone has mentioned a delay or alternate station to view the show one time.

As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the party is in the comments area ... please join us!

BTW - a slight spoiler (maybe) from the live feeds -- Elissa told Aaryn that, if she's evicted, she should blame all the racial things she said on Amanda. Hmm.

Lots of bad edits for Amanda tonight. Too bad, so sad. Heehee. Spencer, Andy, Judd and GinaMarie form the Exterminators alliance to go after Amanda and McCrae. Aaryn is scrambling for votes since Amanda told her that Andy has been with them longer.

Julie says Dan Gheesling will be on the show tonight. We get to pick a bunny suit or a chicken suit for 24 hours for the two finishing last in tonight's HoH. Twitter #bbbunny or #bbchicken.

Dan likes Judd, thinks Amanda is playing the game, but too personally insulting. Onto a couples segment -- Brenchal. Dani and Dominic -- they recently got married. Jeff and Jordan, together for four years now.

Talking to the HG -- Asks Judd what's changed, he said some people are gone. She mentions the drama, then moves right to Amanda and her bad behavior. She claims Elissa pushed her buttons and they're fine now. Elissa passes it off as emotions are running high. Julie brings up how messy the bedroom is.

Nominees speech time -- Aaryn, talks of family, thanks BB, respects decision. Andy -- trailblazing, weird speech, loves Anderson Cooper.

Judd -- Aaryn
Spencer -- Aaryn
GinaMarie -- Aaryn
Amanda -- Aaryn
McCrae -- Aaryn

It's unanimous (as I knew it would be) ... Aaryn is gone!

Whoa, first booing I've ever heard when someone came out! The racial comments are coming up! She says being Southern is a stereotype, things taken out of context, didn't mean anything. Julie reads off quotes. She doesn't remember saying them. (She says.) BB taught her anything? Life in general. People are laughing at her as she says she likes Candice, loves Helen. She says she feels horrible and then blames Texas. She looks terrified.

HoH comp -- Big Hoppertunity, fingers through fence to egg, maneuver through maze, hop it to basket. Their feet are tied together. They must gather a dozen to win.

Julie tells them there is a punishment at the end for the lowest two, chicken suits.

This comp will last past show end, so (as I tend to do), I'll put a post up to cover it on the feeds.

Julie says there's a surprise announcement about next week. I predict a double eviction.

Surprise competition for HG on Sunday, double eviction next week. (I was right.)

The comp post is up (but the feeds aren't yet).

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction Show Schedule/Programming Changes - August 29

Due to football tonight, many CBS stations in the Eastern and Central Time Zones are delaying the live show tonight or airing it on an alternative station. I will be putting up the blog party post tonight at 9pm ET and updating it in real time (and, yes, the party will be AWN).

However, I thought it would be good to get a post going pre-show with any scheduling news we know in our areas to share with others. If you see the show is delayed where you live, post the city/state area and the time it will start. If it's going to be aired on a sister station, post what station and time.

I'll start off with my own area:
9pm ET on sister station WLNY 10/55 (Check your listings -- usually on either channel 10 or 55)
2:07am ET on WCBS2

Your turn ...

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday Evening into Thursday - August 28-29

Did GinaMarie bust her butt?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • GinaMarie's lower back is really hurting her after she lugged Judd into the pool. If the HoH comp is physical, this might hurt her chances.
  • Her fellow ally boys are a bit worried about that.
  • Aaryn packed her bag. 
  • Aw, so sad.
  • Not.
  • I think I might be sad that it's not Amanda going out first.
  • Judd has a fear that it's a double eviction again and wants to show people where his stuff is to pack.
  • Heh.
  • I think we're probably in for another double eviction next week, but not this week.
  • Andy's worried about the eviction.
  • Again.
  • Still.
  • Whatever.
  • Amanda and Aaryn talked about her speech. Amanda suggested she should say, "At least I'm leaving at the hands of a white person."
  • Then they all got doing Asian accents after Amanda mocked Chinese people.
  • @@
  • GinaMarie told Elissa that Aaryn told her that she should stick with her.
  • Well, it's not the best, but at least Elissa is getting people on her side. A few weeks ago all she had was Helen.
  • GinaMarie thinks the Zingbot zings might be in the HoH comp.
  • Amanda continues to eat constantly. I really don't know she doesn't just explode.
  • That would make good TV!
  • Aaryn told McCrae that Spencer doesn't trust him.
  • She's still dropping little tidbits all over before she goes.
  • Aaryn predicts that unless they win HoH, Amanda and McCrae will be on the block every week.
  • Well, duh. Of course.
  • Elissa and Aaryn had a long talk, mostly about what could have been had Aaryn not fallen in with Amanda.
  • GinaMarie protested to Amanda and McCrae about Aaryn saying she was after them.
  • At least Aaryn is an equal opportunity pot stirrer if nothing else.
  • She's pretty much dropped seeds of discontent all over the house.
  • Not so much about Elissa, though. Perhaps because she knows many people in the house already don't like her.
  • Ew. The camera just focused on Spencer with his hand down his pants.
  • Ew.
  • Now I have to go away.

J-U-Double D

Ew, but at least she made him shower

Aaryn and Elissa talk what could have been

McCrae with CLEAN HAIR!

Always eating Amanda, always scheming