Friday, August 01, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds/Nominations Friday - August 1

Donny nominated Caleb and Victoria

Nicole nominated Zach and Jocasta

But are any of them the real target? Here's what has happened so far today in that Big Brother House of a New Regime:
  • Between fish and Jeff highlights feed blocks due to nominations and, right as I type this up, possibly the Battle of the Block, there hasn't been a heck of a lot of feeds time today.
  • The nominations were as discussed last night.
  • If they keep up with the second part of the plan, it's likely that dear Frankie just might find that back door this week.
  • Zach had volunteered to Nicole to go up, saying it would spare her grief in deciding and he actually deserved it from her.
  • Donny is covering the Caleb nom by saying Caleb put him on the block.
  • The women?
  • I guess they're the Forever Pawns.
  • They're reassuring both of them that they're going nowhere.
  • If, come Thursday, Victoria and Caleb remain on the block, Caleb would go.
  • They really want to go for Frankie, though.
  • Donny moved all of his stuff out of the little HoH room (ex-Pandora's Box) in case he's dethroned. Apparently they lock that room up once it's down to one HoH.
  • Victoria and Caleb have agreed to work together to win the Battle of the Block. Donny even gave Victoria a pep talk.
  • Cody thinks he's Donny's target if Donny remains HoH and someone uses the veto.
  • Donny himself, other than talking Frankie a bit with Nicole (which it would be more her move to make), has been a bit tight-lipped about it.
  • But you know he has a plan in place.
  • The BotB seemed to start early this week.
  • I'll let you know when I find out.
  • If I don't fall asleep, that is!

Will they both survive the week?

Amber is gone; Caleb stalks Zach

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday night into Friday - August 1

Derrick consoles Jocasta

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fresh HoHs:
  • As I mentioned in my previous little blurb -- Nicole and Donny are the new HoHs.
  • Jocasta just about had a nervous breakdown after retrieving her bag. She had wanted to win so bad and to go out first again!
  • Derrick really did a good job consoling her.
  • But her first again out of a comp didn't go unnoticed.
  • Zach told Nicole she could put him on the block and he'd have no hard feelings.
  • He better be careful what he wishes for!
  • Nicole told Cody she wants to protect Derrick, but doesn't want to show all of her cards to Donny.
  • When Derrick told Nicole that her plan to lose comps failed, she told him she felt she had to go for the win with Caleb and Zach still in the game. She's sure one of them would have put her on the block.
  • Hayden thinks he's safe because he's close to both Nicole and Donny.
  • He's probably right.
  • Donny said he had a plan for HoH last night before going into it, but it was more of a single HoH plan. He thought they'd stop having the two.
  • Donny told Derrick he wouldn't nominate him.
  • So, Derrick seems to be sitting pretty this week, too.
  • Caleb talked about going out on a date with Amber after the season ends.
  • @@
  • Donny seems to be leaning towards Caleb as a nomination. He told Caleb that if he did nominate him, it's because Caleb had nominated him before. He also said it would be a nomination with a chance to win at BotB or PoV.
  • Donny got a sweet letter from his girlfriend at home.
  • Aw.
  • With Hayden present, Donny said he'd probably put up Caleb and Victoria. Nicole thinks she might put up Jocasta and Zach.
  • Hayden kept talking about Frankie being the impetus to most of the things going on in the house.
  • I don't think Donny would put Frankie up due to TA.
  • I don't think Nicole has the nerve to make that big a move.
  • But I do think that Nicole just might be willing to backdoor Frankie.
  • Hmm.
  • She says she's not sure ... but maybe!
  • The latest new final four group is Nicole, Hayden, Cody and Derrick.
  • We'll see how long that lasts.
  • And we'll see how the nominations go later today ...

Zach offers to go on the block

An Amberless man

Storage room meeting

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds - HoH Winners - July 31

Nicole  and Donny are the new HoHs! They're talking about working together well. Yay!

Zach volunteered to Nicole to be one of her nominations. He said that way she could get him back for what he's done to her. He also told Caleb that it would make it easier on her. Aw, does Zach have a soft side?

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - July 31

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Hopefully tonight we'll have a real change in the HoH! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this blog entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As it always is -- the real party is down in the comments area! Come join in on the fun!

