Saturday, August 31, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - August 31

After a several hours long live feeds block for the Power of Veto comp, they returned. It was the Hide and Go Veto -- the one which has them tearing apart the house looking for the hidden vetoes. 

The one I thought would want to win the least won -- Tommy.

I have to suppose he feels obligated to save Christie. In that case it would probably be Cliff on the block as a pawn and Jess going home.

Perhaps Jackson can convince Tommy that there's no way Christie is going anyway (his target IS Jess) and then something can go awry and send Christie packing! Wishful thinking.

The house isn't AS messy as some years.

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 31

Am I crazy for holding out hope on her?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Froot Loops Doofuses:
  • I don't really have all that much to report.
  • As Jackson repeatedly said yesterday, he nominated Christie and Jess for eviction, with Jess being his target.
  • Of course, he didn't tell Jess that.
  • The nomination put Jess off into loops of crying jags and her "always the outsider" pouting.
  • It put Christie in the "manifesting her destiny" mode.
  • And, naturally, it gave Tommy the chance to go around being oh-so-concerned for everyone.
  • The only good thing about Jackson/Holly in power is that they do really seem to want to stick with the Cliff/Nicole final four.
  • One bad thing is that they're not intent on splitting up Tommy and Christie.
  • Amazing as it might seem, the Tommy/Christie pre-show known for years and years bit is still kept secret.
  • And, I consider it a very unfair advantage for them even though a few others slightly knew each other -- Kat/Holly for example.
  • Besides a mostly unlikable cast this season, we're seeing a move opposite of many past seasons -- they're SO into jury management. True, Paul probably should have won his seasons based on his game play, but the jury was turned off by the way he treated people. Now this crew is going the opposite direction. They're PANDERING to the jury -- especially Tommy.
  • Sigh.
  • Last night's live feeds weren't even jazzed up with a rare booze delivery, something we've seen very little of this season.
  • They played games.
  • The nominees fussed and cried, then tried to act all stoic about things.
  • The Power of Veto should be today.
  • It would be a hoot if Jess won it, wouldn't it?
  • Then we'd likely see Christie finally go home.
  • But, then again, Jess also does well at driving me a bit bonkers. I can listen to her ramble on for five or ten minutes and still not be sure what point she's trying to make.
  • I guess we'll see.

Always the outcast victim in her mind.

He can't be everyone's sympathetic friend forever.

Friday, August 30, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - August 30

Jessica is fake smiling, for sure!
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Problematic Possums:

  • If you caught my HoH comp updates post last night, you know who won.
  • Sigh.
  • In a way, it's not so horrible. 
  • At least Christie didn't win.
  • It was quite a duel at the end between Nicole, Tommy and Jackson.
  • I was hoping they'd talk deal and Jackson would let Nicole have it.
  • But, apparently his ego won't allow that and Tommy wouldn't go away.
  • Nicole, along with Cliff, has joined Jackson and Holly in the latest final four deal in the house.
  • They all seem loyal about it -- or as loyal as this crew gets, that is.
  • So, whether either Nicole or Jackson won, both should feel safe this week.
  • But no ... Jackson didn't let Nicole win. She did great, but ended up dropping before him and now we have to suffer yet another week of Jackson and Holly canoodling in the HoH room.
  • Wah.
  • Had Nicole won, she would have targeted Tommy and Christie.
  • Cliff would have targeted Tommy and Christie.
  • I think both of them would target Christie leaving before Tommy. However, they both think of them as a power duo which needs splitting.
  • Who's Jackson's target this week?
  • Jess.
  • You heard me.
  • From what he's been saying, he plans on nominating Jess and Christie with Jess as the target.
  • He's scared the next comp will be memory and Jess will win.
  • I thought it was Christie who claimed to have the photographic and excellent whatever memory!
  • The good part of this all is that the only two I kind of like in the house -- Cliff and Nicole -- should be safe.
  • Cliff was foolish enough to offer to be a pawn, though.
  • He should know better than that.
  • Jackson has been better without Jack influencing him in the house.
  • He's also been better since BB apparently gave him a talking to about his behavior.
  • Nick even mentioned it last night in his interview with Julie. The hamsters know that Jackson was spoken to about things he said in the house.
  • I'm glad his behavior has improved.
  • But I still don't like him.
  • I'll let you know the nominations later. I'm not expecting any surprises.
  • I'm also not expecting much action in there today.

Manifest going away, please!

Needs to lose Christie if he wants to win.

I find his physique changes rather alarming.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

BB21: Endurance HoH Comp Updates - August 29

Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated with the HoH endurance comp happenings!

10:01pm ET - Julie lied -- she said the second the show ends. Right now the feeds are still blocked with adoptable animals and the theme music.

