Sunday, June 30, 2019

BB21: Sunday June 30th Blog Party

We'll find out tonight exactly what the Whacktivity Comp is all about. It's sounding to me quite similar to the year with Pau/Jess/Cody (BB18 was it?) and secret winners get a power. I might be wrong, though.

Since this is a show post and I get readers who only watch the televised shows, NO SPOILERS FROM THE LIVE FEEDS. I get complaints when they're posted on the show posts. I want to keep readership numbers going! The folks who actually comment on the posts are just a small part of those who read the blog. Any spoiler comments will be removed. Feel free to post about them on the live feeds related posts. Thank you.

I'll be live-blogging the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh this page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

We'll just sit through "previously on." Yes, we will.

We're promised two nominees and the winner of the new game-saving power. Pardon me if I still call Jackson Jackson.

Kat is worried about being nominated, so she's talking to Christie. Jessica, Kemi and Kathryn are talking about how they don't trust Jack but can manipulate Jackson. Christie hears them and, after all … they're HER guys! So, she goes around to people to see if anyone is close to Kathryn. She tells us that she wants to get as little blood on her hands as possible and Kat might be the easy way out.

Nick wants more on his alliance group. Tommy thinks Jack would be great and tries to get him in on it. Of course he doesn't know that Christie, Jack and all are actually another alliance. Now each group thinks they're a group of eight. You can't do that with 15 people.

Christie still wants Kat out but wants a guy and a girl up. She goes to Cliff to ask him if he minds. He does mind and he tells us so. But he says it's okay to Christie.

Then she tells Kat that SHE will be the pawn if she goes up and to be cool about it. Don't give anyone a reason to want her out.

Ovi overhears whispers of alliances and recognizes he's not a part. He knows that he should try to work his way in. So, he goes to Analyse (who is a part of it). They tell each other they can be trusted. So, she runs to Christie to tell her about her discussion with Ovi. They think Nick was plotting against them with others when he was actually plotting with his own "eight." 

Bugle playing Revile (sp?) wakes them up for Whacktivity. They have to head to the backyard to sign up for their Whacktivity. Chaos, Panic or Nightmare. Over the next few weeks all with compete. Only five play each week and the winner gets a secret power. Random draw for sign-up order.

Analyse signs up Panic.

Tonight's -- Kathryn, Cliff, Ovi, Bella and Nicole get the first week. It went too quickly for me to get the next one.

Nightmare whacktivity -- critters in trash. Correctly identify smells in trash cans, first correct with all three smells wins. They have to sniff a whole bunch of bad smells out in the yard to match  the three. 

Round one done -- no one matched them all. Another round to go smell the not roses. Nobody got them all again. Third verse, same as the first and second … round that is.

OVI got it!!! He won the secret power and tells us he will keep it secret. Woohoo! I like Ovi! 

His nightmare power gives him the ability to turn nightmare for HOH, wake up whole house after nominations, HOH must immediately name two new nominees, original nominees are safe. It's good for one use in the next six evictions.

Ovi plays dumb with the others. He isn't going to tell anyone he won. 

Ovi wants to create (yet another) alliance. He goes to Jackson and Analyse. Bad move. Nick and Christie are in there. They're going to go along with him and call it the Fab Five. (Not a spoiler, but on the live feeds Jackson called it the Fugazi Five when talking about it later with Christie.)

Kemi draws Jack's negative attention because she started talking game. How would she know she's throwing one of HIS alliance under the bus? Christie is now suspicious of her.

Nominations time. First one nominated is Cliff, then Kathryn. She says it's not personal, loves them. Fair and unbiased, one guy one girl, fight for veto.

BB21: Veto Meeting Held - June 30

The veto meeting was held behind blocked live feeds. When the feeds went live, as expected, Sam used his Power of Veto to save Cliff.

As most recently expected, Christie did not put Kemi up as the renom -- it was Ovi. Sigh. I personally would rather Ovi in the house than Kat. But I don't know if he has the votes. Jackson was so considerate to go to Ovi and tell him he will cast a sympathy vote for him. Jerk. Poor Ovi is now crying. 

