Good evening! Thankfully, Glenn has taken on the duties of pool lifeguard and we do have a pool getting together for the season! Yay, Glenn! If you're interested in signing up, please go to this here linked post and get your name on the list! It's a short season, so we'll be closing entries soon! You can't win it unless you're in it! Entries must be in by 3pm ET Wednesday!
I'll be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Please bear with me -- although we're talking such esteemed high-ranking celebrities, I'm still a bit fuzzy on some of their names. As always, feel free to join the party in the comments!
The live feeds start tonight at midnight Eastern Time. So, expect my first live feeds report sometime in the morning!
Previously on … let's get this over ….
Ryan and Jonathan will have to vie for HoH. But we knew that.
Julie Chen-Moonves is hosting once again although the show isn't live.
But, first … we get the reactions to the HoH twist.
Jonathan and Ryan talk. Jonathan wants to have voting numbers and make an alliance of seven? Oh my. He's figuring Ryan will win because he's an athlete. So they're running around scheming. On the outs for the alliance choices seem to be Tom and Ricky. Hmm. Tamar and Kandi, despite their rocky past, decide they need to align.
Heh. Joey bursts into an anti-alliance vent, the last thing he'd choose is to be in an alliance. So, he seems to be out.
Ohhh … Ryan loves that pool in the backyard. It's an "endless pool" which keeps you swimming in place like running in place. It's tiny. But it's good for him to keep in shape for the next Olympics.
Mooch tells Tom that he's sure he won't be invited back to the White House. Mooch thinks the government shutdown is going to hurt the better economy we've been having.
Lolo, Ryan, Jonathan and Natalie Eve Marie (whatever) want a smaller alliance and have claimed a final four deal. Then there's scuttlebutt going on about an all girl four alliance. Four Fox.
HoH Ryan vs. Jonathan. Blockbuster is the name of the comp, the "movie" name is The Nominee. They have to fly suspended across the yard and knock down their billboards. It's a zipline mixed with scrambling about. Ryan is leading by great strides.
Ohh … Jonathan is catching up a bit. But … RYAN wins the first HoH of the season!
Jonathan is on the block. Julie tells them that Ryan still will name two nominees so there will be three nominees on the block. Oh my. He has thirty minutes to decide. He's thinking Dina Lohan and … his talk with Jonathan keeps getting interrupted.
Kato, Mooch and Tom seem to be bonding. Will there be an alliance named K Train? Hmm …
Ryan tells Tamar he's thinking Mooch and Dina. (Mooch is easier to type than Anthony.) Kandi is a bit suspicious that she's at the bottom of the alliance because Ryan clammed up and didn't tell her who he's thinking of nominating.
While I would just as soon Dina go, Jonathan is soft on her. So now Tom's name is being brought up. I would like (so far) Jonathan and Mooch to stay. They're entertaining.
Nominations time! They're doing it in the living room with Julie on the monitor. Kato and Natalie Eva Marie are safe because they didn't compete in the first comp.
GAH. He nominates Anthony Mooch. And Tom. Grr. I am enjoying all three of those nominees.
Tamar, who annoys me, does have it right that Jonathan talked Ryan out of putting Dina on the block.
Tomorrow is the first PoV comp, Friday is the live eviction. Feeds at 12am tonight ET.