Here are the latest blog pool standings from ORKMommy --

Amber - Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny, Jennifer
Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E
Caleb - JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924, Janice from GA
Christine - ReeseB0329, EileenH, Willie J, Ronda, Rbennie
Cody - Delee, Nickelpeed, WolfpackRed, Nell the Southern Belle, Sally in Indiana
Derrick - Ed in Ohio, Jessica UNderwood, Marlo, Stormy, Erinkate
Donny - Buzzmaam, Tami, JonMD1267, Margo, Kelsey
Frankie - Aya, JOKATS, Ninboh, Tammy, Becky
Hayden - Donna in FL, Chacha, Sasha, Uncartie, Clover
Jocasta - Brenda, Kelly Davey, Cheryl in NC, Old mom, Maquinn78
Nicole - Jo, Witt, Celticskye, Tilda
Victoria - Dr_Celine, ORKMommy, Sharon N, Faye
Zach - Brian, NikkiB, Kathy, David

Joey - Not included in pool
PaoPao - Jackie, Lisa Bishop, Chrob61, lynn1
Devin - Donna in Alabama, Lili, Sparty, Merrilee, SarahT
Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E

Let the show begin! 

Amber is searching for answers as to why she's on the block. Now Caleb regrets his part in getting her placed there. He throws EVERYBODY in the alliance under the bus, telling her they all knew it was going on.

Team America chose the two hinky votes, blame on others mission. Donny balks at the mission saying it's not in his character to set up people.

The live voting is ready to begin --
Amber -- Speaks of family, friends and Jocasta, love you guys, honest and loyal, benefit your games if I stayed.
Jocasta -- Acknowledge God and family first, trustworthy, loyal, pray for you all, etc.

The votes to evict:
Hayden -- Amber
Victoria -- Amber
Donny -- Amber (says the mission was too risky)
Derrick -- Amber (also mentioned TA and apologized)
Zach -- Amber
Caleb -- Amber
Christine -- Amber
Cody -- Amber
Nicole -- Amber

Yet another unanimous vote, Amber is voted out.

HoH comp -- the hamsters viewed videos of themselves yesterday and that will be part of today's comp. Still two HoH this week. "Getting Loopy" - a series of statements based on the videos, true or false.

Jocasta out.
Victoria, Christine and Derrick out.
Cody out.
Five-way tie, out of time for the live broadcast. Commercial.

They will announce the HoH Winners on Sunday -- but I'll let you know tonight in a separate post. Next week is Double Eviction.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday night into Thursday - July 31

I want to decline this mission

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mission Impossible?:
  • Ho-hum. They talked a lot of small talk about food and previous seasons.
  • When they talked about how double evictions, Zach and Frankie are not all that knowledgeable about how they actually go down. Donny is.
  • But we know that it's not a double eviction tonight.
  • We know Julie always tells us!
  • Caleb is sure it's tonight.
  • Heh. He probably wants to go off into the sunset with his true love forever and forever.
  • Run like the wind, Amber! Escape!
  • Caleb says that after the show is over, he and Amber will go on a date.
  • @@
  • I say she'll get a restraining order.
  • As always, there's a lot of speculation over who would be nominated if various hamsters won HoH.
  • It's something they do to pass the time and grow the paranoia.
  • Caleb says that they let him do a second goodbye message to Amber because he was bawling in the first one.
  • I hope they show the first one.
  • Frankie and Zach continue to grow closer. Zach promised to tell Frankie if he heard either Derrick or Cody say anything about him. Frankie is worried because Christine's name is being brought up more and more as a possible target.
  • As she should be. She's useless. She can go home.
  • Derrick received the Team America mission -- it's the hinky votes one in which two have to vote against the house, then accuse two others of the hinky votes from the time of the eviction announcement to when they go out to play for HoH.
  • They don't like the mission.
  • Donny wants to decline the mission.
  • Derrick thinks they can blame Caleb (voting to keep Amber) and Zach.
  • I think Donny might be worried that they might actually tip the scale and send Jocasta home. 
  • Meanwhile, while Team America is panicking about the hinky vote mission inside, Nicole and Hayden are outside talking about how Christine might throw in a hinky vote just to mess with people.
  • Heck, there's one just there!
  • Donny finally said he'd do it if the others do, but doesn't want anyone blaming him for it later on.
  • They are seriously thinking of not doing the mission. We'll see. 
  • Donny thinks it's seriously out of character for him and he came to win the half-million, not play America's game.
  • While Derrick admits he's also there to win the big prize, he thinks it an honor to be chosen and wants to try to complete each mission.
  • After Donny left Derrick and Frankie, they both talked of how little Donny has done in these missions. Frankie wants him out.
  • That's all she wrote for now ...


Why do they keep her?

Victoria talks religion

What are we gonna do?