Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning - Sept. 11-12

Spencer seems very relaxed

So, what's happened since we last saw the hilarious hijinks of the hamsters in the habitrail? A lot. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Final Four:
  • Boring. Yep, extremely boring when the live feeds first returned.
  • Andy was in the Diary Room for an extended session and the other three were just sprawled around the living room.
  • GinaMarie was making bracelets for everybody with beads and string ... probably from the dollar store.
  • They started doing shout-outs, so we got more blocked feeds.
  • With the shout-outs, I guess production is worried about not having signed releases.
  • Looking at the Memory Wall, only Andy and GM's keys are there.
  • Aha, McCrae and Spencer are on the block!
  • The veto is hanging there, so someone won it.
  • Hmm.
  • Trying to snag the intel from the hamsters themselves proved to be hard. They must have been warned not to talk about either the noms or PoV as it will air on the live show.
  • The table is downsized. It's that time of the season!
  • Whoa ... ANDY won the veto!
  • So, if the nominations remain the same (which I think they will), GinaMarie will have the sole vote tomorrow night.
  • It looks like it might very well be a Three Exterminator final three heading into finale.
  • Little bits and pieces came out about the veto comp. It was a skating thing. GM has a plaque with Nick's face on a fly over her bed.
  • Oh my.
  • Perhaps it's like the movie and Nick is screaming, "Help me! Help me!" as he thinks of GinaMarie coming for him!
  • Heehee.
  • McCrae thinks he's going home.
  • So do I.
  • Spencer and GinaMarie think they need to take each other for a chance to win with the jury.
  • McCrae is really worried.
  • He should be.
  • But at least he's not AS bad as Judd was.
  • In my crystal ball for tonight, I predict McCrae will go home at GM's hands.
  • Then the rounds for final HoH begin.

McCrae has his favorite socks on

Andy is without a worry

GM has Nick Fly over her shoulder

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Big Brother 15: Not Live Eviction, PoV, etc. Show Blog Party - Sept. 11

Okay, I'm well rested for a change and, as of now, the house is down to the final four hamsters. However, since the feeds have been blocked, we've been in the dark. Those who follow the live feeds can predict who is gone, but only rumors exist about the HoH and PoV comps.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

P.S. -- If you want to join the Survivor pool on the blog, the announcement post is located here. Please don't sign up on this BB15 post or it might not be caught by our not-so-eagle eyes!

Ten minutes into it and we've really seen nothing new except how much Spencer and the Exterminators want McCrae out. Spencer said that if McCrae wins the veto, Judd will go up.

Veto time -- Superheroes! Ian Terry flies in as the host. They have to "fly" back and forth to get puzzle pieces and form a magnetized puzzle. The magnet lets loose with time.

Judd drops out. Sheesh! McCrae wins the PoV! Spencer tells both GM and Judd they're safe.

Veto meeting. McCrae saves himself. Judd goes on the block. Judd tells McCrae he's after him, won't be after Andy or Spencer.

The voting is opening for America's Favorite. Not sure why they're even holding it this season. It's pretty much a given that Elissa will get it. Oh, well. I'm not even going to bother. No one this season was really a favorite of mine in the long run.

Eviction -- GM says hi to family. Not perfect, tries her best, gonna be family forever, hopes they keep her here. Judd -- Hi to family, love all y'all, guarantee that Andy and Spencer final three, can't say how. Hmm.

Andy -- Judd
McCrae -- Judd

Judd is out! (Again.)

HoH comp starts. It's a question and answer -- Before or After. 3-way tie! Into tiebreaker. Andy wins HoH!

Survivor: Blood vs. Water - Blog Pool Sign Up!

Next Wednesday evening, September 18, at 8pm ET/PT, we have the Survivor: Blood vs. Water season 90-minute season premiere leading into the finale of Big Brother. Mark your couch potato calendars and start thinking of the snacks and beverages now! It's gonna be a heck of a night!

I'm thrilled to announce that the honorable and esteemed Lifeguard Laurie has once again offered her services to host the blog pool. She rocks like that, y'know. You can sign up for the pool by contacting her at: 
Entries must be in by 6pm ET Tuesday 9/17.

Remember, the pool is all in fun. You will be randomly assigned a castaway to cheer on until they either get ... well, um ... cast away or win. If your castaway wins it all and is the sole Survivor, you win bragging rights until the next season is underway.

On show nights, we'll have blog parties right here on East Coast time. I'll also keep an eye out for newsy items about the show and such to keep us entertained. 

I previously posted on the cast announcement here.

Survivor fans ready?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Morning until Trivia - Sept. 10

J-U-Double D will go-go

Okay, this isn't going to be my typical live feeds update. We'll get a bit newsy with it!

All we really saw today other than the trivia blocking the feeds was the fake night filming for BBAD tonight. They were given dollar store arts and crafts and had to pretend it's night because the eviction is set for 5pm their time today, but won't air until tomorrow night. This happened about 9am to 11am this morning their time.

They messed around a lot mocking the fake night. One of the things they did were to make FAKE phone calls about FAKE happenings. Of course, the internet crowds (or many of them) think they're real happenings. Oy.

Spencer's HOH blog is up on the CBS website. I'm kind of surprised -- I think his writing skills might just be the best I've ever seen from a hamster blog. Oh my. I would advise that if you read, don't even bother with the gazillion hate-filled comments. I'm still not getting how people could hate strangers on a TV show that much. I realize that many of the things said and done reflect poorly on them, make a sad statement on society, etc., etc. I don't understand why people are reacting with such hate, though. It seems counterproductive or something. I dunno. I'm tired of all the hate.

Unfortunately, I've known some people like many of the hamsters this season. I avoid them. After this season ends, I can avoid these hamsters as well. I won't have to have them in my life and I can feel better about myself that I'm not like them, nor are any of the people I truly care about.

'Nuff said 'bout that.

I don't expect the live feeds to return until after tomorrow night's eviction show airs on the West Coast ... putting it at midnight here. When I know something, I'll post. But I probably won't know anything until tomorrow night's blog party post. The last I saw indicated that Judd will go home, but (of course) the HoH and veto are up in the air.

GinaMarie packing

Ohh! Dollar store crafts "night" for BBAD

Andy ... Lies R Us, er ... Exterminator

McCrae - could be tortured if we COMBED his hair!

Paint a pretty pink pig and name it Petunia

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - Sept. 9-10


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of We're Almost There:
  • While they continue to tell Judd he's safe every time he asks them (which is often), he's not.
  • The plan is for a unanimous vote of two to vote him out, thus keeping GinaMarie.
  • GM has been told she's safe. But then again, so has Judd.
  • In watching her, I'm thinking she's not believing it until it happens.
  • At least she isn't asking all the time!
  • They're not not telling Judd just to be mean and blindside him -- they honestly don't want to have to deal with him being upset. They know how much he wants to be in the house.
  • If there's a positive about all those remaining in the house -- none of them were the recruits. All of them were fans of the show who applied.
  • The eviction will take place sometime today.
  • I expect feeds will be blocked, but I'll update later with whatever I have. 
  • This is the earliest all have been to bed all season!

All in bed early

No one wants to tell him he's going