10:04pm ET - Feeds are back, looks like all are still up.

10:06pm ET
10:14pm ET - all still up 

10:18pm ET - Jess drops (on purpose)

10:22pm ET - Jackson needs to stop playing with his crotch. Thank you.

10:27pm ET - They talk about their pizza party they had and get the feeds blocked.

10:37pm ET - Cliff drops, followed by Christie.

It's now Nicole, Tommy and Jackson up. Nicole looks surprisingly kind of like a rock.

10:32pm ET - Nicoley down

10:43pm ET - Tommy down


BB21: Live Eviction/HoH Comp Show Blog Party - Aug.29

So, here we are  … eviction night. Unless pranking has pushed past its limits, either Christie or Nick will go home tonight. Either way, the BB fan world will rejoice! I must say in all the years I've watched the show, I don't think I've seen any two nominees have less of a fan base than Christie and Nick. If show fans had their druthers, both would be sent packing! 

For those of you in the blog pool, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the pool at THIS HERE LINK. Our apologies if you have Nick or Christie. It's a cold, cruel world.

I'll be live-blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Since I'll be constantly updating it, refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

In the NYC area the show is airing on WLNY 10/55 due to football on WCBS2

Julie changed it up again this week -- no fluffy hair, it's drawn back and dressed simply in black. I'm sitting through the "previously on" segment. Yawn.

Argh. Endurance comp begins tonight. I'll have to set up a post for after this one.

The veto meeting has now ended. Holly still wants Nick out. Christie is fairly confident going up against Nick. Nick feels confident against Christie. Nicole thinks Nick is loyal, trustworthy, an ally and a shield. Tommy tells Christie had he had the chance he would have taken her off. He thinks Christie will stay this week and is his only ally to the end. 

Jess thinks Nick is a snake and wants Christie to stay. She sees herself as a third with any of the couples in the game. Christie would like a final three with Tommy and Jess.

We're into the pie pranks now -- funnier to watch than to write about. So, use your imagination. Nicole is on a vendetta against Jackson. Jackson is striking back and trying to get her first. I don't see him cleaning up the mess. 

Back to Nick not wanting to leave this week. He thinks he has Nicole, Cliff and now Tommy. Tommy tells him he made a promise to Christie -- he wants Nick here, but gave his word. Nick is angry. Where is Tommy's loyalty?!?! Unless he thinks of a scheme to stay, he thinks he'll go this week.

He goes to Nicole to fuss about Tommy. Nicole is also upset that Tommy wants to keep Christie. She thinks something is up with Tommy and Christie, something more than just a duo in the game. Since she's working with Holly and Jackson, she decides to approach them about Nick. Holly tells her that either of them going would be a big threat gone. Nicole is ALMOST coming up with that Christie and Tommy know each other. She tells us she planted the seed, it's up to Nick to convince Holly and Jackson.

Oh … we're to get a jury house segment tonight!

Now they have clowns in the mirrors, evil ones. It's similar to stunts BB has pulled in the past. I'm always surprised about the freak out with these things. They acted that way on the live feeds, so it's not BB taking several takes. Add clowns to birds as ways to scare Nicole.

Nick is campaigning to Holly and Jackson. Jackson is the only one who can vote. He tells them he could be their protection, he wouldn't put them up and he'd take them off if he can. He promises his word is his word. He tells them that Christie and Jess would target them. Jackson tells us that it seems like Nick is offering more than Christie did.

Jury segment time! Jack claims he didn't play the game that well, ran his mouth a bit too much. Ya think? Kat arrives. All is friendly. He gets to see the field trip bit. They're getting along well. Then Analyse arrives! Jack is thrilled to have his sex kitten back. 

These live shows have more taped bits than actual live show these days. I remember when all except maybe ten minutes was actually live show. We'd get maybe a jury segment or home visit, not a bunch of clips.!

To the living room finally --
Christie -- five life principles, at least she's doing her best, not perfect, playing a game she loves, wants to stay, Nick playing an amazing game.
Nick -- If you have mental health issues seek help, loves and misses Sam, shout-outs, thank you America for Prankster, Michie is my dog

The votes to evict:
Jackson -- Nick
Tommy -- Nick
Nicole -- Nick
Jess -- Nick
Cliff -- Nick

Once again, the few who would have kept Nick buckled and votes with the house. I hate that.

Okay, the start of the HoH comp -- I have a post scheduled to appear to follow it after the show.

Prank Week is over but the scares are just beginning. It's the BB Haunted House, they have to Hold On Fright, fall off and they're off. It's a wall comp. Creepy music is playing and a storm is moving in.

Double eviction next week!

All are still in there as the show ends. Ghosts are now flying at them and slamming into them. Join me on the follow up post for updates!.