Monday, September 02, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds, PoV Meeting, Monday into the Evening - Sept. 2

Did GM get a raise? Oh. Her hair did.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Poor Examples:
  • The PoV Meeting was fairly early.
  • As expected, McCrae saved himself and GinaMarie put Spencer on the block as the replacement.
  • Remember, Spencer volunteered to be up there, so no betrayal on the part of GM.
  • Amanda freaked and fussed because all McCrae said in his speech was that he's sorry.
  • @@
  • Amanda and McCrae curled up in bed for a good part of the rest of the day.
  • In between cuddling and canoodling, she fussed about his speech.
  • He's been even more quiet than usual.
  • She said (over and over again) that she loved him.
  • He said, "Mmm."
  • She's still trying to work the angles. She thinks she needs Judd's vote only to stay in.
  • She has no clue that the Exterminators exist.
  • She thinks Judd is working with Elissa, GM is working with Elissa (but not with Judd and Elissa) and that she and McCrae have Andy and Spencer.
  • What part of the day they didn't spend napping, the Exterminators sat around discussing grand plans and how whacked and clueless Amanda is.
  • Elissa sunned.
  • Elissa made chicken and dumplings for dinner as Judd said it's his favorite dish. Andy never had chicken and dumplings before.
  • Although she so likes to trashtalk Elissa, Amanda surely helped herself to the dinner!
  • It actually did look pretty good.
  • Mmmm ...
  • Spencer volunteered to wash the dishes.
  • Wow.
  • A thrill a minute.

Typical of today's excitement

J-U-Double D

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - Sept. 1-2

It's not FAIR! GM is SO stupid!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Amanda's Last Stand(a):
  • Well, I can only HOPE it will be her last. I'm tired of hearing the same rants over and over again.
  • Andy and Spencer don't particularly trust Judd but are willing to see what happens when the Exterminators hit the final four.
  • They both think that everyone overestimates Judd, thinking he's some kind of mastermind of the game.
  • I do think Judd's game-sense is a bit overestimated. However, his strength lies in the fact that he usually knows when to keep his mouth shut. Sure, he opened it and made himself a bit of a fool when he suggested McCrae save Amanda. But, overall, he has a quieter way of playing than most.
  • Which is great because he mumbles so much!
  • Amanda kept at campaigning for Elissa to go up as the replacement nominee. It's her new obsession.
  • GinaMarie listens sympathetically, yet sticks to her guns. 
  • As she promised to tell McCranda whether she'll put up Elissa as the re-nom or not by 10 or 11 on Sunday night, she told them.
  • She will NOT be putting Elissa up. 
  • Ha!
  • GM refused to tell them who she will be putting up, but Amanda guessed (correctly) Spencer.
  • Her case is that all will be against GM if she (Amanda) goes home.
  • Nope.
  • The only one who might be mad would be McCrae.
  • Watching his body language, I think he just might think it's best for his own game that Amanda go. He knows that the power duo would have to go in the past. And, unless he and Amanda made it as far as the final three and won, they'd take the game.
  • GinaMarie's theory is solid -- it does level out the playing field if everyone is technically on their own. Even the Exterminators basis is founded on that theory.
  • GM denied over and over that she's working with Elissa.
  • She was telling the truth. She's cooperating with Elissa in this nomination because it's more vital to her game to break up McCranda.
  • After that, Elissa and McCrae remain her targets. Which one would she target first? Whichever she can. Same with the rest of the Exterminators ... even though the guys want out Elissa first.
  • One of the many reasons Amanda doesn't want to go yet is because the experience is life-changing for her.
  • We can only hope.
  • McCrae told Spencer he's sure that it's over for Amanda this week.
  • He's right.
  • One of the many times that Amanda pleaded her case to GM, GM brought up the fact that Amanda wanted her on the block with Aaryn so that Aaryn would stay last week.
  • Oopsie. Amanda just went on a different tangent.
  • Amanda blames her own demise in the game on Elissa winning HoH and Judd returning to the game.
  • Well, then she should have won HoH then, right?
  • That's the game of BB ... if you want control, it's best to win comps. It's amazing that Amanda was able to have control of puppets so long so far.
  • Dr. Will did that, but people honestly liked him, didn't fear his wrath.
  • When you rule by fear, there will be a coup sooner or later.
  • And I'm not talking a BB-planned coup d'etat.
  • By the end of the night, Amanda seemed to accept she's going. It didn't take McCrae as long to figure it out.
  • So, later today, it's fully expected that McCrae will save himself. Unbeknown to McCranda, Spencer has volunteered to go on the block as the re-nom so there will be no anger about him going up.
  • Come Thursday, Amanda will be gone. 
  • Bells will ring and small children will sing.