BB21: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - June 30

Ovi is more likable than most in the house

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Waffling Wombats:

  • Sigh. Now it's looking like Ovi will go on the block as a renom instead of Kemi.
  • Christie was feeling super-guilty about her backdoor Kemi plan as it was more Jack's plan than her own. She likes Kemi and doesn't think it's a good move for her own game to backdoor her.
  • Sam has already promised to Cliff that he would save him.
  • So, I don't think he'd go back on his word.
  • Christie talked it over with Ovi. So, he does have a heads up.
  • If it's Ovi and Kat on the block, I really hope it's Kat out. 
  • She's been saying she wants to go home and crying a good portion of each day since getting nominated.
  • Christie thinks Nick is being swayed by Bella and is also worried, if she put Kemi on the block, that the house would flip. Thus, again not good for her personal game.
  • Nick reassured her that he's still in the alliance of eight but thinks she's playing Jack's game.
  • Meanwhile, Jack is being universally (inside the house and out) being recognized as a jerk.
  • Although Christie, Analyse and Kat kept saying how sketchy he is, how he can't be trusted and so on … Christie isn't seriously looking at putting him on the block as an option.
  • I think she should. She would have instant hero status with feed watchers.
  • While I'm on a negative Jack angle here, I'd also like to mention that he, Nick and Jackson seem to have little respect for women at all. They view them as some sort of sex machine to conquer.
  • @@
  • Yeah, we need more misogyny in the world today. Now, if they had an older cast, this schoolboy testosterone-laden behavior might not rear its ugly head.
  • However …
  • Tommy and Ovi had a long hammock talk, discussing how the show portrays people and, in the time frame of the aired shows, doesn't really capture the true essence of them.
  • Neither think they will be vilified by the show.
  • And, I'm sure neither will be. Both are decent dudes.
  • One thing they brought up is fans wrecking the personal and business lives of the hamsters.
  • Unfortunately, it's already starting again.
  • People ask me why I mostly just link the blog posts I make on Twitter and don't get involved. This is just why.
  • Already some jerk posted Nick's workplace, encouraging people to contact them and harass them about Nick in the house.
  • Already people have swamped the Yelp reviews with negative reviews of Christie's store. Her store is not just her, her employees need the job.
  • No matter how much I don't care for a hamster's behaviors, that is so low and nasty to try to wreck their home and business lives.
  • I've worked for companies for decades. ANY company would be either watching the behavior of an employee on the show or there would be enough backlash from fellow employees if someone goes truly out of bounds. No need for complete strangers organizing mobs on Twitter to do it.
  • So … there's why I don't get all that involved with Twitter.
  • I might comment on behaviors I don't like here on the blog. They did put themselves in the public eye. They will have to live with whatever they do and how they behave in the house. 
  • But trying to wreck their lives is so wrong. I just can't get all wrapped up in all the hate. How can you hate someone on a TV show? It's not like they're in your personal life. If you're that consumed with them, you really need to take a step back and think about the kind of person YOU are.
  • End rant.
  • Still no word on when the veto meeting will be held.

Ovi and Tommy hammock talk time

Just using each other, I say

Definitely game-savvy

At least Sam won't showmance

Late night whispering with Jessica

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday Night - June 29

Hammock talk

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mislead Miscreants:

