Wednesday, September 14, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds, Nominations, PoV Update - September 14

He's got power this week.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Let's Get This Over:
  • Well, you know from the show that Paul won the HoH.
  • The feeds were blocked until just about a couple hours ago (as I type this). They did come back an hour earlier than what the scrolling marquee had it -- something we wondered if was an error. They started up after the Tuesday episode finished airing on the West Coast.
  • Paul's nominations are ... Nicole and Corey!
  • But, wait ... the PoV comp had already been played out by the time the live feeds returned.
  • Guess who won PoV?
  • We're talking Paul.
  • So, if the veto isn't used, James has the sole vote.
  • However, James feels that if Paul doesn't use the veto and he remains off the block, thus saving his life in the game ... he owes Paul.
  • He will vote whichever way Paul wants him to.
  • Nicole and Corey (mostly Nicole) pestered James to find out which way he'll vote.
  • But he wouldn't say. He just kept saying he owed Paul and it would be up to Paul.
  • Corey is sure it will be him.
  • Nicole seems to believe she should give her game up to Corey but doesn't really want to do so.
  • So, she's guilt-tripping herself for wanting to stay in.
  • Corey seems sad, but keeps telling Nicole not to do anything -- let things be.
  • James reported their pressuring him (mostly Nicole) to tell him which one will be voted out. He wants to sleep in another room away from them because he doesn't know what to do other than to tell them he will vote the way Paul asks him.
  • In the talk with Paul, James kept going on about Corey being a bigger threat for the win than Nicole. He thinks he and Paul could easily win the final comps over Nicole.
  • Hmm. I'm not so sure about that. I personally would rather Nicole stay over Corey. But she can knock out comps!
  • Nicole came up to Paul afterwards. He told her no way was he saving the both of them -- her and Corey.
  • Paul told her that he planted the seed with James that Corey should go and he's saving her butt.
  • Ohh! The plot thickens!
  • It seems that Paul and Nicole have a final two deal! He told her (before this) to act all discouraged and checked out.
  • She's acting checked out.
  • She's acting discouraged.
  • Paul doesn't think James deserves to go to the final two.
  • I like James, but he didn't really earn the place.
  • Paul told Nicole that he doesn't want Corey to try to make a deal with James.
  • Gah! Nicole told Paul that she's thinking of forfeiting her game to Corey!
  • What is wrong with that girl!?!?!
  • She says he's crying and she feels guilty.
  • Paul told her no way to her forfeiting the game. Go forward and WIN.
  • He told her it's not a dating show and not to tell Corey about their deal.
  • Paul then went to tell Corey that he will be leaving tomorrow.
  • Corey took it well.
  • What happened to rules that they're not supposed to tell?
  • Then, when they were alone, Nicole told Corey that she is going to take James to the final two for a better chance. She says the only jury vote she'll have is him (Corey).
  • So, it's pretty certain that Corey will go tomorrow leaving us with a final three of Nicole, James and Paul.
  • Then the fun begins.

Practicing her speech in the dark.

He kept me. I'll vote who he wants.

On the block

I don't want you to do anything, Nicole.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

BB18: PoV, (Not Live) Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - September 13

Hamster watchers ready?! Tonight's show with its (not live, taped yesterday) eviction will get us down to the final four!

Also, if you're a Survivor fan, the blog pool is open for signing up! Please don't sign up on this BB post -- go to this link to join in!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Sure enough, they're making like this is live. Julie tells them that they're about to begin a surprise eviction episode. Then into the recap ... 

We got a peek at the comics PoV. Derrick will be visiting to give his take on the final five (which we've seen on the feeds too much already -- they're using him in the feeds block).

Victor tells us he has no respect for Nicole/Corey anymore. Paul is ticked, too. But, on the surface, out of the Diary Room, they're not acting out. 

Paul decides he needs to try to talk to Nicole and Corey. He tells them how sad Victor is. Corey calls Victor up. He tells them it was all strategic. Victor says that he will be relentless and ruthless if he wins and stays. Paul tells us that, since one of them will go home, if Victor keeps acting like that, it will be him. 

Time for the PoV comp! BB Comics has 16 new superheroes. It's played individually. Must pull down comics that exactly match the order they see while hanging on the line. They only have 35 minutes each. Quickest time wins. There are slight differences in many of the comics.

James ran out of time. 

Corey 20:37
James 35:00 Out
Nicole 13:55
Victor 29:35
Paul 18:04  

Nicole wins the Power of Veto! 

Time for Derrick. They talk about the three sets of duos making it to the final six. He talks about the genuine bonds formed. He's rooting for a Nicole win. 

Veto meeting time. They don't get a chance to speak. She does not use the veto.

Hugs all around. 

James, Nicole and Corey discuss who should leave. The editing sounds like they want to evict Paul. But I'd advise not to trust that. 

Time for the (not live) eviction.
Paul - Six times on block. Does a Victor soulmate bit. James, last rodeo. Makes a snake analogy to Nicole, a cutting ball analogy to Corey.
Victor - Talks about knives in his back, loves Paul.

The votes to evict:
Nicole - Victor
James - Victor

Victor is voted out again!   

HoH comp time! They're in booth set-ups. What the bleep? The statements from the fellow Houseguests. Choose right input from Julie as to what the bleeped word might be. 

Gah! James got a Natalie quote about him wrong! Nicole and Paul are even. Nicole in the lead after the third question. Now, a few questions later, Paul and Nicole are even. It's to a tiebreaker for Paul and Nicole! A number, closest without going over wins. In seconds how long was the slide-in theater comp.

