Friday, July 27, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Night, Nominations - July 27

Not the most trusted hamster

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Full Moon Lunatics:
  • What a difference in HoH styles from one week to the next!
  • Bayleigh thankfully isn't like some HoHs who make the room one big cuddle session. No, that's not what she's doing.
  • But, all the one on one meetings! Oy!
  • The names most frequently brought up in her nominations choices were Brett, Rachel and JC.
  • When Bayleigh talked to Rachel, even Rachel brought up Brett and JC as well as Scottie.
  • Then Bayleigh brought up Roickstar as one who needs to go. (Remember, she told Rockstar she's safe this week.)
  • And, get this ... for some reason, don't ask me why, Bayleigh told Rachel about her power!
  • She swore Rachel to secrecy.
  • Rachel offered to go on the block with Brett. Brett is the target.
  • Then she thought better of her offer.
  • Of course, as soon as she could, Rachel told Angela about Bayleigh's power.
  • So much for secrecy.
  • Tyler still has told NO ONE about his power.
  • Rachel cried some more.
  • Bayleigh promised Rachel that if she puts her on the block now (as a pawn) she won't put her on the block when she uses her power.
  • Bayleigh confronted Rockstar, telling her that she heard that she (Rockstar) made a deal with Brett.
  • We know she did, but she acted all kinds of shocked and denied it.
  • Rachel kept pushing for Scottie to go on the block.
  • It didn't do any good.
  • Bayleigh nominated Brett and Rachel.
  • Her target is Brett. 

Swaggy solidarity shirt worn

On the block together, too.

Current Public Enemy #1

Is Sam shady?

Not around Fessy so much. Hmm.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday - July 27

This is for Swaggy!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Weight Off Their Shoulders:
  • Yep, with Kaitlyn gone everyone seems to be breathing a sigh of relief.
  • Even Rockstar is more mellow.
  • After all, she got nine votes to stay. What could be better?
  • During a long live feeds block, they played out the HoH comp.
  • Bayleigh is the new HoH.
  • From what they said, it was a comp with more luck than skill.
  • Now, before we get into the actual doings, let's review Bayleigh.
  • She has a tie with Fessy due to Swaggy. She's in a secret alliance with Kaycee. She adores Sam. She is an advocate of an All Girls Alliance. She's had cross words with JC albeit resolved with apologies. She's not thrilled with Rockstar but Rockstar is female and one of her original allies. 
  • Hmm.
  • What will she do? 
  • Unlike Sam, she is having one-on-one talks with her fellow hamsters.
  • Unlike Sam, she is indicating who will be on the block.
  • Like Sam, she's being fiercely loyal to those hamsters she likes.
  • No way will she put Fessy, Sam or Kaycee in peril. Not as a pawn, nuthin'!
  • She knows that many of the problems in the house were due to Kaitlyn.
  • They all realize that now.
  • They also noticed that Kaitlyn didn't get the huge round of applause when she went before the live crowd.
  • Of course, JC's hinky vote has the rumor mill going. But it's not like it was a close vote or anything.
  • JC and Rachel both think someone must be trying to frame Tyler. (Yeah, JC, for reals.) Fessy thinks it was a sympathy vote.
  • Y'see ... before the live show, it was agreed by everyone that Kaitlyn would go.
  • In her talk with Tyler, Bayleigh told him that she didn't want to put him on the block as he's a very loyal player. The problem is that his loyalty isn't to her.
  • Oh my!
  • Tyler did his Tyler self -- convinced her that Kaitlyn was solely behind the Swaggy eviction and he would be loyal to her.
  • He's safe!
  • Rachel also said the Swaggy eviction was all Kaitlyn's doing.
  • Bayleigh thinks Scottie might be a problem and warned Tyler to be careful around him.
  • Now, Scottie is someone Bayleigh can't predict. He's flipped and flopped and isn't loyal to anyone.
  • Sam is super-relieved it all went down the way it did. She didn't have to break a tie; everyone seems happy with the results. Her HoH was a success with as little pain as it could have. Plus, she knows she has built a bond with Bayleigh.
  • Both Haleigh and Rockstar are worried that if Sam gets HoH again, she'll put them up. 
  • But no way will Bayleigh even entertain the thought of putting Sam up!
  • So there.
  • However ... Bayleigh did tell Haleigh that she needn't stop her flirting. Hey, even try to get close to Tyler to see what's in his head.
  • Bayleigh and Angela formed a new alliance -- The Amazon Alliance. They want to expand and be the all girl alliance eliminating the guys one by one.
  • In her talk with Fessy, she told him she thinks Scottie is evil, but "evil on our side." Hmm. She also told him she wants to give Tyler this week to recover. Um. Okay.
  • She told him that she's thinking of putting JC and Brett on the block with Rachel as a back-up in case of a veto save.
  • Fessy wasn't too keen about JC being on the block.
  • Bayleigh pointed out that he doesn't vote with them.
  • Yet they all are claiming the sides in the house are over.
  • She told him that for sure Brett will be a nominee. If JC wants to stay off the block, he needs to stop running around all over the place and be loyal.
  • She knows that it's more likely Rachel would be loyal than JC.
  • She seems to be wavering on the "pawn" but Brett is definitely her target.
  • When Bayleigh talked to JC, she asked who he is working with.
  • He told her Sam. Good answer.
  • He told her he'd like to work with her, Fessy, Tyler, Haleigh and Sam.
  • Hmm.
  • She pressed for a promise of loyalty.
  • She also told him he's not her target this week, but did not promise not to put him on the block.
  • Both Bayleigh and JC said that Fessy is dumb (definitely dumb about the game), but can win comps on their side and be controlled now without Kaitlyn around.
  • In her talk with Rachel, Bayleigh told her that Brett is the target but she has a "pawn problem."
  • In her talk with Scottie she made him swear loyalty and that he wasn't the vote for Kaitlyn to stay.
  • So, the target will be Brett. The pawn is in doubt right now.
  • OH WAIT!
  • Then Kaycee and Bayleigh talked about getting JC out of the house!
  • They think he needs to go before jury.
  • The drama continues ... without the Kaitlyn-induced drama. 

