Saturday, September 01, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, Power of Veto Saturday - September 1

Listening (or not) to Haleigh

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Veto Vultures:
  • I forgot what a cleaning freak Scottie is. Unlike Sam's look busy but doesn't clean much approach, Scottie CLEANS.
  • He could come over here for a few hours.
  • Today is a day of waiting for veto.
  • The veto players chosen are JC, Sam and Kaycee.
  • Angela and Brett both wanted to play.
  • JC didn't want to play, certainly doesn't want to win if forced to play.
  • They just never know with Sam how she will do or what she will do.
  • Haleigh spent an inordinate amount of time trashtalking Sam.
  • She complained to Kaycee about Sam's stories and more and how much she annoys her.
  • Now, Kaycee isn't exactly the right person for those complaints.
  • Kaycee, if anything, is tighter with Sam than she is with Haleigh.
  • She sees faults in Sam, but did speak up to Haleigh that she honestly cares for Sam.
  • So, Haleigh complained to Tyler, Angela, Brett ... whoever would listen.
  • Haleigh spent a lot of time with Tyler.
  • Surprising, huh?
  • Last week she was spending time with Angela.
  • She also tried to distance herself from anything Fessy said or did.
  • Oh no, they were never a showmance!
  • Tyler didn't come out and say it, but has hinted to Haleigh that she's not the target -- he put her up because of her Hacker nomination of him while he put Scottie up because the house had previously voted him out.
  • But I think they might still be leaning towards Haleigh eviction if the noms remain the same.
  • Haleigh told Tyler that Scottie told her if one of them is taken off the block, the other will definitely go home.
  • Well, yeah. Most likely.
  • What would bug Haleigh more? Being on the block last week with Fessy or being on the block with Sam and being voted out?
  • That would really irk her. She's already so ticked that she's on the block and Sam remains in the house.
  • She needs to get a grip.
  • The feeds have been down for more than a few hours now.
  • Once they come back, I'll get the skinny on the PoV winner and get this posted.
  • Aha, Kaycee won the Power of Veto.
  • Haleigh is not a happy camper.
Does not set oven fires cooking bacon

At least Scottie REALLY cleans

Are we boring you, Brett? Me, too.

Cuddle, cuddle

Listening to Haleigh trash Sam

Sam better follow me to the jury house
We have a Veto winner!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Friday, Nominations - August 31

Remains problematic

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters:
  • Oh, I know I'm late with this. I have excuses! Some middle of the night HoH comp kept me up! Then my upstairs neighbor made an unbelievable racket before 7am! Then I had to go to pool therapy! Er, then I accidentally took a way too long power nap and had to spend time catching up on the live feeds. 
  • As you know from my last post, Tyler won the HoH with very strong competition from Haleigh.
  • When he won, we could have predicted the nominees for this week.
  • A Diary Room leak with Tyler confirmed out predictions.
  • Keep in mind that such leaks do NOT go through the house -- it's the live feeds only hearing it.
  • So, no harm, no foul. No big conspiracy.
  • We've had such leaks before.
  • Oh, those predictions?
  • Yep, Haleigh and Scottie.
  • Tyler is explaining things as it makes sense -- Haleigh put him on the block as the Hacker and Scottie is a returnee already voted out. 
  • He told Haleigh that the house will decide which one to keep.
  • He told Scottie about all the issues the week before.
  • He's not committing anything to either nominee.
  • Tyler told Scottie about how Haleigh was all of a sudden Angela's best buddy last week while on the block.
  • Haleigh thinks he should have put Sam on the block instead of her ... or even instead of Scottie.
  • The rift between Sam and Haleigh has increasingly gotten worse.
  • In other matters, Fessy was a big topic of discussion.
  • Angela was really shaken up over his eviction speech. The others were also very upset.
  • Both Haleigh and JC denied any prior knowledge of what he was going to say.
  • There were other Fessy issues and many filling Scottie in on Fessy's behavior last week.
  • Brett told Scottie that Fessy would deliberately make messes and leave them.
  • They all told him how Fessy barely came out of the Have Not room for days.
  • JC pointed out to Haleigh that she's the only remaining Crap App survivor.
  • That didn't make her feel better about being on the block again.
  • Brett, working on his final two with Tyler, pretty much completely sold out his new little buddy JC and what JC was saying about the rest of the Level 6/4 group.
  • While JC's bad behavior is all over the Internet, there is no mention about the issues online with the hamsters. They're all getting tired of him running around, playing pranks, tattling on others and stirring stuff up ... but no one in the house is anywhere near as up in the arms, production must do something, why is he still there ... as the people creating the online drama.
  • Haleigh and JC badmouthed Sam a lot.
  • They pointed out that all of her cleaning doesn't make things any cleaner -- she tends to make a production out of cleaning something and then it looks exactly as it did before.
  • I do see it! I worked with someone like that once. She would always ask to go cleaning and straightening. I'd watch and she would basically just touch the stuff and not really make any changes.
  • These hamsters must stop the overuse of the word "literally."
  • Sam disregarded JC's advice from a few weeks back and told everyone she was the vote to keep Fessy.
  • No one was surprised. No one really cared.
  • Brett had a talk with Scottie, apologizing for the whole vote kerfuffle thing when they were on the block. He told Scottie he was just desperate.
  • Scottie knows that feeling.
  • So, they seem to be good.
  • If the noms remain the same, it looks like the vote might lean more towards a Haleigh eviction.
  • She seems to think she will go, but that doesn't mean anything.
  • It's hard to tell.
  • Of course, the veto comp may change things all around. 