Paul wins HoH!  

Either Corey, Nicole or James will be evicted live tomorrow night.

The live feeds won't be back on until late tonight. I will post the nominations, etc. as I learn them!  

Survivor 33: Millennials vs. Gen-X Blog Pool OPENS!

Survivor fans ready? The wonderful Lifeguard Laurie will be running the blog pool once again. Have I ever mentioned how much she rocks?

The season premiere is next Wednesday, September 21 at 8pm ET/PT leading into the 90-minute BB18 season finale. I recently posted a bit about the upcoming castaways and Jeff Probt's cast assessment -- you can find those by going here.

Join the fun with friends at the blog party as the show airs on East Coast time on premiere night!

Okay, here's how the blog pool works:

  • Names are matched up randomly with the castaways.
  • You get to cheer on your chosen castaway until they're kicked off the island or named the sole Survivor.
  • If your chosen castaway is creepy or cries a lot, we won't hold that against you personally.
  • Not much, anyway.
  • Heehee
  • There is no wagering of monies.
  • The winner(s) of the blog pool retain bragging rights until the premiere of the next season while we all bow to them and lament on what could have been.
How do you get involved? Sign up right here on this post! If you're posting anonymously, you need a sign off name on your comments. We don't care if you're a boy named Sue, we have to know something other than anonymous. The cut-off for entering is this Monday evening, September 19, 9pm ET/6pm PT. 

REMEMBER - YOU NEED TO SIGN UP ON THIS VERY POST YOU'RE READING! If you sign up on another post or the Facebook page, your request might be missed.

Survivor 33: Gen-X - Takali Tribe

 Bret LaBelle
 Age 42
 Police Sergeant
 Dedham, MA

He thinks he's funny/hilarious. Hmm. People who think they are often aren't. He also thinks he's most like Johnathan Penner. Well, that would be okay. Does his voice sound like Alan Alda, too? He's in it for both the adventure and the money. Maybe ...

 Ciandre "CeCe" Taylor
 Age 39
 Insurance Adjuster
 Granada Hills, CA

She enjoys reality television shows. That's probably a good thing. She's heavily influenced by strong women and thinks of herself as such. She thinks she's most like "A combination of Spencer Bledsoe and Tasha Fox" game-wise. If she's all she thinks she is, she could be a contender.

 Chris Hammons
 Age 38
 Trial Lawyer
 Moore, OK

He seems to be big on the "pulling himself up by the bootstraps" kind of life. He went to college on a football scholarship and seems to be the big fish in his small pond hometown. He thinks he's most like Boston Rob. If only ...!

 David Wright
 Age 42
 Television Writer
 Sherman Oaks, CA

He believes in breakfast and Mr. Spock from Star Trek is his hero. If he could have them, he'd want beads, polished rocks and string to create fake idols for others to find. The man is a bit a kilter, but might be entertaining.

 Jessica Lewis
 Age 37
 Assistant District Attorney
 Vorheesville, NY

Vorheesville? Someone from Vorheesville is on television? They have probably less than 3,000 people in the village. She'll be their first big star! (I lived in Albany, near there.) Her parents were farmers. No surprise there. I'd like to see her do well!

 Ken McNickle
 Age 33
 Denver, CO

There are models in Denver? He has a non-profit, HumaneKind. And, he's into the Dalai Lama. He wishes he could bring a ukulele and a good book because he loves inspiring literature. Then he goes and likens himself to Ozzy Lusth. He also claims to be outdoorsy. My jury is out until I see him in action.

 Lucy Huang
 Age 42
 Diamond Bar, CA

She thinks she's stubborn, hardworking and controlling. Well, that might be the kiss of death on Survivor! Stubborn and controlling rarely go over well on the show. She doesn't like lazy people and whiners. Gulp. Deeper and deeper. She thinks the others will respect her. I think they might just want her out first.

Paul Wachter
Age 52
Boat Mechanic
Sugarloaf Key, FL

Whoa! He's "old" for this crowd! He thinks he's intimidating. Boo! He sings in a rock band and says David Lee Roth (Van Halen) is his hero. Yet another one likening himself to Ozzy Lusth. I'm not sure Ozzy should feel honored.

 Rachel Ako
 Age 37
 Recruiting Director
 Los Angeles, CA

She thinks she's fun, energetic and authentic. She also likes high-adventure activities. Well, she might have gone on the right show! When asked who she's most like, her reply was, "Myself, I’m bold, sexy, fun, confident, and real. At least she doesn't think she's an Ozzy or Boston Rob!

Sunday Burquest
Age 45
Youth Pastor
Otsego, MN

Uh-oh. She thinks she's "bossy, compassionate, and tenacious." Huh. Maybe there will be fisticuffs between her and Lucy! None of her interests seem to be related to the show. Well, I guess repurposing furniture maybe? She won't be able to do much thrift shopping. That said, she's been a fan since the first season, so maybe she can make it.

Monday, September 12, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Off Until Tuesday Night

Well, not quite RIGHT back.

The BB18 live feeds have been blocked since the hamsters were awakened this morning.

They set them up with the arts and crafts so they have something to air on BBAD. 

Today, they should be filming the Victor eviction, HoH and nominations for the Tuesday (not live) show. The banner atop the live feeds say they will be back up at 10pm PT tomorrow (translated to 1am for me), an hour after the show ends on the West Coast.


In the meantime, I'm posting the upcoming Survivor information and will be posting the blog pool sign-up post tomorrow. 

Stay tuned.