  • Still no veto meeting. Normally it's on Mondays. But with the Tuesday show, it might be moved up.
  • Or not.
  • In BB8 we had Dick at Night talking to us. In BB21 we have Cliff Notes every morning. I like hamsters who talk to us!
  • Sam still intends on pulling Cliff off the block with the veto.
  • Meanwhile, Christie keeps waffling.
  • She's said over and over again that Kemi (the planned backdoor) is not a problem for her own game.
  • She knows there's rumbling of people flipping the vote, voting Kat out instead of Kemi.
  • Kat is getting on everybody's nerves.
  • It seems like even her shoulder to cry on Jackson is getting weary of her.
  • Christie keeps saying she needs to get away from Jack.
  • Yet every time he talks to her, all of a sudden she's on board with his Kemi out pushing.
  • Jack is still falling out of favor with most in the house.
  • While out in the yard, he actually told Ovi he was fat.
  • I don't know. Seems to me Ovi has a lot on the ball in his personal life, a dedicated girlfriend, a family who loves him.
  • Holly got livid over the fat shaming.
  • At one point, Jack himself realized he was sinking his own boat.
  • Will it stop him? Nah. He doesn't seem to recognize how mean and aggressive he can be.
  • The hamsters put aside their issues and all gathered together to hold a funeral for the deceased fish.
  • They though BB would do something about the fish tank, but it didn't look like they did anything.
  • Ovi, obviously out of the loop, voiced concern to Christie that he might be put on the block as a replacement nomination.
  • She neither confirmed nor denied. She said she doesn't even know if Sam will use the veto.
  • Sam hinted to Christie that it's Jack who wants Kemi out and perhaps Jack should go. Christie thinks it's too early to do that and Jack's such a strong player. Sam pointed out that Jack hasn't won anything.
  • Christie cried.
  • Kat cried and is now angry that Jackson isn't supporting her every whimper.
  • Jackson told others that Kat is a basket case.
  • She is.
  • Alliance of eight? BWAHAHAHAHA!
  • This crew will be lucky to keep an alliance of two for more than a week!
  • Meanwhile, Nicole is really riding under the radar. I'm liking her more and more.
  • I feel Christie will buckle under Jack's will and put Kemi up.
  • But that just might change.

Decontaminating … er, sunscreen

Ew. They're passing that bottle around

One moment smiles, the next ...

Holly is defending Ovi now

Saturday, June 29, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday - June 29

Like huge Orwell Owl eyes, creepy!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:
  • The plan to use Kemi as the replacement nom and evict her is the plan once again.
  • The veto meeting still hasn't been held.
  • But it's still Sam's intention to save Cliff with the veto.
  • I'm onboard with that particular plan although I'm not so keen on backdooring Kemi. I just don't see the reason to do so. I'm more for them evicting Kat or … just dreaming here … backdooring Jack.
  • My dream won't happen.
  • I just find Kat to be very needy. Sure, she is on the block. But, still …! With Jack, I just can't really pinpoint it. He just comes across to me as full of himself and used to having people kowtow to him. That rubs me the wrong way.
  • Although we don't know when the veto meeting will be, the hamsters expect Whacttivity on Monday since the first one was last Monday.
  • All I can glean is that it gives the winner some kind of power. No one has been confirmed as the winner of the last one and I haven't caught any mention of what the power is.
  • Oh … just a reminder -- due to the holiday this week, the show is on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The next week it shifts to Wednesday and Thursday nights. Of course, the Sunday show remains Sunday and probably delayed often by sports.
  • Back to the feeds …
  • Holly's behavior continues to be erratic. She went from picking on Ovi to now focusing on Bella. She's saying that Kemi is taking the fall for Bella. I just don't see that. I think Holly is going to continue to instigate rifts as long as she remains in the house. Hmm.
  • Christie continues to distance herself from Jack. If they wouldn't cut the feeds and she was old enough to know the song … I'd love for her to nominate him while singing "Hit the Road, Jack."
  • Okay, I'll stop singing. While she's squashing any showmance, she's not about to nominate him.
  • Meanwhile, Bella told her showmancer Nick that she would love a final four with him, Tommy and Christie.
  • No, the Tommy/Christie connection is still being kept secret.
  • And, alliances seem all over the place.
  • Christie is still worried that Kemi might have more support to stay than they think. She wants Kemi to go away if she puts her on the block. She really doesn't want her remaining in the house and targeting her.
  • Then don't put her up, I say.
  • The fist are mounting a protest and two have died for the cause.
  • (Yes, they have been feeding them. They think something might be wrong with the water.)
  • Of course, if they had tarantulas like they had the one season, fish wouldn't be dying in that house!
  • Kemi is suspicious and feels she will be backdoored. Sigh.
  • It's out and about that Nick is a child therapist. Yet, the truth is doubted. Christie, Analyse and Holly think it's a like because he still lives at home. They think he's some kind of poker hustler.
  • That's pretty much where we're at right now.

He needs to stay! He talks to us!

Dang, some lighting in there is lacking!

Smile for the camera

Kat is emotionally dependent on him

It seems like we've been here forever!