Sam will be safe this week

Come see my HoH room!

One will be nominated for eviction?

Back up against a wall? Nah.

The Amazon Alliance forms

This is perfect!

For those who wish to see it, here's the Kaitlyn exit interview with Julie Chen --

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Winner Bulletin - July 27

I was right -- they played the HoH comp after the live show aired here on the East Coast. And, they kept the live feeds blocked throughout the comp.

But it's over now. The feeds came back on shortly before 1am here.

Bayleigh is the new HoH.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction and HoH Comp Show Blog Party - July 26

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Either Kaitlyn or Rockstar will be evicted tonight. But this is the week that Sam's power kicks in. Whichever one is evicted will have the opportunity to do some sort of short comp and win her way back in. Sigh. For me, that takes a lot of the fun of Rockstar and Kaitlyn on the block away.

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Kaitlyn Herman - Chantel, Michelle Carpintero, Donna in Alabama, Auntie Leigh
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum
Rachel Swindler - PDX Granny, Jackie, CherryPie, Dr_Celine

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams
Winston Hines

Hamster watchers ready?

Recap, recap ... who needs a recap?

Julie is dressed in black. She talks of the blindsides and how tumultuous the house has been this season.

So, we get Kaitlyn and Rockstar crying. And more crying. Crying to anyone who will listen. Fessy got Kaitlyn's wrath while Tyler is thinking he'd prefer her to stay because he can use her.

Finally to the living room? Nope. We get a segment going on about the eviction choice. Now we have Kaitlyn crying at Fessy ... again. Meanwhile, Haleigh and company are talking about working to get more votes to save Rockstar ... including Fessy. After all, he promised Haleigh he would vote the way she asks. JC is avidly against Kaitlyn. So is Sam. They seem to be the only two who have totally made up their minds.

The waffling back and forth is just a bit of what I saw on the live feeds. They need to get to the live show stuff! Sheesh.

FINALLY ... to the living room!
Rockstar -- Shout outs, HG all awesome, honored to be with you, love to stay. accomplish the mission I've charged many of you with. Even love Brett, Kaitlyn is amazing. On and On.
Kaitlyn -- Thanks people, HG -- follow intuition, whatever you decide is for the highest good, etc.

The votes to evict:
JC -- Rockstar !!!
Bayleigh -- Kaitlyn
Haleigh -- Kaitlyn
Fessy -- Kaitlyn
To commercial ... several of them.
Brett -- Kaitlyn
Tyler -- Kaitlyn
Angela -- Kaitlyn
Kaycee -- Kaitlyn
Rachel -- Kaitlyn
Scottie -- Kaitlyn

Heh. Rejection! She is evicted, but before she can leave the Bonus Life app comes up on the living room screen. Julie explains the power and tells Kaitlyn to go to the BB App Store room to do her challenge. And then ... more commercials!

She has to take a puzzle of herself apart, push it through an opening, reassemble. She has two and a half minutes to do it to rejoin the house.

She does NOT finish in time. ACCESS DENIED. She goes back in the house to say her goodbyes.

Obviously, they won't have time for the HoH comp on the show. Julie is going to have a talk with Kaitlyn. They won't even have time to start the HoH. I'll watch to see if it's shown on the feeds, but I bet it will be blocked.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 26

A simple dress? Is Rockstar ill?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of TGIT:
  • Despite the waffling between which one will be evicted, we're still in the doldrums.
  • I still have little to report.
  • There were no brouhahas, not even a real kerfuffle.
  • Kaitlyn didn't even cry much.
  • Yes, she gurgle-talked a lot, though.
  • In the waffling department: Kaycee and Angela think they could keep Rockstar and do that All Girls thing. They think Rockstar would target Tyler and Brett, then use JC as a backdoor if needed.
  • Now, there's one flaw with that -- how is Rockstar ever going to win a comp?
  • Even Sam is waffling now. She was adamant that she wanted Kaitlyn out and would vote a tiebreaker evicting her if need be. Now she's saying she'll put two "dots" in a cup and make a random draw.
  • @@
  • JC has NOT waffled. He still wants Kaitlyn gone ... gone like three weeks ago!
  • Then Angela realized that there's no way that she could deal with Kaitlyn if they were both in the jury house together.
  • Oh no!
  • Back to waffling!
  • Bayleigh is also on the Kaitlyn Go Away Train. She says Kaitlyn can't be trusted because she's lied so much and gone back and forth between sparring alliances.
  • Well, yeah.
  • Tyler would rather Kaitlyn stay because he knows Rockstar would target him and he can work Kaitlyn for cover and advantage.
  • And on it goes ...
  • Of course, it's very likely whichever goes tonight will come back. The comp to return must be short because the time they've saved in previous weeks is just about maybe five minutes.
  • We'll see which waffle wins! 

"Gurgle, gurgle ..."

Brett and Haleigh

Volleypillow ... or something like that

I can't contain my excitement

Won't be like this for the live show