Thursday, January 24, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Thursday Jan. 24

Likes to be on camera

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Ailing Alliances:
  • Nah, still no brouhahas.
  • Tom gave us a late night tour of the house.
  • Thank you, Tom.
  • He tends to talk to the camera.
  • In the tour I found out that Ryan is not sleeping in the HoH Room, nor is anyone else.
  • Tom thinks that's a first and I agree.
  • They do go in to use the nicer more private bathroom up there.
  • Just a reminder -- it's now Kandi, Jonathan and Joey on the block. Kato won the unaired veto comp and saved Tom. Kandi was a replacement for Anthony while Ryan nominated Joey in Tom's place.
  • Got that?
  • Yep, we're off to a confusing start!
  • Joey, although Ryan assured him he would stay, is worried that Ricky and Lolo will vote him out.
  • Joey is still apart from any and all alliances. That may be a huge mistake for his end game.
  • Meanwhile, Jonathan is worried that he might be targeted by Lolo and whomever she can get because of the rift between Ryan and Lolo.
  • He also thinks Tom and Kato will vote him out.
  • Man, the dude might just be too paranoid to be in the house!
  • He and Ryan might have blown their own games by being so openly close.
  • Nobody likes a power duo except the power duo.
  • Peripheral Ricky remains such. He's not involved in any stressful conversation.
  • Jonathan tried to make a deal with Ricky that if he doesn't vote for him, they won't put him on the block.
  • On a side note: I don't see the three nominees thing lasting long at all. Tomorrow they're down to ten people. 
  • Tamar, albeit as annoying as all get-out, continues to be an astute observer. She's picked up on the Kato/Tom and Kandi/Ricky duos. 
  • And, if memory serves, she was the first to pick up on the Jonathan/Ryan duo.
  • A hitch in figuring out the vote early is that Lolo feels she owes Ricky and will probably vote to save Kandi if that's what he wants.
  • At least we're not going to be looking at a landslide easily predictable vote!
  • Ricky, for his part, is trying to calm the fires between Tamar and Kandi, suggesting they avoid each other.
  • But, if push comes to shove, he will be in Kandi's corner.
  • He doesn't really tell Tamar that, though!
  • He did tell her that she was being rude.
  • She denied it. Of course.
  • They ended up hugging it out. But I think Ricky reached his personal allowable stress level and wanted to escape.
  • Tom wonders if production thinks they're being too nice to each other.
  • He's definitely watched the show, but several of them haven't.
  • He also knows to watch what is being said because live feeders and TMZ will jump on anything they deem unacceptable.
  • He's got that right!
  • They don't know if they'll go on The View since Julie's gone.
  • I doubt it, but who knows? CBS wants to promote the show.
  • While I like that Tom seems to actually know the show and pays attention to the live feeders, it's starting to look like he wants to jumpstart his career. He urged us to follow him on social media, handled by his mother while he's in the house.
  • He was the last one awake last night talking to us and has so far hit us up again early this morning (their time early, not mine).
  • The Kandi/Tamar drama is bound to continue.
  • And, a new day has dawned.

Oh my

Still playing openly close to Ryan

Just a bit more present than Ricky

Kato is rather entertaining!