Tyler reads his HoH letter

Which Sam will I be today?

Picks toes, then bites fingernails

"I won't vote you out this week, Haleigh."

Happy to be back, even if only a week

Reporting about JC to Tyler

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 30

Once the live feeds return, I'll be regularly updating this post with screen caps and status. You will need to refresh the page to get the most current updates!

10:00pm ET -- The feeds return and they're still celebrating Scottie's return. No comp yet. 

10:12pm -- Still no comp yet.

Every time Scottie says too much about the jury house, like food they have, we get fish. Angela told Scottie the lies about her in Fessy's speech.

Apparently the comp won't start until after the live show airs on the West Coast.

12:35am ET - Still no comp, but I just had to say something. Haleigh was singing (bad!) 'You're So Vain' and Sam asked if that was a Carly Simon song. Then Sam went on to say Carly Simon passed away and was an original member of The Mamas and the Papas. I can't ... I just can't. No one corrected her.

Right now I plan to hang in and wait. Sleep might call, but ...! 

12:56am ET -- The feeds cut to previous season rerun to prep the hamsters for the comp expected to start in about a half-hour. 
1:24am ET -- Reruns stop, feeds to fish.

1:42am ET
1:42am ET -- Feeds on the comp. They're suspended by ropes spinning around. Mustard, catsup and water are being shot at them.

1:49am ET - JC down

1:54am ET

2:00am ET

2:03am ET -- All still hanging in except for JC. Kaycee is not feeling well. They're starting to go around faster.

2:05am ET - Catsup Boy Brett
2:07am ET - Sam down. She's dizzy and doesn't feel well.
And Scottie needs to stop singing!

Sam is down

2:11am ET - Scottie accidentally started spinning around and is down.

They are bombarded with feathers, too

2:20am ET - Only JC, Sam and Scottie out of the competition. Haleigh looks remarkably strong

2:22am ET - Brett slips and falls.

Buh-bye Brett

2:25am ET - Only Haleigh, Kaycee and Tyler remain in it.
2:32am ET - Kaycee down. Just Tyler and Haleigh remain. Both look strong.
2:40am ET - The waffle pie stopped slapping them for a few times around. Haleigh keeps changing her position while Tyler remains standing. Both look pretty solid. A few times Tyler asked Haleigh how she's doing and she said fine. I think he might be tiring.

BB needs to spice this up for these two! 

2:47am ET - Haleigh got walloped by the waffle pie and goes down.

Haleigh makes a hard landing

TYLER is the new HoH!

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, Battle Back Show Blog Party - August 30

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

A programming note for those in the NYC viewing area -- Big Brother will air at its regular time on WLNY 10/55 instead of WCBS2 due to football.

Tonight either Fessy or Haleigh will be evicted. And, whichever goes, will join the other jury members in a battle back comp to reenter the house. No, not my decision. It is what it is.

Also, the HoH comp will be on the live feeds after the aired show. I'll be setting up a new post to cover live updates on the comp. It will be linked at the bottom of this entry and should be up by 10pm ET. 

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum

Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Scottie Salton 

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie reminds us of the battle back and we're into "previously on." 

Julie also now reminds us Level 6 has been watching the other side implode.