Amanda still trusts him

An Exterminator dance

Elissa does backflips

McCrae zones out while picking at his nails

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into the evening - Sept. 1

Oh my. It's like she's doing a GM with her hair

Here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Is This Season EVER Gonna End?:
  • GinaMarie's foot is still in bad shape. I hope it's in better shape come Thursday for the second HoH comp. I'm thinking that one will be physical and go past air time.
  • Judd and Elissa went over some of the comps and dates thinking it might be a memory HoH comp.
  • Both also agreed that Andy can now be trusted more as he chose Amanda to do something in the PoV comp (which was blocked to the feeds).
  • Elissa told Judd that he's going to have to make McCrae feel safe so he won't try as hard to campaign.
  • Elissa can't because she figures McCrae, although he's never said much to her, hates her just because of Amanda.
  • Judd told Amanda that if McCrae saved her with the veto and GM put Elissa on the block, people would vote out Elissa rather than McCrae.
  • Um.
  • No.
  • Ain't gonna happen.
  • Amanda immediately told McCrae and Andy that Judd was trying to fish for information with that proposal.
  • Oh, dear Mandy ... right now Judd is way more in the loop than you are. He's just pulling your chains. That's kind of like pushing your buttons, but a lot quieter.
  • The Sunday photo booth came alive. Much of this week was Exterminator poses.
  • Amanda and McCrae decided to pretend that McCrae would use the veto to save her in order to make a deal with GinaMarie.
  • Andy told McCrae he's distancing himself from him just in case Elissa wins HoH -- so they won't go on the block together for being in Cahoots.
  • Have you ever been to Cahoots? I think it must be near Ho-Ho-Kus.
  • Now I'm just being silly.
  • As you were ...
  • Andy told McCrae that if it's a double eviction this week, he wants Elissa out.
  • Well, that's no big secret. About the only one not privy to that info is Elissa herself!
  • McCrae told GM that he thinks he might have enough votes to stay if he takes Amanda off.
  • Okay, that plan is in motion.
  • But GM isn't taking the bait.
  • Even when Amanda outright begged and promised the world, GM just kept saying that she hasn't decided yet.
  • Later she told Elissa that there's no way she'll put up either her or Andy and that Spencer will probably be the re-nom.
  • Remember, GM also previously promised Judd she wouldn't put him on the block and Spencer volunteered.
  • Despite lots of counterintelligence and dodging and feinting ... it looks like the Exterminators plan is still in effect -- one of them (McCranda) will be going home.
  • And it should be Amanda. I don't think McCrae would ever be stupid enough to save her with the veto while he remains on the block.
  • Well, I suppose that could happen if he was distracted by his fingernails.
  • Once Amanda is out, the second eviction target seems to be McCrae when the Exterminators talk amongst themselves or Elissa when they talk around McCrae. 
  • Either one of them is expendable to the Exterminators. Neither one is in their final four plan, so must go.
  • We'll see.

Still safe? I think so.

Sunday is photo booth day!

Exterminator chickens

Exterminator HoH with a rat nose


Big Brother 15: Nominations and "Fun Comp" Show Blog Party - September 1

Ah, tonight should be fun to watch. Shh ... I won't spoil it for those that don't follow the live feeds. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

As always, the party is in the comments area. Come join us!

Dang! I forgot that the regular viewing audience (no feeds info) doesn't even know who won HoH. It seems like such old news to me. Oops. I should have put it in the blog entry title.

GM can't even get the name of her own alliance right! She called them the Terminators. It's the EXterminators!

GINAMARIE WON HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD! Spencer and Judd won the honor of wearing chicken suits for being the ones with the least eggs in the basket.

GM tells everyone except McCrae and Amanda that she's putting McCrae and Amanda on the block. Amanda and McCrae want her to put Judd and Elissa up. Ha.

Amanda keeps pushing her agenda on GM. GM keeps nodding, then hams it up for the camera. The HoH room reveal included another Nick photo.

After more Amanda hating on Elissa segment, the HG walk into the downstairs filled with huge balloon. A luxury comp with the winner to get ten grand. Spencer wins the money!

Nominations time. Key order: Andy, Spencer, Elissa, Judd. She kept her word -- McCranda is on the block.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 1, 2013

Hey, all! It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're looking for my latest post on the Big Brother show or live feeds, you can find that at this link. This off television topic photo post is something I do every Sunday year 'round. Thankfully, Big Brother isn't year 'round or I just might not survive!

Once again, I don't have all that much to report here. The weather's been muggy most of the week. I don't like muggy. I'd say I don't do muggy but I don't have much choice in the matter.

I do see some rest on the horizon -- I have two four-day work weeks ahead of me, then a staycation for my birthday week, the season finale of Big Brother and the start of Survivor. It's going to be amazing to not cope with only three or four hours of sleep a night. I forgot what that's like. And, today I can actually nap all day if I want as I'm off tomorrow for the holiday! Yay.

On the home front, all is well. No one stole my newspaper this morning, but it was delivered much later than it has been in the past. Usually it's out there by 5:30am. Today I found it on my fourth trip down at about 7:30. Maybe that's what happened last week. I might have given up on it too early and someone eventually did snag it. I don't use the front door of the apartment building, so it might have happened that way. Oh, well. At least during one of the trips I dropped off my rent in the secure mail slot doohickey for the landlord. It had that huge $5 increase for the new lease.

Onto this week's photos ...

Praying Mantis 7 photo IMG_9431a_zpsfb3034e2.jpg
Here's lookin' at you, kid

I ended up having a fantastic photo session with a praying mantis this week. More photos of her (I think her) after the jump.

Flowers gone wild photo IMG_9361a_zpsd61835a6.jpg
A cacophony of flowers

These are going amok this year at the house on the corner of Richmond and East Front in Plainfield.