Swimmer looking like a swimmer

Tom, our tour guide

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Wed. Evening Jan. 23

A thrill a minute

Here's the latest from inside the Celeb BB House of the Missing Mooch:
  • Now we know why Anthony Mooch didn't go black and white on the Memory Wall. Since he was there during the veto comp, they couldn't change the whole production to him being gone.
  • His color will fade away on Friday.
  • The others still have no clue what's going on with him missing since Monday.
  • I saw an article online that he was at a business meeting in Switzerland (I think that's where it was) and said that he couldn't say anything due to his signed nondisclosure agreement. He said everyone will know on Friday.
  • In house news, the celebs get to order or ask for their own choice of groceries.
  • Overall, while the show is definitely entertaining so far, the house is a bit on the boring side.
  • The show seems to air more drama than I'm catching on the feeds!
  • Lolo, Tamar, Eva, Kato and Tom have a rather loose alliance mainly promising to not vote or nominate each other.
  • I can see that falling apart when the numbers dwindle!
  • I've decided Natalie Eva Marie has such a confusing name that I'm just going to call her Eva. She sounds like three different people! Sheesh.
  • Ryan and Jonathan increased the suspicions of others when they were discussing who should go on the block next. They decided Joey or Dina.
  • The women still think that they (Jon and Ryan) are a duo and making the decisions just thinking they'll follow along like good little sheep.
  • Ricky seems very peripheral although we saw a different side on him on the show earlier tonight.
  • Hmm … as one with medical woes as of late I found it interesting that Lolo says she went on the show for the money, bills like health insurance. I hear that each of them will be getting around 200K for this shortened season. Health insurance is expensive, but thankfully not that much!
  • They apparently held a second veto comp, not the one aired tonight.
  • That must have been so that Kandi had a chance to play for veto as she went on the block in Anthony's place.
  • This has to be an editing and work nightmare for the show staff!
  • Kato won that Power of Veto.
  • In their second veto meeting held today, Kato saved Tom. Joey was nominated in his place.
  • So, the current nominations for Friday night are Kandi, Jonathan and Joey.
  • Ryan told Joey he'd be safe -- he just wants to protect Jonathan and push for a Kandi eviction.
  • That's all for now!

But I AM excited!

Did she watch Audrey's season?

Gotsta look bootyful for the cameras!

Well, Anthony Mooch won't be ...

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Jan. 23 Blog Party

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live blogging the major happenings -- refresh this page to see the latest! I'm still a bit lacking with names and faces on some of the women although I have the men down. (Hmm … wonder why I'm good with the men and not the women? Maybe I like the male hamsters better!) So, please bear with me.

Blog pool entries are now closed. We had a larger turnout than I expected. I'm glad Glenn is handling the lifeguard duties! And, here are his random match-ups as well as a note from him:

Here are the Pool results. The first one out plus if Mooch is gone will be reassigned to another guest. 

1. Jackie- Ryan
2. Glenn- Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee- Jonathan
4. Donna NY- Dina
5. Kelsey NY-Kato
6. Sally-Joey
7. Jennasmom-Tom
8. Bizaro22-Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC-LoLo
11. Monty924-Tamar
12. TBC-Anthony Mooch
13. Itchy-Ryan
14, Marthalight-Jonathan
15. Joyce Johnson =Dina
16. Dr Celine-Kato
17. Gaylos-Joey
18. Merrilee- Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian-Tom
20. Ayana-Kandi
21. CaelaXO-LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces-Ricky
23. Janice-Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue-Anthony Mooch
25. Skyriver Gold-Ryan
26. Cherry Pie-Jonathan
27. Karen in CA-Kato
28. Sharon C-Joey
29. Judi Sweeney-Tom
30. Donna in FL.-Kandi
31, Sharon N-LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx-Tamar
33. ChaCha-Anthony Mooch
34. David-Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ-Ricky

36. Jenna G.-Natalie Eva Marie

On with the show!

Let's start out with Previously On. Julie is hosting, but this show is pre-taped. It's not live.

We open up just after nominations. Jonathan seems more put out than any of the others on the block. Tamar is complaining to the girls that Ryan changed his noms plans due to Jonathan getting in his ear not to put up Dina. 

Jonathan has now dubbed Ryan his "ride or die." Then he laughs at the way Ryan pronounces "athletic" with an extra syllable. 

Into a discussion of Trump's tweeting history. 

Lolo has grown suspicious of Jonathan, thinks he's working against their alliance. She thinks he needs to go. The others tell her they need the numbers. She thinks they're all being played by them. Tamar definitely agrees.

Lolo and Natalie Eva whatever are trying to think of a name for their final two. And, then they notice Tamar in the room. OOPSIE! Anthony walks in and they tell him to go away. Tamar is trying to lighten up a threat she made. 

A side note - I would HATE to be in the house with Tamar. BUT … she's very observant and is playing the game more than many.

Lolo and Tamar tell us separately that Jonathan and Ryan are hanging out too much and probably have a final two deal. Lolo starts dropping hints to the boys and calls them out as final two. But, she's right … they are not playing smart.