But first ... is there such a thing as one Final Two too many? Fessy is still fussy. Haleigh isn't sure what she should do. They talk. She talks about his attitude. He fusses because she's hanging out with "them." He's worried that she'll leave him after they get out of the house. He isn't sure it's real. I think their "real" differs, though. He says he has an eviction speech planned which might keep her safe for three weeks.

Brett talks to Tyler about a final two. We know that Tyler has deals with just about everybody in the house. Now it's Brett's turn. Brett tells him that Kaycee and Angela need to go because they would take each other. Tyler denies a showmance with Angela.

Julie tells us it's time for allies to turn on each other if they want to win. JC tells us Fessy is probably leaving and has no brain, so he goes to Tyler. While he's been working with them, he isn't a part of them. He tells Tyler that Angela or Kaycee need to go. He says one of them before Haleigh. Tyler ain't buying it.

So, he goes to Brett, says he'll be his new BFF. Brett tells him he's on board. Brett is worried about a battle back because he's made enemies with everyone so far on jury.

Into the live vote and eviction (already) --
Fessy -- Shout outs, love and respect for Haleigh, talks trash about Angela and throws her under the bus.
Haleigh -- Compliments Julie, shout outs, grateful to know everyone, great cast, not ready to leave, you all mean so much to me.

Votes to evict:
Tyler - Fessy
Brett - Fessy
Sam - Haleigh
JC - Fessy
Kaycee - Fessy

Rather predictable for us feeds watchers. Fessy is evicted. 

The interview went well. He couldn't answer the question about whether he would have saved Haleigh or himself with the veto. He also admitted he lied in his speech about things Angela said about Tyler. 

She told of the battle back and we're into commercial. 

Julie tells the hamsters about the battle back. They will not be allowed to watch. We get a segment on the jury house. Bayleigh and Rockstar watch the video of Haleigh winning HoH and the Hacker nominating Rockstar then the infamous veto comp. Scottie arrives. They watch those videos.  Scottie says he's dumb. They get a notice to pack their bags and there will be a battle back. Bayleigh wants to target Tyler.

In the yard, Fessy surprises them all. He first apologizes to Scottie.

Comp is called Big Top Drop -- race to retrieve their balls, drop into a tube, then race across the yard. Fessy was leading, but now Scottie. SCOTTIE returns to the house!  

Ooooh! Scottie says to Julie he's going to try to work with Tyler! 

My HoH comp live feeds update is at this link.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 30

I want to spend time with you, Haleigh

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Unrequited Love:
  • Fessy, Fessy, Fessy ... you're on the wrong show.
  • You thought the way to win is to just keep winning comps -- everything would be physical and you're just so darn athletic.
  • You thought you'd win the show and a girl, too.
  • Poor Fessy.
  • He spent another day moping for most of the day yesterday.
  • Haleigh talked to him and found out that they're in one of those is the glass half-empty or half-full scenarios.
  • Haleigh thinks of this week as one of them (her) is staying. Fessy thinks of it as one of them is leaving.
  • He's very upset that she's been spending so much time with the others while they (her and Fessy) only have hours left to be together.
  • I do think Haleigh honestly LIKES Fessy.
  • But, in no way the way he's smitten with her.
  • Haleigh seems to be the type who likes to flirt and not be with one guy until that's "the one." And, she's only 21 -- she's not looking for the one.
  • Fessy, on the other hand, thinks she's the love of his life.
  • Eventually Haleigh buckled and spent quality hours with him for the most of the evening.
  • Now he probably is running marriage plans in his mind.
  • Oh, but they're still denying showmance to the others. @@
  • She agreed to go out with him at an adventure park after the season ends ... like sort of a date, dude. Not marriage. Not even going steady.
  • In other news, JC and Sam are clashing.
  • Sam is still being rather unusual. She will go from picking at a pillow to playing with her wind chimes to odd ballet-like moves to standing on her hands.
  • Yet she curb-stomped no one.
  • JC might thing he's on her curb-stomp list.
  • Tyler is still concerned that Brett might turn on them (Level 6/4) because he feels bottom of the alliance. His friendship with JC seems to be going strong and he might listen to and team up with JC.
  • Tyler and Angela agree to spend more time with Brett.
  • Tonight's show with the eviction and battle back should liven things up.
  • They need it.        

So, Sam. What next? Odd ballet?

Bun better than straight long hair

Wakey, wakey. I said: Time to GET UP

Wow. Kaycee has some HAIR

Fessy climbed the walls

Quality time together at last