Tuesday, October 04, 2016

BBOTT: Nominations, Power of Veto - Monday, October 3

Perpetually laid-back

Due to the late hour and the fact that most of this is old news, I'll be short and sweet tonight.
  • America nominated Cornbread while Monte nominated Jason and Danielle.
  • Jason is the target for Monte and many others.
  • After all, he's the returning hamster!
  • They had the Power of Veto comp today.
  • It was slightly more "comp-ish" than was the HoH Comp.
  • BB locked them outside the house and added items within the house.
  • They were then allowed in and had to find and count the added items.
  • They had to punch a four-digit code (made of the counts) into the Veto Vault.
  • And, he needed it. He knew he needed it.
  • Not sure who will go up in his place.
  • Had Cornbread won veto, as America's nomination, there would be no replacement.
  • But Jason is sure to save himself and Monte will have to replace him. 

Is it a pick?

But, we're good people!


Hangin' out

Mr. Power of Veto! (And he needed it!)

Sunday, October 02, 2016

BBOTT: Let's Talk Sunday - October 2


Hmm. So far, I'm just not getting into this as much as the real seasons. I wasn't too thrilled that the HoH "comp" we actually saw play out live wasn't really a competition, per se. Perhaps because it's all still new to me, new ways of doing things, new rules. I dunno.
  • Tonight is the night to vote for America's nominee. They still don't know that's coming.
  • Shane and Monte are growing closer and closer.
  • Not like a real bromance close.
  • But, like a solid alliance close. If they work together and stay strong, they could be a final two.
  • However, the others are noticing. The target will be on their backs before long.
  • Monte's plan for nominations are Jason and Danielle, with the target being Jason.
  • Supposedly, Danielle will be the pawn.
  • But ... a lot of the girls don't care for Danielle.
  • Hmm.
  • We'll see how this goes down. 
  • They had their first Safety Ceremony last night. They all got these block pass necklaces that light up indicating they're safe.
  • The ones who have safety as of last night are: Neeley, Whitney, Cornbread, Morgan and Shane (in that order).
  • When Monte made someone safe, he'd touch the photo button of the person on the wall in his HoH room. Their image would light up green and their necklace would flash.
  • Rather convoluted, methinks. 

A coonskin cap. Really?

He's jus' chillin' through life

Allergic to the sun or ... vampire?

BB didn't spring for new bowls

Hamster grooming rituals

Our boy is in trouble!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 2, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're looking for TV related stuff, this ain't that! If you're looking for my Big Brother: Over the Top stuff, it can be found at this link. I'll be posting daily reports on that CBS All Access show, as well as Survivor on Wednesday evenings. This here post is off topic and a weekly thing I do here. 

I would like to thank everyone for their concern about me regarding the NJ Transit train crash in Hoboken. Thankfully, that's not a destination, nor a train line I ride on every day. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the young woman who lost her life.

In the weather here, we had a few gorgeous typical autumn days, then into drizzly, rainy and raw temperatures for last five days. Grr. While I hate high temps and humidity, I wanted the NICE autumn! They haven't turned the heat on for my apartment building yet and it's downright chilly in here! I wanted low 70s temperatures in the daytime, not low 50s! Mother Nature, are you listening?

I've just had a week of going back and forth to work. So, without further ado, let's get to the photos! Clicking on an image will open it up in a larger version.

Ohh ... just a little baby pigeon!

I recently saw half an egg shell under the bridge at the Bridgewater Train Station. It wasn't as small as the blue robin eggs, nor as large as a chicken egg. Apparently, it was a pigeon egg! I'm surprised that they're hatching this late in the season. Then I saw this little guy among the sleeping pigeons under the bridge. How cute is he?

My train home on Thursday

This was the day of the Hoboken NJ Transit crash. Since I'm a mid-line rider, not going to either end of the line, the only thing my train could crash into would be a vehicle illegally crossing the tracks. In all the years I've commuted on the train, we've only hit a car once. On the train, I didn't even feel the impact. The Toyota hit definitely felt it, spinning around a few times and wrecking its frame. The driver was treated and released from the hospital without serious injury, then ticketed for going around the warning gates. She's lucky the train was slowing down to stop in Bridgewater.

Drone sighting

And, the photographer (me) was also sighted! I was taking photos of the drone (left under the top window) at the parking lot of the old Lincoln School at the corner of East Second and Berckman in Plainfield. I heard the drone before I saw it. But then, you know I had to shoot it! Obviously, the drone operator wasn't upset at the photos -- he had a huge smile when he noticed the camera! The uniformed guy isn't Plainfield Police; the uniform isn't right. I'm guessing a security guard for the building. They were the only ones in the lot and both were having fun with the drone.

Let there be mums!


Saturday, October 01, 2016

BBOTT: Saturday Stuff - October 1

Liar, liar, pants on fire

I have very little for you today. Life interfered. You know how that goes.
  • Monte lied to Jason, telling him he was nominating two of his friends.
  • I don't think Monte considers Jason a friend.
  • Jason is his target.
  • They still don't know America has a nomination.
  • Nor a vote.
  • The house is already divided.
  • But no fisticuffs, kerfuffles or brouhahas.
  • Rats. 

Same as it ever was

When the debt collector calls, it's SCOTT


Whole lotta hair

Friday, September 30, 2016

BBOTT: HoH and Stuff - September 30

Julie announces new nomination rules

I watched the little six and a half minute "replay" on the BB:OTT website for yesterday. I was wondering how they'd do with it. Not bad, not bad. If you haven't seen it, go check it out!
  • Sad news ... Jason got infected.
  • The last standing hamster uninfected was Monte, so he's the new HoH.
  • Sigh. We know he, along with Cornbread, Shane and Scott were talking about targeting Jason, Krissie and they're also not too thrilled about Danielle and Justin hitting it off.
  • Monte, in particular, wants Jason gone.
  • Unfortunately for Jason, so do some of the girls. 
Then Julie arrived via a taped message on their living room screen. Boiling things down a bit, this is what she said:
  • There will be no nomination ceremony.
  • Twice during the HoH reign he/she will be instructed by BB to make a certain number of hamsters safe.
  • At the end of that, the two who remain will be nominated.
  • (She did NOT mention that America will vote and nominate a third person.)
  • There will still be a PoV, so the nominated hamsters can save themselves by winning that comp.
  • Those originally deemed safe by the HoH can be put up as replacement nominees if the veto is used.
In other news:
  • Monte couldn't unlock the door to the HoH room. He wondered if he had the right door.
  • He told the others (the DR must have told him) that they couldn't touch the wall of buttons with the houseguests' faces on them -- BB says they will be used later.
  • I would imagine he will have to use those to make people safe.
  • Don't have much more for you other than Jason better watch his butt or he'll be right out the door again! 

Oh noes!

Bunch of infected hamsters!

Who wants to see my HoH room?