Veto players picking time! Only two will be picked at random by Ryan so there's a total of six. He gets Ricky as the first draw. Joey the second.

Right into the veto comp, all done up as an old Western town. On the run from the law, they have to stack up their gold bars. They will have to stay on bucking horses for so many bucks, then stack 50 bars. It's the old spin and stagger, then try to function comp with horses.

RICKY wins the PoV! He didn't want to win it and has no immediate plans on what he's going to do with it.

More Kandi/Tamar drama coming. Their previous history has lots of baggage. Kandi tells us it was just a misunderstanding and Tamar took all that happened on the old tour as moves against her. Then we get Tamar looking like Audrey in her shades and hoodie crying hysterically in the diary room.

Ryan wants to talk to Ricky -- he tells us that he doesn't really want any of the guys going home. He thinks he'd like to put Lolo on the block. He's worried that the girls plan to vote out Jonathan. 

Oh, geez. Now Kandi tells Tamar that she was being petty. They supposedly were trying to make amends. It didn't work.

Ricky goes to Lolo and tells her that Ryan wants him to use the veto and put her up. He tells us he's letting everyone stress out as he stays mellow. Now they're all talking about the "girls alliance." Tamar and Kandi do not want Lolo to go on the block. So, at least Kandi/Tamar have a cease fire for a bit.

Time for the veto meeting! Ricky does NOT use the power of veto. He tells them no one came up to him with a strong enough offer and he didn't want to get blood on his hands. 

And there it ends. The announcer says a shocking new twist might send a second celebrity packing on Friday. 

There has been news in the house, so check the live feeds reports!

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Wednesday Jan. 23

All still in color, hmm …

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pseudo Celebs:

  • I might as well go for the big news first.
  • Anthony (Mooch) is missing.
  • He apparently left on Monday and it's all a big mystery.
  • The others are talking about him being a mole and never really a houseguest.
  • Hmm.
  • His photo is still in color on the Memory Wall.
  • They've been in the house since last Wednesday.
  • Well, except for Mooch, I guess ... since he left on Monday.
  • He has been replaced as a nominee, too.
  • It's now Kandi on the block with Jonathan and Tom.
  • Veto, which will be aired tonight, has already played out and it sounds like Kato won it.
  • I'm hoping he'll save Tom (or Jonathan) and Kandi will be evicted. I'd prefer to see either Dina or Tamar on the block instead of Kandi (or any of the guys).
  • In other news, they do have it nicer than regular BB hamsters (along with their nicer paycheck and stipend).
  • BB gave them playing cards and they have some wine around, too.
  • I guess I'd rather see them play cards than to play chess -- at least it's more than two and they talk.
  • They also have a separate little backyard which is too small for large comp set-ups. It comes complete with ants and that swimming in place pool, as well as a pool table.
  • They also have laundry service with it being picked up two days a week.
  • While the celebs are as conscious of the cameras as the regular hamsters, they have no real clue when they went live.
  • Some kept saying they weren't live of asking if they were live.
  • I'd like to be a strange voice from above and announce we know who they are and we saw what they did … and the murderer is in the house!
  • Heh.
  • I'm not too keen on Tamar, but I like her flannel pajamas!
  • Tamar thinks Kandi is trying to make her look bad.
  • Oh, I think she does that all on her own.
  • Ricky (yes, he sort of exists) thinks Kandi and Tamar need to definitely stay apart.
  • Yet, last night's show had them attempting an alliance? Hmm.
  • But, before the live feeds started, there was some sort of big kerfuffle, perhaps even a brouhaha, between Kandi and Tamar.
  • Apparently Tamar was told to walk away if anything went down.
  • She claimed to Ricky that she would walk out "if it happened again."
  • Double hmm …
  • Dina and Jonathan are indeed close. It also seems like Kato is flirting a bit with Dina.
  • Dina and Kandi have bonded together. They think the others are Mean Girls.
  • Well, yeah. I won't argue about that!
  • Meanwhile, Tamar thinks Kandi is a Mean Girl.
  • I don't know. I like all of the guys on the cast (MOOCH! Gone too soon!), but I either don't care for or could leave or take ANY of the women.
  • Ricky seems nonexistent in the various group things, but does participate when trying to smooth of the Mean Girl drama.
  • Joey is existent in the various groupings but talks game with no one.
  • Joey is also a bit of a clean freak -- which is nice to have in the house.
  • Hopefully the Mooch Mystery will be addressed on the show tonight. I'm hoping he's not gone for good as his photo is still in color. But it does seem we've seen the last of him in the house and never even got a chance to see him on the live feeds. Grr.

Reading the rule book

They got cards right away?

Don't look so excited

They got booze, too?!?

She seems like a Mean Girl to me

Ricky does exist and reads the Bible

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: January 22 Blog Party

Good evening! Thankfully, Glenn has taken on the duties of pool lifeguard and we do have a pool getting together for the season! Yay, Glenn! If you're interested in signing up, please go to this here linked post and get your name on the list! It's a short season, so we'll be closing entries soon! You can't win it unless you're in it! Entries must be in by 3pm ET Wednesday!

I'll be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Please bear with me -- although we're talking such esteemed high-ranking celebrities, I'm still a bit fuzzy on some of their names. As always, feel free to join the party in the comments!

The live feeds start tonight at midnight Eastern Time. So, expect my first live feeds report sometime in the morning!

Previously on … let's get this over ….

Ryan and Jonathan will have to vie for HoH. But we knew that.

Julie Chen-Moonves is hosting once again although the show isn't live. 

But, first … we get the reactions to the HoH twist. 

Jonathan and Ryan talk. Jonathan wants to have voting numbers and make an alliance of seven? Oh my. He's figuring Ryan will win because he's an athlete. So they're running around scheming. On the outs for the alliance choices seem to be Tom and Ricky. Hmm. Tamar and Kandi, despite their rocky past, decide they need to align.

Heh. Joey bursts into an anti-alliance vent, the last thing he'd choose is to be in an alliance. So, he seems to be out.

Ohhh … Ryan loves that pool in the backyard. It's an "endless pool" which keeps you swimming in place like running in place. It's tiny. But it's good for him to keep in shape for the next Olympics.

Mooch tells Tom that he's sure he won't be invited back to the White House. Mooch thinks the government shutdown is going to hurt the better economy we've been having.

Lolo, Ryan, Jonathan and Natalie Eve Marie (whatever) want a smaller alliance and have claimed a final four deal. Then there's scuttlebutt going on about an all girl four alliance. Four Fox.

HoH Ryan vs. Jonathan. Blockbuster is the name of the comp, the "movie" name is  The Nominee. They have to fly suspended across the yard and knock down their billboards. It's a zipline mixed with scrambling about. Ryan is leading by great strides.

Ohh … Jonathan is catching up a bit. But … RYAN wins the first HoH of the season! 

Jonathan is on the block. Julie tells them that Ryan still will name two nominees so there will be three nominees on the block. Oh my. He has thirty minutes to decide. He's thinking Dina Lohan and … his talk with Jonathan keeps getting interrupted.

Kato, Mooch and Tom seem to be bonding. Will there be an alliance named K Train? Hmm …

Ryan tells Tamar he's thinking Mooch and Dina. (Mooch is easier to type than Anthony.) Kandi is a bit suspicious that she's at the bottom of the alliance because Ryan clammed up and didn't tell her who he's thinking of nominating. 

While I would just as soon Dina go, Jonathan is soft on her. So now Tom's name is being brought up. I would like (so far) Jonathan and Mooch to stay. They're entertaining.

Nominations time! They're doing it in the living room with Julie on the monitor. Kato and Natalie Eva Marie are safe because they didn't compete in the first comp.

GAH. He nominates Anthony Mooch. And Tom. Grr. I am enjoying all three of those nominees.

Tamar, who annoys me, does have it right that Jonathan talked Ryan out of putting Dina on the block. 

Tomorrow is the first PoV comp, Friday is the live eviction. Feeds at 12am tonight ET.